void ListBox::render() { Frame::render(); if(selectionIndex != -1) { Painter::Singleton->setColor(getHighlightColor()); Painter::Singleton->paintQuad( itemPositions[selectionIndex], Point2(size.x() - 2*LIST_BOX_PADDING_X, (itemPositions[selectionIndex+1] - itemPositions[selectionIndex]).y())); } for(unsigned int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) { const std::string& s = items[i]; const Point2& p = itemPositions[i]; Painter::Singleton->print(Painter::Normal, s, p.x(), p.y() + LIST_BOX_PADDING_Y/2, getTextColor()); } }
void SeqAA::show ( wxDC& dc ) { if ( useDirectRoutines() ) { show_direct ( dc ) ; return ; } wxMessageBox ( _T("One has to wonder...2") ) ; int cw2 , ch2 ; dc.SetFont(*can->smallFont); dc.GetTextExtent ( _T("A") , &cw2 , &ch2 ) ; dc.SetFont(*can->font); wxColour tbg = dc.GetTextBackground () ; wxColour tfg = dc.GetTextForeground () ; int bm = dc.GetBackgroundMode () ; int a = 0 , b , cnt = offset+1 ; wxString t ; wxColour bbg ( 150 , 150 , 255 ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxWHITE ) ; if ( primaryMode ) dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , *wxBLACK ) ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( myapp()->frame->aa_color ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; int xa , ya , yb ; dc.GetDeviceOrigin ( &xa , &ya ) ; ya = -ya ; can->MyGetClientSize ( &xa , &yb ) ; yb += ya ; for ( a = 0 ; a < pos.p.GetCount() ; a++ ) { if ( can->hardstop > -1 && a > can->hardstop ) break ; b = pos.p[a] ; int ty = pos.r[a].y ; int tz = ty + can->charheight ; bool insight = true ; if ( tz < ya ) insight = false ; if ( ty > yb ) insight = false ; if ( can->getDrawAll() ) insight = true ; if ( !insight && ty > yb ) a = pos.p.GetCount() ; if ( b > 0 && !insight ) cnt++ ; if ( b > 0 && insight ) // Character { if ( getMark ( a ) == 1 ) { if ( primaryMode ) { dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxSOLID ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxLIGHT_GREY ) ; } else { dc.SetTextForeground ( bbg ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxWHITE ) ; } } else if ( getMark ( a ) == 2 && can->doOverwrite() ) { dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxWHITE ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxBLACK ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxSOLID ) ; } wxChar ch2 = s.GetChar(b-1) ; if ( ch2 == '|' ) ch2 = myapp()->frame->stopcodon ; t = ch2 ; if ( can->isPrinting() && !can->getPrintToColor() ) { dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; } dc.DrawText ( t, pos.r[a].x, pos.r[a].y ) ; if ( getMark ( a ) == 2 && !can->doOverwrite() ) { int tx = pos.r[a].x , ty = pos.r[a].y ; int tz = ty + can->charheight ; dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( tx-1 , ty , tx-1 , tz ) ; dc.DrawLine ( tx-3 , ty , tx+2 , ty ) ; dc.DrawLine ( tx-3 , tz , tx+2 , tz ) ; } if ( getMark ( a ) > 0 ) { dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxWHITE ) ; if ( primaryMode ) dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , *wxBLACK ) ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( myapp()->frame->aa_color ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; } // Protease cuts for ( int q = 0 ; q < pc.GetCount() ; q++ ) { if ( b == pc[q]->cut ) { int qx = pos.r[a].x - 2 ; int qy = pos.r[a].y ; if ( !pc[q]->left ) qx += can->charwidth + 4 ; dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxGREY_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( qx , qy + 1 , qx , qy + can->charheight - 2 ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( qx+1 , qy + 1 , qx+1 , qy + can->charheight - 2 ) ; wxString pn = pc[q]->protease->name ; for ( int w = 0 ; w+1 < pn.length() ; w++ ) if ( pn.GetChar(w) == ' ' && pn.GetChar(w+1) == '(' ) pn = pn.substr ( 0 , w ) ; dc.SetFont(*can->smallFont); int u1 , u2 ; dc.GetTextExtent ( pn , &u1 , &u2 ) ; dc.DrawText ( pn , qx - u1/2 , qy - u2/2 ) ; dc.SetFont(*can->font); if ( primaryMode ) dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , *wxBLACK ) ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( myapp()->frame->aa_color ) ; } } cnt++ ; } else if ( insight ) // Front number { // if ( primaryMode ) sprintf ( u , "%d" , cnt ) ; // else sprintf ( u , "%d" , cnt/3 ) ; // t = u ; if ( primaryMode ) t = wxString::Format ( _T("%d") , cnt ) ; else t = wxString::Format ( _T("%d") , cnt/3 ) ; while ( t.length() < endnumberlength ) t = _T("0") + t ; dc.DrawText ( t , pos.r[a].x, pos.r[a].y ) ; } } dc.SetBackgroundMode ( bm ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( tbg ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( tfg ) ; }
void SeqDNA::show_direct ( wxDC& dc ) { myass ( itemsperline , "DNA:show_direct_ipl" ) ; if ( !itemsperline ) return ; myass ( can , "SeqDNA::show_direct1" ) ; can->SetFont(*can->font); dc.SetFont(*can->font); int a , b , w , h , n , bo = can->border ; int csgc = can->NumberOfLines() , cbs = can->blocksize ; int cih = can->isHorizontal() ; int xa , xb , ya , yb ; for ( n = 0 ; n < can->seq.GetCount() && can->seq[n] != this ; n++ ) ; if ( n == can->seq.GetCount() ) return ; // Setting basic values int cw = can->charwidth , ch = can->charheight ; int ox = bo + cw + cw * endnumberlength ; int oy = n*ch+bo ; bool isPrimer = false ; if ( whatsthis().StartsWith ( _T("PRIMER") ) ) isPrimer = true ; can->MyGetClientSize ( &w , &h ) ; xb = w ; yb = h ; wxColour tbg = dc.GetTextBackground () ; wxColour tfg = dc.GetTextForeground () ; int bm = dc.GetBackgroundMode () ; dc.SetTextForeground ( fontColor ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; dc.GetDeviceOrigin ( &xa , &ya ) ; xa = -xa ; xb += xa ; ya = -ya ; yb += ya ; myass ( ch , "SeqDNA::show_direct2a" ) ; myass ( csgc , "SeqDNA::show_direct2b" ) ; b = ( ya - ch - oy ) / ( ch * csgc ) * itemsperline ; for ( a = 0 ; a < b && a < s.length() ; a += itemsperline ) ; myass ( itemsperline , "SeqDNA::show_direct3" ) ; myass ( cbs , "SeqDNA::show_direct4" ) ; for ( a = 0 ; a < s.length() ; a++ ) { int px = a % itemsperline , py = a / itemsperline ; bool showNumber = ( px == 0 ) ; px = px * cw + ( px / cbs ) * ( cw - 1 ) + ox ; py = py * ch * csgc + oy ; if ( !can->getDrawAll() ) { if ( py + ch < ya ) continue ; if ( py > yb ) break ; if ( cih ) { if ( px + cw < xa ) continue ; if ( px > xb ) continue ; } } int pm = getMark ( a ) ; char ac = s.GetChar(a) ; if ( pm == 0 && !showNumber && ac == ' ' ) continue ; if ( pm == 1 ) // Marked (light gray background) { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxSOLID ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxLIGHT_GREY ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; } else if ( pm == 2 && can->doOverwrite() ) // Overwrite cursor { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxSOLID ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxBLACK ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxWHITE ) ; } else dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , getBaseColor ( ac ) ) ) ; if ( isPrimer ) { if ( s.GetChar(a) == vec->getSequenceChar(a) ) dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLUE ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxRED ) ; } if ( can->isPrinting() && pm == 1 ) { dc.SetBrush ( *MYBRUSH ( wxColour ( 230 , 230 , 230 ) ) ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.DrawRectangle ( px , py , cw , ch ) ; } if ( can->isPrinting() && !can->getPrintToColor() ) { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; } dc.DrawText ( wxString ( (wxChar) ac ) , px , py ) ; int pz = py + ch ; if ( pm == 2 && !can->doOverwrite() ) // Insert cursor { dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( px-1 , py , px-1 , pz ) ; dc.DrawLine ( px-3 , py , px+2 , py ) ; dc.DrawLine ( px-3 , pz , px+2 , pz ) ; } if ( pm > 0 ) // Reverting cursor settings { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( fontColor ) ; } // Methylation if ( !invers && alternateName.IsEmpty() && wxNOT_FOUND != vec->getMethylationSiteIndex ( a ) ) { dc.SetPen(*wxRED_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( px , py + ch - 2 , px + cw , py + ch - 2 ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); } if ( showNumber ) { dc.SetTextBackground ( tbg ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( tfg ) ; mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "A" ) ; wxString t ; if ( showNumbers ) { mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "B" ) ; t = wxString::Format ( _T("%d") , a + 1 ) ; int padd = endnumberlength - t.length() ; mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , wxString::Format ( "C: %d, %d" , endnumberlength , padd ) ) ; if ( padd > 0 && padd < 20 ) t.Pad ( padd , '0' , false ) ; mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "D" ) ; } else { mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "B2" ) ; if ( isPrimer ) dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLUE ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "C2" ) ; t = alternateName ; mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "D2" ) ; } dc.DrawText ( t , bo , py ) ; mylog ( "SeqDNA::show_direct" , "E" ) ; } } dc.SetBackgroundMode ( bm ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( tbg ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( tfg ) ; }
void SeqAA::show_direct ( wxDC& dc ) { myass ( itemsperline , "AA:show_direct_ipl" ) ; if ( !itemsperline ) return ; mylog ( "SeqAA::show_direct" , "0" ) ; can->SetFont(*can->font); dc.SetFont(*can->font); int a , b , w , h , n , bo = can->border ; int csgc = can->NumberOfLines() , cbs = can->blocksize ; int cih = can->isHorizontal() ; int xa , xb , ya , yb ; for ( n = 0 ; n < csgc && can->seq[n] != this ; n++ ) ; if ( n == csgc ) return ; mylog ( "SeqAA::show_direct" , "1" ) ; // Setting basic values int cw = can->charwidth , ch = can->charheight ; int ox = bo + cw + cw * endnumberlength ; int oy = n*ch+bo ; can->MyGetClientSize ( &w , &h ) ; xb = w ; yb = h ; wxColour tbg = dc.GetTextBackground () ; wxColour tfg = dc.GetTextForeground () ; int bm = dc.GetBackgroundMode () ; wxColour tf ; if ( primaryMode ) tf = *wxBLACK ; else tf = myapp()->frame->aa_color ;; // wxColour ( 130 , 130 , 130 ) ;//*wxLIGHT_GREY ; dc.SetTextForeground ( tf ) ; dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; dc.GetDeviceOrigin ( &xa , &ya ) ; xa = -xa ; xb += xa ; ya = -ya ; yb += ya ; mylog ( "SeqAA::show_direct" , "2" ) ; b = ( ya - ch - oy ) / ( ch * csgc ) * itemsperline ; mylog ( "SeqAA::show_direct" , "3" ) ; for ( a = 0 ; a < b && a < s.length() ; a += itemsperline ) ; for ( ; a < s.length() ; a++ ) { int px = a % itemsperline , py = a / itemsperline ; bool showNumber = ( px == 0 ) ; px = px * cw + ( px / cbs ) * ( cw - 1 ) + ox ; py = py * ch * csgc + oy ; if ( !can->getDrawAll() ) { if ( py + ch < ya ) continue ; if ( py > yb ) break ; if ( cih ) { if ( px + cw < xa ) continue ; if ( px > xb ) continue ; } } int pm = getMark ( a ) ; if ( pm == 1 ) // Marked (light gray background) { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxSOLID ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxLIGHT_GREY ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , tf ) ) ; } else if ( pm == 2 && can->doOverwrite() ) // Overwrite cursor { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxSOLID ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( *wxBLACK ) ; } if ( pm == 2 && can->doOverwrite() ) dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxWHITE ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , tf ) ) ; if ( can->isPrinting() && pm == 1 ) { dc.SetBrush ( *MYBRUSH ( wxColour ( 230 , 230 , 230 ) ) ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.DrawRectangle ( px , py , cw , ch ) ; } if ( can->isPrinting() && !can->getPrintToColor() ) { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; } // Show the char wxChar ch2 = s.GetChar(a) ; if ( ch2 == '|' ) ch2 = myapp()->frame->stopcodon ; dc.DrawText ( wxString ( ch2 ) , px , py ) ; int pz = py + ch ; if ( pm == 2 && !can->doOverwrite() ) // Insert cursor { dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( px-1 , py , px-1 , pz ) ; dc.DrawLine ( px-3 , py , px+2 , py ) ; dc.DrawLine ( px-3 , pz , px+2 , pz ) ; } if ( pm > 0 ) // Reverting cursor settings { dc.SetBackgroundMode ( wxTRANSPARENT ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , tf ) ) ; } // Protease cuts for ( int q = 0 ; q < pc.GetCount() ; q++ ) { if ( a == pc[q]->cut - pc[q]->left ) { int qx = px ; int qy = py ; if ( !pc[q]->left ) qx += cw + 4 ; dc.SetTextForeground ( *wxBLACK ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxGREY_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( qx , qy + 1 , qx , qy + can->charheight - 2 ) ; dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); dc.DrawLine ( qx+1 , qy + 1 , qx+1 , qy + can->charheight - 2 ) ; wxString pn = pc[q]->protease->name ; for ( int w = 0 ; w+1 < pn.length() ; w++ ) if ( pn.GetChar(w) == ' ' && pn.GetChar(w+1) == '(' ) pn = pn.substr ( 0 , w ) ; dc.SetFont(*can->smallFont); int u1 , u2 ; dc.GetTextExtent ( pn , &u1 , &u2 ) ; dc.DrawText ( pn , qx - u1/2 , qy - u2/2 ) ; dc.SetFont(*can->font); if ( primaryMode ) dc.SetTextForeground ( getHighlightColor ( a , *wxBLACK ) ) ; else dc.SetTextForeground ( myapp()->frame->aa_color /* *wxLIGHT_GREY */ ) ; } } if ( showNumber && primaryMode ) { wxString t = wxString::Format ( _T("%d") , a + 1 ) ; while ( endnumberlength > t.length() ) t = _T("0") + t ; // t.Pad ( endnumberlength - t.length() , '0' , false ) ; dc.DrawText ( t , bo , py ) ; } } dc.SetBackgroundMode ( bm ) ; dc.SetTextBackground ( tbg ) ; dc.SetTextForeground ( tfg ) ; }