String PlatformKeyboardEvent::singleCharacterString(unsigned val)
    switch (val) {
        case GDK_ISO_Enter:
        case GDK_KP_Enter:
        case GDK_Return:
            return String("\r");
        case GDK_BackSpace:
            return String("\x8");
        case GDK_Tab:
            return String("\t");
            gunichar c = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(val);
            glong nwc;
            gunichar2* uchar16 = g_ucs4_to_utf16(&c, 1, 0, &nwc, 0);

            String retVal;
            if (uchar16)
                retVal = String((UChar*)uchar16, nwc);
                retVal = String();


            return retVal;
PyObject *
PyIMEngine::py_get_surrounding_text (PyIMEngineObject *self, PyObject *args)
	PyObject *tuple;

	int maxlen_before = -1;
	int maxlen_after = -1;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "|ii:get_surrounding_text", &maxlen_before, &maxlen_after))
		return NULL;

	WideString text;
	int cursor;
	int provided = self->engine.get_surrounding_text(text, cursor, maxlen_before, maxlen_after);
	tuple = PyTuple_New (2);

	if (!provided) {
		text = L"";
		cursor = 0;

#if Py_UNICODE_SIZE == 4
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 0, PyUnicode_FromUnicode ((Py_UNICODE *)text.c_str(), text.length()));
	gunichar2 *utf16_str = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (text.c_str(), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 0, PyUnicode_FromUnicode ((Py_UNICODE *)utf16_str, text.length()));
	PyTuple_SET_ITEM (tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong ((long) cursor));
	return tuple;
Пример #3
 * gjs_string_from_ucs4:
 * @cx: a #JSContext
 * @ucs4_string: string of #gunichar
 * @n_chars: number of characters in @ucs4_string or -1 for zero-terminated
 * @value_p: JS::Value that will be filled with a string
 * Returns: true on success, false otherwise in which case a JS error is thrown
gjs_string_from_ucs4(JSContext             *cx,
                     const gunichar        *ucs4_string,
                     ssize_t                n_chars,
                     JS::MutableHandleValue value_p)
    long u16_string_length;
    GError *error = NULL;

    char16_t *u16_string =
        reinterpret_cast<char16_t *>(g_ucs4_to_utf16(ucs4_string, n_chars, NULL,
                                                     &u16_string_length, &error));
    if (!u16_string) {
        gjs_throw(cx, "Failed to convert UCS-4 string to UTF-16: %s",
        return false;

    JSAutoRequest ar(cx);
    /* Avoid a copy - assumes that g_malloc == js_malloc == malloc */
    JS::RootedString str(cx, JS_NewUCString(cx, u16_string, u16_string_length));

    if (!str) {
        gjs_throw(cx, "Failed to convert UCS-4 string to UTF-16");
        return false;

    return true;
Пример #4
static String singleCharacterStringForKeyEvent(const WPE::Input::KeyboardEvent& event)
    const char* singleCharacter = WPE::Input::singleCharacterForKeyEvent(event);
    if (singleCharacter)
        return String(singleCharacter);

    glong length;
    GUniquePtr<gunichar2> uchar16(g_ucs4_to_utf16(&event.unicode, 1, 0, &length, nullptr));
    if (uchar16)
        return String(uchar16.get());
    return String();
Пример #5
static VALUE
rg_s_to_utf16(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, VALUE rb_ucs4)
    VALUE result;
    gunichar *ucs4;
    gunichar2 *utf16;
    glong len, items_written;
    GError *error = NULL;

    ucs4 = (gunichar *)StringValuePtr(rb_ucs4);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(rb_ucs4) / sizeof(*ucs4);

    utf16 = g_ucs4_to_utf16(ucs4, len, NULL, &items_written, &error);

    if (error)

    result = CSTR2RVAL_LEN_UTF16((char *)utf16,
                                   items_written * sizeof(*utf16));
    return result;
Пример #6
static String singleCharacterString(guint val)
    switch (val) {
        case GDK_ISO_Enter:
        case GDK_KP_Enter:
        case GDK_Return:
            return String("\r");
            gunichar c = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(val);
            glong nwc;
            gunichar2* uchar16 = g_ucs4_to_utf16(&c, 1, 0, &nwc, 0);

            String retVal;
            if (uchar16)
                retVal = String((UChar*)uchar16, nwc);
                retVal = String();


            return retVal;
Пример #7
bool WebPopupMenuProxyGtk::typeAheadFind(GdkEventKey* event)
    // If we were given a non-printable character just skip it.
    gunichar unicodeCharacter = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(event->keyval);
    if (!g_unichar_isprint(unicodeCharacter)) {
        return false;

    glong charactersWritten;
    GUniquePtr<gunichar2> utf16String(g_ucs4_to_utf16(&unicodeCharacter, 1, nullptr, &charactersWritten, nullptr));
    if (!utf16String) {
        return false;

    // If the character is the same as the last character, the user is probably trying to
    // cycle through the menulist entries. This matches the WebCore behavior for collapsed menulists.
    static const uint32_t searchTimeoutMs = 1000;
    bool repeatingCharacter = unicodeCharacter != m_previousKeyEventCharacter;
    if (event->time - m_previousKeyEventTimestamp > searchTimeoutMs)
        m_currentSearchString = String(reinterpret_cast<UChar*>(utf16String.get()), charactersWritten);
    else if (repeatingCharacter)
        m_currentSearchString.append(String(reinterpret_cast<UChar*>(utf16String.get()), charactersWritten));

    m_previousKeyEventTimestamp = event->time;
    m_previousKeyEventCharacter = unicodeCharacter;

    GUniquePtr<GList> children(gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(m_popup)));
    if (!children)
        return true;

    // We case fold before searching, because strncmp does not handle non-ASCII characters.
    GUniquePtr<gchar> searchStringWithCaseFolded(g_utf8_casefold(m_currentSearchString.utf8().data(), -1));
    size_t prefixLength = strlen(searchStringWithCaseFolded.get());

    // If a menu item has already been selected, start searching from the current
    // item down the list. This will make multiple key presses of the same character
    // advance the selection.
    GList* currentChild = children.get();
    if (m_currentlySelectedMenuItem) {
        currentChild = g_list_find(children.get(), m_currentlySelectedMenuItem);
        if (!currentChild) {
            m_currentlySelectedMenuItem = nullptr;
            currentChild = children.get();

        // Repeating characters should iterate.
        if (repeatingCharacter) {
            if (GList* nextChild = g_list_next(currentChild))
                currentChild = nextChild;

    GList* firstChild = currentChild;
    do {
        currentChild = g_list_next(currentChild);
        if (!currentChild)
            currentChild = children.get();

        GUniquePtr<gchar> itemText(g_utf8_casefold(gtk_menu_item_get_label(GTK_MENU_ITEM(currentChild->data)), -1));
        if (!strncmp(searchStringWithCaseFolded.get(), itemText.get(), prefixLength)) {
            gtk_menu_shell_select_item(GTK_MENU_SHELL(m_popup), GTK_WIDGET(currentChild->data));
    } while (currentChild != firstChild);

    return true;
Пример #8
test_ucs4_to_utf16 ()
	static gunichar str1[12] = {'H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d','\0'};
	static gunichar2 exp1[12] = {'H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d','\0'};
	static gunichar str2[3] = {'h',0x80000000,'\0'};
	static gunichar2 exp2[2] = {'h','\0'};
	static gunichar str3[3] = {'h',0xDA00,'\0'};
	static gunichar str4[3] = {'h',0x10FFFF,'\0'};
	static gunichar2 exp4[4] = {'h',0xdbff,0xdfff,'\0'};
	static gunichar str5[7] = {0xD7FF,0xD800,0xDFFF,0xE000,0x110000,0x10FFFF,'\0'};
	static gunichar2 exp5[5] = {0xD7FF,0xE000,0xdbff,0xdfff,'\0'};
	static gunichar str6[2] = {0x10400, '\0'};
	static gunichar2 exp6[3] = {0xD801, 0xDC00, '\0'};
	static glong read_write[12] = {1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,2};
	gunichar2* res;
	glong items_read, items_written, current_write_index;
	GError* err=0;
	RESULT check_result;
	glong i;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str1, 12, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, exp1, items_read, 11, items_written, 11, err, FALSE);
	if (check_result) return check_result;
	g_free (res);

	items_read = items_written = 0;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str2, 0, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, exp2, items_read, 0, items_written, 0, err, FALSE);
	if (check_result) return check_result;
	g_free (res);

	items_read = items_written = 0;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str2, 1, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, exp2, items_read, 1, items_written, 1, err, FALSE);
	if (check_result) return check_result;
	g_free (res);

	items_read = items_written = 0;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str2, 2, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, 0, items_read, 1, items_written, 0, err, TRUE);
	g_free (res);
	if (check_result) return check_result;

	items_read = items_written = 0;
	err = 0;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str3, 2, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, 0, items_read, 1, items_written, 0, err, TRUE);
	if (check_result) return check_result;
	g_free (res);

	items_read = items_written = 0;
	err = 0;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str4, 5, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, exp4, items_read, 2, items_written, 3, err, FALSE);
	if (check_result) return check_result;
	g_free (res);

	// This loop tests the bounds of the conversion algorithm
	current_write_index = 0;
	for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
		items_read = items_written = 0;
		err = 0;
		res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (&str5[i], 1, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
		check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, &exp5[current_write_index], 
					items_read, read_write[i*2], items_written, read_write[(i*2)+1], err, !read_write[(i*2)+1]);
		if (check_result) return check_result;
		g_free (res);
		current_write_index += items_written;

	items_read = items_written = 0;
	err = 0;
	res = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (str6, 1, &items_read, &items_written, &err);
	check_result = ucs4_to_utf16_check_result (res, exp6, items_read, 1, items_written, 2, err, FALSE);
	if (check_result) return check_result;
	g_free (res);

	return OK;
Пример #9
static gsize
win32_strftime_helper (const GDate     *d,
		       const gchar     *format,
		       const struct tm *tm,
		       gchar           *s,
		       gsize	        slen)
  SYSTEMTIME systemtime;
  LCID lcid;
  int n, k;
  GArray *result;
  const gchar *p;
  gunichar c;
  const wchar_t digits[] = L"0123456789";
  gchar *convbuf;
  glong convlen = 0;
  gsize retval;

  systemtime.wYear = tm->tm_year + 1900;
  systemtime.wMonth = tm->tm_mon + 1;
  systemtime.wDayOfWeek = tm->tm_wday;
  systemtime.wDay = tm->tm_mday;
  systemtime.wHour = tm->tm_hour;
  systemtime.wMinute = tm->tm_min;
  systemtime.wSecond = tm->tm_sec;
  systemtime.wMilliseconds = 0;
  lcid = GetThreadLocale ();
  result = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (wchar_t), MAX (128, strlen (format) * 2));

  p = format;
  while (*p)
      c = g_utf8_get_char (p);
      if (c == '%')
	  p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
	  if (!*p)
	      s[0] = '\0';
	      g_array_free (result, TRUE);

	      return 0;
	  c = g_utf8_get_char (p);
	  if (c == 'E' || c == 'O')
	      /* Ignore modified conversion specifiers for now. */
	      p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
	      if (!*p)
		  s[0] = '\0';
		  g_array_free (result, TRUE);
		  return 0;

	      c = g_utf8_get_char (p);

	  switch (c)
	    case 'a':
	      if (systemtime.wDayOfWeek == 0)
		k = 6;
		k = systemtime.wDayOfWeek - 1;
	      n = GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1+k, NULL, 0);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
	      GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1+k, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'A':
	      if (systemtime.wDayOfWeek == 0)
		k = 6;
		k = systemtime.wDayOfWeek - 1;
	      n = GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SDAYNAME1+k, NULL, 0);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
	      GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SDAYNAME1+k, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'b':
	    case 'h':
	      n = GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1+systemtime.wMonth-1, NULL, 0);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
	      GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1+systemtime.wMonth-1, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'B':
	      n = GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1+systemtime.wMonth-1, NULL, 0);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
	      GetLocaleInfoW (lcid, LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1+systemtime.wMonth-1, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
	      g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'c':
	      n = GetDateFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, NULL, 0);
	      if (n > 0)
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
		  GetDateFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L" ", 1);
	      n = GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, NULL, 0);
	      if (n > 0)
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
		  GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'C':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wYear/1000, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wYear/1000)%10, 1);
	    case 'd':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDay/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDay%10, 1);
	    case 'D':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMonth/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMonth%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"/", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDay/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDay%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"/", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wYear/10)%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wYear%10, 1);
	    case 'e':
	      if (systemtime.wDay >= 10)
		g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDay/10, 1);
		g_array_append_vals (result, L" ", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDay%10, 1);

	      /* A GDate has no time fields, so for now we can
	       * hardcode all time conversions into zeros (or 12 for
	       * %I). The alternative code snippets in the #else
	       * branches are here ready to be taken into use when
	       * needed by a g_strftime() or g_date_and_time_format()
	       * or whatever.
	    case 'H':
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"00", 2);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wHour/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wHour%10, 1);
	    case 'I':
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"12", 2);
	      if (systemtime.wHour == 0)
		g_array_append_vals (result, L"12", 2);
		  g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wHour%12)/10, 1);
		  g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wHour%12)%10, 1);
	    case  'j':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (tm->tm_yday+1)/100, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + ((tm->tm_yday+1)/10)%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (tm->tm_yday+1)%10, 1);
	    case 'm':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMonth/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMonth%10, 1);
	    case 'M':
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"00", 2);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute%10, 1);
	    case 'n':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"\n", 1);
	    case 'p':
	      n = GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, L"tt", NULL, 0);
	      if (n > 0)
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
		  GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, L"tt", ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'r':
	      /* This is a rather odd format. Hard to say what to do.
	       * Let's always use the POSIX %I:%M:%S %p
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"12:00:00", 8);
	      if (systemtime.wHour == 0)
		g_array_append_vals (result, L"12", 2);
		  g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wHour%12)/10, 1);
		  g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wHour%12)%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L":", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L":", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wSecond/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wSecond%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L" ", 1);
	      n = GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, L"tt", NULL, 0);
	      if (n > 0)
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
		  GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, L"tt", ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'R':
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"00:00", 5);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wHour/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wHour%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L":", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute%10, 1);
	    case 'S':
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"00", 2);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wSecond/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wSecond%10, 1);
	    case 't':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"\t", 1);
	    case 'T':
#if 1
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"00:00:00", 8);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wHour/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wHour%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L":", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wMinute%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L":", 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wSecond/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wSecond%10, 1);
	    case 'u':
	      if (systemtime.wDayOfWeek == 0)
		g_array_append_vals (result, L"7", 1);
		g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDayOfWeek, 1);
	    case 'U':
	      n = g_date_get_sunday_week_of_year (d);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + n/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + n%10, 1);
	    case 'V':
	      n = g_date_get_iso8601_week_of_year (d);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + n/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + n%10, 1);
	    case 'w':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wDayOfWeek, 1);
	    case 'W':
	      n = g_date_get_monday_week_of_year (d);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + n/10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + n%10, 1);
	    case 'x':
	      n = GetDateFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, NULL, 0);
	      if (n > 0)
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
		  GetDateFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'X':
	      n = GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, NULL, 0);
	      if (n > 0)
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len + n);
		  GetTimeFormatW (lcid, 0, &systemtime, NULL, ((wchar_t *) result->data) + result->len - n, n);
		  g_array_set_size (result, result->len - 1);
	    case 'y':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wYear/10)%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wYear%10, 1);
	    case 'Y':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wYear/1000, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wYear/100)%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + (systemtime.wYear/10)%10, 1);
	      g_array_append_vals (result, digits + systemtime.wYear%10, 1);
	    case 'Z':
	      n = GetTimeZoneInformation (&tzinfo);
	      if (n == TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN)
	      else if (n == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD)
		g_array_append_vals (result, tzinfo.StandardName, wcslen (tzinfo.StandardName));
	      else if (n == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT)
		g_array_append_vals (result, tzinfo.DaylightName, wcslen (tzinfo.DaylightName));
	    case '%':
	      g_array_append_vals (result, L"%", 1);
      else if (c <= 0xFFFF)
	  wchar_t wc = c;
	  g_array_append_vals (result, &wc, 1);
	  glong nwc;
	  wchar_t *ws;

	  ws = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (&c, 1, NULL, &nwc, NULL);
	  g_array_append_vals (result, ws, nwc);
	  g_free (ws);
      p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
  convbuf = g_utf16_to_utf8 ((wchar_t *) result->data, result->len, NULL, &convlen, NULL);
  g_array_free (result, TRUE);

  if (!convbuf)
      s[0] = '\0';
      return 0;
  if (slen <= convlen)
      /* Ensure only whole characters are copied into the buffer. */
      gchar *end = g_utf8_find_prev_char (convbuf, convbuf + slen);
      g_assert (end != NULL);
      convlen = end - convbuf;

      /* Return 0 because the buffer isn't large enough. */
      retval = 0;
    retval = convlen;

  memcpy (s, convbuf, convlen);
  s[convlen] = '\0';
  g_free (convbuf);

  return retval;
static void lookup(const char *text, char ***pppWord, char ****ppppWordData)
	if ((text[0] == '&' && text[1] == '#' && g_str_has_suffix(text, ";")) || g_str_has_prefix(text, "U+")) {
		gunichar uc;
		if (text[0] == '&') {
			if (text[2] == 'x' || text[2] == 'X') {
				uc = htoi(text+3);
			} else {
				uc = atoi(text+2);
		} else { // U+
			uc = htoi(text+2);
		gchar utf8[7];
		gint n = g_unichar_to_utf8(uc, utf8);
		utf8[n] = '\0';

		*pppWord = (gchar **)g_malloc(sizeof(gchar *)*2);
		(*pppWord)[0] = g_strdup(text);
		(*pppWord)[1] = NULL;
		*ppppWordData = (gchar ***)g_malloc(sizeof(gchar **)*(1));
		(*ppppWordData)[0] = (gchar **)g_malloc(sizeof(gchar *)*2);
		(*ppppWordData)[0][0] =  build_dictdata('m', utf8);
		(*ppppWordData)[0][1] = NULL;
	bool found;
	gunichar uc;
	if (g_utf8_strlen(text, -1) != 1) {
		found = false; // Don't query it.
	} else {
		uc = g_utf8_get_char(text);
		if (!gucharmap_unichar_validate (uc) || !gucharmap_unichar_isdefined (uc))
			found = false;
			found = true;
	if (!found) {
		*pppWord = NULL;
	std::string definition;
	definition += "\n";
	gchar buf[12];
	int n = gucharmap_unichar_to_printable_utf8 (uc, buf);
	if (n == 0) {
		definition += _("[not a printable character]");
	} else {
		gchar *str = g_markup_escape_text(buf, n);
		definition += "<big><big><big><big>";
		definition += str;
		definition += "</big></big></big></big>";
	definition += "\n\n";
	gchar *temp;
	/* character name */
	temp = g_strdup_printf ("U+%4.4X %s", uc, gucharmap_get_unicode_name (uc));
	definition += "<big><b>";
	definition += temp;
	definition += "</b></big>\n";
	g_free (temp);
	definition += "\n<b>";
	definition += _("General Character Properties");
	definition += "</b>\n\n";
	/* character category */
	definition += get_vanilla_detail(_("Unicode category:"), gucharmap_get_unicode_category_name (uc));
	/* canonical decomposition */
	gunichar *decomposition;
	gsize result_len;
	decomposition = gucharmap_unicode_canonical_decomposition (uc, &result_len);
	if (result_len != 1) {
		definition += _("Canonical decomposition:");
		definition += " ";
		definition += get_codepoint(decomposition[0]);
		for (gsize i = 1;  i < result_len;  i++) {
			definition += " + ";
			definition += get_codepoint(decomposition[i]);
		definition += "\n";
	g_free (decomposition);
	/* representations */
	if (g_unichar_break_type(uc) != G_UNICODE_BREAK_SURROGATE) {
		definition += "\n<b>";
		definition += _("Various Useful Representations");
		definition += "</b>\n\n";
		guchar utf8[7];
		gunichar2 *utf16;
		GString *gstemp;
		n = g_unichar_to_utf8 (uc, (gchar *)utf8);
		utf16 = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (&uc, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		/* UTF-8 */
		gstemp = g_string_new (NULL);
		gint i;
		for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
			g_string_append_printf (gstemp, "0x%2.2X ", utf8[i]);
		g_string_erase (gstemp, gstemp->len - 1, -1);
		definition += get_vanilla_detail(_("UTF-8:"), gstemp->str);
		g_string_free (gstemp, TRUE);
		/* UTF-16 */
		gstemp = g_string_new (NULL);
		g_string_append_printf (gstemp, "0x%4.4X", utf16[0]);
		if (utf16[0] != '\0' && utf16[1] != '\0')
			g_string_append_printf (gstemp, " 0x%4.4X", utf16[1]);
		definition += get_vanilla_detail(_("UTF-16:"), gstemp->str);
		g_string_free (gstemp, TRUE);
		/* an empty line */
		definition += "\n";
		/* C octal \012\234 */
		gstemp = g_string_new (NULL);
		for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
			g_string_append_printf (gstemp, "\\%3.3o", utf8[i]);
		definition += get_vanilla_detail(_("C octal escaped UTF-8:"), gstemp->str);
		g_string_free (gstemp, TRUE);
		/* XML entity */
		if ((0x0001 <= uc && uc <= 0xD7FF) ||
			(0xE000 <= uc && uc <= 0xFFFD) ||
			(0x10000 <= uc && uc <= 0x10FFFF))
			temp = g_strdup_printf ("<kref>&amp;#%d;</kref>", uc);
			definition += get_vanilla_detail(_("XML decimal entity:"), temp);
			g_free (temp);
			temp = g_strdup_printf ("<kref>&amp;#x%X;</kref>", uc);
			definition += get_vanilla_detail(_("XML hexadecimal entity:"), temp);
			g_free (temp);
	/* annotations */
	std::string annotations;
	/* nameslist equals (alias names) */
	const gchar **csarr;
	csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_equals (uc);
	if (csarr != NULL) {
		annotations += get_chocolate_detail(_("Alias names:"), csarr, FALSE);
		g_free (csarr);
	/* nameslist stars (notes) */
	csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_stars (uc);
	if (csarr != NULL) {
		annotations += get_chocolate_detail(_("Notes:"), csarr, TRUE);
		g_free (csarr);
	/* nameslist exes (see also) */
	gunichar *ucs;
	ucs = gucharmap_get_nameslist_exes (uc);
	if (ucs != NULL) {
		annotations += get_chocolate_detail_codepoints(_("See also:"), ucs);
		g_free (ucs);
	/* nameslist pounds (approximate equivalents) */
	csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_pounds (uc);
	if (csarr != NULL) {
		annotations += get_chocolate_detail(_("Approximate equivalents:"), csarr, TRUE);
		g_free (csarr);
	/* nameslist colons (equivalents) */
	csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_colons (uc);
	if (csarr != NULL) {
		annotations += get_chocolate_detail(_("Equivalents:"), csarr, TRUE);
		g_free (csarr);
	if (!annotations.empty()) {
		definition += "\n<b>";
		definition += _("Annotations and Cross References");
		definition += "</b>\n\n";
		definition += annotations;
	std::string unihan;
	const gchar *csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kDefinition (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Definition in English:"), csp);
	csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kMandarin (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Mandarin Pronunciation:"), csp);
	csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kCantonese (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Cantonese Pronunciation:"), csp);
	csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kJapaneseOn (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Japanese On Pronunciation:"), csp);
	csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kJapaneseKun (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Japanese Kun Pronunciation:"), csp);
	csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kTang (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Tang Pronunciation:"), csp);
	csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kKorean (uc);
	if (csp)
		unihan += get_vanilla_detail(_("Korean Pronunciation:"), csp);
	if (!unihan.empty()) {
		definition += "\n<b>";
		definition += _("CJK Ideograph Information");
		definition += "</b>\n\n";
		definition += unihan;
	n = definition.length();
	int l = n-1;
	while (l >= 0 && definition[l] == '\n') {
	if (l < n-1) {
		definition.erase(l+1, n-1-l);
	*pppWord = (gchar **)g_malloc(sizeof(gchar *)*2);
	(*pppWord)[0] = g_strdup(text);
	(*pppWord)[1] = NULL;
	*ppppWordData = (gchar ***)g_malloc(sizeof(gchar **)*(1));
	(*ppppWordData)[0] = (gchar **)g_malloc(sizeof(gchar *)*2);
	(*ppppWordData)[0][0] =  build_dictdata('x', definition.c_str());
	(*ppppWordData)[0][1] = NULL;
Пример #11
static void
set_details (GucharmapCharmap *charmap,
             gunichar uc)
  GucharmapCharmapPrivate *priv = charmap->priv;
  GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
  GtkTextIter iter;
  GString *gstemp;
  gchar *temp;
  const gchar *csp;
  gchar buf[12];
  guchar utf8[7];
  gint n, i;
  const gchar **csarr;
  gunichar *ucs;
  gunichar2 *utf16;
  GucharmapUnicodeVersion version;

  buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (priv->details_view);
  gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "", 0);

  gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter);
  gtk_text_buffer_place_cursor (buffer, &iter);
  gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n", -1);

  n = gucharmap_unichar_to_printable_utf8 (uc, buf);
  if (n == 0)
    gtk_text_buffer_insert (
            buffer, &iter, _("[not a printable character]"), -1);
    gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, buf, n, 
                                              "gimongous", NULL);

  gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n\n", -1);
  /* character name */
  temp = g_strdup_printf ("U+%4.4X %s\n", 
                          uc, gucharmap_get_unicode_name (uc));
  gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (buffer, &iter, temp, -1,
                                            "big", "bold", NULL);
  g_free (temp);

  insert_heading (charmap, buffer, &iter, _("General Character Properties"));

  /* Unicode version */
  version = gucharmap_get_unicode_version (uc);
    insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                           _("In Unicode since:"),
                           gucharmap_unicode_version_to_string (version));

  /* character category */
  insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter, _("Unicode category:"),
                         gucharmap_get_unicode_category_name (uc));

  /* canonical decomposition */
  conditionally_insert_canonical_decomposition (charmap, buffer, &iter, uc);

  /* representations */
  if (g_unichar_break_type(uc) != G_UNICODE_BREAK_SURROGATE)
      insert_heading (charmap, buffer, &iter, _("Various Useful Representations"));

      n = g_unichar_to_utf8 (uc, (gchar *)utf8);
      utf16 = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (&uc, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

      /* UTF-8 */
      gstemp = g_string_new (NULL);
      for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
	g_string_append_printf (gstemp, "0x%2.2X ", utf8[i]);
      g_string_erase (gstemp, gstemp->len - 1, -1);
      insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter, _("UTF-8:"), gstemp->str);
      g_string_free (gstemp, TRUE);

      /* UTF-16 */
      gstemp = g_string_new (NULL);
      g_string_append_printf (gstemp, "0x%4.4X", utf16[0]);
      if (utf16[0] != '\0' && utf16[1] != '\0')
	g_string_append_printf (gstemp, " 0x%4.4X", utf16[1]);
      insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter, _("UTF-16:"), gstemp->str);
      g_string_free (gstemp, TRUE);

      /* an empty line */
      gtk_text_buffer_insert (buffer, &iter, "\n", -1);

      /* C octal \012\234 */
      gstemp = g_string_new (NULL);
      for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
	g_string_append_printf (gstemp, "\\%3.3o", utf8[i]);
      insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter, 
			     _("C octal escaped UTF-8:"), gstemp->str);
      g_string_free (gstemp, TRUE);

      /* XML decimal entity */
      if ((0x0001 <= uc && uc <= 0xD7FF) ||
	  (0xE000 <= uc && uc <= 0xFFFD) ||
	  (0x10000 <= uc && uc <= 0x10FFFF))
	  temp = g_strdup_printf ("&#%d;", uc);
	  insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter, 
				 _("XML decimal entity:"), temp);
	  g_free (temp);


  /* annotations */
  if (_gucharmap_unicode_has_nameslist_entry (uc))
      insert_heading (charmap, buffer, &iter, 
                      _("Annotations and Cross References"));

      /* nameslist equals (alias names) */
      csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_equals (uc);
      if (csarr != NULL)
          insert_chocolate_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                                   _("Alias names:"), csarr, FALSE);
          g_free (csarr);

      /* nameslist stars (notes) */
      csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_stars (uc);
      if (csarr != NULL)
          insert_chocolate_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                                   _("Notes:"), csarr, TRUE);
          g_free (csarr);

      /* nameslist exes (see also) */
      ucs = gucharmap_get_nameslist_exes (uc);
      if (ucs != NULL)
          insert_chocolate_detail_codepoints (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                                              _("See also:"), ucs);
          g_free (ucs);

      /* nameslist pounds (approximate equivalents) */
      csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_pounds (uc);
      if (csarr != NULL)
          insert_chocolate_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                                   _("Approximate equivalents:"), csarr, TRUE);
          g_free (csarr);

      /* nameslist colons (equivalents) */
      csarr = gucharmap_get_nameslist_colons (uc);
      if (csarr != NULL)
          insert_chocolate_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                                   _("Equivalents:"), csarr, TRUE);
          g_free (csarr);


  /* this isn't so bad efficiency-wise */
  if (gucharmap_get_unicode_kDefinition (uc)
      || gucharmap_get_unicode_kCantonese (uc)
      || gucharmap_get_unicode_kMandarin (uc)
      || gucharmap_get_unicode_kJapaneseOn (uc)
      || gucharmap_get_unicode_kJapaneseKun (uc)
      || gucharmap_get_unicode_kTang (uc)
      || gucharmap_get_unicode_kKorean (uc))
      insert_heading (charmap, buffer, &iter, _("CJK Ideograph Information"));

      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kDefinition (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Definition in English:"), csp);
      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kMandarin (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Mandarin Pronunciation:"), csp);
      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kCantonese (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Cantonese Pronunciation:"), csp);
      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kJapaneseOn (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Japanese On Pronunciation:"), csp);
      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kJapaneseKun (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Japanese Kun Pronunciation:"), csp);
      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kTang (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Tang Pronunciation:"), csp);
      csp = gucharmap_get_unicode_kKorean (uc);
      if (csp)
        insert_vanilla_detail (charmap, buffer, &iter,
                               _("Korean Pronunciation:"), csp);
#endif /* #if ENABLE_UNIHAN */
Пример #12
static void
process (gint      line,
	 gchar    *utf8,
	 Status    status,
	 gunichar *ucs4,
	 gint      ucs4_len)
  const gchar *end;
  gboolean is_valid = g_utf8_validate (utf8, -1, &end);
  GError *error = NULL;
  glong items_read, items_written;

  switch (status)
    case VALID:
      if (!is_valid)
	  fail ("line %d: valid but g_utf8_validate returned FALSE\n", line);
    case NOTUNICODE:
    case INCOMPLETE:
    case OVERLONG:
    case MALFORMED:
      if (is_valid)
	  fail ("line %d: invalid but g_utf8_validate returned TRUE\n", line);

  if (status == INCOMPLETE)
      gunichar *ucs4_result;      

      ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (utf8, -1, NULL, NULL, &error);

      if (!error || !g_error_matches (error, G_CONVERT_ERROR, G_CONVERT_ERROR_PARTIAL_INPUT))
	  fail ("line %d: incomplete input not properly detected\n", line);
      g_clear_error (&error);

      ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (utf8, -1, &items_read, NULL, &error);

      if (!ucs4_result || items_read == strlen (utf8))
	  fail ("line %d: incomplete input not properly detected\n", line);

      g_free (ucs4_result);

  if (status == VALID || status == NOTUNICODE)
      gunichar *ucs4_result;
      gchar *utf8_result;

      ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (utf8, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error);
      if (!ucs4_result)
	  fail ("line %d: conversion to ucs4 failed: %s\n", line, error->message);
      if (!ucs4_equal (ucs4_result, ucs4) ||
	  items_read != strlen (utf8) ||
	  items_written != ucs4_len)
	  fail ("line %d: results of conversion to ucs4 do not match expected.\n", line);

      g_free (ucs4_result);

      ucs4_result = g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast (utf8, -1, &items_written);
      if (!ucs4_equal (ucs4_result, ucs4) ||
	  items_written != ucs4_len)
	  fail ("line %d: results of conversion to ucs4 do not match expected.\n", line);

      utf8_result = g_ucs4_to_utf8 (ucs4_result, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error);
      if (!utf8_result)
	  fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8 failed: %s", line, error->message);

      if (strcmp (utf8_result, utf8) != 0 ||
	  items_read != ucs4_len ||
	  items_written != strlen (utf8))
	  fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8 did not match original\n", line);

      g_free (utf8_result);
      g_free (ucs4_result);

  if (status == VALID)
      gunichar2 *utf16_expected_tmp;
      gunichar2 *utf16_expected;
      gunichar2 *utf16_from_utf8;
      gunichar2 *utf16_from_ucs4;
      gunichar *ucs4_result;
      gsize bytes_written;
      gint n_chars;
      gchar *utf8_result;

#define TARGET "UTF-16LE"
#define TARGET "UTF-16"

      if (!(utf16_expected_tmp = (gunichar2 *)g_convert (utf8, -1, TARGET, "UTF-8",
							 NULL, &bytes_written, NULL)))
	  fail ("line %d: could not convert to UTF-16 via g_convert\n", line);

      /* zero-terminate and remove BOM
      n_chars = bytes_written / 2;
      if (utf16_expected_tmp[0] == 0xfeff) /* BOM */
	  utf16_expected = g_new (gunichar2, n_chars + 1);
	  memcpy (utf16_expected, utf16_expected_tmp + 1, sizeof(gunichar2) * n_chars);
      else if (utf16_expected_tmp[0] == 0xfffe) /* ANTI-BOM */
	  fail ("line %d: conversion via iconv to \"UTF-16\" is not native-endian\n", line);
	  utf16_expected = g_new (gunichar2, n_chars + 1);
	  memcpy (utf16_expected, utf16_expected_tmp, sizeof(gunichar2) * n_chars);

      utf16_expected[n_chars] = '\0';
      if (!(utf16_from_utf8 = g_utf8_to_utf16 (utf8, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error)))
	  fail ("line %d: conversion to ucs16 failed: %s\n", line, error->message);

      if (items_read != strlen (utf8) ||
	  utf16_count (utf16_from_utf8) != items_written)
	  fail ("line %d: length error in conversion to ucs16\n", line);

      if (!(utf16_from_ucs4 = g_ucs4_to_utf16 (ucs4, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error)))
	  fail ("line %d: conversion to ucs16 failed: %s\n", line, error->message);

      if (items_read != ucs4_len ||
	  utf16_count (utf16_from_ucs4) != items_written)
	  fail ("line %d: length error in conversion to ucs16\n", line);

      if (!utf16_equal (utf16_from_utf8, utf16_expected) ||
	  !utf16_equal (utf16_from_ucs4, utf16_expected))
	  fail ("line %d: results of conversion to ucs16 do not match\n", line);

      if (!(utf8_result = g_utf16_to_utf8 (utf16_from_utf8, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error)))
	  fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8 failed: %s\n", line, error->message);

      if (items_read != utf16_count (utf16_from_utf8) ||
	  items_written != strlen (utf8))
	  fail ("line %d: length error in conversion from ucs16 to utf8\n", line);

      if (!(ucs4_result = g_utf16_to_ucs4 (utf16_from_ucs4, -1, &items_read, &items_written, &error)))
	  fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8/ucs4 failed\n", line);

      if (items_read != utf16_count (utf16_from_utf8) ||
	  items_written != ucs4_len)
	  fail ("line %d: length error in conversion from ucs16 to ucs4\n", line);

      if (strcmp (utf8, utf8_result) != 0 ||
	  !ucs4_equal (ucs4, ucs4_result))
	  fail ("line %d: conversion back to utf8/ucs4 did not match original\n", line);
      g_free (utf16_expected_tmp);
      g_free (utf16_expected);
      g_free (utf16_from_utf8);
      g_free (utf16_from_ucs4);
      g_free (utf8_result);
      g_free (ucs4_result);