// getCorner: return cached/new corner with the given lattice location
const HashedCubeCorner *IsoSurfacePolygonizer::getCorner(int i, int j, int k) {
  const Point3DKey key(i, j, k, 0);
  const HashedCubeCorner *result = m_cornerMap.get(key);
  if(result != NULL) {
    return result;
  } else {
    HashedCubeCorner corner(key, getCornerPoint(key));
    m_cornerMap.put(key, corner);
    return m_cornerMap.get(key);
Пример #2
	void occlusionCulling(std::list<std::shared_ptr<DRBData>> &list, bool drawDebugLines)
		SCOPE_profile_cpu_function("Camera system");

		auto depthMap = GetRenderThread()->getDepthMapManager().getReadableMap();
		//for (auto &e : cameraList->meshs)
		//	readableDepthMap->testBox()

		if (depthMap.isValid() == false)

		auto j = list.begin();
		while (j != std::end(list))
			auto &d = *j;
			auto mesh = std::static_pointer_cast<DRBMeshData>(d);
			if (mesh->hadRenderMode(AGE_OCCLUDER))
			auto BB = mesh->getAABB();

			glm::vec2 minPoint = glm::vec2(1);
			glm::vec2 maxPoint = glm::vec2(-1);

			float minZ = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();

			for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
				auto point = depthMap->getMV() * d->getTransformation() * glm::vec4(BB.getCornerPoint(i), 1.0f);
				point /= point.w;

				if (point.x < -1)
					point.x = -1;
				if (point.y < -1)
					point.y = -1;
				if (point.x > 1)
					point.x = 1;
				if (point.y > 1)
					point.y = 1;

				minPoint.x = std::min(minPoint.x, point.x);
				minPoint.y = std::min(minPoint.y, point.y);
				maxPoint.x = std::max(maxPoint.x, point.x);
				maxPoint.y = std::max(maxPoint.y, point.y);

				point.z = (point.z + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
				minZ = std::min(minZ, point.z);

			glm::uvec2 screenMin(((minPoint + glm::vec2(1)) / glm::vec2(2)) * glm::vec2(depthMap->getMipmapWidth(), depthMap->getMipmapHeight()));
			glm::uvec2 screenMax(((maxPoint + glm::vec2(1)) / glm::vec2(2)) * glm::vec2(depthMap->getMipmapWidth(), depthMap->getMipmapHeight()));

			if (minZ < 0)
				minZ = 0;

			if (depthMap->testBox((uint32_t)(minZ * (1 << 24)), screenMin, screenMax) == false)
			if (drawDebugLines)
				GetRenderThread()->getQueue()->emplaceTask<AGE::Commands::ToRender::Draw2DQuad>(glm::vec2(minPoint.x, minPoint.y), glm::vec2(minPoint.x, maxPoint.y), glm::vec2(maxPoint.x, maxPoint.y), glm::vec2(maxPoint.x, minPoint.y), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));