Пример #1
IDGMaterial :: giveInternalLengthDerivative(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode mode, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    MaterialMode mMode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
    if ( mMode == _PlaneStress ) {
        answer.resize(5, 5);
        if ( mode == TangentStiffness ) {
            IDGMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< IDGMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
            FloatArray stress = status->giveTempStressVector();
            StressVector fullStress(stress, _PlaneStress);
            FloatArray sigPrinc;
            FloatMatrix nPrinc;
            // get principal trial stresses (ordered) and principal stress directions
            fullStress.computePrincipalValDir(sigPrinc, nPrinc);
            if ( sigPrinc.at(1) > 0 ) {
                if ( sigPrinc.at(2) > 0 && sigPrinc.at(1) != sigPrinc.at(2) ) {
                    double gamma = beta + ( 1 - beta ) * sigPrinc.at(2) * sigPrinc.at(2) / ( sigPrinc.at(1) * sigPrinc.at(1) );
                    double dL2dS1 =  4. * gamma * cl * cl * ( beta - 1. ) * sigPrinc.at(2) * sigPrinc.at(2) / ( sigPrinc.at(1) * sigPrinc.at(1) * sigPrinc.at(1) );
                    double dL2dS2 =  4. * gamma * cl * cl * ( 1. - beta ) * sigPrinc.at(2) / ( sigPrinc.at(1) * sigPrinc.at(1) );
                    double dLdN = ( gamma * gamma - 1. ) * cl * cl / ( sigPrinc.at(2) - sigPrinc.at(1) );
                    answer.at(1, 1) = nPrinc.at(1, 1);
                    answer.at(1, 2) = nPrinc.at(1, 2);
                    answer.at(2, 1) = nPrinc.at(2, 1);
                    answer.at(2, 2) = nPrinc.at(2, 2);
                    answer.at(3, 3) = dL2dS1;
                    answer.at(4, 4) = dL2dS2;
                    answer.at(5, 5) = dLdN;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Unknown material mode.");
Пример #2
IDGMaterial :: giveInternalLength(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    if ( averType == 0 ) {
        answer.resize(1, 1);
        answer.at(1, 1) = cl;
    } else if ( averType == 1 ) {
        answer.resize(1, 1);
        FloatArray gpCoords;
        if ( gp->giveElement()->computeGlobalCoordinates( gpCoords, gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) == 0 ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates of GP failed");

        answer.at(1, 1) = cl;
    } else if ( averType == 2 ) {
        MaterialMode mMode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
        if ( mMode == _PlaneStress ) {
            answer.resize(2, 2);
            IDGMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< IDGMaterialStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
            FloatArray stress = status->giveTempStressVector();
            StressVector fullStress(stress, _PlaneStress);
            FloatArray sigPrinc;
            FloatMatrix nPrinc;
            // get principal stresses (ordered) and principal stress directions
            fullStress.computePrincipalValDir(sigPrinc, nPrinc);
            if ( nPrinc.giveNumberOfRows() == 0 ) {
                nPrinc.resize(2, 2);
                nPrinc.at(1, 1) = 1;
                nPrinc.at(2, 2) = 1;

            // principal internal lengths
            double l1 = cl0;
            double l2 = cl0;
            double gamma;
            if ( sigPrinc.at(1) > 0 ) {
                if ( sigPrinc.at(2) > 0 ) {
                    gamma = beta + ( 1 - beta ) * sigPrinc.at(2) * sigPrinc.at(2) / ( sigPrinc.at(1) * sigPrinc.at(1) );
                } else {
                    gamma = beta;
            } else {
                gamma = 1;

            l2 = l2 * gamma;

            // compose the internal Length matrix in global coordinates
            //   the first subscript refers to coordinate
            //   the second subscript refers to eigenvalue
            double n11 = nPrinc.at(1, 1);
            double n12 = nPrinc.at(1, 2);
            double n21 = nPrinc.at(2, 1);
            double n22 = nPrinc.at(2, 2);

            answer.at(1, 1) = l1 * l1 * n11 * n11 + l2 * l2 * n12 * n12;
            answer.at(1, 2) = l1 * l1 * n11 * n21 + l2 * l2 * n12 * n22;
            answer.at(2, 1) = l1 * l1 * n11 * n21 + l2 * l2 * n12 * n22;
            answer.at(2, 2) = l1 * l1 * n21 * n21 + l2 * l2 * n22 * n22;
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Unknown material mode.");
Пример #3
// returns the stress vector in 3d stress space
// computed from the previous plastic strain and current total strain
MisesMat :: performPlasticityReturn(GaussPoint *gp, const FloatArray &totalStrain)
    double kappa, yieldValue, dKappa;
    FloatArray reducedStress;
    FloatArray strain, plStrain;
    MaterialMode mode = gp->giveMaterialMode();
    MisesMatStatus *status = static_cast< MisesMatStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    StressVector fullStress(mode);
    // get the initial plastic strain and initial kappa from the status
    kappa = status->giveCumulativePlasticStrain();

    // === radial return algorithm ===
    if ( mode == _1dMat ) {
        LinearElasticMaterial *lmat = this->giveLinearElasticMaterial();
        double E = lmat->give('E', gp);
        /*trial stress*/
        fullStress.at(1) = E * ( totalStrain.at(1) - plStrain.at(1) );
        double sigmaY = sig0 + H * kappa;
        double trialS = fullStress.at(1);
        trialS = fabs(trialS);
        /*yield function*/
        yieldValue = trialS - sigmaY;
        // === radial return algorithm ===
        if ( yieldValue > 0 ) {
            dKappa = yieldValue / ( H + E );
            kappa += dKappa;
            fullStress.at(1) = fullStress.at(1) - dKappa *E *signum( fullStress.at(1) );
            plStrain.at(1) = plStrain.at(1) + dKappa *signum( fullStress.at(1) );
    } else if ( ( mode == _PlaneStrain ) || ( mode == _3dMat ) ) {
        // elastic predictor
        StrainVector elStrain(totalStrain, mode);
        StrainVector elStrainDev(mode);
        double elStrainVol;
        elStrain.computeDeviatoricVolumetricSplit(elStrainDev, elStrainVol);
        StressVector trialStressDev(mode);
        elStrainDev.applyDeviatoricElasticStiffness(trialStressDev, G);
        double trialStressVol;
        trialStressVol = 3 * K * elStrainVol;

        // store the deviatoric and trial stress (reused by algorithmic stiffness)
        // check the yield condition at the trial state
        double trialS = trialStressDev.computeStressNorm();
        double sigmaY = sig0 + H * kappa;
        yieldValue = sqrt(3. / 2.) * trialS - sigmaY;
        if ( yieldValue > 0. ) {
            // increment of cumulative plastic strain
            dKappa = yieldValue / ( H + 3. * G );
            kappa += dKappa;
            StrainVector dPlStrain(mode);
            // the following line is equivalent to multiplication by scaling matrix P
            trialStressDev.applyDeviatoricElasticCompliance(dPlStrain, 0.5);
            // increment of plastic strain
            dPlStrain.times(sqrt(3. / 2.) * dKappa / trialS);
            // scaling of deviatoric trial stress
            trialStressDev.times(1. - sqrt(6.) * G * dKappa / trialS);

        // assemble the stress from the elastically computed volumetric part
        // and scaled deviatoric part

        double stressVol = 3. * K * elStrainVol;
        trialStressDev.computeDeviatoricVolumetricSum(fullStress, stressVol);

    // store the effective stress in status
    // store the plastic strain and cumulative plastic strain