Пример #1
void CurlClient::doRequest(proxygen::HTTPMethod httpMethod, proxygen::HTTPMessage request,
		std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf> buf_body)
    std::cout << "do request !" << std::endl;
    request.setHTTPVersion(1, 1);
    URL url("https://newapi.mogujie.com/gw/mwp.PetStore.helloWorld/2/?data=123");
    //URL url("https://newapi.mogujie.com/gw/mwp.Petstore.helloworld/2/?data=123");

    if (!request.getHeaders().getNumberOfValues(HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT)) {
        request.getHeaders().add(HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT, "proxygen_curl");
    if (!request.getHeaders().getNumberOfValues(HTTP_HEADER_HOST)) {
        request.getHeaders().add(HTTP_HEADER_HOST, url.getHostAndPort());
    if (!request.getHeaders().getNumberOfValues(HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT)) {
        request.getHeaders().add("Accept", "*/*");
    request.getHeaders().add("SequenceNum", "123");
    std::string device_id = "484d39ffb532b735cf4873a5129c560f";
    request.getHeaders().add("mw-did", device_id);
    request.getHeaders().add("mw-lang", "zh_CN");
    request.getHeaders().add("mw-pv", "1.0");
    request.getHeaders().add("mw-t", "1461922412");
    std::string cs = "202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70";//util::getMd5CString("123", 3);

	std::string query = "100001&" + device_id
		+ "&zh_CN"
		+ "&1.0" + "&1461922412" + "&mwp.PetStore.helloWorld" + "&2&"
		+ cs;

	std::string token = generate_token(query.c_str(), "00c422a8d19627e941b5fb43fd6b80c0");
    token = "c98b25f90660de2c";
    request.getHeaders().add("mw-sign", token);
    std::cout << "send header!" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "send header!" << std::endl;
    txn_ = session_->newTransaction(this);
    if (!txn_)
        std::cout << "txn_ is empty!" << std::endl;
	// note that sendBody() is called only for POST. It's fine not to call it at all.
	///< 存在 body,同时是 post 请求时才发送 http body
    if (httpMethod == HTTPMethod::POST
            && buf_body
            && buf_body->length() > 0)
Пример #2
void generate_blacklist(char *config_fname, struct dataset *frames) {
	char blacklist_fname[1024] = {'\0'}, sel_string[1024] = {'\0'} ;
	char line[1024], section_name[1024], config_folder[1024], *token ;
	char *temp_fname = strndup(config_fname, 1024) ;
	sprintf(config_folder, "%s/", dirname(temp_fname)) ;
	free(temp_fname) ;
	FILE *config_fp = fopen(config_fname, "r") ;
	while (fgets(line, 1024, config_fp) != NULL) {
		if ((token = generate_token(line, section_name)) == NULL)
			continue ;
		if (strcmp(section_name, "emc") == 0) {
			if (strcmp(token, "blacklist_file") == 0)
				absolute_strcpy(config_folder, blacklist_fname, strtok(NULL, " =\n")) ;
			else if (strcmp(token, "selection") == 0)
				strcpy(sel_string, strtok(NULL, " =\n")) ;
	fclose(config_fp) ;
	if (sel_string[0] == '\0') {
		make_blacklist(blacklist_fname, 0, frames) ;
	else if (strcmp(sel_string, "odd_only") == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Only processing 'odd' frames\n") ;
		make_blacklist(blacklist_fname, 1, frames) ;
	else if (strcmp(sel_string, "even_only") == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Only processing 'even' frames\n") ;
		make_blacklist(blacklist_fname, 2, frames) ;
	else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Did not understand selection keyword: %s. Will process all frames\n", sel_string) ;
		make_blacklist(blacklist_fname, 0, frames) ;
	fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d blacklisted frames\n", frames->num_blacklist, frames->tot_num_data) ;
Пример #3
static void
receive_text (RingTextManager *self,
              RingTextChannel *channel,
              gchar const *message,
              GHashTable *info,
              guint32 sms_class)
  char const *sent;
  char *token;
  gint64 message_sent;
  gint64 message_received = (gint64) time(NULL);

  sent = tp_asv_get_string (info, "SentTime");
  if (sent)
    message_sent = modem_sms_parse_time (sent);
    message_sent = message_received;

  token = generate_token ();
  ring_text_channel_receive_text (channel,
      token, message, message_sent, message_received, sms_class);
  g_free (token);
Пример #4
int generate_data(char *config_fname, char *config_section, char *type_string, struct detector *det_list, struct dataset *frames_list) {
	int num_datasets = 0 ;
	char data_fname[1024] = {'\0'}, data_flist[1024] = {'\0'}, out_data_fname[1024] = {'\0'} ;
	char fname_opt[64], flist_opt[64] ;
	char line[1024], section_name[1024], config_folder[1024], *token ;
	char *temp_fname = strndup(config_fname, 1024) ;
	sprintf(config_folder, "%s/", dirname(temp_fname)) ;
	free(temp_fname) ;
	sprintf(fname_opt, "%s_photons_file", type_string) ;
	sprintf(flist_opt, "%s_photons_list", type_string) ;
	FILE *config_fp = fopen(config_fname, "r") ;
	while (fgets(line, 1024, config_fp) != NULL) {
		if ((token = generate_token(line, section_name)) == NULL)
			continue ;
		if (strcmp(section_name, "make_data") == 0) {
			if (strcmp(token, "out_photons_file") == 0)
				absolute_strcpy(config_folder, out_data_fname, strtok(NULL, " =\n")) ;
		else if (strcmp(section_name, config_section) == 0) {
			if (strcmp(token, fname_opt) == 0)
				absolute_strcpy(config_folder, data_fname, strtok(NULL, " =\n")) ;
			else if (strcmp(token, flist_opt) == 0)
				absolute_strcpy(config_folder, data_flist, strtok(NULL, " =\n")) ;
	fclose(config_fp) ;
	if (strcmp(data_fname, "make_data:::out_photons_file") == 0)
		strcpy(data_fname, out_data_fname) ;
	if (data_flist[0] != '\0' && data_fname[0] != '\0') {
		fprintf(stderr, "Config file contains both in_photons_file and in_photons_list. Pick one.\n") ;
		return 1 ;
	else if (data_fname[0] != '\0') {
		if (frames_list == NULL)
			frames_list = malloc(sizeof(struct dataset)) ;
		if (parse_dataset(data_fname, det_list, frames_list))
			return 1 ;
		frames_list->num_data_prev = 0 ;
		frames_list->next = NULL ;
		calc_sum_fact(det_list, frames_list) ;
		num_datasets = 1 ;
	else if (data_flist[0] != '\0') {
		if (frames_list == NULL)
			frames_list = malloc(sizeof(struct dataset)) ;
		frames_list->next = NULL ;
		if ((num_datasets = parse_data(data_flist, det_list, frames_list)) < 0)
			return 1 ;
	else if (strcmp(type_string, "in") == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Need either in_photons_file or in_photons_list.\n") ;
		return 1 ;
	if (strcmp(type_string, "in") == 0) {
		if (det_list[0].num_dfiles > 0 && det_list[0].num_dfiles != num_datasets) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Number of detector files and photon files don't match (%d vs %d)\n", det_list[0].num_dfiles, num_datasets) ;
			return 1 ;
		fprintf(stderr, "Number of dataset files = %d\n", num_datasets) ;
	return 0 ;
Пример #5
// Replace the incoming token from the cookies to the data set from driver
// database. If the token is not set or doesn't exist, it will generate a new
// one and set it in request variables for the output filter.
// TODO: It should be useful to put the token into a special header or cookie.
void psm_map_cookies(request_rec *r, psm_driver *driver)
    const char *header;
    char *token;
    psm_request_vars *vars;
    unsigned int found = 0;

    // Fetch configuration of the server
    vars = (psm_request_vars *) apr_palloc(r->pool, sizeof(psm_request_vars));

    // Look at `Cookie` header to get private state cookie
    header = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, HEADER_COOKIE);
    if (header != NULL) {
        int i;
        apr_array_header_t *cookies;

        // Parse incoming cookies
        cookies = parse_cookie(r->pool, header);

        // Test if the private state cookie is set and contains a token
        for (i = 0; i < cookies->nelts && ! found; i++) {
            psm_cookie *cookie = ((psm_cookie **)cookies->elts)[i];

            if (! strcasecmp(cookie->name, PSM_TOKEN_NAME) && strlen(cookie->value)) {
                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, r,
                    "Private token detected: %s", cookie->value);

                vars->token = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, cookie->value);
                found = 1;

    // Try to retrieve cookies from the driver if we found the private state cookie token
    if (found) {
        apr_array_header_t *cookies;

        // Initialize Apache array with the good size
        cookies = apr_array_make(r->pool, PSM_ARRAY_INIT_SZ, sizeof(psm_cookie *));

        // Fetch "data" cookies from the driver (aka db) and write them
        if (driver->fetch_cookies(r->pool, *driver->data, cookies, vars->token) == OK) {
            psm_write_cookie(r->headers_in, cookies);

        // If we didn't find it, trigger the token generation
        else {
            found = 0;

    // Re-check in case of fetch_cookies function failed
    if (! found) {
        // Generate a random token
        vars->token = generate_token(r->pool, PSM_TOKEN_LENGTH);

        // Unset incoming cookies
        apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, HEADER_COOKIE);

        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, r,
            "Not any private token found. New token set: %s", vars->token);

    // Set variables of this request for the output filter
    // TODO is it mandatory to set when `vars` is a pointer ?
    ap_set_module_config(r->request_config, &psm_module, vars);
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct mbus	*m;
    char		 c_addr[60], *token_u[2], *token_e[2];
    int		 seed = (gethostid() << 8) | (getpid() & 0xff), final_iters;
    struct timeval	 timeout;
    int		 i, num_sessions = 0;
    char **xargv = xmalloc(argc);
    int  xargc=0;

#ifdef WIN32
    win32_create_null_window(); /* Needed to listen to messages */
    signal(SIGCONT, sigchld_handler);
    signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
    signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);
    signal(SIGTERM, sigint_handler);
    signal(SIGHUP, sigint_handler);

    debug_msg("rat-%s started argc=%d\n", RAT_VERSION, argc);

    /* We have two modes: one for operation as a transcoder, one */
    /* when working as a normal end-system audio tool. We choose */
    /* based on the first command line argument supplied.        */
    if ((argc > 2) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-T") == 0)) {
        num_sessions = 2;
    } else {
        num_sessions = 1;

    if (parse_options_early(argc, (const char**)argv) == FALSE) {
        return FALSE;

    snprintf(c_addr, 60, "(media:audio module:control app:rat id:%lu)", (unsigned long) getpid());
    debug_msg("c_addr = %s\n", c_addr);
    m = mbus_init(mbus_control_rx, mbus_err_handler, c_addr);
    if (m == NULL) {
        fatal_error("RAT v" RAT_VERSION, "Could not initialize Mbus: Is multicast enabled?");
        return FALSE;

    /* pull out -X arguments */
    for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
        if( strcmp(argv[i],"-X") == 0 ) {
            xargv[xargc] = argv[i];
            xargv[xargc] = argv[i];

    if (ui_enabled) {
        token_u[0] = generate_token();
        fork_process(UI_NAME, c_addr, &pid_ui, 1, token_u, xargc, xargv);
        debug_msg("Controller waiting for %s from UI...\n", token_u[0]);
        if ((u_addr = mbus_rendezvous_waiting(m, "()", token_u[0], m, 20000000)) == NULL) {
            fatal_error("RAT v" RAT_VERSION, "MBUS Failed to rendezvous with UI - Likely firewall/VPN issue");
            return FALSE;
        debug_msg("Controller has rendezvous'd with UI (%s)\n",u_addr);

    token_e[0] = generate_token();
    token_e[1] = generate_token();
    fork_process(ENGINE_NAME, c_addr, &pid_engine, num_sessions, token_e, xargc, xargv);
    should_exit = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < num_sessions; i++) {
        debug_msg("Controller waiting for %s from media engine...\n", token_e[i]);
        if ((e_addr[i] = mbus_rendezvous_waiting(m, "()", token_e[i], m, 20000000)) == NULL ) {
            fatal_error("RAT v" RAT_VERSION, "Failed to rendezvous with media engine - Likely firewall/VPN issue");
            return FALSE;
        debug_msg("Controller rendezvous'd with media engine (%s)\n",e_addr[i]);

    if (parse_addresses(m, e_addr, argc, argv) == TRUE) {
        char	*peer;

        if (ui_enabled) {
            if ((peer = mbus_rendezvous_go(m, token_u[0], (void *) m, 20000000)) == NULL) {
                fatal_error("RAT v" RAT_VERSION, "Failed to rendezvous with UI - Likely firewall/VPN issue");
                return FALSE;
            debug_msg("User interface is %s\n", peer);
        for (i = 0; i < num_sessions; i++) {
            if ((peer = mbus_rendezvous_go(m, token_e[i], (void *) m, 20000000)) == NULL) {
                fatal_error("RAT v" RAT_VERSION, "Failed to rendezvous with UI - Likely firewall/VPN issue");
                return FALSE;
            debug_msg("Media engine %d is %s\n", i, peer);
        debug_msg("Parsing options\n");
        for (i = 0; i < num_sessions; i++) {
            parse_options_late(m, e_addr[i], argc, argv);
        debug_msg("Entering main loop\n");
        final_iters = 25;
        while (final_iters > 0) {
            mbus_heartbeat(m, 1);
            timeout.tv_sec  = 0;
            timeout.tv_usec = 20000;
#ifdef WIN32
            mbus_recv(m, NULL, &timeout);
            if (should_exit) {
        if (ui_enabled) {
            terminate(m, u_addr, &pid_ui);
        for (i = 0; i < num_sessions; i++) {
            terminate(m, e_addr[i], &pid_engine);

    if (ui_enabled) {

#ifdef WIN32
    if (ui_enabled) xfree(token_u[0]);
    debug_msg("Controller exit\n");
    return 0;
Пример #7
void do_insert(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
	OBJ_DATA *obj, *obj_next;
	OBJ_DATA *obj2;
	OBJ_DATA *machine, *machine_next;
	int reward;
	bool found;
	CHAR_DATA *to,*to_next;

	if(argument[0] == '\0')
		send_to_one(ch,"Insert what?");

	if( ( obj = get_obj_carry(ch,argument,ch)) == NULL)
	send_to_one(ch,"You don't have that to insert.");

	found = FALSE;

	for(machine = ch->in_room->contents; machine; machine = machine_next)
	machine_next = machine->next_content;
	if( machine->item_type == ITEM_TOKEN && machine->value[4] == 1)
		found = TRUE;

		if(  obj->item_type != ITEM_TOKEN)
			send_to_one(ch,"You can't insert that.");

	//alrighty, let's gamble
		send_to_one(ch,"You insert %s into %s.",obj->short_descr,machine->short_descr);
		for(to = ch->in_room->people; to; to = to_next)
			to_next = to->next_in_room;
			if(to->in_room == ch->in_room && to != ch)
				send_to_one(to,"%s inserts %s into %s.",PERS(ch,to), obj->short_descr,machine->short_descr);
		ch->inserted = obj;
		machine->value[2] += number_range(75,125);
			if(chance(45) && obj->value[0] != 4)//45 percent chance you win a new token
			else if( chance(5) && machine->value[2] != 0
				&& obj->value[0] == 0) //5 percent chance you hit jackpot with a normal token
				reward = machine->value[2];
				send_to_one(ch,"You hit the {RJ{WA{YC{BK{MP{CO{GT{x!");
				send_to_one(ch,"You win {Y%d gold!{x",reward);
		for(to = ch->in_room->people; to; to = to_next)
			to_next = to->next_in_room;
			if(to->in_room == ch->in_room && to != ch)
				send_to_one(to,"%s just hit the {RJ{WA{YC{BK{MP{CO{GT{x!\n\r%s won {Y%d gold{x!",PERS(ch,to),
					PERS(ch,to), reward);
				ch->gold += reward;
				machine->value[2] = 0;
			reward = number_range(obj->value[3],obj->value[2]);
			send_to_one(ch,"You win %d %s!",reward, token_table[obj->value[0]].reward);
				if (token_table[obj->value[0]].value == 1)
				ch->gold += reward;
				else if(token_table[obj->value[0]].value == 2)
				ch->practice += reward;
				else if(token_table[obj->value[0]].value == 3)
				ch->train += reward;
				else if(token_table[obj->value[0]].value == 4)
				ch->pcdata->questpoints += reward;
				else if(token_table[obj->value[0]].value == 5)
		send_to_one(ch,"You lost your %s token.",token_table[obj->value[0]].name);
			send_to_one(ch,"You see nothing to insert it into.");
