Пример #1
Error BoshXMPPConnection::startConnect (bool withLogin, const XMPPStreamPtr & stream, int timeOutMs, const ResultCallback & callback) {
	if (mConnecting){
		Log (LogError) << LOGID << "There is already a connection process" << std::endl;
		return error::ExistsAlready;
	ConnectingOp * op = new ConnectingOp (sf::regTimeOutMs (timeOutMs));
	op->setId (genFreeId());
	op->resultCallback = callback;
	op->withLogin = withLogin;
	op->transport = BoshTransportPtr (new BoshTransport());
	op->stream = stream;
	op->boss = this;

	if (mDetails.port == 0)
		mDetails.port = 443;

	// Starting connect
	Url url = Url (String ("https://") + mDetails.server + ":" + toString (mDetails.port) +  "/http-bind/");
	BoshTransport::StringMap addArgs;
	addArgs["to"] = mDetails.server;
	addArgs["xmpp:version"] = "1.0";
	addArgs["xmlns:xmpp"] = "urn:xmpp:xbosh"; // is important for ejabberd

	op->transport->connect(url, addArgs, op->lastingTimeMs(), abind (dMemFun (this, &BoshXMPPConnection::onBoshConnect), op->id()));
	op->setState (ConnectingOp::WAIT_BOSH_CONNECT);
	setState (IMClient::CS_CONNECTING);
	addAsyncOp (op);
	return NoError;
Пример #2
Error TCPConnectProtocol::requestDetails (const HostId & target, const RequestConnectDetailsCallback & callback, int timeOutMs){
	OpId id = genFreeId ();
	RequestConnectDetails req;
	req.id = id;
	Error e = mCommunicationDelegate->send (target, Datagram::fromCmd(req));
	if (e) return e;
	RequestOp * op = new RequestOp (regTimeOutMs(timeOutMs));
	op->cb = callback;
	addAsyncOp (op);
	return NoError;
Пример #3
void HttpConnectionManager::giveBack (Error lastResult, const HttpConnectionPtr & connection) {
	if (lastResult) {
		// throw away, asynchronous
		// we do not trust this anymore...
		xcall (abind (&throwAway, connection));
	PendingConnectionOp * op = new PendingConnectionOp (regTimeOutMs (mGeneralTimeoutMs));
	AsyncOpId id = genFreeId();
	op->connection = connection;
	op->boss = this;
	op->connection->channel->changed() = abind (dMemFun (this, &HttpConnectionManager::onChannelChange), id);
	addToPendingConnections (op);
	Log (LogInfo) << LOGID << "Storing pending connection to " << connection->host <<  " id=" << id << std::endl;
	addAsyncOp (op);
Пример #4
void HttpConnectionManager::requestConnection (const Url & url, int timeOutMs, const RequestConnectionCallback & callback) {
	assert (callback);
		// Check the pool
		PendingConnectionMap::iterator i = mPendingConnections.find(ConId(url.protocol(), url.host()));
		if (i != mPendingConnections.end()){
			while (!i->second.empty()){
				AsyncOpId id = i->second.front();
				PendingConnectionOp * op;
				getReadyAsyncOp (id, PendingConnection, &op);
				if (op) {
					Log (LogInfo) << LOGID << "Reusing connection to " << url.protocol() << "/" << url.host() << " id=" << op->id() << std::endl;
					xcall (abind(callback, NoError, op->connection));
					delete op;
			// not existant anymore
			mPendingConnections.erase (i);
	EstablishConnectionOp * op = new EstablishConnectionOp (regTimeOutMs (timeOutMs));

	const String & protocol = url.protocol();
	if (protocol != "http" && protocol != "https") {
		Log (LogWarning) << LOGID << "Unsupported protocol: " << protocol << std::endl;
		return xcall(abind(callback, error::NotSupported, HttpConnectionPtr()));
	op->callback = callback;
	op->connection = HttpConnectionPtr (new HttpConnection());
	op->connection->host = url.host();
	op->connection->pureHost = url.pureHost();
	op->connection->protocol = url.protocol();
	TCPSocketPtr sock = TCPSocketPtr (new TCPSocket ());
	op->connection->channel = sock;
	Error e = sock->connectToHost(url.pureHost(), url.port(), timeOutMs, abind(dMemFun(this, &HttpConnectionManager::onTcpConnect), op->id()));
	if (e) {
		delete op;
		return xcall (abind(callback, e, HttpConnectionPtr()));
	addAsyncOp (op);