Пример #1
int doCommand( char *command, size_t comm_len, char *arg_str )
  if( strncmp( command, "help", 4 ) == 0 || strncmp( command, "?", 1 ) == 0 )
    printf("read <path> - Read the contents of a file\n");
    printf("ld [path] - List the contents of a directory\n");
    printf("cd [path] - Change current directory\n");
    printf("wd - Display the current working directory\n");
    printf("exec <path> - Explicitly execute a file\n");
    printf("echo <msg> - Prints a message\n");
    printf("time - Displays the current time\n");
    printf("help OR ? - Prints this message\n");
  else if( strncmp( command, "read", 4 ) == 0 )

    int result;
    int len;
    void *file_buffer = NULL;
    char *path = getFullPathName( arg_str );
    FILE *stream = fopen(path, "r");

    if( !stream )
      printf("Unable to open stream\n");
      return -1;

    fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_END);
    len = ftell(stream);

    if( len < 0 )
      return 0;
    else if( len == 0 )
      return 0;

    file_buffer = malloc( len );
    fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET);

    result = fread(file_buffer, 1, len, stream);

    if( !file_buffer || result < 0 )
      return -1;
    else if( len > 0 )
      printf("%.*s\n", result, file_buffer );

  else if( strncmp( command, "wd", 2 ) == 0 )
    printf("%.*s\n", PATH_LEN, currDir);
  else if( strncmp( command, "cd", 2 ) == 0 )
    char *path;
    size_t pathLen;

    if( arg_str == NULL || strlen(arg_str) == 0 )
      path = "/";
    else if( arg_str[0] == '/' )
      path = arg_str;
      path = getFullPathName( arg_str );

    if( getFileAttributes( path, attrib_list ) >= 0 )
      strncpy( currDir, path, PATH_LEN );
      return -1;
  else if( strncmp( command, "time", 4 ) == 0 )
    time_t t = time(NULL);

    printf("The time/date is: %s", asctime(gmtime(&t)));
  else if( strncmp( command, "ld", 2 ) == 0 )
    int n;
    char *path, *buffer;
    size_t pathLen;

    if( arg_str == NULL || strlen(arg_str) == 0 )
      path = currDir;
      path = getFullPathName(arg_str);

    n = listDir(path, sizeof attrib_list / sizeof(struct FileAttributes), attrib_list);

    if( n < 0 )

      return -1;

    printf("Listing %d entries of %.*s:\n", n, strlen(path), path);

    if( n == 0 )
      printf("No entries\n");
      for(unsigned i=0; i < (unsigned)n; i++)
        printf("%.*s%c\n", attrib_list[i].name_len, attrib_list[i].name, ((attrib_list[i].flags & FS_DIR) ? '/' : '\0'));
  else if( strncmp( command, "echo", 4 ) == 0 )
    if( arg_str )
      printf("%.*s\n", comm_len, arg_str);
  else if( strncmp( command, "exec", 4 ) == 0 )
    char *fName = strtok(arg_str, " "), *args="";
    printf("Executing '%s'\n", fName);
    return exec(fName, args);
    printf("Unknown command!\n");
    return -1;
  return 0;
Пример #2
bool FileSystemManager::isValidFileName(QString filePath)
	// If the file attributes don't return anything, this file is invalid
	return getFileAttributes(filePath) != 0;
Пример #3
/* Once a file has been opened, it can be read using the SSH_FXP_READ
   message, which has the following format:

   	uint32     id
   	string     handle
   	uint64     offset
   	uint32     len

   where `id' is the request identifier, `handle' is an open file handle
   returned by SSH_FXP_OPEN, `offset' is the offset (in bytes) relative
   to the beginning of the file from where to start reading, and `len'
   is the maximum number of bytes to read.

   In response to this request, the server will read as many bytes as it
   can from the file (up to `len'), and return them in a SSH_FXP_DATA
   message. If an error occurs or EOF is encountered before reading any
   data, the server will respond with SSH_FXP_STATUS.  For normal disk
   files, it is guaranteed that this will read the specified number of
   bytes, or up to end of file.  For e.g.  device files this may return
   fewer bytes than requested.
SftpFileHandle::read(uint8 *pBuf, uint32 bufLen, uint64 offset, uint32 &bytesRead)
		result = PTSSH_SUCCESS;
		*pWaitMutex = NULL;
		*pWaitCond = NULL;
		bErrorOccured = false;
		bytesToRead = 0,
		sftpDataLen =
			1 +                  //byte   SSH_FXP_OPEN
   			4 +                  //uint32 request-id
   			4 + m_handleStrLen + //string handle
			8 +                  //uint64 offset
			4;                   //uint32 len
	bytesRead = 0;

	/* If we haven't already gotten the file stats, get them now. We will base our
	 * transfer technique on the file size */
	if ( ! bFileStatsSet)
		result = getFileAttributes();
		if ( result != PTSSH_SUCCESS)
			return result;

	while ( bytesRead < m_attrs.fileSize() && bytesRead < bufLen && ! bErrorOccured )
		//Alert our SftpRequestMgr that we are going to be waiting on data for a new request
		result = m_pRequestMgr->createRequest(
		if ( result != PTSSH_SUCCESS)
			return result;

		//Create the request
		SftpBinaryPacket *pSBP = new SftpBinaryPacket(m_cNum);
		if ( pSBP && pSBP->init(sftpDataLen, SSH_FXP_READ, requestID, m_remoteChannelNum) == PTSSH_SUCCESS)
			/**** Write the packet guts ******/
			pSBP->writeString( (const char *)m_pHandleStr, m_handleStrLen);
			pSBP->writeUint64( offset + bytesRead);
			pSBP->writeUint32( bufLen);

			//Send the packet off
			result = m_pChannelMgr->queueOutboundData( pSBP);
			if ( result == PTSSH_SUCCESS)
				uint32 bytesInRequest = 0;
				/* The response to this request will be a SSH_FXP_STATUS message.  One
				   should note that on some server platforms even a close can fail.
				   This can happen e.g.  if the server operating system caches writes,
				   and an error occurs while flushing cached writes during the close. */

				//Wait for the SftpRequestMgr to get a response to our request
				pthread_mutex_lock( pWaitMutex);
				pthread_cond_wait(pWaitCond, pWaitMutex);
				pthread_mutex_unlock( pWaitMutex);

				//We should now be able to get all the data for the request or detect if an error occured
				result = readRequestDataIntoBuffer(
					pBuf + bytesRead,
					pBuf + bufLen,
				if ( result == PTSSH_SUCCESS)
					bytesRead += bytesInRequest;
					bErrorOccured = true;
					result = PTSFTP_E_CouldNotGetResponse;
				bErrorOccured = true;
				delete pSBP;
				result = PTSSH_ERR_CouldNotQueuePacketForSending;

		//Alert the request manager that we are done with this request

	return result;