Пример #1
inline std::string createExecutorDirectory(
    const std::string& rootDir,
    const SlaveID& slaveId,
    const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
    const ExecutorID& executorId,
    const UUID& executorUUID)
  std::string directory =
    getExecutorRunPath(rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, executorUUID);

  Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(directory);

    << "Failed to create executor directory '" << directory << "'";

  // Remove the previous "latest" symlink.
  std::string latest =
    getExecutorLatestRunPath(rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId);

  if (os::exists(latest)) {
      << "Failed to remove latest symlink '" << latest << "'";

  // Symlink the new executor directory to "latest".
  Try<Nothing> symlink = fs::symlink(directory, latest);

    << "Failed to symlink directory '" << directory
    << "' to '" << latest << "'";

  return directory;
Пример #2
string createExecutorDirectory(
    const string& rootDir,
    const SlaveID& slaveId,
    const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
    const ExecutorID& executorId,
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const Option<string>& user)
  const string directory =
    getExecutorRunPath(rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId);

  Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(directory);

    << "Failed to create executor directory '" << directory << "'";

  // Remove the previous "latest" symlink.
  const string latest =
    getExecutorLatestRunPath(rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId);

  if (os::exists(latest)) {
      << "Failed to remove latest symlink '" << latest << "'";

  // Symlink the new executor directory to "latest".
  Try<Nothing> symlink = ::fs::symlink(directory, latest);

    << "Failed to symlink directory '" << directory
    << "' to '" << latest << "'";

// `os::chown()` is not available on Windows.
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
  if (user.isSome()) {
    // Per MESOS-2592, we need to set the ownership of the executor
    // directory during its creation. We should not rely on subsequent
    // phases of the executor creation to ensure the ownership as
    // those may be conditional and in some cases leave the executor
    // directory owned by the slave user instead of the specified
    // framework or per-executor user.
    LOG(INFO) << "Trying to chown '" << directory << "' to user '"
              << user.get() << "'";
    Try<Nothing> chown = os::chown(user.get(), directory);
    if (chown.isError()) {
      // TODO(nnielsen): We currently have tests which depend on using
      // user names which may not be available on the test machines.
      // Therefore, we cannot make the chown validation a hard
      // CHECK().
      LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to chown executor directory '" << directory
                   << "'. This may be due to attempting to run the executor "
                   << "as a nonexistent user on the agent; see the description"
                   << " for the `--switch_user` flag for more information: "
                   << chown.error();
#endif // __WINDOWS__

  return directory;