Пример #1
 * Calculate the end of the directonal marker line.
 * This is done by calculating the scale we need to multiply the directional marker by to
 * reach each of the three sides of the bounding box, then take the smallest of these,
 * because that is the side it will intersect. Finally, multiply by an overall scale factor.
CC3Vector CC3DirectionMarkerNode::calculateLineEnd()
	CC3Box pbb = getParentBoundingBox();
	CC3Vector md = getMarkerDirection();
	CC3Vector pbbDirScale = cc3v(calcScale( md.x, pbb.minimum.x, pbb.maximum.x ),
								 calcScale( md.y, pbb.minimum.y, pbb.maximum.y ),
								 calcScale( md.z, pbb.minimum.z, pbb.maximum.z ));
	GLfloat dirScale = MIN(pbbDirScale.x, MIN(pbbDirScale.y, pbbDirScale.z));
	dirScale = dirScale * getDirectionMarkerScale();

	// Ensure that the direction marker has the minimum length specified by directionMarkerMinimumLength
	if (directionMarkerMinimumLength) {
		GLfloat gblUniScale = getGlobalScale().length() / CC3Vector::kCC3VectorUnitCubeLength;
		GLfloat minScale = directionMarkerMinimumLength / gblUniScale;
		dirScale = MAX(dirScale, minScale);

	CC3Vector lineEnd = md.scaleUniform( dirScale );
	//LogTrace(@"%@ calculated line end %@ from pbb scale %@ and dir scale %.3f and min global length: %.3f", self,
	//		 NSStringFromCC3Vector(lineEnd), NSStringFromCC3Vector(pbbDirScale), dirScale, directionMarkerMinimumLength);
	return lineEnd;
Пример #2
mat4 Transform::getModelMatrix()
	mat4 out = translate(glm::mat4(), getGlobalPosition());
	out = rotate(out, getGlobalRotation().x, vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	out = rotate(out, getGlobalRotation().y, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
	out = rotate(out, getGlobalRotation().z, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	out = scale(out, getGlobalScale());
	return out;
Пример #3
void ofNode::clearParent(bool bMaintainGlobalTransform) {
	if(bMaintainGlobalTransform && parent) {
		auto orientation = getGlobalOrientation();
		auto position = getGlobalPosition();
		auto scale = getGlobalScale();
		this->parent = nullptr;
		this->parent = nullptr;

Пример #4
glm::quat ofNode::getGlobalOrientation() const {
	auto rot = glm::scale(getGlobalTransformMatrix(), 1.f/getGlobalScale());
	return glm::toQuat(rot);
Пример #5
void Sprite::draw()

	if (!_visible)

	//fix bug of transform of difference window size

	Vec2 windowSize = Director::getInstance()->getWindowSize();

	auto originalSize = _texture2d->getRect();
	Vec2 localAnchorPoint(originalSize.x*_anchor.x, originalSize.y*_anchor.y);

	Vec2 vertexes[4] = { -localAnchorPoint, { originalSize.x - localAnchorPoint.x, -localAnchorPoint.y }, originalSize - localAnchorPoint, { -localAnchorPoint.x, originalSize.y - localAnchorPoint.y } };

	auto globalPosition = getGlobalPosition();

	auto globalScale = getGlobalScale();
	auto globalRotation = getGlobalRotation();
	  Vec2 _glScale{ 2 / windowSize.x, 2 / windowSize.y };
	// init for rotating
	auto sin = Math::sin(globalRotation);
	auto cos = Math::cos(globalRotation);
	for (auto &vertex : vertexes)
		// local transform
		// rotate
			auto tempX = vertex.x;
			vertex.x = tempX*cos - vertex.y*sin;
			vertex.y = tempX*sin + vertex.y*cos;
		vertex.x *= globalScale.x; vertex.y *= globalScale.y; // scale

		// global transform
		vertex.x += globalPosition.x;
		vertex.y += globalPosition.y;

		// gl transform
		vertex.x *= _glScale.x;
		vertex.y *= _glScale.y;
		vertex.x -= 1;
		vertex.y -= 1;


	// draw

	float *_coord2f = _texture2d->getCoord2fPoints();

	int _index_1 = 0;
	int _index_2 = 1;
	int _index_3 = 2;
	int _index_4 = 3;

	if (_is_flipx)
		_index_1 = 2; _index_3 = 0;
	if (_is_flipy)
		_index_2 = 3;	_index_4 = 1;
	if (!cmd)

	cmd = new RenderCmd_Quad;
	cmd->_vertex[0] = vertexes[_index_1];
	cmd->_vertex[1] = vertexes[_index_2];
	cmd->_vertex[2] = vertexes[_index_3];
	cmd->_vertex[3] = vertexes[_index_4];

	cmd->_coord2f = _coord2f;
	cmd->tex = _texture2d;
	cmd->_opacity = _opactiy;

	there are two methods to slove flip


	//method one

	int _index_1 = 0;
	int _index_2 = 1;
	int _index_3 = 2;
	int _index_4 = 3;

	if (_is_flipx)
	_index_1 = 2; _index_3 = 0;
	if (_is_flipy)
	_index_2 = 3;	_index_4 = 1;

	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_1].x, vertexes[_index_1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_2].x, vertexes[_index_2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_3].x, vertexes[_index_3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[_index_4].x, vertexes[_index_4].y);

	// method two
	if (_is_flipx == false && _is_flipy == false)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	else if (_is_flipx == true && _is_flipy == false)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	else if (_is_flipx == false && _is_flipy == true)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	else if (_is_flipx == true && _is_flipy == true)
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[0], _coord2f[1]); glVertex2f(vertexes[2].x, vertexes[2].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[2], _coord2f[3]); glVertex2f(vertexes[3].x, vertexes[3].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[4], _coord2f[5]); glVertex2f(vertexes[0].x, vertexes[0].y);
	glTexCoord2f(_coord2f[6], _coord2f[7]); glVertex2f(vertexes[1].x, vertexes[1].y);



Пример #6
 * Scaling the camera is a null operation because it scales everything, including the size
 * of objects, but also the distance from the camera to those objects. The effects cancel
 * out, and visually, it appears that nothing has changed. Therefore, the scale property
 * is not applied to the transform matrix of the camera. Instead it is used to adjust the
 * field of view to create a zooming effect. See the notes for the fieldOfView property.
 * This implementation uses the globalScale property to unwind all scaling from the camera,
 * globally, because any inherited scaling will scale the frustum, and cause undesirable
 * clipping artifacts, particularly at the near clipping plane.
 * For example, if the camera is mounted on another node that is scaled to ten times, the
 * near clipping plane of the camera will be scaled away from the camera by ten times,
 * resulting in unwanted clipping around the fringes of the view. For this reason, an inverse
 * scale of 1/10 is applied to the transform to counteract this effect.
void CC3Camera::applyScalingTo( CC3Matrix* matrix )
    matrix->scaleBy( getGlobalScale().invert() );