void EventFunctionMFactory::parseXml(TiXmlNode* node)
		boost::shared_ptr<EventFunction> ptr;
		//bool equality = getElementBool(node,"equality");
		bool equality = node->FirstChild("checkValue").Attribute("equality");
		double checkValue = d_xpath_double(node,"//checkValue/text()");
		std::string functionType = getElementValue(node,"functionType");

		if(to_upper_copy(functionType)=="UPEVENTCHECK"){ptr = boost::shared_ptr<EventFunction>(new UpEventCheck(checkValue,equality));}
		else if(to_upper_copy(functionType)=="DOWNEVENTCHECK"){ptr = boost::shared_ptr<EventFunction>(new DownEventCheck(checkValue,equality));}
		else if(to_upper_copy(functionType)=="UPDOWNEVENTCHECK"){ptr = boost::shared_ptr<EventFunction>(
					new UpDownEventCheck(checkValue,equality,checkValue,equality));}
		//else if(functionType=="RangeCheck"){ptr = boost::shared_ptr<EventFunction>(new IdentityEventCheck(checkValue,equality));}
		else{ptr = boost::shared_ptr<EventFunction>(new IdentityEventCheck(equality));}

		//std::string value = node->FirstChildElement()->GetText();

		std::string functionSymbol = getElementValue(node,"functionSymbol");
		std::string indexSymbol = getElementValue(node,"indexSymbol");

		eventFunctionM_ = boost::shared_ptr<EventFunctionManager>(
									new EventFunctionManager(functionSymbol,

Пример #2
bool ReadJoystick(F32 axes[MaxJoystickAxes], U32 &buttonMask, U32 &hatMask)
      return false;

   S32 i;
   for(i = 0; i < MaxJoystickAxes; i++)
      ControllerElement *e = &gController.axes[i];
      S32 elementValue = getElementValue(e);
      S32 diff = e->maxValue - e->minValue;
      if(diff != 0)
         axes[i] = (elementValue - e->minValue) * 2 / F32(diff);
         axes[i] -= 1;
         axes[i] = 0;

   buttonMask = 0;
   for(i = 0; i < gController.buttons.size(); i++)
      ControllerElement *e = &gController.buttons[i];
      S32 value = getElementValue(e);
         buttonMask |= (1 << i);
   return true;
Пример #3
// start<limit && all strings longer than unitIndex &&
// length different units at unitIndex
StringTrieBuilder::Node *
StringTrieBuilder::makeBranchSubNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex,
                                   int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        return NULL;
    UChar middleUnits[kMaxSplitBranchLevels];
    Node *lessThan[kMaxSplitBranchLevels];
    int32_t ltLength=0;
    while(length>getMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength()) {
        // Branch on the middle unit.
        // First, find the middle unit.
        int32_t i=skipElementsBySomeUnits(start, unitIndex, length/2);
        // Create the less-than branch.
        middleUnits[ltLength]=getElementUnit(i, unitIndex);  // middle unit
        lessThan[ltLength]=makeBranchSubNode(start, i, unitIndex, length/2, errorCode);
        // Continue for the greater-or-equal branch.
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        return NULL;
    ListBranchNode *listNode=new ListBranchNode();
    if(listNode==NULL) {
        return NULL;
    // For each unit, find its elements array start and whether it has a final value.
    int32_t unitNumber=0;
    do {
        int32_t i=start;
        UChar unit=getElementUnit(i++, unitIndex);
        i=indexOfElementWithNextUnit(i, unitIndex, unit);
        if(start==i-1 && unitIndex+1==getElementStringLength(start)) {
            listNode->add(unit, getElementValue(start));
        } else {
            listNode->add(unit, makeNode(start, i, unitIndex+1, errorCode));
    } while(++unitNumber<length-1);
    // unitNumber==length-1, and the maxUnit elements range is [start..limit[
    UChar unit=getElementUnit(start, unitIndex);
    if(start==limit-1 && unitIndex+1==getElementStringLength(start)) {
        listNode->add(unit, getElementValue(start));
    } else {
        listNode->add(unit, makeNode(start, limit, unitIndex+1, errorCode));
    Node *node=registerNode(listNode, errorCode);
    // Create the split-branch nodes.
    while(ltLength>0) {
            new SplitBranchNode(middleUnits[ltLength], lessThan[ltLength], node), errorCode);
    return node;
Пример #4
 * Function : getServiceTable
 * Parameters :
 * 	IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information
 *	service_table *out ;	output parameter which will contain the
 *				service list and URL
 *	const char *DefaultURLBase ; Default base URL on which the URL
 *				will be returned.
 * Description : Retrieve service from the table
 * Return : int ;
 * Note :
getServiceTable( IXML_Node * node,
                 service_table * out,
                 const char *DefaultURLBase )
    IXML_Node *root = NULL;
    IXML_Node *URLBase = NULL;

    if( getSubElement( "root", node, &root ) ) {
        if( getSubElement( "URLBase", root, &URLBase ) ) {
            out->URLBase = getElementValue( URLBase );
        } else {
            if( DefaultURLBase ) {
                out->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( DefaultURLBase );
            } else {
                out->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( "" );

        if( ( out->serviceList = getAllServiceList(
            root, out->URLBase, &out->endServiceList ) ) ) {
            return 1;


    return 0;
Vector BridgedMultiColvarFunction::retrieveCentralAtomPos(){
  if( atomsWithCatomDer.getNumberActive()==0 ){
      Vector cvec = mycolv->retrieveCentralAtomPos();

      // Copy the value and derivatives from the MultiColvar
      for(unsigned i=0;i<3;++i){
         setElementValue( getCentralAtomElementIndex() + i, mycolv->getElementValue( mycolv->getCentralAtomElementIndex() + i ) );
         unsigned nbase = ( getCentralAtomElementIndex() + i)*getNumberOfDerivatives();
         unsigned nbas2 = ( mycolv->getCentralAtomElementIndex() + i )*mycolv->getNumberOfDerivatives();
         for(unsigned j=0;j<mycolv->atomsWithCatomDer.getNumberActive();++j){
             unsigned n=mycolv->atomsWithCatomDer[j], nx=3*n; atomsWithCatomDer.activate(n);
             addElementDerivative(nbase + nx + 0, mycolv->getElementDerivative(nbas2 + nx + 0) );
             addElementDerivative(nbase + nx + 1, mycolv->getElementDerivative(nbas2 + nx + 1) );
             addElementDerivative(nbase + nx + 2, mycolv->getElementDerivative(nbas2 + nx + 2) ); 
      for(unsigned j=0;j<mycolv->atomsWithCatomDer.getNumberActive();++j) atomsWithCatomDer.updateIndex( mycolv->atomsWithCatomDer[j] );
      return cvec;
  Vector cvec;
  for(unsigned i=0;i<3;++i) cvec[i]=getElementValue(1+i);
  return cvec;
Пример #6
*	Function :	removeServiceTable
*	Parameters :
*		IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information
*		service_table *in ;	service table from which services will be 
*							removed
*	Description :	This function assumes that services for a particular 
*		root device are placed linearly in the service table, and in the 
*		order in which they are found in the description document
*		all services for this root device are removed from the list
*	Return : int ;
*	Note :
removeServiceTable( IXML_Node * node,
                    service_table * in )
    IXML_Node *root = NULL;
    IXML_Node *currentUDN = NULL;
    DOMString UDN = NULL;
    IXML_NodeList *deviceList = NULL;
    service_info *current_service = NULL;
    service_info *start_search = NULL;
    service_info *prev_service = NULL;
    long unsigned int NumOfDevices = 0lu;
    long unsigned int i = 0lu;

    if( getSubElement( "root", node, &root ) ) {
        current_service = in->serviceList;
        start_search = in->serviceList;
        deviceList =
            ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName( ( IXML_Element * ) root,
                                              "device" );
        if( deviceList != NULL ) {
            NumOfDevices = ixmlNodeList_length( deviceList );
            for( i = 0lu; i < NumOfDevices; i++ ) {
                if( ( start_search )
                    && ( ( getSubElement( "UDN", node, &currentUDN ) )
                         && ( UDN = getElementValue( currentUDN ) ) ) ) {
                    current_service = start_search;
                    /*Services are put in the service table in the order in which they appear in the  */
                    /*description document, therefore we go through the list only once to remove a particular */
                    /*root device */
                    while( ( current_service )
                           && ( strcmp( current_service->UDN, UDN ) ) ) {
                        current_service = current_service->next;
			if( current_service != NULL) 
                        	prev_service = current_service->next;
                    while( ( current_service )
                           && ( !strcmp( current_service->UDN, UDN ) ) ) {
                        if( prev_service ) {
                            prev_service->next = current_service->next;
                        } else {
                            in->serviceList = current_service->next;
                        if( current_service == in->endServiceList )
                            in->endServiceList = prev_service;
                        start_search = current_service->next;
                        freeService( current_service );
                        current_service = start_search;
                    ixmlFreeDOMString( UDN );
                    UDN = NULL;

            ixmlNodeList_free( deviceList );
    return 1;
Пример #7
void MultiColvarBase::quotientRule( const unsigned& uder, const unsigned& vder, const unsigned& iout ){
  unsigned ustart=uder*getNumberOfDerivatives();
  unsigned vstart=vder*getNumberOfDerivatives();
  unsigned istart=iout*getNumberOfDerivatives();
  double weight = getElementValue( vder ), pref = getElementValue( uder ) / (weight*weight);
  if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ){
      for(unsigned i=0;i<atoms_with_derivatives.getNumberActive();++i){
          unsigned n=3*atoms_with_derivatives[i], nx=n, ny=n+1, nz=n+2;
          setElementDerivative( istart + nx, getElementDerivative(ustart+nx) / weight - pref*getElementDerivative(vstart+nx) );
          setElementDerivative( istart + ny, getElementDerivative(ustart+ny) / weight - pref*getElementDerivative(vstart+ny) );
          setElementDerivative( istart + nz, getElementDerivative(ustart+nz) / weight - pref*getElementDerivative(vstart+nz) );
      unsigned vbase=3*getNumberOfAtoms();
      for(unsigned i=0;i<9;++i){ 
          setElementDerivative( istart + vbase + i, getElementDerivative(ustart+vbase+i) / weight - pref*getElementDerivative(vstart+vbase+i) );
  thisval_wasset[iout]=false; setElementValue( iout, getElementValue(uder) / weight );
Пример #8
Vector MultiColvarBase::retrieveCentralAtomPos(){
  if( atomsWithCatomDer.getNumberActive()==0 ){
      Vector cvec = calculateCentralAtomPosition();
      for(unsigned i=0;i<3;++i) setElementValue( getCentralAtomElementIndex()+i, cvec[i] );
      return cvec;
  Vector cvec; 
  for(unsigned i=0;i<3;++i) cvec[i]=getElementValue( 2+i );
  return cvec;
 * The JsonList for the findElement Function to test are as shown below,                                    *
 *                                                                                                          *
 *  {                                                                                                       *
 *    "NAME1":"JS",                                                                                         *
 *    "AGE"  :{ "NAME2":"STEVEN",                                                                           *
 *              "NAME3":"YEN"}                                                                              *
 *  }                                                                                                       *
 *                                                                                                          *
 * -Test to find the 'Key'="AGE" in recur=0.                                                                *
 * -Test to find the 'Key'="NAME3" in recur=1.                                                              *
 * -Test to get the 'Value' for the 'Key' found in recur=1.                                                 *
 *                                                                                                          *                                                                                                         *
void test_Finding_Element_in_Recursion_JSON_List()
  printf("JSON list Finding Element test No.4\n");
  JsonObject *jsonObj;
  Token *jsonTok;
  ListElement *findKey;
  Token *findVal;
  ErrorObject *err;


  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(openBrace0);    //"{"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(NAME1);         //"NAME1"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(colon0);        //":"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(JS);            //"JS"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(coma0);          //","
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(AGE);           //"AGE"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(colon1);        //":"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(openBrace1);    //"{"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(NAME2);         //"NAME2"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(colon2);        //":"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(STEVEN);        //"STEVEN"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(coma1);          //","
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(NAME3);         //"NAME3"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(colon3);        //":"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(YEN);           //"YEN"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(closeBrace0);   //"}"
  getToken_ExpectAndReturn(closeBrace1);   //"}"


    findKey=(ListElement *)(keyFind(((JsonToken *)jsonTok)->list, "AGE", strCompare));
    findKey=(ListElement *)(keyFind(((JsonToken *)(((OperatorToken *)(findKey->value))->token[1]))->list, "NAME3", strCompare));
    findVal=(Token *)(getElementValue(findKey));
    TEST_FAIL_JSON("unexpected error occurred =>'%s'",err->errorMsg);

  TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(((StringToken *)(YEN))->name,((StringToken *)(findVal))->name);


Пример #10
void ExposedModel::notifyListeners(QString key) {
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<QScriptValue> >::iterator listenersFound = m_listeners.find(key.toStdString());
    if(listenersFound != m_listeners.end()) {
        std::vector<QScriptValue>& listeners = listenersFound->second;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < listeners.size(); ++i) {
            listeners[i].call(QScriptValue(), QScriptValueList()
                              << key
                              << getElementValue(key));
Пример #11
void MultiColvarBase::copyElementsToBridgedColvar( BridgedMultiColvarFunction* func ){
  func->setElementValue( 0, getElementValue(0) ); 
  for(unsigned i=0;i<atoms_with_derivatives.getNumberActive();++i){
     unsigned n=atoms_with_derivatives[i], nx=3*n;
     func->addElementDerivative( nx+0, getElementDerivative(nx+0) );
     func->addElementDerivative( nx+1, getElementDerivative(nx+1) );
     func->addElementDerivative( nx+2, getElementDerivative(nx+2) ); 
  unsigned nvir=3*getNumberOfAtoms();
  for(unsigned i=0;i<9;++i){ 
     func->addElementDerivative( nvir, getElementDerivative(nvir) ); nvir++;
Пример #12
// Requires start<limit,
// and all strings of the [start..limit[ elements must be sorted and
// have a common prefix of length unitIndex.
StringTrieBuilder::Node *
StringTrieBuilder::makeNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        return NULL;
    UBool hasValue=FALSE;
    int32_t value=0;
    if(unitIndex==getElementStringLength(start)) {
        // An intermediate or final value.
        if(start==limit) {
            return registerFinalValue(value, errorCode);
    Node *node;
    // Now all [start..limit[ strings are longer than unitIndex.
    int32_t minUnit=getElementUnit(start, unitIndex);
    int32_t maxUnit=getElementUnit(limit-1, unitIndex);
    if(minUnit==maxUnit) {
        // Linear-match node: All strings have the same character at unitIndex.
        int32_t lastUnitIndex=getLimitOfLinearMatch(start, limit-1, unitIndex);
        Node *nextNode=makeNode(start, limit, lastUnitIndex, errorCode);
        // Break the linear-match sequence into chunks of at most kMaxLinearMatchLength.
        int32_t length=lastUnitIndex-unitIndex;
        int32_t maxLinearMatchLength=getMaxLinearMatchLength();
        while(length>maxLinearMatchLength) {
            node=createLinearMatchNode(start, lastUnitIndex, maxLinearMatchLength, nextNode);
            nextNode=registerNode(node, errorCode);
        node=createLinearMatchNode(start, unitIndex, length, nextNode);
    } else {
        // Branch node.
        int32_t length=countElementUnits(start, limit, unitIndex);
        // length>=2 because minUnit!=maxUnit.
        Node *subNode=makeBranchSubNode(start, limit, unitIndex, length, errorCode);
        node=new BranchHeadNode(length, subNode);
    if(hasValue && node!=NULL) {
        if(matchNodesCanHaveValues()) {
            ((ValueNode *)node)->setValue(value);
        } else {
            node=new IntermediateValueNode(value, registerNode(node, errorCode));
    return registerNode(node, errorCode);
Пример #13
	 * The neuronsWithActivationChange parameter can be used to collect all DoubelValues that correspond
	 * to activation values of neurons. These neurons have to be collected in each DymnamcisPlotter in
	 * variable DynamcisPlotter::mNeuronsWithActivationsToTransfer to be handled correctly, if the
	 * activation of a neuron should be varied during an analyzer run. Otherwise the varied activations
	 * are immediately overwritten by the newly calculated activations at the first network update.
	 * If this method is used to collect elements that will NOT be changed during analyzer runs,
	 * then the last parameter MUST be empty. Othewise activations of neurons collected in this way
	 * will be treated differently compared to the other neurons in the network. This may lead to
	 * unexpected and erroneous behavior.
	 * @param specifier the specification of the desired DoubleValue object.
	 * @param networkElements the list of objects that are considered to find the specified DoubleValue object.
	 * @param neuronsWithActivationChange (optional) list to collect all activation values that are going to be changed during a run.
	DoubleValue* DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValue(QString const &specifier,
													  QList<NeuralNetworkElement*> const &networkElements,
													  QList<Neuron*> *neuronsWithActivationChange)
		if(specifier.isEmpty()) {
			reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValue(2) : "
						  "Empty specifier!");
			return 0;

		QStringList specifierParts = specifier.split(":");
		if(specifierParts.size() < 2 || specifierParts.size() > 3) {
			reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValue(2) : "
						  "Invalid specifier ["+specifier+"]!");
			return 0;

		bool idValid;
		QString idString = specifierParts.first();
		QString parameter = specifier;
		parameter = parameter.remove(0, idString.size()+1);
		qulonglong id = idString.toULongLong(&idValid);
		if(!idValid) {
			reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValue(2) : "
						  "Invalid ID ["+idString+"]!");
			return 0;

		NeuralNetworkElement* networkElement;
		networkElement = NeuralNetwork::selectNetworkElementById(id, networkElements);
		if(networkElement == 0) {
			reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValue(2) : "
						  "No element with ID ["+idString+"] "
						  "found in given list!");
			return 0;

		DoubleValue* elementValue;
		elementValue = getElementValue(parameter, networkElement, neuronsWithActivationChange);
		if(elementValue == 0) {
			reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValue(2) : "
						  "Could not find specified parameter value at element!");
			return 0;

		return elementValue;
Пример #14
// Requires start<limit,
// and all strings of the [start..limit[ elements must be sorted and
// have a common prefix of length unitIndex.
StringTrieBuilder::writeNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex) {
    UBool hasValue=FALSE;
    int32_t value=0;
    int32_t type;
    if(unitIndex==getElementStringLength(start)) {
        // An intermediate or final value.
        if(start==limit) {
            return writeValueAndFinal(value, TRUE);  // final-value node
    // Now all [start..limit[ strings are longer than unitIndex.
    int32_t minUnit=getElementUnit(start, unitIndex);
    int32_t maxUnit=getElementUnit(limit-1, unitIndex);
    if(minUnit==maxUnit) {
        // Linear-match node: All strings have the same character at unitIndex.
        int32_t lastUnitIndex=getLimitOfLinearMatch(start, limit-1, unitIndex);
        writeNode(start, limit, lastUnitIndex);
        // Break the linear-match sequence into chunks of at most kMaxLinearMatchLength.
        int32_t length=lastUnitIndex-unitIndex;
        int32_t maxLinearMatchLength=getMaxLinearMatchLength();
        while(length>maxLinearMatchLength) {
            writeElementUnits(start, lastUnitIndex, maxLinearMatchLength);
        writeElementUnits(start, unitIndex, length);
    } else {
        // Branch node.
        int32_t length=countElementUnits(start, limit, unitIndex);
        // length>=2 because minUnit!=maxUnit.
        writeBranchSubNode(start, limit, unitIndex, length);
        if(--length<getMinLinearMatch()) {
        } else {
    return writeValueAndType(hasValue, value, type);
Пример #15
void MultiColvarBase::performTask(){
  // Currently no atoms have derivatives so deactivate those that are active
  // Currently no central atoms have derivatives so deactive them all
  // Retrieve the atom list
  if( !setupCurrentAtomList( getCurrentTask() ) ) return;

  // Do a quick check on the size of this contribution  
  calculateWeight(); // printf("HELLO WEIGHT %f \n",getElementValue(1) );
  if( getElementValue(1)<getTolerance() ){

  // Compute everything
  double vv=doCalculation();
  // Set the value of this element in ActionWithVessel
  setElementValue( 0, vv );
Пример #16
*	Function :	addServiceTable
*	Parameters :
*		IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information 
*		service_table *in ;	service table that will be initialized with 
*							services
*		const char *DefaultURLBase ; Default base URL on which the URL 
*							will be returned to the service list.
*	Description :	Add Service to the table.
*	Return : int ;
*	Note :
addServiceTable( IXML_Node * node,
                 service_table * in,
                 const char *DefaultURLBase )
    IXML_Node *root = NULL;
    IXML_Node *URLBase = NULL;

    service_info *tempEnd = NULL;

    if( in->URLBase ) {
        free( in->URLBase );
        in->URLBase = NULL;

    if( getSubElement( "root", node, &root ) ) {
        if( getSubElement( "URLBase", root, &URLBase ) ) {
            in->URLBase = getElementValue( URLBase );
        } else {
            if( DefaultURLBase ) {
                in->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( DefaultURLBase );
            } else {
                in->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( "" );

        if( ( in->endServiceList->next =
              getAllServiceList( root, in->URLBase, &tempEnd ) ) ) {
            in->endServiceList = tempEnd;
            return 1;


    return 0;
Пример #17
	 * The neuronsWithActivationChange parameter can be used to collect all DoubelValues that correspond
	 * to activation values of neurons. These neurons have to be collected in each DymnamcisPlotter in
	 * variable DynamcisPlotter::mNeuronsWithActivationsToTransfer to be handled correctly, if the
	 * activation of a neuron should be varied during an analyzer run. Otherwise the varied activations
	 * are immediately overwritten by the newly calculated activations at the first network update.
	 * If this method is used to collect elements that will NOT be changed during analyzer runs,
	 * then the last parameter MUST be empty. Othewise activations of neurons collected in this way
	 * will be treated differently compared to the other neurons in the network. This may lead to
	 * unexpected and erroneous behavior.
	 * @param specifierLists a list of stringlists, containing the single specifications of DoubleValues.
	 * @param networkElements the list of objects that are considered to find the specified DoubleValue object.
	 * @param neuronsWithActivationChange (optional) list to collect all activation values that are going to be changed during a run.
	QList< QList<DoubleValue*> > DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValues(QList<QStringList> const &specifierLists,
																	   QList<NeuralNetworkElement*> const &networkElements,
																	   QList<Neuron*> *neuronsWithActivationChange)
		QList< QList<DoubleValue*> > plotElements, emptyList;
		emptyList = QList< QList<DoubleValue*> >();

		for(int listNr = 0; listNr < specifierLists.size(); ++listNr) {
			QList<DoubleValue*> elementValues;

			QStringList specifierList = specifierLists.at(listNr);
			for(int specifierNr = 0; specifierNr < specifierList.size(); ++specifierNr) {

				QString specifier = specifierList.at(specifierNr);
				if(specifier.isEmpty()) {
					reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValues : Empty specifier!");
					return emptyList;

				QStringList parameters = specifier.split(":");
				if(parameters.size() < 2 || parameters.size() > 3) {
					reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValues : Invalid specifier ["+specifier+"]!");
					return emptyList;

				if(parameters.first() == "all") {
					QList<DoubleValue*> netValues;
					DoubleValue* elementValue;
					QString parameter = specifier.remove("all:");

					for(int elemNr = 0; elemNr < networkElements.size(); ++elemNr) {
						NeuralNetworkElement* networkElement = networkElements.at(elemNr);
						elementValue = getElementValue(parameter, networkElement, neuronsWithActivationChange);

						if(elementValue != 0) {


				} else {
					DoubleValue* elementValue;
					elementValue = getElementValue(specifier, networkElements, neuronsWithActivationChange);

					if(elementValue == 0) {
						reportProblem("DynamicsPlotterUtil::getElementValues : Could not find a value "
									  "for element specifier ["+specifier+"]!");
						return emptyList;




		return plotElements;
Пример #18
// start<limit && all strings longer than unitIndex &&
// length different units at unitIndex
StringTrieBuilder::writeBranchSubNode(int32_t start, int32_t limit, int32_t unitIndex, int32_t length) {
    UChar middleUnits[kMaxSplitBranchLevels];
    int32_t lessThan[kMaxSplitBranchLevels];
    int32_t ltLength=0;
    while(length>getMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength()) {
        // Branch on the middle unit.
        // First, find the middle unit.
        int32_t i=skipElementsBySomeUnits(start, unitIndex, length/2);
        // Encode the less-than branch first.
        middleUnits[ltLength]=getElementUnit(i, unitIndex);  // middle unit
        lessThan[ltLength]=writeBranchSubNode(start, i, unitIndex, length/2);
        // Continue for the greater-or-equal branch.
    // For each unit, find its elements array start and whether it has a final value.
    int32_t starts[kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength];
    UBool isFinal[kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength-1];
    int32_t unitNumber=0;
    do {
        int32_t i=starts[unitNumber]=start;
        UChar unit=getElementUnit(i++, unitIndex);
        i=indexOfElementWithNextUnit(i, unitIndex, unit);
        isFinal[unitNumber]= start==i-1 && unitIndex+1==getElementStringLength(start);
    } while(++unitNumber<length-1);
    // unitNumber==length-1, and the maxUnit elements range is [start..limit[

    // Write the sub-nodes in reverse order: The jump lengths are deltas from
    // after their own positions, so if we wrote the minUnit sub-node first,
    // then its jump delta would be larger.
    // Instead we write the minUnit sub-node last, for a shorter delta.
    int32_t jumpTargets[kMaxBranchLinearSubNodeLength-1];
    do {
        if(!isFinal[unitNumber]) {
            jumpTargets[unitNumber]=writeNode(starts[unitNumber], starts[unitNumber+1], unitIndex+1);
    } while(unitNumber>0);
    // The maxUnit sub-node is written as the very last one because we do
    // not jump for it at all.
    writeNode(start, limit, unitIndex+1);
    int32_t offset=write(getElementUnit(start, unitIndex));
    // Write the rest of this node's unit-value pairs.
    while(--unitNumber>=0) {
        int32_t value;
        if(isFinal[unitNumber]) {
            // Write the final value for the one string ending with this unit.
        } else {
            // Write the delta to the start position of the sub-node.
        writeValueAndFinal(value, isFinal[unitNumber]);
        offset=write(getElementUnit(start, unitIndex));
    // Write the split-branch nodes.
    while(ltLength>0) {
    return offset;
Пример #19
*	Function :	getServiceList
*	Parameters :
*		IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information
*		service_info **end ; service added is returned to the output
*							parameter
*		char * URLBase ;	provides Base URL to resolve relative URL 
*	Description :	Returns pointer to service info after getting the 
*		sub-elements of the service info. 
*	Return : service_info * - pointer to the service info node ;
*	Note :
service_info *
getServiceList( IXML_Node * node,
                service_info ** end,
                char *URLBase )
    IXML_Node *serviceList = NULL;
    IXML_Node *current_service = NULL;
    IXML_Node *UDN = NULL;

    IXML_Node *serviceType = NULL;
    IXML_Node *serviceId = NULL;
    IXML_Node *controlURL = NULL;
    IXML_Node *eventURL = NULL;
    DOMString tempDOMString = NULL;
    service_info *head = NULL;
    service_info *current = NULL;
    service_info *previous = NULL;
    IXML_NodeList *serviceNodeList = NULL;
    int NumOfServices = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int fail = 0;

    if( getSubElement( "UDN", node, &UDN ) &&
        getSubElement( "serviceList", node, &serviceList ) ) {

        serviceNodeList = ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName( ( IXML_Element
                                                              * )
                                                            "service" );

        if( serviceNodeList != NULL ) {
            NumOfServices = ixmlNodeList_length( serviceNodeList );
            for( i = 0; i < NumOfServices; i++ ) {
                current_service = ixmlNodeList_item( serviceNodeList, i );
                fail = 0;

                if( current ) {
                    current->next =
                        ( service_info * )
                        malloc( sizeof( service_info ) );

                    previous = current;
                    current = current->next;
                } else {
                    head =
                        ( service_info * )
                        malloc( sizeof( service_info ) );
                    current = head;

                if( !current ) {
                    freeServiceList( head );
                    return NULL;

                current->next = NULL;
                current->controlURL = NULL;
                current->eventURL = NULL;
                current->serviceType = NULL;
                current->serviceId = NULL;
                current->SCPDURL = NULL;
                current->active = 1;
                current->subscriptionList = NULL;
                current->TotalSubscriptions = 0;

                if( !( current->UDN = getElementValue( UDN ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                if( ( !getSubElement( "serviceType", current_service,
                                      &serviceType ) ) ||
                    ( !( current->serviceType =
                         getElementValue( serviceType ) ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                if( ( !getSubElement( "serviceId", current_service,
                                      &serviceId ) ) ||
                    ( !
                      ( current->serviceId =
                        getElementValue( serviceId ) ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                if( ( !
                      ( getSubElement
                        ( "SCPDURL", current_service, &SCPDURL ) ) )
                    || ( !( tempDOMString = getElementValue( SCPDURL ) ) )
                    ( !
                      ( current->SCPDURL =
                        resolve_rel_url( URLBase, tempDOMString ) ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                ixmlFreeDOMString( tempDOMString );
                tempDOMString = NULL;

                if( ( !
                      ( getSubElement
                        ( "controlURL", current_service, &controlURL ) ) )
                    ( !( tempDOMString = getElementValue( controlURL ) ) )
                    ( !
                      ( current->controlURL =
                        resolve_rel_url( URLBase, tempDOMString ) ) ) ) {
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "BAD OR MISSING CONTROL URL" );
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "CONTROL URL SET TO NULL IN SERVICE INFO" );
                    current->controlURL = NULL;
                    fail = 0;

                ixmlFreeDOMString( tempDOMString );
                tempDOMString = NULL;

                if( ( !
                      ( getSubElement
                        ( "eventSubURL", current_service, &eventURL ) ) )
                    || ( !( tempDOMString = getElementValue( eventURL ) ) )
                    ( !
                      ( current->eventURL =
                        resolve_rel_url( URLBase, tempDOMString ) ) ) ) {
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "BAD OR MISSING EVENT URL" );
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "EVENT URL SET TO NULL IN SERVICE INFO" );
                    current->eventURL = NULL;
                    fail = 0;

                ixmlFreeDOMString( tempDOMString );
                tempDOMString = NULL;

                if( fail ) {
                    freeServiceList( current );

                    if( previous )
                        previous->next = NULL;
                        head = NULL;

                    current = previous;


            ixmlNodeList_free( serviceNodeList );

        ( *end ) = current;

        return head;
    } else
        return NULL;

Пример #20
inline void CameraSet<T>::load( const std::string& filename )
    // load the document
    tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
    int loadStatus = doc.LoadFile( filename.c_str() );
    if( tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS != loadStatus )
        throw std::runtime_error( "CameraSet::load: " + std::string( doc.GetErrorStr1() ) );

    // get the root
    tinyxml2::XMLNode* root = doc.FirstChildElement( "CameraCalibration" );
    if( root == 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error( "CameraSet::load: root node not found." );

    // get the cameras
    tinyxml2::XMLNode* cameras = root->FirstChildElement( "Cameras" );
    if( cameras == 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error( "CameraSet::load: no cameras." );

    // run over all the cameras
    for( tinyxml2::XMLNode* camPtr=cameras->FirstChildElement( "Camera" ); camPtr != 0; camPtr = camPtr->NextSiblingElement( "Camera" ) )
        Camera<T> camera;

        // get camera parameters
        str2scalar( getElementValue( camPtr, "Id" ), camera.id );
        str2eigen( getElementValue( camPtr, "ImageSize" ), camera.imageSize );
        str2eigen( getElementValue( camPtr, "Intrinsic" ), camera.intrinsic );
        str2vector( getElementValue( camPtr, "Distortion" ), camera.distortion );

        // read the poses
        tinyxml2::XMLNode* poses = camPtr->FirstChildElement( "Poses" );
        if( poses != 0 )
            for( tinyxml2::XMLNode* posePtr=poses->FirstChildElement( "Pose" ); posePtr != 0; posePtr = posePtr->NextSiblingElement( "Pose" ) )
                Pose<T> pose;

                // get the pose attributes
                str2scalar( getElementValue( posePtr, "Id" ), pose.id );
                pose.name = getElementValue( posePtr, "Name" );
                str2eigenVector( getElementValue( posePtr, "Points2D" ), pose.points2D );
                str2eigenVector( getElementValue( posePtr, "Points3D" ), pose.points3D );
                str2vector( getElementValue( posePtr, "PointIndices" ), pose.pointIndices );
                str2eigen( getElementValue( posePtr, "Transformation" ), pose.transformation );
                str2eigenVector( getElementValue( posePtr, "ProjectedPoints" ), pose.projected2D );

                pose.rejected = pose.pointIndices.size() == 0;

                if( !pose.rejected &&
                    ( pose.points2D.size() != pose.pointIndices.size() ||
                      pose.points2D.size() != pose.points3D.size() ) )
                    pose.rejected = false;
                    std::cerr << "CameraSet::load: point arrays' sizes do not match:";
                    std::cerr << " Points3D=" << pose.points2D.size();
                    std::cerr << ", Points3D=" << pose.points3D.size();
                    std::cerr << ", PointIndices=" << pose.pointIndices.size() << "." << std::endl;

                camera.poses.push_back( pose );

        m_cameras[ camera.id ] = camera;