Пример #1
/* deleteObj:
 * Remove obj from g.
 * obj may belong to a subgraph of g, so we first must map
 * obj to its version in g.
 * If g is null, remove object from root graph.
 * If obj is a (sub)graph, close it. The g parameter is unused.
 * Return 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
int deleteObj(Agraph_t * g, Agobj_t * obj)
    gdata *data;
    if (AGTYPE(obj) == AGRAPH) {
	g = (Agraph_t *) obj;
	if (g != agroot(g))
	    return agclose(g);
	data = gData(g);
	if (data->lock & 1) {
	    error(ERROR_WARNING, "Cannot delete locked graph %s",
	    data->lock |= 2;
	    return -1;
	} else
	    return agclose(g);

    /* node or edge */
    if (!g)
	g = agroot(agraphof(obj));
    if (obj)
	return agdelete(g, obj);
	return -1;
Пример #2
/* lockGraph:
 * Set lock so that graph g will not be deleted.
 * g must be a root graph.
 * If v > 0, set lock
 * If v = 0, unset lock and delete graph is necessary.
 * If v < 0, no op
 * Always return previous lock state.
 * Return -1 on error.
int lockGraph(Agraph_t * g, int v)
    gdata *data;
    int oldv;

    if (g != agroot(g)) {
	      "Graph argument to lock() is not a root graph");
	return -1;
    data = gData(g);
    oldv = data->lock & 1;
    if (v > 0)
	data->lock |= 1;
    else if ((v == 0) && oldv) {
	if (data->lock & 2)
	    data->lock = 0;
    return oldv;
Пример #3
**** This test is designed to test the validity of the three add members of the PolyFit class
**** Addition to the PolyFit object is tested with individual datum, gpstk::Vectors of data and
**** std::vectors of data.

**** These are tested against a least squares polynomial fit that was done by hand

**** Please note isSingular, Solution, Degreem N and Solve were tested inderectly
**** Please note, I don't know enough about Covariance to test it for the example by hand

void xPolyFit :: addTest (void)
	gpstk::PolyFit<double> AddSingle(2);
	gpstk::PolyFit<double> AddGVect(2);
	gpstk::PolyFit<double> AddSVect(2);
	double data[4] = {0.,2.,4.,-1.};
	double time[4] = {3.,3.,4.,2.,};
	gpstk::Vector<double> gData(4,0.);
	gData[0] = 0.;
	gData[1] = 2.;
	gData[2] = 4.;
	gData[3] = -1.;
	gpstk::Vector<double> gTime(4,0.);
	gTime[0] = 3.;
	gTime[1] = 3.;
	gTime[2] = 4.;
	gTime[3] = 2.;
	std::vector<double> vData(4,0.);
	vData[0] = 0.;
	vData[1] = 2.;
	vData[2] = 4.;
	vData[3] = -1.;
	std::vector<double> vTime(4,0.);
	vTime[0] = 3.;
	vTime[1] = 3.;
	vTime[2] = 4.;
	vTime[3] = 2.;
	//Done by hand
	gpstk::Vector<double> ExpSolution(2,0.);
	ExpSolution[0] = 152./59;
	ExpSolution[1] = 20./59;
	for (int i =0;i<4;i++)
	gpstk::Vector<double> SingleSolution = AddSingle.Solution();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 4, AddSingle.N());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 2, AddSingle.Degree());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, AddSingle.isSingular());
	//Add on an unweighted sample, N should increase but everything else should be the same
	gpstk::Vector<double> SingleSolution2 = AddSingle.Solution();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 5, AddSingle.N());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 2, AddSingle.Degree());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, AddSingle.isSingular());
	gpstk::Vector<double> gVectSolution = AddGVect.Solution();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 4, AddGVect.N());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 2, AddGVect.Degree());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, AddGVect.isSingular());
	gpstk::Vector<double> sVectSolution = AddSVect.Solution();
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 4, AddSVect.N());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((unsigned) 2, AddSVect.Degree());
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, AddSVect.isSingular());
  void RepartitionFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::
  DeterminePartitionPlacement(const Matrix& A, GOVector& decomposition, GO numPartitions) const {
    RCP<const Map> rowMap = A.getRowMap();

    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = rowMap->getComm()->duplicate();
    int numProcs = comm->getSize();

    RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > tmpic = rcp_dynamic_cast<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >(comm);
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(tmpic == Teuchos::null, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Cannot cast base Teuchos::Comm to Teuchos::MpiComm object.");
    RCP<const Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > rawMpiComm = tmpic->getRawMpiComm();

    const Teuchos::ParameterList& pL = GetParameterList();

    // maxLocal is a constant which determins the number of largest edges which are being exchanged
    // The idea is that we do not want to construct the full bipartite graph, but simply a subset of
    // it, which requires less communication. By selecting largest local edges we hope to achieve
    // similar results but at a lower cost.
    const int maxLocal = pL.get<int>("repartition: remap num values");
    const int dataSize = 2*maxLocal;

    ArrayRCP<GO> decompEntries;
    if (decomposition.getLocalLength() > 0)
      decompEntries = decomposition.getDataNonConst(0);

    // Step 1: Sort local edges by weight
    // Each edge of a bipartite graph corresponds to a triplet (i, j, v) where
    //   i: processor id that has some piece of part with part_id = j
    //   j: part id
    //   v: weight of the edge
    // We set edge weights to be the total number of nonzeros in rows on this processor which
    // correspond to this part_id. The idea is that when we redistribute matrix, this weight
    // is a good approximation of the amount of data to move.
    // We use two maps, original which maps a partition id of an edge to the corresponding weight,
    // and a reverse one, which is necessary to sort by edges.
    std::map<GO,GO> lEdges;
    for (LO i = 0; i < decompEntries.size(); i++)
      lEdges[decompEntries[i]] += A.getNumEntriesInLocalRow(i);

    // Reverse map, so that edges are sorted by weight.
    // This results in multimap, as we may have edges with the same weight
    std::multimap<GO,GO> revlEdges;
    for (typename std::map<GO,GO>::const_iterator it = lEdges.begin(); it != lEdges.end(); it++)
      revlEdges.insert(std::make_pair(it->second, it->first));

    // Both lData and gData are arrays of data which we communicate. The data is stored
    // in pairs, so that data[2*i+0] is the part index, and data[2*i+1] is the corresponding edge weight.
    // We do not store processor id in data, as we can compute that by looking on the offset in the gData.
    Array<GO> lData(dataSize, -1), gData(numProcs * dataSize);
    int numEdges = 0;
    for (typename std::multimap<GO,GO>::reverse_iterator rit = revlEdges.rbegin(); rit != revlEdges.rend() && numEdges < maxLocal; rit++) {
      lData[2*numEdges+0] = rit->second; // part id
      lData[2*numEdges+1] = rit->first;  // edge weight

    // Step 2: Gather most edges
    // Each processors contributes maxLocal edges by providing maxLocal pairs <part id, weight>, which is of size dataSize
    MPI_Datatype MpiType = MpiTypeTraits<GO>::getType();
    MPI_Allgather(static_cast<void*>(lData.getRawPtr()), dataSize, MpiType, static_cast<void*>(gData.getRawPtr()), dataSize, MpiType, *rawMpiComm);

    // Step 3: Construct mapping

    // Construct the set of triplets
    std::vector<Triplet<int,int> > gEdges(numProcs * maxLocal);
    size_t k = 0;
    for (LO i = 0; i < gData.size(); i += 2) {
      GO part   = gData[i+0];
      GO weight = gData[i+1];
      if (part != -1) {                     // skip nonexistent edges
        gEdges[k].i = i/dataSize;           // determine the processor by its offset (since every processor sends the same amount)
        gEdges[k].j = part;
        gEdges[k].v = weight;

    // Sort edges by weight
    // NOTE: compareTriplets is actually a reverse sort, so the edges weight is in decreasing order
    std::sort(gEdges.begin(), gEdges.end(), compareTriplets<int,int>);

    // Do matching
    std::map<int,int> match;
    std::vector<char> matchedRanks(numProcs, 0), matchedParts(numProcs, 0);
    int numMatched = 0;
    for (typename std::vector<Triplet<int,int> >::const_iterator it = gEdges.begin(); it != gEdges.end(); it++) {
      GO rank = it->i;
      GO part = it->j;
      if (matchedRanks[rank] == 0 && matchedParts[part] == 0) {
        matchedRanks[rank] = 1;
        matchedParts[part] = 1;
        match[part] = rank;
    GetOStream(Statistics0) << "Number of unassigned paritions before cleanup stage: " << (numPartitions - numMatched) << " / " << numPartitions << std::endl;

    // Step 4: Assign unassigned partitions
    // We do that through random matching for remaining partitions. Not all part numbers are valid, but valid parts are a subset of [0, numProcs).
    // The reason it is done this way is that we don't need any extra communication, as we don't need to know which parts are valid.
    for (int part = 0, matcher = 0; part < numProcs; part++)
      if (match.count(part) == 0) {
        // Find first non-matched rank
        while (matchedRanks[matcher])

        match[part] = matcher++;

    // Step 5: Permute entries in the decomposition vector
    for (LO i = 0; i < decompEntries.size(); i++)
      decompEntries[i] = match[decompEntries[i]];
Пример #5
    // Returns a reference to a gnssSatTypeValue object after differencing the
    // data type values given in the diffTypes field with respect to reference
    // satellite data.
    // @param gData     Data object holding the data.
    satTypeValueMap& NablaOp::Process(satTypeValueMap& gData)


         double maxElevation(0.0);

            // If configured to do so, let's look for reference satellite
         if (lookReferenceSat)

               // Loop through all satellites in reference station data set,
               // looking for reference satellite
            satTypeValueMap::iterator it;
            for (it = gData.begin(); it != gData.end(); ++it)

                  // The satellite with the highest elevation will usually be
                  // the reference satellite
               if ( gData((*it).first)(TypeID::elevation) > maxElevation )

                  refSat = (*it).first;
                  maxElevation = gData((*it).first)(TypeID::elevation);



         }  // End of 'if (lookReferenceSat)'

            // We will use reference satellite data as reference data
         satTypeValueMap refData(gData.extractSatID(refSat));

            // We must remove reference satellite data from data set

         SatIDSet satRejectedSet;

            // Loop through all the satellites in station data set
         satTypeValueMap::iterator it;
         for (it = gData.begin(); it != gData.end(); ++it)

               // We must compute the difference for all types in
               // 'diffTypes' set
            TypeIDSet::const_iterator itType;
            for(itType = diffTypes.begin(); itType != diffTypes.end(); ++itType)

               double value1(0.0);
               double value2(0.0);


                     // Let's try to compute the difference
                  value1 = gData((*it).first)(*itType);
                  value2 = refData(refSat)(*itType);

                     // Get difference into data structure
                  gData((*it).first)((*itType)) =  value1 - value2;


                     // If some value is missing, then schedule this satellite
                     // for removal
                  satRejectedSet.insert( (*it).first );



            }  // End of 'for(itType = diffTypes.begin(); ...'

         }  // End of 'for (it = gData.begin(); it != gData.end(); ++it)'

            // Remove satellites with missing data

         return gData;

      catch(Exception& u)
            // Throw an exception if something unexpected happens
         ProcessingException e( getClassName() + ":"
                                + u.what() );



   }  // End of method 'NablaOp::Process()'
Пример #6
      /* Returns a reference to a satTypeValueMap object after differencing
       * data type values given in 'diffTypes' field with respect to
       * reference station data in 'refData' field.
       * @param gData      Data object holding the data.
   satTypeValueMap& DeltaOp::Process(satTypeValueMap& gData)


         SatIDSet satRejectedSet;

            // Loop through all the satellites in the station data set
         satTypeValueMap::iterator it;
         for (it = gData.begin(); it != gData.end(); ++it)

               // Let's find if the same satellite is present in refData
            satTypeValueMap::const_iterator itref;
            itref = refData.find((*it).first);

               // If we found the satellite, let's proceed with the differences
            if (itref != refData.end())

                  // We must compute the difference for all the types in
                  // 'diffTypes' set
               TypeIDSet::const_iterator itType;
               for( itType = diffTypes.begin();
                    itType != diffTypes.end();
                    ++itType )

                  double value1(0.0);
                  double value2(0.0);


                        // Let's try to compute the difference
                     value1 = gData((*it).first)(*itType);
                     value2 = refData((*it).first)(*itType);

                        // Get difference into data structure
                     gData((*it).first)((*itType)) =  value1 - value2;


                        // If some value is missing, then schedule this
                        // satellite for removal
                     satRejectedSet.insert( (*it).first );

                        // Skip this value if problems arise


               }  // End of 'for( itType = diffTypes.begin(); ...'

                  // update CSFlag
                  double CSValue1 = gData[it->first][TypeID::CSL1] 
                  double CSValue2 = gData[it->first][TypeID::CSL2] 

                  gData[it->first][TypeID::CSL1] = (CSValue1 > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                  gData[it->first][TypeID::CSL2] = (CSValue2 > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

               }  // End of 'if(updateCSFlag)'


                  // If we didn't find the same satellite in both sets, mark
                  // it for deletion
               satRejectedSet.insert( (*it).first );


            }  // End of 'if (itref != refData.end())'

         }  // End of 'for (it = gData.begin(); it != gData.end(); ++it)'

            // If ordered so, delete the missing satellites
         if (deleteMissingSats)

         return gData;

      catch(Exception& u)
            // Throw an exception if something unexpected happens
         ProcessingException e( getClassName() + ":"
                                + u.what() );



   }  // End of method 'DeltaOp::Process()'
Пример #7
/* Returns a reference to a satTypeValueMap object after differencing
 * data type values given in 'diffTypes' field with respect to
 * reference station data in 'refData' field.
 * @param gData      Data object holding the data.
satTypeValueMap& DoubleOp::Process(satTypeValueMap& gData)

        // First, we get difference data between two stations

        // Second, we should check if the elevation of the ref satellite
        // is useable, if not, pick up a new ref satellite with the highest
        // elevation
        bool lookHigestElevation = true;

            satTypeValueMap::iterator it = gData.find(refSatID);
                double elev = gData(it->first)(TypeID::elevation);
                if(elev > refSatMinElev) lookHigestElevation = false;

            double maxElevation(0.0);

            // Loop through all satellites in reference station data set,
            // looking for reference satellite
            satTypeValueMap::iterator it;
            for (it = gData.begin(); it != gData.end(); ++it)

                // The satellite with the highest elevation will usually be
                // the reference satellite
                if ( gData((*it).first)(TypeID::elevation) > maxElevation )

                    refSatID = (*it).first;
                    maxElevation = gData((*it).first)(TypeID::elevation);

            }  // end for

        }  // End 'if(lookHigestElevation)'

        // At last, We get the final DD data

        return gData;

    catch(Exception& u)
        // Throw an exception if something unexpected happens
        ProcessingException e( getClassName() + ":"
                               + StringUtils::asString( getIndex() ) + ":"
                               + u.what() );



}  // End of method 'DoubleOp::Process()'