Пример #1
Bits *bitsForIntersectingTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region, int chromSize,
	boolean isBpWise)
/* Get a bitmap that corresponds to the table we are intersecting with.
 * Consult CGI vars to figure out what table it is. */
boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHti(database, table2, conn);
struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
Bits *bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
struct bed *bedList2;
if (isBigWigTable(table2))
    bedList2 = bigWigIntervalsToBed(conn, table2, region, lm2);
    // We should go straight to raw beds here, not through the routines that
    // do filter & intersections, because the secondary table has no filter
    // and sure shouldn't be intersected. :)
    bedList2 = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm2, NULL);
if (!isBpWise)
    expandZeroSize(bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, chromSize);
bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
if (invTable2)
    bitNot(bits2, chromSize);
return bits2;
Пример #2
static struct bed *bedTable2(struct sqlConnection *conn,
	struct region *region, char *table2)
/*	get a bed list, possibly complement, for table2	*/
/* This use of bedTable rather than a bitmap is not really working. The
 * rest of the table browser does intersection at the exon level, while
 * the wig code, which this is part of, does it at the gene level.  I
 * noticed it while working on the corresponding routines for bigWig,
 * which I'm building to work with bitmaps at the exon level.  I'm not
 * sure it's worth fixing this code since nobody has complained, and we're
 * probably going to be doing mostly bigWig rather than wig in the future.
 *    -JK */
boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp);
struct bed *bedList = NULL;
struct lm *lm1 = lmInit(64*1024);

/*	fetch table 2 as a bed list	*/
bedList = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm1, NULL);

/*	If table 2 bed list needs to be complemented (!table2), then do so */
if (invTable2 || sameString("none", op))
    unsigned chromStart = 0;		/*	start == end == 0	*/
    unsigned chromEnd = 0;		/*	means do full chrom	*/
    unsigned chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
    struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
    struct bed *inverseBedList = NULL;		/*	new list	*/

    if ((region->start != 0) || (region->end != 0))
	chromStart = region->start;
	chromEnd = region->end;

    if ((struct bed *)NULL == bedList)
	if (0 == region->end)
	    chromEnd = chromSize;
	addBedElement(&inverseBedList, region->chrom, chromStart, chromEnd,
		1, lm2);
	inverseBedList=invertBedList(bedList, lm2, region->chrom, chromStart,
	    chromEnd, chromSize);

    lmCleanup(&lm1);			/*	== bedFreeList(&bedList) */

    return inverseBedList;
    return bedList;
Пример #3
static struct bed *getIntersectedBeds(struct sqlConnection *conn,
	char *table, struct region *region, struct lm *lm, int *retFieldCount)
/* Get list of beds in region that pass intersection
 * (and filtering) */
struct bed *bedList = getFilteredBeds(conn, table, region, lm, retFieldCount);
/*	wiggle tracks have already done the intersection if there was one */
if (!isWiggle(database, table) && anyIntersection())
    struct bed *iBedList = intersectOnRegion(conn, region, table, bedList,
    	lm, retFieldCount);
    return iBedList;
    return bedList;
Bits *bitsForIntersectingTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region, int chromSize,
	boolean isBpWise)
/* Get a bitmap that corresponds to the table we are intersecting with.
 * Consult CGI vars to figure out what table it is. */
boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHti(database, table2, conn);
struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
Bits *bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
struct bed *bedList2 = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm2, NULL);
if (!isBpWise)
    expandZeroSize(bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, chromSize);
bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
if (invTable2)
    bitNot(bits2, chromSize);
return bits2;