Пример #1
static void check_cardinality(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef desc, size_t size,
  LLVMBasicBlockRef next_block)
  LLVMValueRef field_count = gendesc_fieldcount(c, desc);
  LLVMValueRef count = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, size, false);
  LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntEQ, count, field_count,

  LLVMBasicBlockRef continue_block = codegen_block(c, "pattern_continue");
  LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, continue_block, next_block);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, continue_block);
Пример #2
static void trace_dynamic_tuple(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef ctx,
  LLVMValueRef ptr, LLVMValueRef desc, ast_t* type, ast_t* orig, ast_t* tuple)
  // Build a "don't care" type of our cardinality.
  size_t cardinality = ast_childcount(type);
  ast_t* dontcare = ast_from(type, TK_TUPLETYPE);

  for(size_t i = 0; i < cardinality; i++)
    ast_append(dontcare, ast_from(type, TK_DONTCARE));

  // Replace our type in the tuple type with the "don't care" type.
  bool in_tuple = (tuple != NULL);

    ast_swap(type, dontcare);
    tuple = dontcare;

  // If the original type is a subtype of the test type, then we are always
  // the correct cardinality. Otherwise, we need to dynamically check
  // cardinality.
  LLVMBasicBlockRef is_true = codegen_block(c, "");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef is_false = codegen_block(c, "");

  if(!is_subtype(orig, tuple, NULL))
    LLVMValueRef dynamic_count = gendesc_fieldcount(c, desc);
    LLVMValueRef static_count = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, cardinality, false);
    LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntEQ, static_count,
      dynamic_count, "");

    // Skip if not the right cardinality.
    LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, is_true, is_false);
  } else {
    LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, is_true);

  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, is_true);

  size_t index = 0;
  ast_t* child = ast_child(type);
  ast_t* dc_child = ast_child(dontcare);

  while(child != NULL)
        // Skip this element.

      case TRACE_ACTOR:
      case TRACE_KNOWN:
      case TRACE_UNKNOWN:
      case TRACE_KNOWN_VAL:
      case TRACE_TAG:
      case TRACE_TAG_OR_ACTOR:
      case TRACE_DYNAMIC:
        // If we are (A, B), turn (_, _) into (A, _).
        ast_t* swap = ast_dup(child);
        ast_swap(dc_child, swap);

        // Create a next block.
        LLVMBasicBlockRef next_block = codegen_block(c, "");

        // Load the object from the tuple field.
        LLVMValueRef field_info = gendesc_fieldinfo(c, desc, index);
        LLVMValueRef object = gendesc_fieldload(c, ptr, field_info);

        // Trace dynamic, even if the tuple thinks the field isn't dynamic.
        trace_dynamic(c, ctx, object, swap, orig, tuple, next_block);

        // Continue into the next block.
        LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, next_block);
        LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, next_block);

        // Restore (A, _) to (_, _).
        ast_swap(swap, dc_child);

      case TRACE_TUPLE:
        // If we are (A, B), turn (_, _) into (A, _).
        ast_t* swap = ast_dup(child);
        ast_swap(dc_child, swap);

        // Get a pointer to the unboxed tuple and it's descriptor.
        LLVMValueRef field_info = gendesc_fieldinfo(c, desc, index);
        LLVMValueRef field_ptr = gendesc_fieldptr(c, ptr, field_info);
        LLVMValueRef field_desc = gendesc_fielddesc(c, field_info);

        // Trace the tuple dynamically.
        trace_dynamic_tuple(c, ctx, field_ptr, field_desc, swap, orig, tuple);

        // Restore (A, _) to (_, _).
        ast_swap(swap, dc_child);

      default: {}

    child = ast_sibling(child);
    dc_child = ast_sibling(dc_child);

  // Restore the tuple type.
    ast_swap(dontcare, type);


  // Continue with other possible tracings.
  LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, is_false);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, is_false);