Пример #1
     return_type2 r(generate_vec(), x());
     if (disable_rvo)
         return r;
     return return_type2();
Пример #2
     return_type r(generate_vec());
     if (disable_rvo)
         return r;
     return return_type();
Пример #3
double minimize_md()
  static int ct_AN,num1,num2,po,num_trial;
  static int ix,iy,iz,iq1,iq2,iq3;
  static double sumx,sumy,sumz;
  static double cx1,cy1,cz1;
  static double cx2,cy2,cz2;
  static double **xyz2;
  static double MaxX,MaxY,MaxZ,MaxQ1,MaxQ2,MaxQ3;
  static double MinX,MinY,MinZ,MinQ1,MinQ2,MinQ3;
  static double dX,dY,dZ,dQ1,dQ2,dQ3;
  static double Min_MD,Last_Min_MD;
  static double Sx,Sy,Sz,Cx,Cy,Cz;
  static double Q1,Q2,Q3,x,y,z,dum;
  static double Fx,Fy,Fz,FQ1,FQ2,FQ3;
  static double Rot[5][5];

  /* allocation of array */  
  xyz2 = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*(atomnum2+1));
  for (ct_AN=0; ct_AN<=atomnum2; ct_AN++){
    xyz2[ct_AN] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*4);

  /* find the centroid */

  sumx = 0.0;
  sumy = 0.0;
  sumz = 0.0;
  for (ct_AN=1; ct_AN<=atomnum1; ct_AN++){
    sumx += Gxyz1[ct_AN][1];
    sumy += Gxyz1[ct_AN][2];
    sumz += Gxyz1[ct_AN][3];
  cx1 = cx1/(double)atomnum1;
  cy1 = cy1/(double)atomnum1;
  cz1 = cz1/(double)atomnum1;

  sumx = 0.0;
  sumy = 0.0;
  sumz = 0.0;
  for (ct_AN=1; ct_AN<=atomnum2; ct_AN++){
    sumx += Gxyz2[ct_AN][1];
    sumy += Gxyz2[ct_AN][2];
    sumz += Gxyz2[ct_AN][3];
  cx2 = cx2/(double)atomnum2;
  cy2 = cy2/(double)atomnum2;
  cz2 = cz2/(double)atomnum2;
  /* shift the centroid to the origin */
  for (ct_AN=1; ct_AN<=atomnum1; ct_AN++){
    Gxyz1[ct_AN][1] -= cx1;
    Gxyz1[ct_AN][2] -= cy1;
    Gxyz1[ct_AN][3] -= cz1;

  for (ct_AN=1; ct_AN<=atomnum2; ct_AN++){
    Gxyz2[ct_AN][1] -= cx2;
    Gxyz2[ct_AN][2] -= cy2;
    Gxyz2[ct_AN][3] -= cz2;

  po = 0;
  num1 = 12;
  num2 = 20;
  num_trial = 1;
  Last_Min_MD = 10000.0;
  Min_MD = 1.0e+10;

  do {

    if (num_trial==1){

      MaxX =  0.05;
      MinX = -0.05;
      MaxY =  0.05;
      MinY = -0.05;
      MaxZ =  0.05;
      MinZ = -0.05;

      MaxQ1 = 0.2;
      MinQ1 = 0.0;
      MaxQ2 = 0.2;
      MinQ2 = 0.0;
      MaxQ3 = 0.2;
      MinQ3 = 0.0;

    else {
      MaxX = Fx + 2.0*dX;
      MinX = Fx - 2.0*dX;
      MaxY = Fy + 2.0*dY;
      MinY = Fy - 2.0*dY;
      MaxZ = Fz + 2.0*dZ;
      MinZ = Fz - 2.0*dZ;

      MaxQ1 = FQ1 + 2.0*dQ1;
      MinQ1 = FQ1 - 2.0*dQ1;
      MaxQ2 = FQ2 + 2.0*dQ2;
      MinQ2 = FQ2 - 2.0*dQ2;
      MaxQ3 = FQ3 + 2.0*dQ3;
      MinQ3 = FQ3 - 2.0*dQ3;

    dX = (MaxX - MinX)/(double)num1; 
    dY = (MaxY - MinY)/(double)num1; 
    dZ = (MaxZ - MinZ)/(double)num1; 
    dQ1 = (MaxQ1 - MinQ1)/(double)num2; 
    dQ2 = (MaxQ2 - MinQ2)/(double)num2; 
    dQ3 = (MaxQ3 - MinQ3)/(double)num2; 

    for (ix=0; ix<num1; ix++){
      x = MinX + ix*dX;
      for (iy=0; iy<num1; iy++){
	y = MinY + iy*dY;
	for (iz=0; iz<num1; iz++){
	  z = MinZ + iz*dZ;
	  for (iq1=0; iq1<num2; iq1++){
	    Q1 = MinQ1 + iq1*dQ1;
	    Sx = sin(Q1);
	    Cx = cos(Q1);

	    for (iq2=0; iq2<num2; iq2++){
	      Q2 = MinQ2 + iq2*dQ2;
	      Sy = sin(Q2);
	      Cy = cos(Q2);

	      for (iq3=0; iq3<num2; iq3++){
		Q3 = MinQ3 + iq3*dQ3;
		Sz = sin(Q3);
		Cz = cos(Q3);

		/* make a transform matrix */

		Rot[1][1] = Cy*Cz;
		Rot[1][2] = Sx*Sy*Cz - Cx*Sz;
		Rot[1][3] = Cx*Sy*Cz + Sx*Sz;

		Rot[2][1] = Cy*Sz;
		Rot[2][2] = Sx*Sy*Sz + Cx*Cz;
		Rot[2][3] = Cx*Sy*Sz - Sx*Cz;

		Rot[3][1] = -Sy;
		Rot[3][2] = Sx*Cy;
		Rot[3][3] = Cx*Cy;

		for (ct_AN=1; ct_AN<=atomnum1; ct_AN++){
		  xyz2[ct_AN][1] =  Rot[1][1]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][1]-x) 
		                  + Rot[1][2]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][2]-y)  
		                  + Rot[1][3]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][3]-z);
		  xyz2[ct_AN][2] =  Rot[2][1]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][1]-x) 
		                  + Rot[2][2]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][2]-y)  
		                  + Rot[2][3]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][3]-z);

		  xyz2[ct_AN][3] =  Rot[3][1]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][1]-x) 
	 	                  + Rot[3][2]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][2]-y)  
		                  + Rot[3][3]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][3]-z);

		dum = md(Gxyz1, xyz2);
		if (dum<Min_MD){
		  Min_MD = dum;
		  Fx = x;
		  Fy = y;
		  Fz = z;
		  FQ1 = Q1;
		  FQ2 = Q2;
		  FQ3 = Q3;

         printf(" trial=%2d x,y,z=%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f Q1,Q2,Q3=%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f MD=%12.9f\n",



    if ( fabs(Last_Min_MD-Min_MD)<1.0e-5 ) po = 1;

    printf(" MD (previous trial)=%15.12f MD (current trial)=%15.12f\n",

    Last_Min_MD = Min_MD; 


  } while (po==0); 

  printf(" Final MD (Ang/N)=%15.12f\n",Min_MD); 
  printf(" Translated x,y,z (Ang) of centroid = %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n",Fx,Fy,Fz); 
  printf(" Rotation Angles  Q1,Q2,Q3 (Deg)    = %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n",

  /* generate a vector file */

  Sx = sin(FQ1);
  Cx = cos(FQ1);
  Sy = sin(FQ2);
  Cy = cos(FQ2);
  Sz = sin(FQ3);
  Cz = cos(FQ3);

  Rot[1][1] = Cy*Cz;
  Rot[1][2] = Sx*Sy*Cz - Cx*Sz;
  Rot[1][3] = Cx*Sy*Cz + Sx*Sz;

  Rot[2][1] = Cy*Sz;
  Rot[2][2] = Sx*Sy*Sz + Cx*Cz;
  Rot[2][3] = Cx*Sy*Sz - Sx*Cz;

  Rot[3][1] = -Sy;
  Rot[3][2] = Sx*Cy;
  Rot[3][3] = Cx*Cy;

  for (ct_AN=1; ct_AN<=atomnum1; ct_AN++){
    xyz2[ct_AN][1] =  Rot[1][1]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][1]-Fx) 
                    + Rot[1][2]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][2]-Fy)  
                    + Rot[1][3]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][3]-Fz);
    xyz2[ct_AN][2] =  Rot[2][1]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][1]-Fx) 
                    + Rot[2][2]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][2]-Fy)  
                    + Rot[2][3]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][3]-Fz);

    xyz2[ct_AN][3] =  Rot[3][1]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][1]-Fx) 
                    + Rot[3][2]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][2]-Fy)  
                    + Rot[3][3]*(Gxyz2[ct_AN][3]-Fz);

  printf(" generate a vector file, dgeo_vec.txt\n\n");
  generate_vec(Gxyz1, xyz2);

  /* freeing of array */  
  for (ct_AN=0; ct_AN<=atomnum2; ct_AN++){
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  static int i,po_d,d_i,anal_switch;
  static char file1[100];
  static char file2[100];

  printf(" diff_geo: analysis of structural deviation.\n"); 
  printf(" Copyright (C), 2004, Taisuke Ozaki \n"); 
  printf(" This is free software, and you are welcome to         \n"); 
  printf(" redistribute it under the constitution of the GNU-GPL.\n");

  if (argc!=5 && argc!=6){
    printf("  ./diff_geo file1.xyz file2.xyz -d rmsd\n\n");
    printf("   option\n");    
    printf("    -d rmsd      a root mean square of deviation\n");
    printf("    -d md        a mean deviation\n");
    printf("    -d mdbl 2.2  a mean deviation between bond lengths\n");
    printf("                 2.2 (Ang) means a cutoff bond length which\n");
    printf("                 can be taken into account in the calculation\n\n");

  po_d = 0;
  for (i=1; i<argc; i++){
    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0){
      po_d = 1;
      d_i = i;

  if (strcmp(argv[d_i+1],"rmsd")==0){
    anal_switch = 1;
    if (argc!=5){
      printf("  ./diff_geo file1.xyz file2.xyz -d rmsd\n\n");
      printf("   option\n");    
      printf("    -d rmsd      a root mean square of deviation\n");
      printf("    -d md        a mean deviation\n");
      printf("    -d mdbl      a mean deviation between bond lengths\n\n");
      printf("                 2.2 (Ang) means a cutoff bond length which\n");
      printf("                 can be taken into account in the calculation\n\n");
  else if (strcmp(argv[d_i+1],"md")==0){
    anal_switch = 2;
    if (argc!=5){
      printf("  ./diff_geo file1.xyz file2.xyz -d md\n\n");
      printf("   option\n");    
      printf("    -d rmsd      a root mean square of deviation\n");
      printf("    -d md        a mean deviation\n");
      printf("    -d mdbl      a mean deviation between bond lengths\n\n");
      printf("                 2.2 (Ang) means a cutoff bond length which\n");
      printf("                 can be taken into account in the calculation\n\n");
  else if (strcmp(argv[d_i+1],"mdbl")==0){
    anal_switch = 3;

    if (argc!=6){
      printf("  ./diff_geo file1.xyz file2.xyz -d mdbl 2.2\n\n");
      printf("   option\n");    
      printf("    -d rmsd      a root mean square of deviation\n");
      printf("    -d md        a mean deviation\n");
      printf("    -d mdbl      a mean deviation between bond lengths\n\n");
      printf("                 2.2 (Ang) means a cutoff bond length which\n");
      printf("                 can be taken into account in the calculation\n\n");

    BL0 = atof(argv[d_i+2]); 
    if (BL0<0.0){
      printf("Cutoff bond length is negative.\n");

    printf("  This option is not supported.\n");

  read_xyzfiles(file1, file2);

  /* a root mean square of deviation */ 
  if (anal_switch==1){
  /* a mean deviation */ 
  else if (anal_switch==2){
  /* a mean deviation between bond lengths */ 
  else if (anal_switch==3){
  /* generate a vector file */ 
  else if (anal_switch==4){
