static void hfp_current_operator(struct ofono_netreg *netreg, ofono_netreg_operator_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); gboolean ok; if (!cbd) goto error; cbd->user = netreg; ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS=3,0", NULL, NULL, cbd, NULL); if (ok) ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS?", cops_prefix, cops_cb, cbd, g_free); if (ok) return; error: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, NULL, data); }
static int he910_enable(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct he910_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBG("%p", modem); data->modem = open_device(modem, "Modem", "Modem: "); if (data->modem == NULL) return -EINVAL; data->chat = open_device(modem, "Aux", "Aux: "); if (data->chat == NULL) { g_at_chat_unref(data->modem); data->modem = NULL; return -EIO; } g_at_chat_set_slave(data->modem, data->chat); /* * Disable command echo and * enable the Extended Error Result Codes */ g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "ATE0 +CMEE=1", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Set phone functionality */ g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CFUN=1", none_prefix, cfun_enable_cb, modem, NULL); return -EINPROGRESS; }
static void cfun_enable_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct telit_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); DBG("%p", modem); if (!ok) { g_at_chat_unref(data->chat); data->chat = NULL; ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); return; } ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, TRUE); /* Enable sim state notification */ g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT#QSS=1", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Follow sim state */ g_at_chat_register(data->chat, "#QSS:", telit_qss_notify, FALSE, modem, NULL); /* Query current sim state */ g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT#QSS?", qss_prefix, telit_qss_cb, modem, NULL); }
static void at_gprs_registration_status(struct ofono_gprs *gprs, ofono_gprs_status_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct gprs_data *gd = ofono_gprs_get_data(gprs); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); if (!cbd) goto error; cbd->user = gd; switch (gd->vendor) { case OFONO_VENDOR_NOVATEL: /* * Send $CNTI=0 to find out the current tech, it will be * intercepted in nw_cnti_notify in network registration */ g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT$CNTI=0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; } if (g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGREG?", cgreg_prefix, at_cgreg_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; error: if (cbd) g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, data); }
static void at_signal_strength(struct ofono_netreg *netreg, ofono_netreg_strength_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); cbd->user = nd; /* * If we defaulted to using CIND, then keep using it, * otherwise fall back to CSQ */ if (nd->signal_index > 0) { if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+CIND?", cind_prefix, cind_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; } else { if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+CSQ", csq_prefix, csq_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; } g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, data); }
static void at_current_operator(struct ofono_netreg *netreg, ofono_netreg_operator_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); gboolean ok; cbd->user = netreg; /* Nokia modems have a broken return value for the string * returned for the numeric value. It misses a " at the end. * Trying to read this will stall the parser. So skip it. */ if (nd->vendor == OFONO_VENDOR_NOKIA) { ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS=3,0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ok) ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS?", cops_prefix, cops_cb, cbd, NULL); } else { ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS=3,2", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ok) ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS?", cops_prefix, cops_numeric_cb, cbd, NULL); } if (ok) return; g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, NULL, data); }
static void at_cmgs(struct ofono_sms *sms, unsigned char *pdu, int pdu_len, int tpdu_len, int mms, ofono_sms_submit_cb_t cb, void *user_data) { struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, user_data); char buf[512]; int len; if (mms) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CMMS=%d", mms); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CMGS=%d\r", tpdu_len); encode_hex_own_buf(pdu, pdu_len, 0, buf+len); if (g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, cmgs_prefix, at_cmgs_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, user_data); }
static int telit_sap_enable(struct ofono_modem *modem, struct ofono_modem *sap_modem, int bt_fd) { struct telit_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); int fd; DBG("%p", modem); fd = telit_sap_open(); if (fd < 0) goto error; data->hw_io = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); if (data->hw_io == NULL) { close(fd); goto error; } g_io_channel_set_encoding(data->hw_io, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_buffered(data->hw_io, FALSE); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(data->hw_io, TRUE); data->bt_io = g_io_channel_unix_new(bt_fd); if (data->bt_io == NULL) goto error; g_io_channel_set_encoding(data->bt_io, NULL, NULL); g_io_channel_set_buffered(data->bt_io, FALSE); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(data->bt_io, TRUE); data->hw_watch = g_io_add_watch_full(data->hw_io, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_IN, hw_event_cb, modem, hw_watch_remove); data->bt_watch = g_io_add_watch_full(data->bt_io, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL | G_IO_IN, bt_event_cb, modem, bt_watch_remove); data->sap_modem = sap_modem; g_at_chat_register(data->chat, "#RSEN:", telit_rsen_notify, FALSE, modem, NULL); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT#NOPT=0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Set SAP functionality */ g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT#RSEN=1,1,0,2,0", rsen_prefix, rsen_enable_cb, modem, NULL); return -EINPROGRESS; error: shutdown(bt_fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(bt_fd); sap_close_io(modem); return -EINVAL; }
static int mbm_enable(struct connman_device *device) { struct mbm_data *data = connman_device_get_data(device); const char *devnode; GIOChannel *channel; struct termios ti; int fd, index; _DBG_MBM("device %p", device); devnode = connman_device_get_control(device); if (devnode == NULL) return -EIO; fd = open(devnode, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (fd < 0) return -ENODEV; tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH); /* Switch TTY to raw mode */ memset(&ti, 0, sizeof(ti)); cfmakeraw(&ti); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &ti); channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); if (channel == NULL) { close(fd); return -ENOMEM; } data->chat = g_at_chat_new(channel, 0); if (data->chat == NULL) return -EIO; g_io_channel_unref(channel); g_at_chat_register(data->chat, "*EMRDY:", notify_callback, FALSE, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_register(data->chat, "*EMWI:", notify_callback, FALSE, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_register(data->chat, "+PACSP", notify_callback, FALSE, NULL, NULL); index = connman_device_get_index(device); connman_inet_ifup(index); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT&F E0 V1 X4 &C1 +CMEE=1", NULL, generic_callback, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CFUN?", cfun_prefix, cfun_callback, device, NULL); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CFUN=1", NULL, cfun_callback, device, NULL); return -EINPROGRESS; }
static void at_gprs_activate_primary(struct ofono_gprs_context *gc, const struct ofono_gprs_primary_context *ctx, ofono_gprs_context_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); char buf[OFONO_GPRS_MAX_APN_LENGTH + 128]; int len; /* IPv6 support not implemented */ if (ctx->proto != OFONO_GPRS_PROTO_IP) goto error; DBG("cid %u", ctx->cid); gcd->active_context = ctx->cid; gcd->cb = cb; gcd->cb_data = data; memcpy(gcd->username, ctx->username, sizeof(ctx->username)); memcpy(gcd->password, ctx->password, sizeof(ctx->password)); gcd->state = STATE_ENABLING; if (gcd->vendor == OFONO_VENDOR_ZTE) { GAtChat *chat = g_at_chat_get_slave(gcd->chat); /* * The modem port of ZTE devices with certain firmware * versions ends up getting suspended. It will no longer * signal POLLOUT and becomes pretty unresponsive. * * To wake up the modem port, the only reliable method * found so far is AT+ZOPRT power mode command. It is * enough to ask for the current mode and the modem * port wakes up and accepts commands again. * * And since the modem port is suspended, this command * needs to be send on the control port of course. * */ g_at_chat_send(chat, "AT+ZOPRT?", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); } len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CGDCONT=%u,\"IP\"", ctx->cid); if (ctx->apn) snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len - 3, ",\"%s\"", ctx->apn); if (g_at_chat_send(gcd->chat, buf, none_prefix, at_cgdcont_cb, gc, NULL) > 0) return; error: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); }
static void at_cgreg_test_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs *gprs = user_data; struct gprs_data *gd = ofono_gprs_get_data(gprs); gint range[2]; GAtResultIter iter; int cgreg1 = 0; int cgreg2 = 0; const char *cmd; if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CGREG:")) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto error; while (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &range[0], &range[1])) { if (1 >= range[0] && 1 <= range[1]) cgreg1 = 1; if (2 >= range[0] && 2 <= range[1]) cgreg2 = 1; } g_at_result_iter_close_list(&iter); if (cgreg2) cmd = "AT+CGREG=2"; else if (cgreg1) cmd = "AT+CGREG=1"; else goto error; g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, cmd, none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGAUTO=0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* ST-E modem does not support AT+CGEREP = 2,1 */ if (gd->vendor == OFONO_VENDOR_STE) g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGEREP=1,0", none_prefix, gprs_initialized, gprs, NULL); else g_at_chat_send(gd->chat, "AT+CGEREP=2,1", none_prefix, gprs_initialized, gprs, NULL); return; error: ofono_info("GPRS not supported on this device"); ofono_gprs_remove(gprs); }
static int ifx_enable(struct ofono_modem *modem) { struct ifx_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); const char *device, *ldisc; GAtSyntax *syntax; GAtChat *chat; DBG("%p", modem); device = ofono_modem_get_string(modem, "Device"); if (device == NULL) return -EINVAL; DBG("%s", device); ldisc = ofono_modem_get_string(modem, "LineDiscipline"); if (ldisc != NULL) { data->mux_ldisc = atoi(ldisc); ofono_info("Using multiplexer line discipline %d", data->mux_ldisc); } data->device = g_at_tty_open(device, NULL); if (data->device == NULL) return -EIO; syntax = g_at_syntax_new_gsmv1(); chat = g_at_chat_new(data->device, syntax); g_at_syntax_unref(syntax); if (chat == NULL) { g_io_channel_unref(data->device); return -EIO; } if (getenv("OFONO_AT_DEBUG")) g_at_chat_set_debug(chat, ifx_debug, "Master: "); g_at_chat_send(chat, "ATE0 +CMEE=1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Enable multiplexer */ data->frame_size = 1509; g_at_chat_send(chat, "AT+CMUX=0,0,,1509,10,3,30,,", NULL, mux_setup_cb, modem, NULL); data->mux_init_timeout = g_timeout_add_seconds(5, mux_timeout_cb, modem); data->dlcs[AUX_DLC] = chat; return -EINPROGRESS; }
static void cops_numeric_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(cbd->user); ofono_netreg_operator_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; GAtResultIter iter; const char *str; int format; int len; struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+COPS:")) goto error; g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); ok = g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &format); if (ok == FALSE || format != 2) goto error; if (g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &str) == FALSE) goto error; len = strspn(str, "0123456789"); if (len != 5 && len != 6) goto error; extract_mcc_mnc(str, nd->mcc, nd->mnc); DBG("Cops numeric got mcc: %s, mnc: %s", nd->mcc, nd->mnc); ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS=3,0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ok) ok = g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+COPS?", cops_prefix, cops_cb, cbd, NULL); if (ok) return; error: cb(&error, NULL, cbd->data); g_free(cbd); }
static void at_registration_status(struct ofono_netreg *netreg, ofono_netreg_status_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); cbd->user = nd; switch (nd->vendor) { case OFONO_VENDOR_MBM: /* * Send *ERINFO to find out the current tech, it will be * intercepted in mbm_erinfo_notify */ g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT*ERINFO?", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case OFONO_VENDOR_GOBI: /* * Send *CNTI=0 to find out the current tech, it will be * intercepted in gobi_cnti_notify */ g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT*CNTI=0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case OFONO_VENDOR_NOVATEL: /* * Send $CNTI=0 to find out the current tech, it will be * intercepted in nw_cnti_notify */ g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT$CNTI=0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case OFONO_VENDOR_OPTION_HSO: /* * Send AT_OCTI?;_OUWCTI? to find out the current tech, * option_tech_cb will call fire CREG? to do the rest. */ if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT_OCTI?;_OUWCTI?", option_tech_prefix, option_tech_cb, cbd, NULL) == 0) nd->tech = -1; break; } if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT+CREG?", creg_prefix, at_creg_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, -1, -1, -1, -1, data); }
static void start_dial(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { if (!ok) { g_print("Checking PIN status failed\n"); exit(1); } g_at_chat_send(control, "AT+CREG=2", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(control, "AT+CGREG=2", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(control, "AT+COPS=0", none_prefix, register_cb, NULL, NULL); }
static void xgendata_query(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_modem *modem = user_data; struct ifx_data *data = ofono_modem_get_data(modem); GAtResultIter iter; const char *gendata; DBG(""); if (!ok) goto error; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+XGENDATA:")) goto error; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &gendata)) goto error; DBG("\n%s", gendata); /* switch to GSM character set instead of IRA */ g_at_chat_send(data->dlcs[AUX_DLC], "AT+CSCS=\"GSM\"", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* disable UART for power saving */ g_at_chat_send(data->dlcs[AUX_DLC], "AT+XPOW=0,0,0", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); data->have_sim = FALSE; /* notify that the modem is ready so that pre_sim gets called */ ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, TRUE); g_at_chat_register(data->dlcs[AUX_DLC], "+XSIM:", xsim_notify, FALSE, modem, NULL); /* enable XSIM and XLOCK notifications */ g_at_chat_send(data->dlcs[AUX_DLC], "AT+XSIMSTATE=1", none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(data->dlcs[AUX_DLC], "AT+XSIMSTATE?", xsimstate_prefix, xsimstate_query, modem, NULL); return; error: shutdown_device(data); ofono_modem_set_powered(modem, FALSE); }
static void creg_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_netreg *netreg = user_data; int status, lac, ci, tech; struct netreg_data *nd = ofono_netreg_get_data(netreg); struct tech_query *tq; if (at_util_parse_reg_unsolicited(result, "+CREG:", &status, &lac, &ci, &tech, nd->vendor) == FALSE) return; if (status != 1 && status != 5) goto notify; tq = g_try_new0(struct tech_query, 1); if (tq == NULL) goto notify; tq->status = status; tq->lac = lac; tq->ci = ci; tq->netreg = netreg; switch (nd->vendor) { case OFONO_VENDOR_GOBI: if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT*CNTI=0", none_prefix, cnti_query_tech_cb, tq, g_free) > 0) return; break; case OFONO_VENDOR_NOVATEL: if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT$CNTI=0", none_prefix, cnti_query_tech_cb, tq, g_free) > 0) return; break; case OFONO_VENDOR_OPTION_HSO: if (g_at_chat_send(nd->chat, "AT_OCTI?;_OUWCTI?", option_tech_prefix, option_query_tech_cb, tq, g_free) > 0) return; break; } g_free(tq); if ((status == 1 || status == 5) && tech == -1) tech = nd->tech; notify: ofono_netreg_status_notify(netreg, status, lac, ci, tech); }
static void hfp16_card_connect(struct ofono_handsfree_card *card, ofono_handsfree_card_connect_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct hfp *hfp = ofono_handsfree_card_get_data(card); struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; if (info->hf_features & HFP_HF_FEATURE_CODEC_NEGOTIATION && info->ag_features & HFP_AG_FEATURE_CODEC_NEGOTIATION) { struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); cbd->user = card; hfp->bcc_id = g_at_chat_send(info->chat, "AT+BCC", none_prefix, bcc_cb, cbd, g_free); return; } /* * If any side (remote or local) doesn't support codec negotiation, * fallback to direct SCO connection. Calling connect_sco() * hands the connection responsibility to the core, so no need * to call the callback */ ofono_handsfree_card_connect_sco(card); }
static void bcs_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct hfp *hfp = user_data; struct hfp_slc_info *info = &hfp->info; GAtResultIter iter; char str[32]; int value; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+BCS:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &value)) return; if (ofono_handsfree_card_set_codec(hfp->card, value) == FALSE) { /* Unsupported codec, re-send our codecs */ if (ofono_handsfree_audio_has_wideband()) sprintf(str, "AT+BAC=%d,%d", HFP_CODEC_CVSD, HFP_CODEC_MSBC); else sprintf(str, "AT+BAC=%d", HFP_CODEC_CVSD); goto done; } /* Confirm the codec */ sprintf(str, "AT+BCS=%d", value); done: g_at_chat_send(info->chat, str, none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
static void at_cgdcont_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_gprs_context *gc = user_data; struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); char buf[64]; if (!ok) { struct ofono_error error; gcd->active_context = 0; gcd->state = STATE_IDLE; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); gcd->up_cb(&error, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, gcd->cb_data); return; } sprintf(buf, "AT+CGDATA=\"PPP\",%u", gcd->active_context); if (g_at_chat_send(gcd->chat, buf, none_prefix, at_cgdata_cb, gc, NULL) > 0) return; gcd->active_context = 0; gcd->state = STATE_IDLE; CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(gcd->up_cb, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, gcd->cb_data); }
static void at_gprs_activate_primary(struct ofono_gprs_context *gc, const struct ofono_gprs_primary_context *ctx, ofono_gprs_context_up_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); char buf[OFONO_GPRS_MAX_APN_LENGTH + 128]; int len; gcd->active_context = ctx->cid; gcd->up_cb = cb; gcd->cb_data = data; memcpy(gcd->username, ctx->username, sizeof(ctx->username)); memcpy(gcd->password, ctx->password, sizeof(ctx->password)); gcd->state = STATE_ENABLING; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CGDCONT=%u,\"IP\"", ctx->cid); if (ctx->apn) snprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len - 3, ",\"%s\"", ctx->apn); if (g_at_chat_send(gcd->chat, buf, none_prefix, at_cgdcont_cb, gc, NULL) > 0) return; CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, data); }
static void mbm_cgdcont_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_gprs_context_up_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_gprs_context *gc = cbd->user; struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); struct cb_data *ncbd; char buf[64]; if (!ok) { struct ofono_error error; gcd->active_context = 0; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); cb(&error, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cbd->data); return; } ncbd = g_memdup(cbd, sizeof(struct cb_data)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT*ENAP=1,%u", gcd->active_context); if (g_at_chat_send(gcd->chat, buf, none_prefix, mbm_enap_up_cb, ncbd, g_free) > 0) return; if (ncbd) g_free(ncbd); gcd->active_context = 0; CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cbd->data); }
static void icera_set_rat_mode(struct ofono_radio_settings *rs, enum ofono_radio_access_mode mode, ofono_radio_settings_rat_mode_set_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct radio_settings_data *rsd = ofono_radio_settings_get_data(rs); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); char buf[20]; int value = 5; switch (mode) { case OFONO_RADIO_ACCESS_MODE_ANY: value = 5; break; case OFONO_RADIO_ACCESS_MODE_GSM: value = 0; break; case OFONO_RADIO_ACCESS_MODE_UMTS: value = 1; break; case OFONO_RADIO_ACCESS_MODE_LTE: goto error; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT%%IPSYS=%u,2", value); if (g_at_chat_send(rsd->chat, buf, none_prefix, ipsys_modify_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; error: CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); g_free(cbd); }
static void ublox_send_uauthreq(struct ofono_gprs_context *gc, const char *username, const char *password, enum ofono_gprs_auth_method auth_method) { struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); char buf[UBLOX_MAX_USER_LEN + UBLOX_MAX_PASS_LEN + 32]; unsigned auth; switch (auth_method) { case OFONO_GPRS_AUTH_METHOD_PAP: auth = 1; break; case OFONO_GPRS_AUTH_METHOD_CHAP: auth = 2; break; default: ofono_error("Unsupported auth type %u", auth_method); return; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+UAUTHREQ=%u,%u,\"%s\",\"%s\"", gcd->active_context, auth, username, password); /* If this failed, we will see it during context activation. */ g_at_chat_send(gcd->chat, buf, none_prefix, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
static void mbm_enap_up_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; ofono_gprs_context_up_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_gprs_context *gc = cbd->user; struct gprs_context_data *gcd = ofono_gprs_context_get_data(gc); struct ofono_error error; if (ok) { gcd->mbm_state = MBM_ENABLING; gcd->up_cb = cb; gcd->cb_data = cbd->data; if (gcd->have_e2nap == FALSE) g_at_chat_send(gcd->chat, "AT*ENAP?", enap_prefix, mbm_enap_poll_cb, gc, NULL); return; } gcd->active_context = 0; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); cb(&error, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cbd->data); }
static void at_cmgf_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = user_data; struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); gboolean supported = FALSE; if (ok) { GAtResultIter iter; int mode; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CMGF:")) goto out; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto out; /* Look for mode 0 (PDU mode) */ while (g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &mode)) if (mode == 0) supported = TRUE; } out: if (!supported) return at_sms_not_supported(sms); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CPMS=?", cpms_prefix, at_cpms_query_cb, sms, NULL); }
static void at_query_cnmi(struct ofono_sms *sms) { struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, "AT+CNMI=?", cnmi_prefix, at_cnmi_query_cb, sms, NULL); }
static void at_cmgl_set_cpms(struct ofono_sms *sms, int store) { struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); if (store == data->store) { struct cpms_request req; req.sms = sms; = store; at_cmgl_cpms_cb(TRUE, NULL, &req); } else { char buf[128]; const char *readwrite = storages[store]; const char *incoming = storages[data->incoming]; struct cpms_request *req = g_new(struct cpms_request, 1); req->sms = sms; req->store = store; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CPMS=\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"", readwrite, readwrite, incoming); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, cpms_prefix, at_cmgl_cpms_cb, req, g_free); } }
static void at_send_cmgr_cpms(struct ofono_sms *sms, int store, int index, gboolean expect_sr) { struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); if (store == data->store) { struct cpms_request req; req.sms = sms; = store; req.index = index; req.expect_sr = expect_sr; at_cmgr_cpms_cb(TRUE, NULL, &req); } else { char buf[128]; const char *incoming = storages[data->incoming]; struct cpms_request *req = g_new(struct cpms_request, 1); req->sms = sms; req->store = store; req->index = index; req->expect_sr = expect_sr; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CPMS=\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"", storages[store], storages[store], incoming); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, cpms_prefix, at_cmgr_cpms_cb, req, g_free); } }
static void at_csms_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_sms *sms = user_data; struct sms_data *data = ofono_sms_get_data(sms); gboolean cnma_supported = FALSE; GAtResultIter iter; int status_min, status_max; char buf[128]; if (!ok) return at_sms_not_supported(sms); g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CSMS:")) goto out; if (!g_at_result_iter_open_list(&iter)) goto out; while (g_at_result_iter_next_range(&iter, &status_min, &status_max)) if (status_min <= 1 && 1 <= status_max) cnma_supported = TRUE; DBG("CSMS query parsed successfully"); out: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CSMS=%d", cnma_supported ? 1 : 0); g_at_chat_send(data->chat, buf, csms_prefix, at_csms_set_cb, sms, NULL); }