Пример #1
static void
gimp_gegl_config_class_init (GObjectClass *klass,
                             const gchar  *operation)
  GParamSpec **pspecs;
  guint        n_pspecs;
  gint         i;

  klass->set_property = gimp_gegl_config_set_property;
  klass->get_property = gimp_gegl_config_get_property;

  pspecs = gegl_operation_list_properties (operation, &n_pspecs);

  for (i = 0; i < n_pspecs; i++)
      GParamSpec *pspec = pspecs[i];

      if ((pspec->flags & G_PARAM_READABLE) &&
          (pspec->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE) &&
          strcmp (pspec->name, "input")     &&
          strcmp (pspec->name, "output"))
          GParamSpec *copy = gimp_param_spec_duplicate (pspec);

          if (copy)
              g_object_class_install_property (klass, i + 1, copy);

  g_free (pspecs);
Пример #2
gimp_gegl_config_proxy_sync (GimpObject  *proxy,
                             GeglNode    *node)
  GParamSpec **pspecs;
  gchar       *operation;
  guint        n_pspecs;
  gint         i;

  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_OBJECT (proxy));
  g_return_if_fail (GEGL_IS_NODE (node));

  gegl_node_get (node,
                 "operation", &operation,

  g_return_if_fail (operation != NULL);

  pspecs = gegl_operation_list_properties (operation, &n_pspecs);
  g_free (operation);

  for (i = 0; i < n_pspecs; i++)
      GParamSpec *gegl_pspec = pspecs[i];
      GParamSpec *gimp_pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (proxy),

      if (gimp_pspec)
          GValue value = { 0, };

          g_value_init (&value, gimp_pspec->value_type);

          g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (proxy), gimp_pspec->name,

          if (GEGL_IS_PARAM_SPEC_COLOR (gegl_pspec))
              GimpRGB    gimp_color;
              GeglColor *gegl_color;

              gimp_value_get_rgb (&value, &gimp_color);
              g_value_unset (&value);

              gegl_color = gimp_gegl_color_new (&gimp_color);

              g_value_init (&value, gegl_pspec->value_type);
              g_value_take_object (&value, gegl_color);

          gegl_node_set_property (node, gegl_pspec->name,

          g_value_unset (&value);

  g_free (pspecs);
Пример #3
gegl_dot_util_add_node (GString  *string,
                        GeglNode *node)
  g_string_append_printf (string, "op_%p [fontsize=\"10\" label=\"", node);

  /* We build the record from top to bottom */
  g_string_append_printf (string, "{");

  /* The first row is a list of output pads */
    GSList  *pads       = gegl_node_get_pads (node);
    GSList  *entry      = pads;
    gboolean got_output = FALSE;

    g_string_append_printf (string, "{");

    while (entry)
        GeglPad *pad = entry->data;
        if (gegl_pad_is_output (pad))
            if (got_output)
                g_string_append (string, "|");
            got_output = TRUE;
            g_string_append_printf (string, "<%s>%s",
                                    gegl_pad_get_name (pad),
                                    gegl_pad_get_name (pad));
        entry = g_slist_next (entry);

    g_string_append_printf (string, "}|");

  /* The second row is the operation name such as gegl:translate */
  g_string_append_printf (string, "%s |", gegl_node_get_debug_name (node));

  /* The next rows are property names and their values */
  if (1)
      guint        n_properties;
      GParamSpec **properties = gegl_operation_list_properties (gegl_node_get_operation (node), &n_properties);
      guint        i;
      for (i = 0; i < n_properties; i++)
          const gchar *name   = properties[i]->name;
          GValue       tvalue = { 0, };
          GValue       svalue = { 0, };

          if (properties[i]->value_type == GEGL_TYPE_BUFFER)

          g_value_init (&svalue, G_TYPE_STRING);
          g_value_init (&tvalue, properties[i]->value_type);

          gegl_node_get_property (node, name, &tvalue);

          if (g_value_transform (&tvalue, &svalue))
              gchar *sval = g_value_dup_string (&svalue);
              if (sval && strlen (sval) > 30)
                  sval[28] = '.';
                  sval[29] = '.';
                  sval[30] = '\0';
              if (sval)
                  g_string_append_printf (string, "%s=%s | ", name, sval);
                  g_free (sval);
              g_value_unset (&svalue);
          g_value_unset (&tvalue);
      g_free (properties);

  /* The last row is input pads */
    GSList  *pads      = gegl_node_get_pads (node);
    GSList  *entry     = pads;
    gboolean got_input = FALSE;

    g_string_append_printf (string, "{");

    while (entry)
        GeglPad *pad = entry->data;
        if (gegl_pad_is_input (pad))
            if (got_input)
                g_string_append (string, "|");
            got_input = TRUE;
            g_string_append_printf (string, "<%s>%s",
                                    gegl_pad_get_name (pad),
                                    gegl_pad_get_name (pad));
        entry = g_slist_next (entry);

    g_string_append_printf (string, "}");

  g_string_append_printf (string, "}\"");
  g_string_append_printf (string, "shape=\"record\"];\n");
Пример #4
gint layer_node_selected (gpointer host, GeglEditor* editor, gint node_id)
  GeglEditorLayer*	self = (GeglEditorLayer*)host;
  GeglNode*		node = NULL;
  GSList*		pair = self->pairs;
  for(;pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
      node_id_pair*	data = pair->data;
      if(data->id == node_id)
	  node = data->node;

  g_assert(node != NULL);

  GeglNode** nodes;
  const gchar** pads;
  gint num = gegl_node_get_consumers(node, "output", &nodes, &pads);

  int i;
  g_print("%s: %d consumer(s)\n", gegl_node_get_operation(node), num);
  for(i = 0; i < num; i++)
      g_print("Connection: (%s to %s)\n", gegl_node_get_operation(node), gegl_node_get_operation(nodes[0]), pads[0]);
  g_print("Input from: %s\n", gegl_node_get_operation(gegl_node_get_producer(node, "input", NULL)));

  //  g_print("selected: %s\n", gegl_node_get_operation(node));

  guint		n_props;
  GParamSpec**	properties = gegl_operation_list_properties(gegl_node_get_operation(node), &n_props);

  //TODO: only create enough columns for the properties which will actually be included (i.e. ignoring GeglBuffer props)
  GtkTable	*prop_table = GTK_TABLE(gtk_table_new(2, n_props, FALSE));

  int d;
  for(d = 0, i = 0; i < n_props; i++, d++)
      GParamSpec*	prop = properties[i];
      GType		type = prop->value_type;
      const gchar*		name = prop->name;

      GtkWidget*	name_label = gtk_label_new(name);
      gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(name_label), 0, 0.5);

      GtkWidget*	value_entry = gtk_entry_new();

      gchar buf[256] = "*";	//can probably be smaller; In fact, can probably do this without sprintf and a buffer. TODO: look at g_string

      gint	i_value;
      gdouble	d_value;
      gchar*	str_value;
      gboolean skip = FALSE;

	case G_TYPE_INT:
	  gegl_node_get(node, name, &i_value, NULL);
	  sprintf(buf, "%d", i_value);
	  gegl_node_get(node, name, &d_value, NULL);
	  sprintf(buf, "%.3f", d_value);
	  gegl_node_get(node, name, &str_value, NULL);
	  sprintf(buf, "%s", str_value);

      if(type == GEGL_TYPE_BUFFER) {
	skip = TRUE;
      } else if( type == GEGL_TYPE_COLOR) {
	skip = TRUE;
	GtkWidget *color_button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Select");

	select_color_info* info = malloc(sizeof(select_color_info));
	info->node = node;
	info->property = name;
	info->layer = self;

	g_signal_connect(color_button, "clicked", (GCallback)select_color, info);

	gtk_table_attach(prop_table, name_label, 0, 1, d, d+1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 1, 1);
	gtk_table_attach(prop_table, color_button, 1, 2, d, d+1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK, GTK_FILL, 1, 1);

	  gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(value_entry), buf);

	  gtk_entry_set_width_chars(GTK_ENTRY(value_entry), 2);
	  struct text_prop_data	*data = malloc(sizeof(struct text_prop_data));	//TODO store this in a list and free it when the node is deselected
	  data->node		      = node;
	  data->property		      = name;
	  data->prop_type		      = type;
	  data->layer		      = self;
	  g_signal_connect(value_entry, "activate", G_CALLBACK(text_property_changed), data);

	  gtk_table_attach(prop_table, name_label, 0, 1, d, d+1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 1, 1);
	  gtk_table_attach(prop_table, value_entry, 1, 2, d, d+1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL | GTK_SHRINK, GTK_FILL, 1, 1);

  //  gegl_node_process(node);
  GeglGtkView *gtk_view = gegl_gtk_view_new_for_node(node);

  GeglRectangle rect = gegl_node_get_bounding_box(node);

      gegl_gtk_view_set_autoscale_policy(gtk_view, GEGL_GTK_VIEW_AUTOSCALE_DISABLED);
      gegl_gtk_view_set_scale(gtk_view, 1.0);
      g_print("Disable autoscale: scale=%f, x=%f, y=%f\n", gegl_gtk_view_get_scale(gtk_view),
      gegl_gtk_view_get_x(gtk_view), gegl_gtk_view_get_y(gtk_view));


  //TODO: draw checkerboard under preview to indicate transparency

  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->prop_box), GTK_WIDGET(prop_table), FALSE, TRUE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->prop_box), GTK_WIDGET(gtk_view), TRUE, TRUE, 10);

  GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new("Click the image\nto open in a\nnew window");
  gtk_label_set_justify(GTK_LABEL(label), GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER);
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->prop_box), label, FALSE, TRUE, 10);
