std::wstring printInLinePoly(types::SinglePoly* _pPoly, std::wstring _stVar)
    std::wostringstream ostr;
    double* pdblIn = _pPoly->get();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < _pPoly->getSize() ; i++)

        if (pdblIn[i] != 0)
            DoubleFormat df;
            getDoubleFormat(pdblIn[i], &df);
            df.bPrintPoint = ostr.str().size() != 0;
            df.bPrintPlusSign = true;
            df.bPrintOne = i == 0;
            df.bPaddSign = false;
            df.bPrintBlank = false;
            df.bPrintPlusSign = false;

            addDoubleValue(&ostr, pdblIn[i], &df);
            if (i != 0)
                ostr << _stVar;
                if (i > 1)
                    ostr << "^" << i;
    return ostr.str();
Пример #2
  std::string XmlRpcValue::doubleToXml() const
    char fmtbuf[256], buf[256];
    snprintf(fmtbuf, sizeof(fmtbuf)-1, "<value><double>%s</double></value>", getDoubleFormat().c_str());
    fmtbuf[sizeof(fmtbuf)-1] = 0;
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fmtbuf, _value.asDouble);
    buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;

    return std::string(buf);
std::wstring printDouble(types::Double* _pD)
    std::wostringstream ostr;
    DoubleFormat df;
    getDoubleFormat(_pD->get(0), &df);
    df.bPrintPoint = false;
    df.bPaddSign = false;
    df.bPrintBlank = false;
    addDoubleValue(&ostr, _pD->get(0), &df);
    return ostr.str();
Пример #4
  std::string XmlRpcValue::doubleToXml() const
    char buf[256];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, getDoubleFormat().c_str(), _value.asDouble);
    buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;

    std::string xml = VALUE_TAG;
    xml += DOUBLE_TAG;
    xml += buf;
    xml += DOUBLE_ETAG;
    xml += VALUE_ETAG;
    return xml;
Пример #5
static void DoubleComplexMatrix2String(std::wostringstream *_postr,  double _dblR, double _dblI)
    if R && !C -> R
    if R && C -> R + Ci
    if !R && !C -> 0
    if(!R aa C	-> Ci
    DoubleFormat dfR, dfI;
    dfR.bPrintBlank = false;
    dfI.bPrintBlank = false;

    getDoubleFormat(_dblR, &dfR);
    getDoubleFormat(_dblI, &dfI);

    dfR.bPrintPoint = dfR.bExp;
    dfR.bPaddSign = false;

    dfI.bPrintPoint = dfI.bExp;
    dfI.bPaddSign = false;

    // decrease precision when the real number will be rounded
    // format(10) with number 1.12345678 should return 1.1234568
    if (dfR.iWidth == ConfigVariable::getFormatSize())
        if (dfR.iPrec != 0)


    if (dfI.iWidth == ConfigVariable::getFormatSize())
        if (dfI.iPrec != 0)


    if (_dblR == 0)
        //no real part
        if (_dblI == 0)
            //no imaginary part

            addDoubleValue(_postr, 0, &dfR);
            //imaginary part

            *_postr << (_dblI < 0 ? L"-" : L"");
            *_postr << L"%i";
            if (fabs(_dblI) != 1 || dfI.bExp)
                //specail case if I == 1 write only %i and not %i*1
                *_postr << L"*";
                addDoubleValue(_postr, fabs(_dblI), &dfI);
        //real part
        if (_dblI == 0)
            //no imaginary part

            addDoubleValue(_postr, _dblR, &dfR);
            //imaginary part

            addDoubleValue(_postr, _dblR, &dfR);
            *_postr << (_dblI < 0 ? L"-%i" : L"+%i");
            if (fabs(_dblI) != 1 || dfI.bExp)
                //special case if I == 1 write only %i and not %i*1
                *_postr << L"*";
                addDoubleValue(_postr, fabs(_dblI), &dfI);