std::string LLFloaterAvatarList::getSelectedName() { LLUUID id = getSelectedID(); LLAvatarListEntry *entry = getAvatarEntry(id); if (entry) { return entry->getName(); } return ""; }
void LLFloaterAvatarList::doCommand(void (*func)(const LLUUID &avatar, const std::string &name)) { LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids = mAvatarList->getSelectedIDs(); for (LLDynamicArray<LLUUID>::iterator itr = ids.begin(); itr != ids.end(); ++itr) { LLUUID avid = *itr; LLAvatarListEntry *entry = getAvatarEntry(avid); if (entry != NULL) { llinfos << "Executing command on " << entry->getName() << llendl; func(avid, entry->getName()); } } }
std::string LLFloaterAvatarList::getSelectedNames(const std::string& separator) { std::string ret = ""; LLDynamicArray<LLUUID> ids = mAvatarList->getSelectedIDs(); for (LLDynamicArray<LLUUID>::iterator itr = ids.begin(); itr != ids.end(); ++itr) { LLUUID avid = *itr; LLAvatarListEntry *entry = getAvatarEntry(avid); if (entry != NULL) { if (!ret.empty()) ret += separator; ret += entry->getName(); } } return ret; }
void LLFloaterAvatarList::updateAvatarList() { //llinfos << "radar refresh: updating map" << llendl; // Check whether updates are enabled LLCheckboxCtrl* check = getChild<LLCheckboxCtrl>("update_enabled_cb"); if (check && !check->getValue()) { mUpdate = FALSE; refreshTracker(); return; } else { mUpdate = TRUE; } //moved to pipeline to prevent a crash //gPipeline.forAllVisibleDrawables(updateParticleActivity); //todo: make this less of a hacked up copypasta from dales 1.18. if(gAudiop != NULL) { LLAudioEngine::source_map::iterator iter; for (iter = gAudiop->mAllSources.begin(); iter != gAudiop->mAllSources.end(); ++iter) { LLAudioSource *sourcep = iter->second; LLUUID uuid = sourcep->getOwnerID(); LLAvatarListEntry *ent = getAvatarEntry(uuid); if ( ent ) { ent->setActivity(LLAvatarListEntry::ACTIVITY_SOUND); } } } LLVector3d mypos = gAgent.getPositionGlobal(); { std::vector<LLUUID> avatar_ids; std::vector<LLUUID> sorted_avatar_ids; std::vector<LLVector3d> positions; LLWorld::instance().getAvatars(&avatar_ids, &positions, mypos, F32_MAX); sorted_avatar_ids = avatar_ids; std::sort(sorted_avatar_ids.begin(), sorted_avatar_ids.end()); for (std::vector<LLCharacter*>::const_iterator iter = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); iter != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++iter) { LLUUID avid = (*iter)->getID(); if (!std::binary_search(sorted_avatar_ids.begin(), sorted_avatar_ids.end(), avid)) { avatar_ids.push_back(avid); } } size_t i; size_t count = avatar_ids.size(); bool announce = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RadarChatKeys"); std::queue<LLUUID> announce_keys; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { std::string name; std::string first; std::string last; const LLUUID &avid = avatar_ids[i]; LLVector3d position; LLVOAvatar* avatarp = gObjectList.findAvatar(avid); if (avatarp) { // Skip if avatar is dead(what's that?) // or if the avatar is ourselves. // or if the avatar is a dummy if (avatarp->isDead() || avatarp->isSelf() || avatarp->mIsDummy) { continue; } // Get avatar data position = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(avatarp->getCharacterPosition()); name = avatarp->getFullname(); // [Ansariel: Display name support] LLAvatarName avatar_name; if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(avatarp->getID(), &avatar_name)) { static LLCachedControl<S32> phoenix_name_system("PhoenixNameSystem", 0); switch (phoenix_name_system) { case 0 : name = avatar_name.getLegacyName(); break; case 1 : name = (avatar_name.mIsDisplayNameDefault ? avatar_name.mDisplayName : avatar_name.getCompleteName()); break; case 2 : name = avatar_name.mDisplayName; break; default : name = avatar_name.getLegacyName(); break; } first = avatar_name.mLegacyFirstName; last = avatar_name.mLegacyLastName; } else continue; // [/Ansariel: Display name support] //duped for lower section if (name.empty() || (" ") == 0))// || (>getDefaultName()) == 0)) { if (!gCacheName->getFullName(avid, name)) //seems redudant with LLAvatarNameCache::get above... { continue; } } if (avid.isNull()) { //llinfos << "Key empty for avatar " << name << llendl; continue; } if (mAvatars.count(avid) > 0) { // Avatar already in list, update position F32 dist = (F32)(position - mypos).magVec(); mAvatars[avid].setPosition(position, (avatarp->getRegion() == gAgent.getRegion()), true, dist < 20.0, dist < 100.0); if(avatarp->isTyping())mAvatars[avid].setActivity(LLAvatarListEntry::ACTIVITY_TYPING); } else { // Avatar not there yet, add it LLAvatarListEntry entry(avid, name, position); if(announce && avatarp->getRegion() == gAgent.getRegion()) announce_keys.push(avid); mAvatars[avid] = entry; } } else { if (i < positions.size()) { position = positions[i]; } else { continue; } if (!gCacheName->getFullName(avid, name)) { //name = gCacheName->getDefaultName(); continue; //prevent (Loading...) } if (mAvatars.count(avid) > 0) { // Avatar already in list, update position F32 dist = (F32)(position - mypos).magVec(); mAvatars[avid].setPosition(position, gAgent.getRegion()->pointInRegionGlobal(position), false, dist < 20.0, dist < 100.0); } else { LLAvatarListEntry entry(avid, name, position); if(announce && gAgent.getRegion()->pointInRegionGlobal(position)) announce_keys.push(avid); mAvatars[avid] = entry; } } } //let us send the keys in a more timely fashion if(announce && !announce_keys.empty()) { std::ostringstream ids; int transact_num = (int)gFrameCount; int num_ids = 0; while(!announce_keys.empty()) { LLUUID id = announce_keys.front(); announce_keys.pop(); ids << "," << id.asString(); ++num_ids; if(ids.tellp() > 200) { gMessageSystem->newMessage("ScriptDialogReply"); gMessageSystem->nextBlock("AgentData"); gMessageSystem->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID()); gMessageSystem->nextBlock("Data"); gMessageSystem->addUUID("ObjectID", gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addS32("ChatChannel", -777777777); gMessageSystem->addS32("ButtonIndex", 1); gMessageSystem->addString("ButtonLabel",llformat("%d,%d", transact_num, num_ids) + ids.str()); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); num_ids = 0; ids.seekp(0); ids.str(""); } } if(num_ids > 0) { gMessageSystem->newMessage("ScriptDialogReply"); gMessageSystem->nextBlock("AgentData"); gMessageSystem->addUUID("AgentID", gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUID("SessionID", gAgent.getSessionID()); gMessageSystem->nextBlock("Data"); gMessageSystem->addUUID("ObjectID", gAgent.getID()); gMessageSystem->addS32("ChatChannel", -777777777); gMessageSystem->addS32("ButtonIndex", 1); gMessageSystem->addString("ButtonLabel",llformat("%d,%d", transact_num, num_ids) + ids.str()); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); } } } // llinfos << "radar refresh: done" << llendl; expireAvatarList(); refreshAvatarList(); refreshTracker(); }