Пример #1
static GVfsFtpDirCacheEntry *
g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_lookup_entry (GVfsFtpDirCache *  cache,
                                  GVfsFtpTask *      task,
                                  const GVfsFtpFile *dir,
                                  guint              stamp)
  GVfsFtpDirCacheEntry *entry;

  g_mutex_lock (cache->lock);
  entry = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->directories, dir);
  if (entry)
    g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_entry_ref (entry);
  g_mutex_unlock (cache->lock);
  if (entry && entry->stamp < stamp)
    g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_entry_unref (entry);
  else if (entry)
    return entry;

  if (g_vfs_ftp_task_send (task,
        		   "CWD %s", g_vfs_ftp_file_get_ftp_path (dir)) == 550)
      g_set_error_literal (&task->error,
        	           G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_DIRECTORY,
        		   _("The file is not a directory"));
  g_vfs_ftp_task_setup_data_connection (task);
  g_vfs_ftp_task_send (task,
        	       G_VFS_FTP_PASS_100 | G_VFS_FTP_FAIL_200,
                       "%s", cache->funcs->command);
  g_vfs_ftp_task_open_data_connection (task);
  if (g_vfs_ftp_task_is_in_error (task))
    return NULL;

  entry = g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_entry_new (stamp);
  cache->funcs->process (g_io_stream_get_input_stream (g_vfs_ftp_connection_get_data_stream (task->conn)),
                         g_vfs_ftp_connection_get_debug_id (task->conn),
  g_vfs_ftp_task_close_data_connection (task);
  g_vfs_ftp_task_receive (task, 0, NULL);
  if (g_vfs_ftp_task_is_in_error (task))
      g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_entry_unref (entry);
      return NULL;
  g_mutex_lock (cache->lock);
  g_hash_table_insert (cache->directories,
                       g_vfs_ftp_file_copy (dir),
                       g_vfs_ftp_dir_cache_entry_ref (entry));
  g_mutex_unlock (cache->lock);
  return entry;
Пример #2
 * g_vfs_ftp_task_sendv:
 * @task: the sending task
 * @flags: response flags to use when receiving the reply
 * @reply: %NULL or pointer to char array that takes the full reply from the
 *         server
 * @format: format string to construct command from
 *          (without trailing \r\n)
 * @varargs: arguments to format string
 * This is the varargs version of g_vfs_ftp_task_send(). See that function
 * for details.
 * Returns: the received FTP code or 0 on error.
g_vfs_ftp_task_sendv (GVfsFtpTask *          task,
                      GVfsFtpResponseFlags   flags,
                      char ***               reply,
                      const char *           format,
                      va_list                varargs)
  GString *command;
  gboolean retry_on_timeout = FALSE;
  guint response;

  if (g_vfs_ftp_task_is_in_error (task))
    return 0;

  command = g_string_new ("");
  g_string_append_vprintf (command, format, varargs);
  g_string_append (command, "\r\n");

  if (task->conn == NULL)
      if (!g_vfs_ftp_task_acquire_connection (task))
          g_string_free (command, TRUE);
          return 0;
      retry_on_timeout = TRUE;

  g_vfs_ftp_connection_send (task->conn,

  response = g_vfs_ftp_task_receive (task, flags, reply);
  /* NB: requires adaption if we allow passing 4xx responses */
  if (retry_on_timeout &&
      g_vfs_ftp_task_is_in_error (task) &&
      !g_vfs_ftp_connection_is_usable (task->conn))
      g_vfs_ftp_task_clear_error (task);
      g_vfs_ftp_task_release_connection (task);
      goto retry;

  g_string_free (command, TRUE);
  return response;
Пример #3
 * g_vfs_ftp_task_acquire_connection:
 * @task: a task without an associated connection
 * Acquires a new connection for use by this @task. This uses the connection
 * pool of @task's backend, so it reuses previously opened connections and
 * does not reopen new connections unnecessarily. If all connections are busy,
 * it waits %G_VFS_FTP_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS seconds for a new connection to
 * become available. Keep in mind that a newly acquired connection might have
 * timed out and therefore closed by the FTP server. You must account for
 * this when sending the first command to the server.
 * Returns: %TRUE if a connection could be acquired, %FALSE if an error
 *          occured
static gboolean
g_vfs_ftp_task_acquire_connection (GVfsFtpTask *task)
  GVfsBackendFtp *ftp;
  gint64 end_time;
  gulong id;

  g_return_val_if_fail (task != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (task->conn == NULL, FALSE);

  if (g_vfs_ftp_task_is_in_error (task))
    return FALSE;

  ftp = task->backend;
  g_mutex_lock (&ftp->mutex);
  id = g_cancellable_connect (task->cancellable,
        		      G_CALLBACK (do_broadcast),
        		      &ftp->cond, NULL);
  while (task->conn == NULL && ftp->queue != NULL)
      if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (task->cancellable))
          task->error = g_error_new_literal (G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED,
        		                     _("Operation was cancelled"));

      task->conn = g_queue_pop_head (ftp->queue);
      if (task->conn != NULL)

      if (ftp->connections < ftp->max_connections)
          static GThread *last_thread = NULL;
          /* Save current number of connections here, so we can limit maximum
           * connections later.
           * This is necessary for threading reasons (connections can be
           * opened or closed while we are still in the opening process. */
          guint maybe_max_connections = ftp->connections;

          last_thread = g_thread_self ();
          g_mutex_unlock (&ftp->mutex);
          task->conn = g_vfs_ftp_connection_new (ftp->addr, task->cancellable, &task->error);
          if (G_LIKELY (task->conn != NULL))
              g_vfs_ftp_task_receive (task, 0, NULL);
              g_vfs_ftp_task_login (task, ftp->user, ftp->password);
              g_vfs_ftp_task_setup_connection (task);
              if (G_LIKELY (!g_vfs_ftp_task_is_in_error (task)))

          g_vfs_ftp_connection_free (task->conn);
          task->conn = NULL;
          g_mutex_lock (&ftp->mutex);
          /* If this value is still equal to our thread it means there were no races 
           * trying to open connections and the maybe_max_connections value is 
           * reliable. */
          if (last_thread == g_thread_self () && 
              !g_vfs_ftp_task_error_matches (task, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED))
              g_print ("maybe: %u, max %u (due to %s)\n", maybe_max_connections, ftp->max_connections, task->error->message);
              ftp->max_connections = MIN (ftp->max_connections, maybe_max_connections);
              if (ftp->max_connections == 0)
                  g_debug ("no more connections left, exiting...\n");
                  /* FIXME: shut down properly */
                  exit (0);

          g_vfs_ftp_task_clear_error (task);

      end_time = g_get_monotonic_time () + G_VFS_FTP_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND;
      if (ftp->busy_connections >= ftp->connections ||
          !g_cond_wait_until (&ftp->cond, &ftp->mutex, end_time))
          task->error = g_error_new_literal (G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_BUSY,
        		                     _("The FTP server is busy. Try again later"));
  g_cancellable_disconnect (task->cancellable, id);
  g_mutex_unlock (&ftp->mutex);

  return task->conn != NULL;