Пример #1
static int exynos_drm_open(struct drm_device *dev, struct drm_file *file)
	struct drm_exynos_file_private *file_priv;
	int ret;

	file_priv = kzalloc(sizeof(*file_priv), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!file_priv)
		return -ENOMEM;

	file->driver_priv = file_priv;
	ret = g2d_open(dev, file);
	if (ret)
		goto err_file_priv_free;

	return ret;

	file->driver_priv = NULL;
	return ret;
Пример #2
static void draw_image_to_framebuffer(struct g2d_buf *buf, int img_width, int img_height, int img_format, 
		 struct fb_var_screeninfo *screen_info, int left, int top, int to_width, int to_height, int set_alpha, int rotation)
	int i;
	struct g2d_surface src,dst;
	void *g2dHandle;

	if ( ( (left+to_width) > (int)screen_info->xres ) || ( (top+to_height) > (int)screen_info->yres ) )  {
		printf("Bad display image dimensions!\n");

        g2d_cache_op(buf, G2D_CACHE_FLUSH);

	if(g2d_open(&g2dHandle) == -1 || g2dHandle == NULL) {
		printf("Fail to open g2d device!\n");

	NOTE: in this example, all the test image data meet with the alignment requirement.
	Thus, in your code, you need to pay attention on that.

	Pixel buffer address alignment requirement,
	RGB/BGR:  pixel data in planes [0] with 16bytes alignment,
	NV12/NV16:  Y in planes [0], UV in planes [1], with 64bytes alignment,
	I420:    Y in planes [0], U in planes [1], V in planes [2], with 64 bytes alignment,
	YV12:  Y in planes [0], V in planes [1], U in planes [2], with 64 bytes alignment,
	NV21/NV61:  Y in planes [0], VU in planes [1], with 64bytes alignment,
	YUYV/YVYU/UYVY/VYUY:  in planes[0], buffer address is with 16bytes alignment.

	src.format = img_format;
	switch (src.format) {
	case G2D_RGB565:
	case G2D_RGBA8888:
	case G2D_RGBX8888:
	case G2D_BGRA8888:
	case G2D_BGRX8888:
	case G2D_BGR565:
	case G2D_YUYV:
	case G2D_UYVY:
		src.planes[0] = buf->buf_paddr;
	case G2D_NV12:
		src.planes[0] = buf->buf_paddr;
		src.planes[1] = buf->buf_paddr + img_width * img_height;
	case G2D_I420:
		src.planes[0] = buf->buf_paddr;
		src.planes[1] = buf->buf_paddr + img_width * img_height;
		src.planes[2] = src.planes[1]  + img_width * img_height / 4;
	case G2D_NV16:
		src.planes[0] = buf->buf_paddr;
		src.planes[1] = buf->buf_paddr + img_width * img_height;
		printf("Unsupport image format in the example code\n");

	src.left = 0;
	src.top = 0;
	src.right = img_width;
	src.bottom = img_height;
	src.stride = img_width;
	src.width  = img_width;
	src.height = img_height;
	src.rot  = G2D_ROTATION_0;

	dst.planes[0] = g_fb_phys;
	dst.left = left;
	dst.top = top;
	dst.right = left + to_width;
	dst.bottom = top + to_height;
	dst.stride = screen_info->xres;
	dst.width  = screen_info->xres;
	dst.height = screen_info->yres;
	dst.rot    = rotation;
	dst.format = screen_info->bits_per_pixel == 16 ? G2D_RGB565 : (screen_info->red.offset == 0 ? G2D_RGBA8888 : G2D_BGRA8888);

	if (set_alpha)
		src.blendfunc = G2D_ONE;
		dst.blendfunc = G2D_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
		src.global_alpha = 0x80;
		dst.global_alpha = 0xff;
		g2d_enable(g2dHandle, G2D_BLEND);
		g2d_enable(g2dHandle, G2D_GLOBAL_ALPHA);

	g2d_blit(g2dHandle, &src, &dst);

	if (set_alpha)
		g2d_disable(g2dHandle, G2D_GLOBAL_ALPHA);
		g2d_disable(g2dHandle, G2D_BLEND);

Пример #3
static int display_init()
	int i, osize, fb0;
	struct mxcfb_gbl_alpha alpha;
	struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo0;
	struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo1;

	if ((fb0 = open(dev_fb0, O_RDWR )) < 0) {
		printf("Unable to open '%s' res=%d\n", dev_fb0, fb0);
		return -1;

	if (ioctl(fb0, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo0)) {
		printf("Error reading variable infomation.\n");
		return -1;

	cx_screen = vinfo0.xres;
	cy_screen = vinfo0.yres;

	osize = vinfo0.xres * vinfo0.yres * vinfo0.bits_per_pixel / 8;

	printf(" === DSP [%d x %d] bpp=%d, sz=%d, fmt=%c%c%c%c\n", vinfo0.xres,
		vinfo0.yres, vinfo0.bits_per_pixel, osize, vinfo0.nonstd,
		vinfo0.nonstd >> 8, vinfo0.nonstd >> 16, vinfo0.nonstd >> 24);

	alpha.enable = 1;
	alpha.alpha = 0;

	if (ioctl(fb0, MXCFB_SET_GBL_ALPHA, &alpha) < 0) {
		printf("Set global alpha failed\n");
		return -1;


	fd_out = open(dev_fb1, O_RDWR);
	if(fd_out < 0) {
		printf("Unable to open '%s' res=%d\n", dev_fb1, fd_out);
		return -1;

	memcpy(&g_varinfo, &vinfo0, sizeof(g_varinfo));
	// if (ioctl(fd_out, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &g_varinfo)) {
		// printf("Error read vinfo.\n");
		// goto err;
	// }

	g_varinfo.xoffset = 0;
	g_varinfo.yoffset = 0;
	g_varinfo.xres = cx_screen;
	g_varinfo.yres = cy_screen;
	g_varinfo.xres_virtual = cx_screen;
	g_varinfo.yres_virtual = cy_screen * OUT_BUFFERS;
	g_varinfo.nonstd = 0;

	if (ioctl(fd_out, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &g_varinfo)) {
		printf("Error write vinfo.\n");
		goto err;

	if (ioctl(fd_out, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &g_varinfo)) {
		printf("Error read vinfo.\n");
		goto err;

	osize = g_varinfo.xres * g_varinfo.yres *
			g_varinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;

	printf(" === OUT [%d x %d] bpp=%d, sz=%d, fmt=%c%c%c%c\n", g_varinfo.xres,
		g_varinfo.yres, g_varinfo.bits_per_pixel, osize, g_varinfo.nonstd,
		g_varinfo.nonstd >> 8, g_varinfo.nonstd >> 16, g_varinfo.nonstd >> 24);

	if (ioctl(fd_out, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo1)) {
		printf("Error read finfo.\n");
		goto err;

	printf("'%s' : smem=0x%08X, slen=%d\n", dev_fb1,
		finfo1.smem_start, finfo1.smem_len);

	for(i = 0; i < OUT_BUFFERS; i++) {
		buffers_out[i].paddr = finfo1.smem_start + osize * i;
		buffers_out[i].size = osize;

#ifdef CSC_USE_IPU
	fd_ipu = open(dev_ipu, O_RDWR);
	if(fd_ipu < 0) {
		printf("Unable to open '%s' res=%d\n", dev_ipu, fd_ipu);
		goto err;

	bzero(&gtask, sizeof gtask);

	gtask.priority = IPU_TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH;

	gtask.input.width = CAP_WIDTH;
	gtask.input.height = CAP_HEIGHT;
	gtask.input.format = IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV422P;

	gtask.output.width = cx_screen;
	gtask.output.height = cy_screen;
	gtask.output.paddr = buffers_out[0].paddr;
	if(g_varinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16)
		gtask.output.format = IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB565;
		gtask.output.format = IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB32;


	if(ghandler == NULL) {
		printf("Error open g2d.\n");
		goto err;

	bzero(&gsrc, sizeof gsrc);
	bzero(&gdst, sizeof gdst);

	gsrc.left = 0;
	gsrc.top = 0;
	gsrc.right = CAP_WIDTH;
	gsrc.bottom = CAP_HEIGHT;
	gsrc.width = CAP_WIDTH;
	gsrc.height = CAP_HEIGHT;
	gsrc.stride = CAP_WIDTH;
	gsrc.format = G2D_NV61;

	gdst.left = 0;
	gdst.top = 0;
	gdst.right = cx_screen;
	gdst.bottom = cy_screen;
	gdst.width = cx_screen;
	gdst.height = cy_screen;
	gdst.stride = cx_screen;
	gdst.planes[0] = buffers_out[0].paddr;
	if(g_varinfo.bits_per_pixel == 16)
		gdst.format = G2D_RGB565;
		gdst.format = G2D_RGBX8888;

	return 0;
	return -1;
Пример #4
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_example_enzocamtest_CamView_loadNextFrame(JNIEnv* env,
		jobject thiz, jobject bitmap)
	AndroidBitmapInfo info;
	int result;

	if((result = AndroidBitmap_getInfo(env, bitmap, &info)) < 0) {
		err_msg("AndroidBitmap_getInfo() failed, error=%d", result);

	if(info.format != ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB_565) {
		err_msg("Bitmap format is not RGBA_565 !");

	char *colors;
	if((result = AndroidBitmap_lockPixels(env, bitmap, (void*)&colors)) < 0) {
		err_msg("AndroidBitmap_lockPixels() failed, error=%d", result);

	//info_msg("Getting camera frame...\n");
	result = cameraGetFrame(usbCam, camData);
	if (result < 0) {
		err_msg("Could not get camera frame\n");

	//info_msg("Decoding camera frame...\n");
	result = decoderDecodeFrame(mjpgDec, camData, yuvData);
	if (result < 0) {
		err_msg("Could not decode MJPG frame\n");

	if(g2d_open(&g2d_handle)) {
		err_msg("Encoder: g2d_open fail.\n");

	int y_size = info.width * info.height;

	y422_buf->buf_paddr = (unsigned char *)yuvData->pBufOut;
	y422_buf->buf_vaddr = (unsigned char *)yuvData->vBufOut;

	g2d_copy(g2d_handle, y420_buf, y422_buf, y_size);

	unsigned char *u_src;
	unsigned char *u_dst;
	int i = 0;

	u_src = y422_buf->buf_vaddr + y_size;
	u_dst = y420_buf->buf_vaddr + y_size;
	while (i < info.height) {
		memcpy(u_dst, u_src, info.width/2);
		u_dst += info.width/2;
		u_src += info.width;

	//info_msg("Converting frame to RGB565...\n");
	g2d_blit(g2d_handle, &y420_surf, &rgb_surf);

	//info_msg("Copy RGB frame to bitmap...\n");
	memcpy(colors, rgb_buf->buf_vaddr, info.width * info.height * 2);

	AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels(env, bitmap);