Пример #1
    Utils::Ticket<AudioWorld> AudioWorld::playSound(Handle::SfxHandle h, const Math::float3& position, bool relative, float maxDist)

        if (!m_Context)
            return Utils::Ticket<AudioWorld>();


        Sound& snd = m_Allocator.getElement(h);

        // Get a cached source object
        Source s = getFreeSource();

        //LogInfo() << "play sound " << snd.sfx.file << " vol " << snd.sfx.vol;

        alSourcef(s.m_Handle, AL_PITCH, m_Engine.getGameClock().getGameEngineSpeedFactor());
        alSourcef(s.m_Handle, AL_GAIN, snd.sfx.vol / 127.0f);
        alSource3f(s.m_Handle, AL_POSITION, position.x, position.y, position.z);
        alSource3f(s.m_Handle, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
        alSourcef(s.m_Handle, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, maxDist);

        // Relative for sources directly attached to the listener
        alSourcei(s.m_Handle, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, relative ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE);

        // TODO: proper looping would require slicing and queueing multiple buffers
        // and setting the source to loop when the non-looping buffer was played.
        // start and end don't seem to be used, thoug?
        alSourcei(s.m_Handle, AL_LOOPING, snd.sfx.loop ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE);

        alSourcei(s.m_Handle, AL_BUFFER, snd.m_Handle);
        ALenum error = alGetError();
        if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
            static bool warned = false;
            if (!warned)
                LogWarn() << "Could not attach buffer to source: " << AudioEngine::getErrorString(error);
                warned = true;
            return Utils::Ticket<AudioWorld>();

        error = alGetError();
        if (error != AL_NO_ERROR)
            static bool warned = false;
            if (!warned)
                LogWarn() << "Could not start source!" << AudioEngine::getErrorString(error);
                warned = true;
            return Utils::Ticket<AudioWorld>();
        return s.soundTicket;
        return Utils::Ticket<AudioWorld>();
Пример #2
void AudioDevice::play(const SoundBuffer& sound, double volume, double pitch) {
  RecursiveLock lock(mutex);
  if (auto source = getFreeSource()) {
    ALint state = 0;
    AL(alGetSourcei(*source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state));
    CHECK(state == AL_INITIAL) << state;
    AL(alSourcei(*source, AL_BUFFER, sound.getBufferId()));
    AL(alSourcef(*source, AL_PITCH, pitch));
    AL(alSourcef(*source, AL_GAIN, volume));