Пример #1
// Left hand effector's extend function for a single object.
// Purpose:
//		- Extends effector until it touches the object or reaches the maximum length.
void LeftVirtualHand::extend(arEffector& self, arInteractable* object, float maxLength) {

	// Return if grabbing an object.
	if(getGrabbedObject() != 0) return;

	// Reset tip to 0.0 ft. length.
	_currentLength = 0.0;
	setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));

	// Check if the maximum length has been reached or an object has been touched.
	while(_currentLength < maxLength && !ar_pollingInteraction(self, object)) {
		// If not, increase tip length by interaction distance.
		_currentLength += _interactionDistance;
		setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));
Пример #2
// Right hand effector's collision detection function for multiple objects.
// Purpose:
//		- Determine closest object (based on center) that effector is touching.
// Notes:
//		The list must be a list of Object instances, defined above.
//		This function does not account for rotation of the object or the effector.
void RightVirtualHand::detectCollisions(arEffector& self, vector<arInteractable*>& objects)
	// Return if grabbing an object.
	if(getGrabbedObject() != 0) return;
	// Set maximum distance for testing collision dection to 1000 ft.
	float maxDistance = 1000.0;
	// Track closest object and its distance. No object is initially closest.
	arInteractable* closestObject = 0;
	float closestDistance = maxDistance;
	// Step through list of objects and test each one for collisions.
	for(vector<arInteractable*>::iterator it=objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) {
		// Get information about object's position and dimensions.
		const arMatrix4 objectMatrix = (*it)->getMatrix();
		arMatrix4 objectTransMatrix = ar_extractTranslationMatrix(objectMatrix);
		const float objectX = objectTransMatrix[12];
		const float objectY = objectTransMatrix[13];
		const float objectZ = objectTransMatrix[14];
		const float objectLength = ((Object*)(*it))->getLength();
		const float objectHeight = ((Object*)(*it))->getHeight();
		const float objectWidth = ((Object*)(*it))->getWidth();
		// Get information about effector's position and dimensions. 
		arMatrix4 effectorTransMatrix = ar_extractTranslationMatrix(getMatrix());
		const float effectorX = effectorTransMatrix[12];
		const float effectorY = effectorTransMatrix[13];
		const float effectorZ = effectorTransMatrix[14];
		const float effectorLength = _size;
		const float effectorHeight = _size;
		const float effectorWidth = _size;
		// Determine if effector is within object along X-axis.
		if((objectX - objectLength/2.0) <= (effectorX + effectorLength/2.0) && (effectorX - effectorLength/2.0) <= (objectX + objectLength/2.0)) {
		// Determine if effector is within object along Y-axis.
		if((objectY - objectHeight/2.0) <= (effectorY + effectorHeight/2.0) && (effectorY - effectorHeight/2.0) <= (objectY + objectHeight/2.0)) {
		// Determine if effector is within object along Z-axis.
		if((objectZ - objectWidth/2.0) <= (effectorZ + effectorWidth/2.0) && (effectorZ - effectorWidth/2.0) <= (objectZ + objectWidth/2.0)) {
			// Collision detected. Now use selector to determine distance to center of the object.
			float objectDistance = _selector.calcDistance(self, objectMatrix);
			// Determine if object is closest so far.
			if(objectDistance < closestDistance) {
				// If so, remember object and distance to object.
				closestObject = *it;
				closestDistance = objectDistance;
	// Check if an object was touched.
	if(closestObject != 0) {
		// If so, set selector's distance to match object's distance.
		//cout << "object was selected?" << '\n';
		if(getOnButton(1) == 1)
			//cout << "object was selected" << '\n';
			Object* oby = (Object*)closestObject;
			oby->_selected = !oby->_selected;
	else {
		// If not, set selector's distance to size of effector.

Пример #3
// Left hand effector's extend function for multiple objects.
// Purpose:
//		- Extends effector until it touches an object or reaches the maximum length.
void LeftVirtualHand::extend(arEffector& self, vector<arInteractable*>& objects, float maxLength) {

	// Return if grabbing an object.
	if(getGrabbedObject() != 0) return;

	// Reset tip to 0.0 ft. length.
	_currentLength = 0.0;
	setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));

	list<arInteractable*> objectlist;
	std::copy(objects.begin (), objects.end (), std::back_inserter(objectlist));
	// Check if the maximum length has been reached or an object has been touched.
	while(_currentLength < maxLength && !ar_pollingInteraction(self, objectlist)) {
		// If not, increase tip length by interaction distance.
		_currentLength += _interactionDistance;
		setTipOffset(arVector3(0, 0, -_currentLength));
	if(selectionMode == 3 && ar_pollingInteraction(self, objectlist)) //if it interacted
		//cout << "hit an object" << '\n';
		//find out which object it interacted with
		vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
		for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
			if(ar_pollingInteraction(self, *i))
				Object *oby = ((Object*)(*i));
				oby->_selected = !oby->_selected;
				selectionMode = 0;
		selectionMode = 0;
	else if(selectionMode==3)
		selectionMode = 0;
	else if(selectionMode == 1)
		int numObjects = 0;
		vector<arInteractable*>::iterator i;
		for(i=objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); ++i) 
			// get object location
			Object* oby = ((Object*)(*i));
			arMatrix4 objLoc = oby->getMatrix();
			// if object is in cone, then add to selected list
			float x[] = {objLoc[12], objLoc[13], objLoc[14]};
			float height = getLength();
			float radius = height/2.f;
			arMatrix4 tp = getBaseMatrix();
			arMatrix4 bm = getMatrix();
			float t[] = {tp[12],tp[13],tp[14]};
			float b[] = {bm[12],bm[13],bm[14]};
			if(isLyingInCone(x, t, b, radius, height))
				if((numObjects) % 4 == 0)
				else if(numObjects % 4 == 1)
				else if(numObjects % 4 == 2)
				else if(numObjects % 4 == 3)
		if(numObjects == 0)
			selectionMode = 0;
		else if(numObjects == 1)
			//if only one object, select it
			selectionMode = 0;
			Object* oby = leftSelectedObjects.front();
			//set the one object to selected
			oby->_selected = !oby->_selected;
			//else selectionMode = 2, selected lists have all the items
			selectionMode = 2;