avtIVPNIMRODIntegrator::partial_step(const avtIVPField* field,
                                    double *xin, int iflow, double h, double *xout)
  double Bval, dummy;

  xout[0] = xin[0];  xout[1] = xin[1];  xout[2] = xin[2];

  /* Q_i */
  if (advance(field, xout, iflow, 0, 0.5*h, NEWTACC))
    return avtIVPSolver::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;

  /* P_e */
  if (getBfield(field, xout, iflow, 1, &Bval, 0, &dummy))
    return avtIVPSolver::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;

  xout[flowtable[iflow][1]] += 0.5*h*Bval;

  /* P_i */
  if (advance(field, xout, iflow, 1, 0.5*h, NEWTACC))
    return avtIVPSolver::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;

  /* Q_e */
  if (getBfield(field, xout, iflow, 0, &Bval, 0, &dummy))
    return avtIVPSolver::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;

  xout[flowtable[iflow][0]] += 0.5*h*Bval;

  return avtIVPSolver::OK;
avtIVPNIMRODIntegrator::advance(const avtIVPField* field,
                               double *x, int iflow, int icomp, double h, double xacc)
  double Bval, Bprime, xold, dx;
  int it;
  const int ITMAX=15;

  xold = x[flowtable[iflow][icomp]];

  if (getBfield(field, x, iflow, icomp, &Bval, 0, &Bprime)) return 1;
  x[flowtable[iflow][icomp]] += h*Bval;  /* Initial guess */

  /* Newton iteration algorithm from Numerical Recipes */
  for (it=1; it<=ITMAX; it++) {
    if (getBfield(field, x, iflow, icomp, &Bval, 1, &Bprime)) return it+1;
    dx = (x[flowtable[iflow][icomp]] - h*Bval - xold)/(1.0 - h*Bprime);
    x[flowtable[iflow][icomp]] -= dx;
    if (fabs(dx) < xacc*h) return 0;
  } /* end loop it */

  if (fabs(dx) > 1.0e-3*h)
            "Newton method failed to converge in %d iterations (dx=%le, h=%le).\n",
            it, dx, h);
  return 0;
avtIVPNIMRODIntegrator::Step(avtIVPField* field, double t_max,
                            avtIVPStep* ivpstep)
    const double direction = sign( 1.0, t_max - t );

    h = sign( h, direction );
    // do not run past integration end
    if( (t + 1.01*h - t_max) * direction > 0.0 ) 
        h = t_max - t;

    // stepsize underflow?
    if( 0.1*std::abs(h) <= std::abs(t)*epsilon )
        return avtIVPSolver::STEPSIZE_UNDERFLOW;

    avtIVPSolver::Result res;
    avtVector yNew = yCur;

    // This call begins the NIMROD code.
    res = vpstep(field, yCur, h, yNew);

    if( res == avtIVPSolver::OK )
        ivpstep->resize( 4 );

        avtVector yCurCart,  yNewCart;

        yCurCart[0] = yCur[0] * cos(yCur[1]);
        yCurCart[1] = yCur[0] * sin(yCur[1]);
        yCurCart[2] = yCur[2];

        yNewCart[0] = yNew[0] * cos(yNew[1]);
        yNewCart[1] = yNew[0] * sin(yNew[1]);
        yNewCart[2] = yNew[2];
        (*ivpstep)[0] = yCurCart;
        (*ivpstep)[1] = (*ivpstep)[0] + getBfield(field,yCur) * h/3.0;
        (*ivpstep)[2] = (*ivpstep)[3] - getBfield(field,yNew) * h/3.0;
        (*ivpstep)[3] = yNewCart;

        ivpstep->t0 = t;
        ivpstep->t1 = t + h;

        yCur = yNew;
        t = t+h;

    // Reset the step size on sucessful step.
    h = h_max;
    return res;
Пример #4
  drawMowedLawn = true;
  memset(lawnMowStatus, 0, sizeof lawnMowStatus);
  //printf("%d\n", sizeof bfield);
  memset(bfield, 0, sizeof bfield);
  imgBfield = Mat(WORLD_SIZE_Y, WORLD_SIZE_X, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,0,0));
  imgWorld = Mat(WORLD_SIZE_Y, WORLD_SIZE_X, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,0,0));

  // perimeter lines coordinates (1/10 meter)
  std::vector<point_t> list;
  list.push_back( (point_t) {30, 35 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {50, 15 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {400, 40 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {410, 50 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {420, 90 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {350, 160 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {320, 190 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {210, 250 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {40, 300 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {20, 290 } );
  list.push_back( (point_t) {30, 230 } );

  chgStationX = 35;
  chgStationY = 150;

  // compute magnetic field (compute distance to perimeter lines)
  int x1 = list[list.size()-1].x;
  int y1 = list[list.size()-1].y;
  // for each perimeter line
  for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++){
    int x2 = list[i].x;
    int y2 = list[i].y;
    int dx = (x2-x1);
    int dy = (y2-y1);
    int len=(sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy )); // line length
    float phi = atan2(dy,dx); // line angle
    // compute magnetic field for points (x,y) around perimeter line
    for (int y=-200; y < 200; y++){
      for (int x=-100; x < len*2+100-1; x++){
        int px= x1 + cos(phi)*x/2 - sin(phi)*y;
        int py= y1 + sin(phi)*x/2 + cos(phi)*y;
        int xend = max(0, min(len, x/2)); // restrict to line ends
        int cx = x1 + cos(phi)*xend;  // cx on line
        int cy = y1 + sin(phi)*xend;  // cy on line
        if ((py >= 0) && (py < WORLD_SIZE_Y)
           && (px >=0) && (px < WORLD_SIZE_X)) {
          float r = max(0.000001, sqrt( (cx-px)*(cx-px) + (cy-py)*(cy-py) ) ) / 10; // distance to line (meter)
          float b=100.0/(2.0*M_PI*r); // field strength
          int c = pnpoly(list, px, py);
          //if ((y<=0) || (bfield[py][px] < 0)){
          if (c == 0){
            bfield[py][px] =  min(bfield[py][px], b);
          } else bfield[py][px] = max(bfield[py][px], b);

  // draw magnetic field onto image
  for (int y=0; y < WORLD_SIZE_Y; y++){
    for (int x=0; x < WORLD_SIZE_X; x++) {
      float b=30 + 30*sqrt( abs(getBfield(x,y)) );
      //b:=10 + bfield[y][x];
      int v = min(255, max(0, (int)b));
      Vec3b intensity;
      if (bfield[y][x] > 0){
      } else {
      imgBfield.at<Vec3b>(y, x) = intensity;