Пример #1
static void R_cpolyroot(double *opr, double *opi, int *degree,
			double *zeror, double *zeroi, Rboolean *fail)
    static const double smalno = DBL_MIN;
    static const double base = (double)FLT_RADIX;
    static int d_n, i, i1, i2;
    static double zi, zr, xx, yy;
    static double bnd, xxx;
    Rboolean conv;
    int d1;
    double *tmp;
    static const double cosr =/* cos 94 */ -0.06975647374412529990;
    static const double sinr =/* sin 94 */  0.99756405025982424767;
    xx = M_SQRT1_2;/* 1/sqrt(2) = 0.707.... */

    yy = -xx;
    *fail = FALSE;

    nn = *degree;
    d1 = nn - 1;

    /* algorithm fails if the leading coefficient is zero. */

    if (opr[0] == 0. && opi[0] == 0.) {
	*fail = TRUE;

    /* remove the zeros at the origin if any. */

    while (opr[nn] == 0. && opi[nn] == 0.) {
	d_n = d1-nn+1;
	zeror[d_n] = 0.;
	zeroi[d_n] = 0.;
    /*-- Now, global var.  nn := #{coefficients} = (relevant degree)+1 */

    if (nn == 1) return;

    /* Use a single allocation as these as small */
    const void *vmax = vmaxget();
    tmp = (double *) R_alloc((size_t) (10*nn), sizeof(double));
    pr = tmp; pi = tmp + nn; hr = tmp + 2*nn; hi = tmp + 3*nn;
    qpr = tmp + 4*nn; qpi = tmp + 5*nn; qhr = tmp + 6*nn; qhi = tmp + 7*nn;
    shr = tmp + 8*nn; shi = tmp + 9*nn;
    /* make a copy of the coefficients and shr[] = | p[] | */
    for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
	pr[i] = opr[i];
	pi[i] = opi[i];
	shr[i] = hypot(pr[i], pi[i]);

    /* scale the polynomial with factor 'bnd'. */
    bnd = cpoly_scale(nn, shr, eta, infin, smalno, base);
    if (bnd != 1.) {
	for (i=0; i < nn; i++) {
	    pr[i] *= bnd;
	    pi[i] *= bnd;

    /* start the algorithm for one zero */

    while (nn > 2) {

	/* calculate bnd, a lower bound on the modulus of the zeros. */

	for (i=0 ; i < nn ; i++)
	    shr[i] = hypot(pr[i], pi[i]);
	bnd = cpoly_cauchy(nn, shr, shi);

	/* outer loop to control 2 major passes */
	/* with different sequences of shifts */

	for (i1 = 1; i1 <= 2; i1++) {

	    /* first stage calculation, no shift */


	    /*	inner loop to select a shift */
	    for (i2 = 1; i2 <= 9; i2++) {

		/* shift is chosen with modulus bnd */
		/* and amplitude rotated by 94 degrees */
		/* from the previous shift */

		xxx= cosr * xx - sinr * yy;
		yy = sinr * xx + cosr * yy;
		xx = xxx;
		sr = bnd * xx;
		si = bnd * yy;

		/*  second stage calculation, fixed shift */

		conv = fxshft(i2 * 10, &zr, &zi);
		if (conv)
		    goto L10;

	/* the zerofinder has failed on two major passes */
	/* return empty handed */

	*fail = TRUE;

	/* the second stage jumps directly to the third stage iteration.
	 * if successful, the zero is stored and the polynomial deflated.
	d_n = d1+2 - nn;
	zeror[d_n] = zr;
	zeroi[d_n] = zi;
	for (i=0; i < nn ; i++) {
	    pr[i] = qpr[i];
	    pi[i] = qpi[i];

    /*	calculate the final zero and return */
    cdivid(-pr[1], -pi[1], pr[0], pi[0], &zeror[d1], &zeroi[d1]);

Пример #2
int cpoly(double opr[], double opi[], int degree,
	   double zeror[], double zeroi[])
  /* Finds the zeros of a complex polynomial.

     opr, opi - double precision vectors of real and imaginary parts 
                of the coefficients in order of decreasing powers.
     degree   - integer degree of polynomial
     zeror, zeroi  
              - output double precision vectors of real and imaginary 
	        parts of the zeros.
     fail     - output logical parameter, TRUE if leading coefficient 
                is zero, if cpoly has found fewer than degree zeros,
                or if there is another internal error.

     The program has been written to reduce the chance of overflow
     occurring.  If it does occur, there is still a possibility that
     the zerofinder will work provided the overflowed quantity is
     replaced by a large number. */
  double xx,yy,xxx,zr,zi,bnd;
  int fail,conv;
  int cnt1,cnt2,i,idnn2;

  /* initialization of constants */
  nn = degree+1;
  if (!init(nn)) {
    fail = TRUE;
    return fail;

  xx = .70710678L;
  yy = -xx;
  fail = FALSE;

  /* algorithm fails if the leading coefficient is zero. */
  if (opr[0] == 0.0 && opi[0] == 0.0) {
    fail = TRUE;
    return fail;

  /* Remove the zeros at the origin if any */
  while (opr[nn-1] == 0.0 && opi[nn-1] == 0.0) {
    idnn2 = degree+1-nn;
    zeror[idnn2] = 0.0;
    zeroi[idnn2] = 0.0;

  /* Make a copy of the coefficients */
  for (i=0;i<nn;i++) {
    pr[i] = opr[i];
    pi[i] = opi[i];
    shr[i] = cmod(pr[i],pi[i]);

  /* Scale the polynomial */
  bnd = scale(nn,shr);
  if (bnd != 1.0) {
    for (i=0;i<nn;i++) {
      pr[i] *= bnd;
      pi[i] *= bnd;

  while (!fail) {

    /* Start the algorithm for one zero */
    if (nn < 3) {
      /* Calculate the final zero and return */
      return fail;

    /* Calculate bnd, a lower bound on the modulus of the zeros */
    for (i=0;i<nn;i++) {
      shr[i] = cmod(pr[i],pi[i]);
    bnd = cauchy(nn,shr,shi);

    /* Outer loop to control 2 major passes with different sequences
       of shifts */
    fail = TRUE;
    for(cnt1=1;fail && (cnt1<=2);cnt1++) {

      /* First stage calculation, no shift */

      /* Inner loop to select a shift. */
      for (cnt2=1;fail && (cnt2<10);cnt2++) {
	/* Shift is chosen with modulus bnd and amplitude rotated by
	   94 degrees from the previous shift */
	xxx = COSR*xx-SINR*yy;
	yy  = SINR*xx+COSR*yy;
	xx  = xxx;
	sr  = bnd*xx;
	si  = bnd*yy;

	/* Second stage calculation, fixed shift */
	conv = fxshft(10*cnt2,&zr,&zi);
	if (conv) {

	  /* The second stage jumps directly to the third stage iteration
	     If successful the zero is stored and the polynomial deflated */
	  idnn2 = degree+1-nn;
	  zeror[idnn2] = zr;
	  zeroi[idnn2] = zi;
	  for(i=0;i<nn;i++) {
	    pr[i] = qpr[i];
	    pi[i] = qpi[i];
	  fail = FALSE;
	/* If the iteration is unsuccessful another shift is chosen */
      /* If 9 shifts fail, the outer loop is repeated with another
	 sequence of shifts */

  /* The zerofinder has failed on two major passes
     Return empty handed */
  return fail;
Пример #3
int CPoly<T>::findRoots( const T *opr, const T *opi, int degree, T *zeror, T *zeroi )
   int cnt1, cnt2, idnn2, i, conv;
   T xx, yy, cosr, sinr, smalno, base, xxx, zr, zi, bnd;

   mcon( &eta, &infin, &smalno, &base );
   are = eta;
   mre = (T) (2.0 * sqrt( 2.0 ) * eta);
   xx = (T) 0.70710678;
   yy = -xx;
   cosr = (T) -0.060756474;
   sinr = (T) -0.99756405;
   nn = degree;

   // Algorithm fails if the leading coefficient is zero, or degree is zero.
   if( nn < 1 || (opr[ 0 ] == 0 && opi[ 0 ] == 0) )
      return -1;

   // Remove the zeros at the origin if any
   while( opr[ nn ] == 0 && opi[ nn ] == 0 )
      idnn2 = degree - nn;
      zeror[ idnn2 ] = 0;
      zeroi[ idnn2 ] = 0;

   // sherm 20130410: If all coefficients but the leading one were zero, then
   // all solutions are zero; should be a successful (if boring) return.
   if (nn == 0)
      return degree;

   // Allocate arrays
   pr = new T [ degree+1 ];
   pi = new T [ degree+1 ];
   hr = new T [ degree+1 ];
   hi = new T [ degree+1 ];
   qpr= new T [ degree+1 ];
   qpi= new T [ degree+1 ];
   qhr= new T [ degree+1 ];
   qhi= new T [ degree+1 ];
   shr= new T [ degree+1 ];
   shi= new T [ degree+1 ];

   // Make a copy of the coefficients
   for( i = 0; i <= nn; i++ )
      pr[ i ] = opr[ i ];
      pi[ i ] = opi[ i ];
      shr[ i ] = cmod( pr[ i ], pi[ i ] );

   // Scale the polynomial
   bnd = scale( nn, shr, eta, infin, smalno, base );
   if( bnd != 1 )
      for( i = 0; i <= nn; i++ )
         pr[ i ] *= bnd;
         pi[ i ] *= bnd;

   if( nn <= 1 )
      cdivid( -pr[ 1 ], -pi[ 1 ], pr[ 0 ], pi[ 0 ], &zeror[ degree-1 ], &zeroi[ degree-1 ] );
      goto finish;

   // Calculate bnd, alower bound on the modulus of the zeros
   for( i = 0; i<= nn; i++ )
      shr[ i ] = cmod( pr[ i ], pi[ i ] );

   cauchy( nn, shr, shi, &bnd );

   // Outer loop to control 2 Major passes with different sequences of shifts
   for( cnt1 = 1; cnt1 <= 2; cnt1++ )
      // First stage  calculation , no shift
      noshft( 5 );

      // Inner loop to select a shift
      for( cnt2 = 1; cnt2 <= 9; cnt2++ )
         // Shift is chosen with modulus bnd and amplitude rotated by 94 degree from the previous shif
         xxx = cosr * xx - sinr * yy;
         yy = sinr * xx + cosr * yy;
         xx = xxx;
         sr = bnd * xx;
         si = bnd * yy;

         // Second stage calculation, fixed shift
         fxshft( 10 * cnt2, &zr, &zi, &conv );
         if( conv )
            // The second stage jumps directly to the third stage ieration
            // If successful the zero is stored and the polynomial deflated
            idnn2 = degree - nn;
            zeror[ idnn2 ] = zr;
            zeroi[ idnn2 ] = zi;
            for( i = 0; i <= nn; i++ )
               pr[ i ] = qpr[ i ];
               pi[ i ] = qpi[ i ];
            goto search;
         // If the iteration is unsuccessful another shift is chosen
      // if 9 shifts fail, the outer loop is repeated with another sequence of shifts

   // The zerofinder has failed on two major passes
   // return empty handed with the number of roots found (less than the original degree)
   degree -= nn;

   // Deallocate arrays
   delete [] pr;
   delete [] pi;
   delete [] hr;
   delete [] hi;
   delete [] qpr;
   delete [] qpi;
   delete [] qhr;
   delete [] qhi;
   delete [] shr;
   delete [] shi;

   return degree;
Пример #4
// Main function
int cpoly(int degree, const xcomplex poly[], xcomplex Roots[])
  xcomplex PhiDiff = -0.069756473 + 0.99756405i;
  xcomplex PhiRand = (1.0-1.0i) /sqrt(2.0);
  xcomplex P[degree+1], H[degree+1], h[degree+1], p[degree+1], zero, s, bnd;
  unsigned int conv = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++)
    if (isnan(poly[i]))
      return -1; // otherwise we may get stuck in infinite loops

  while(poly[0] == xdata.ZERO) {
    if (degree < 0)
      return -1;

  int deg = degree;

  // Remove the zeros at the origin if any
  while(poly[deg] == xdata.ZERO){
    Roots[degree - deg] = xdata.ZERO;

  if (deg == 0) return degree;
  // Make a copy of the coefficients
  for(int i = 0; i <= deg; i++) { P[i] = poly[i]; }

  scale(deg, P);


  if(deg <= 1){
    Roots[degree-1] = - P[1] / P[0];
    return degree;

  // compute a bound of the moduli of the roots (Newton-Raphson)
  bnd = cauchy(deg, P);
  // Outer loop to control 2 Major passes with different sequences of shifts
  for(int cnt1 = 1; cnt1 <= 2; cnt1++) {
    // First stage  calculation , no shift
    noshft(5, deg, P, H);
    // Inner loop to select a shift
    for(int cnt2 = 1; cnt2 <= 9; cnt2++) {
      // Shift is chosen with modulus bnd and amplitude rotated by 94 degree from the previous shif
      PhiRand = PhiDiff * PhiRand;
      s = bnd * PhiRand;

      // Second stage calculation, fixed shift
      conv = fxshft(10 * cnt2, deg, P, p, H, h, &zero, &s);
      if(conv) {
	// The second stage jumps directly to the third stage iteration
	// If successful the zero is stored and the polynomial deflated
	Roots[degree - deg] = zero;

	// continue with the remaining polynomial
	for(int i = 0; i <= deg; i++){ P[i] = p[i]; };
	goto search;
      // if the iteration is unsuccessful another shift is chosen

    // if 9 shifts fail, the outer loop is repeated with another sequence of shifts

  // The zerofinder has failed on two major passes
  // return empty handed with the number of roots found (less than the original degree)
  return degree - deg;