// Returns ratio of strengths of stacks times 100
// (so 100 is even ratio, numbers over 100 mean this group is more powerful than the stack on a plot)
int CvSelectionGroupAI::AI_compareStacks(const CvPlot* pPlot, bool bPotentialEnemy, bool bCheckCanAttack, bool bCheckCanMove) const
	FAssert(pPlot != NULL);

	int	compareRatio;
	DomainTypes eDomainType = getDomainType();

	// if not aircraft, then choose based on the plot, not the head unit (mainly for transport carried units)
	if (eDomainType != DOMAIN_AIR)
		if (pPlot->isWater())
			eDomainType = DOMAIN_SEA;
			eDomainType = DOMAIN_LAND;


	compareRatio = AI_sumStrength(pPlot, eDomainType, bCheckCanAttack, bCheckCanMove);
	compareRatio *= 100;

	PlayerTypes eOwner = getOwnerINLINE();
	if (eOwner == NO_PLAYER)
		eOwner = getHeadOwner();
	FAssert(eOwner != NO_PLAYER);
	int defenderSum = pPlot->AI_sumStrength(NO_PLAYER, getOwnerINLINE(), eDomainType, true, !bPotentialEnemy, bPotentialEnemy);
	compareRatio /= std::max(1, defenderSum);

	return compareRatio;
Пример #2
// Returns ratio of strengths of stacks times 100
// (so 100 is even ratio, numbers over 100 mean this group is more powerful than the stack on a plot)
int CvSelectionGroupAI::AI_compareStacks(const CvPlot* pPlot, bool bCheckCanAttack) const
	FAssert(pPlot != NULL);

	int	compareRatio;
	DomainTypes eDomainType = getDomainType();

	// if not aircraft, then choose based on the plot, not the head unit (mainly for transport carried units)
	if (eDomainType != DOMAIN_AIR)
		if (pPlot->isWater())
			eDomainType = DOMAIN_SEA;
			eDomainType = DOMAIN_LAND;

	compareRatio = AI_sumStrength(pPlot, eDomainType, bCheckCanAttack);
	compareRatio *= 100;

	PlayerTypes eOwner = getOwnerINLINE();
	if (eOwner == NO_PLAYER)
		eOwner = getHeadOwner();
	FAssert(eOwner != NO_PLAYER);
	// K-Mod. Note. This function currently does not support bPotentialEnemy == false.
	int defenderSum = pPlot->isVisible(getHeadTeam(), false)
		? GET_PLAYER(eOwner).AI_localDefenceStrength(pPlot, NO_TEAM, eDomainType, 0)
		: GET_TEAM(getHeadTeam()).AI_getStrengthMemory(pPlot);
	// K-Mod end
	compareRatio /= std::max(1, defenderSum);

	// K-Mod. If there are more defenders than we have attacks, but yet the ratio is still greater than 100,
	// then inflate the ratio futher to account for the fact that we are going to do significantly more damage to them than they to us.
	// The purpose of this is to give the AI extra encouragement to attack when its units are better than the defender's units.
	/* if (compareRatio > 100)
		FAssert(getHeadUnit() && getNumUnits() > 0);
		int iDefenders = pPlot->getNumVisibleEnemyDefenders(getHeadUnit());
		if (iDefenders > getNumUnits())
			compareRatio += (compareRatio - 100) * (iDefenders - getNumUnits()) / getNumUnits();
	} */ // (currently disabled)
	// K-Mod end

	return compareRatio;
Пример #3
// Returns ratio of strengths of stacks times 100
// (so 100 is even ratio, numbers over 100 mean this group is more powerful than the stack on a plot)
int CvSelectionGroupAI::AI_compareStacks(const CvPlot* pPlot, bool bPotentialEnemy, bool bCheckCanAttack, bool bCheckCanMove) const
	FAssert(pPlot != NULL);

	int	compareRatio;
	DomainTypes eDomainType = getDomainType();

	// if not aircraft, then choose based on the plot, not the head unit (mainly for transport carried units)
	if (eDomainType != DOMAIN_AIR)
		if (pPlot->isWater())
			eDomainType = DOMAIN_SEA;
			eDomainType = DOMAIN_LAND;


	compareRatio = AI_sumStrength(pPlot, eDomainType, bCheckCanAttack, bCheckCanMove);
	compareRatio *= 100;

	PlayerTypes eOwner = getOwnerINLINE();
	if (eOwner == NO_PLAYER)
		eOwner = getHeadOwner();
	FAssert(eOwner != NO_PLAYER);
/* UNOFFICIAL_PATCH                       03/04/10                                jdog5000      */
/*                                                                                              */
/* Bugfix                                                                                       */
/* original bts code
	int defenderSum = pPlot->AI_sumStrength(NO_PLAYER, getOwnerINLINE(), eDomainType, true, !bPotentialEnemy, bPotentialEnemy);
	// Clearly meant to use eOwner here ...
	int defenderSum = pPlot->AI_sumStrength(NO_PLAYER, eOwner, eDomainType, true, !bPotentialEnemy, bPotentialEnemy);
/* UNOFFICIAL_PATCH                        END                                                  */
	compareRatio /= std::max(1, defenderSum);

	return compareRatio;
Пример #4
// K-Mod. I've removed bCheckMove, and changed bCheckCanAttack to include checks for moves, and for hasAlreadyAttacked / blitz
int CvSelectionGroupAI::AI_sumStrength(const CvPlot* pAttackedPlot, DomainTypes eDomainType, bool bCheckCanAttack) const
	CLLNode<IDInfo>* pUnitNode;
	CvUnit* pLoopUnit;
	int	strSum = 0;
	bool bDefenders = pAttackedPlot ? pAttackedPlot->isVisibleEnemyUnit(getHeadOwner()) : false; // K-Mod
	bool bCountCollateral = pAttackedPlot && pAttackedPlot != plot(); // K-Mod

	pUnitNode = headUnitNode();

	int iBaseCollateral = bCountCollateral
		? iBaseCollateral = estimateCollateralWeight(pAttackedPlot, pAttackedPlot->getTeam() == getTeam() ? NO_TEAM : pAttackedPlot->getTeam())
		: 0;

	while (pUnitNode != NULL)
		pLoopUnit = ::getUnit(pUnitNode->m_data);
		pUnitNode = nextUnitNode(pUnitNode);

		if (!pLoopUnit->isDead())
			// K-Mod. (original checks deleted.)
			if (bCheckCanAttack)
				if (pLoopUnit->getDomainType() == DOMAIN_AIR)
					if (!pLoopUnit->canAirAttack() || !pLoopUnit->canMove() || (pAttackedPlot && bDefenders && !pLoopUnit->canMoveInto(pAttackedPlot, true, true)))
						continue; // can't attack.
					if (!pLoopUnit->canAttack() || !pLoopUnit->canMove()
						|| (pAttackedPlot && bDefenders && !pLoopUnit->canMoveInto(pAttackedPlot, true, true))
						|| (!pLoopUnit->isBlitz() && pLoopUnit->isMadeAttack()))
						continue; // can't attack.
			// K-Mod end

			if (eDomainType == NO_DOMAIN || pLoopUnit->getDomainType() == eDomainType)
				strSum += pLoopUnit->currEffectiveStr(pAttackedPlot, pLoopUnit);
				// K-Mod estimate the attack power of collateral units. (cf with calculation in AI_localAttackStrength)
				if (bCountCollateral && pLoopUnit->collateralDamage() > 0)
					int iPossibleTargets = pLoopUnit->collateralDamageMaxUnits();
					// If !bCheckCanAttack, then lets not assume pAttackPlot won't get more units on it.
					if (bCheckCanAttack && pAttackedPlot->isVisible(getTeam(), false))
						iPossibleTargets = std::min(iPossibleTargets, pAttackedPlot->getNumVisibleEnemyDefenders(pLoopUnit) - 1);

					if (iPossibleTargets > 0)
						// collateral damage is not trivial to calculate. This estimate is pretty rough.
						// (Note: collateralDamage() and iBaseCollateral both include factors of 100.)
						strSum += pLoopUnit->baseCombatStr() * iBaseCollateral * pLoopUnit->collateralDamage() * iPossibleTargets / 10000;
				// K-Mod end

	return strSum;