Пример #1
/*! Sets the new component view.
 *  The same component message should be injected in the queue separately
 *  (see gcs_dummy_inject_msg()) in order to model different race conditions */
gcs_dummy_set_component (gcs_backend_t*        backend,
                         const gcs_comp_msg_t* comp)
    dummy_t* dummy    = backend->conn;
    long     new_num  = gcs_comp_msg_num (comp);
    long     i;

    assert (dummy->state > DUMMY_CLOSED);

    if (dummy->memb_num != new_num) {
        void* tmp = gu_realloc (dummy->memb, new_num * sizeof(gcs_comp_memb_t));

        if (NULL == tmp) return -ENOMEM;

        dummy->memb     = tmp;
        dummy->memb_num = new_num;

    for (i = 0; i < dummy->memb_num; i++) {
        strcpy ((char*)&dummy->memb[i], gcs_comp_msg_id (comp, i));

    dummy->my_idx = gcs_comp_msg_self(comp);
    dummy->state  = gcs_comp_msg_primary(comp) ? DUMMY_PRIM : DUMMY_NON_PRIM;
    gu_debug ("Setting state to %s",
              DUMMY_PRIM == dummy->state ? "DUMMY_PRIM" : "DUMMY_NON_PRIM");

    return 0;
/* Initialize nodes array from component message */
static inline gcs_node_t*
group_nodes_init (const gcs_group_t* group, const gcs_comp_msg_t* comp)
    const long my_idx     = gcs_comp_msg_self (comp);
    const long nodes_num  = gcs_comp_msg_num  (comp);
    gcs_node_t* ret = GU_CALLOC (nodes_num, gcs_node_t);
    long i;

    if (ret) {
        for (i = 0; i < nodes_num; i++) {
            const gcs_comp_memb_t* memb = gcs_comp_msg_member(comp, i);
            assert(NULL != memb);

            if (my_idx != i) {
                gcs_node_init (&ret[i], group->cache, memb->id,
                               NULL, NULL, -1, -1, -1, memb->segment);
            else { // this node
                gcs_node_init (&ret[i], group->cache, memb->id,
                               group->my_name, group->my_address,
                               group->gcs_proto_ver, group->repl_proto_ver,
                               group->appl_proto_ver, memb->segment);
    else {
        gu_error ("Could not allocate %ld x %z bytes", nodes_num,
    return ret;
Пример #3
static bool
DUMMY_INSTALL_COMPONENT (gcs_backend_t* backend, const gcs_comp_msg_t* comp)
    bool primary = gcs_comp_msg_primary (comp);
    long my_idx  = gcs_comp_msg_self    (comp);
    long members = gcs_comp_msg_num     (comp);

    action_t act;

    FAIL_IF (gcs_dummy_set_component(Backend, comp), "", NULL);
    FAIL_IF (DUMMY_INJECT_COMPONENT (Backend, comp), "", NULL);
    FAIL_IF (core_test_check_conf(act.out, primary, my_idx, members),
             "", NULL);
    free (act.out);
    return false;
gcs_group_handle_comp_msg (gcs_group_t* group, const gcs_comp_msg_t* comp)
    long        new_idx, old_idx;
    gcs_node_t* new_nodes = NULL;
    ulong       new_memb  = 0;

    const bool prim_comp     = gcs_comp_msg_primary  (comp);
    const bool bootstrap     = gcs_comp_msg_bootstrap(comp);
    const long new_my_idx    = gcs_comp_msg_self     (comp);
    const long new_nodes_num = gcs_comp_msg_num      (comp);

    group_check_comp_msg (prim_comp, new_my_idx, new_nodes_num);

    if (new_my_idx >= 0) {
        gu_info ("New COMPONENT: primary = %s, bootstrap = %s, my_idx = %ld, "
                 "memb_num = %ld", prim_comp ? "yes" : "no",
                 bootstrap ? "yes" : "no", new_my_idx, new_nodes_num);

        new_nodes = group_nodes_init (group, comp);

        if (!new_nodes) {
            gu_fatal ("Could not allocate memory for %ld-node component.",
                      gcs_comp_msg_num (comp));
            return (gcs_group_state_t)-ENOMEM;

        if (GCS_GROUP_PRIMARY == group->state) {
            gu_debug ("#281: Saving %s over %s",
            group->prim_state = group->nodes[group->my_idx].status;
    else {
        // Self-leave message
        gu_info ("Received self-leave message.");
        assert (0 == new_nodes_num);
        assert (!prim_comp);

    if (prim_comp) {
        /* Got PRIMARY COMPONENT - Hooray! */
        assert (new_my_idx >= 0);
        if (group->state == GCS_GROUP_PRIMARY) {
            /* we come from previous primary configuration, relax */
        else if (bootstrap)
            /* Is there need to initialize something else in this case? */
            group->nodes[group->my_idx].bootstrap = true;
        else {
            const bool first_component =
            (1 == group->num) && !strcmp (NODE_NO_ID, group->nodes[0].id);
            (1 == group->num);

            if (1 == new_nodes_num && first_component) {
                /* bootstrap new configuration */
                assert (GCS_GROUP_NON_PRIMARY == group->state);
                assert (1 == group->num);
                assert (0 == group->my_idx);

                // This bootstraps initial primary component for state exchange
                gu_uuid_generate (&group->prim_uuid, NULL, 0);
                group->prim_seqno = 0;
                group->prim_num   = 1;
                group->state      = GCS_GROUP_PRIMARY;

                if (group->act_id < 0) {
                    // no history provided: start a new one
                    group->act_id  = GCS_SEQNO_NIL;
                    gu_uuid_generate (&group->group_uuid, NULL, 0);
                    gu_info ("Starting new group from scratch: "GU_UUID_FORMAT,
// the following should be removed under #474
                group->nodes[0].status = GCS_NODE_STATE_JOINED;
                /* initialize node ID to the one given by the backend - this way
                 * we'll be recognized as coming from prev. conf. in node array
                 * remap below */
                strncpy ((char*)group->nodes[0].id, new_nodes[0].id,
                         sizeof (new_nodes[0].id) - 1);
                group->nodes[0].segment = new_nodes[0].segment;
    else {
        group_go_non_primary (group);

    /* Remap old node array to new one to preserve action continuity */
    for (new_idx = 0; new_idx < new_nodes_num; new_idx++) {
        /* find member index in old component by unique member id */
        for (old_idx = 0; old_idx < group->num; old_idx++) {
            // just scan through old group
            if (!strcmp(group->nodes[old_idx].id, new_nodes[new_idx].id)) {
                /* the node was in previous configuration with us */
                /* move node context to new node array */
                gcs_node_move (&new_nodes[new_idx], &group->nodes[old_idx]);
        /* if wasn't found in new configuration, new member -
         * need to do state exchange */
        new_memb |= (old_idx == group->num);

    /* free old nodes array */
    group_nodes_free (group);

    group->my_idx = new_my_idx;
    group->num    = new_nodes_num;
    group->nodes  = new_nodes;

    if (gcs_comp_msg_primary(comp) || bootstrap) {
        /* TODO: for now pretend that we always have new nodes and perform
         * state exchange because old states can carry outdated node status.
         * (also protocol voting needs to be redone)
         * However this means aborting ongoing actions. Find a way to avoid
         * this extra state exchange. Generate new state messages on behalf
         * of other nodes? see #238 */
        new_memb = true;
        /* if new nodes joined, reset ongoing actions and state messages */
        if (new_memb) {
            group_nodes_reset (group);
            group->state      = GCS_GROUP_WAIT_STATE_UUID;
            group->state_uuid = GU_UUID_NIL; // prepare for state exchange
        else {
            if (GCS_GROUP_PRIMARY == group->state) {
                /* since we don't have any new nodes since last PRIMARY,
                   we skip state exchange */
                group_post_state_exchange (group);
        group_redo_last_applied (group);

    return group->state;