void analysisClass::Loop()
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop() begins" <<std::endl;   
   if (fChain == 0) return;
   //////////book histos here

  //////////book histos here

   TH1F *h_nJetFinal = new TH1F ("h_nJetFinal","",10,0,10);
   TH1F *h_nVtx = new TH1F ("h_nVtx","",30,0,30);
   TH1F *h_pT1stJet = new TH1F ("h_pT1stJet","",100,0,3000);
   TH1F *h_pT2ndJet = new TH1F ("h_pT2ndJet","",100,0,3000);
   TH1F *h_eta1stJet = new TH1F ("h_eta1stJet","",5,-2.5,2.5);
   TH1F *h_eta2ndJet = new TH1F ("h_eta2ndJet","",5,-2.5,2.5);
   TH1F *h_DijetMass = new TH1F ("h_DijetMass","",600,0,6000);
   TH1F *h_DeltaETAjj = new TH1F ("h_DeltaETAjj","",120,0,3.);

   /////////initialize variables

   Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop(): nentries = " << nentries << std::endl;   

   ////// The following ~7 lines have been taken from rootNtupleClass->Loop() /////
   ////// If the root version is updated and rootNtupleClass regenerated,     /////
   ////// these lines may need to be updated.                                 /////    
   Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
   for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
     Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
     if (ientry < 0) break;
     nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
     if(jentry < 10 || jentry%1000 == 0) std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop(): jentry = " << jentry << std::endl;   
     // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;

     ////////////////////// User's code starts here ///////////////////////

     ///Stuff to be done every event
     Int_t no_jets_ak4=jetPtAK4->size();
     Int_t no_jets_ak8=jetPtAK8->size();
     vector<TLorentzVector> widejets;
     TLorentzVector currentJet, wj1_tmp, wj1, wj2_tmp, wj2, v_jet_ak4,wdijet,wj1math,wj2math;
     ////cone size wide 1.1
     double wideJetDeltaR_ = 1.1;

     //Eirini wide jet
     // if(no_jets_ak4>=2){
     //   if( fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(0)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idTAK4->at(0) == getPreCutValue1("tightJetID")){
     // 	 if( fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(1)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idTAK4->at(1) == getPreCutValue1("tightJetID")){
     // 	   TLorentzVector jet1, jet2;
     // 	   jet1.SetPtEtaPhiM(jetPtAK4->at(0),jetEtaAK4->at(0),jetPhiAK4->at(0),jetMassAK4->at(0));
     // 	   jet2.SetPtEtaPhiM(jetPtAK4->at(1),jetEtaAK4->at(1),jetPhiAK4->at(1),jetMassAK4->at(1));
     // 	   for(Long64_t ijet=0; ijet<no_jets_ak4; ijet++){ //jet loop for ak4
     // 	     TLorentzVector currentJet;
     // 	     if( fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(ijet)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idTAK4->at(ijet) == getPreCutValue1("tightJetID")){
     // 	       TLorentzVector currentJet;
     // 	       currentJet.SetPtEtaPhiM(jetPtAK4->at(ijet),jetEtaAK4->at(ijet),jetPhiAK4->at(ijet),jetMassAK4->at(ijet));          
     // 	       double DeltaR1 = currentJet.DeltaR(jet1);
     // 	       double DeltaR2 = currentJet.DeltaR(jet2);

     // 	       if(DeltaR1 < DeltaR2 && DeltaR1 < wideJetDeltaR_){
     // 		 wj1_tmp += currentJet;
     // 	       }
     // 	       else if(DeltaR2 < wideJetDeltaR_){
     // 		 wj2_tmp += currentJet;
     // 	       }
     // 	     } // if AK4 jet passes fid and jetid.
     // 	   } //end of ak4 jet loop

     // 	   if(wj1_tmp.Pt()==0 && wj2_tmp.Pt() ==0) 
     // 	     std::cout << " wj1_tmp.Pt() IN  " <<wj1_tmp.Pt()  << " wj2_tmp.Pt() " <<  wj2_tmp.Pt()  << std::endl;
     // 	 } //fid and jet id
     //   } //fid and jet id
     // } // end of two jets.

     // -------- Start Giulia Wide jet  --------------------- 
//use only jets pt>30, fiducial region and looseId
       if(!(jetPtAK4->at(0)>getPreCutValue1("jetPtCut") && fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(0)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idLAK4->at(0) == getPreCutValue1("looseJetID"))){
     	 std::cout << " JET 0 FAIL " <<  jetEtaAK4->at(0) << " JET 0  ID " << idLAK4->at(0) << std::endl;

       if(!(jetPtAK4->at(1)>getPreCutValue1("jetPtCut") && fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(1)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idLAK4->at(1) == getPreCutValue1("looseJetID"))){
     	 std::cout << " JET 1 FAIL " << jetEtaAK4->at(1) << " JET 1  ID " << idTAK4->at(1) << std::endl;


     //code to create wide jets : use ak4 passing loose ID

       if( fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(0)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idLAK4->at(0) == getPreCutValue1("looseJetID") && jetPtAK4->at(0)>getPreCutValue1("jetPtCut")){
     	 if( fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(1)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idLAK4->at(1) == getPreCutValue1("looseJetID") && jetPtAK4->at(1)>getPreCutValue1("jetPtCut")){
     	   TLorentzVector jet1, jet2;
     	   for(Long64_t ijet=0; ijet<no_jets_ak4; ijet++){ //jet loop for ak4
     	     TLorentzVector currentJet;
     	     if( fabs(jetEtaAK4->at(ijet)) < getPreCutValue1("jetFidRegion") && idLAK4->at(ijet) == 1){
     	       TLorentzVector currentJet;
     	       double DeltaR1 = currentJet.DeltaR(jet1);
     	       double DeltaR2 = currentJet.DeltaR(jet2);
     	       if(DeltaR1 < DeltaR2 && DeltaR1 < wideJetDeltaR_){
     		 wj1_tmp += currentJet;
     	       else if(DeltaR2 < wideJetDeltaR_){
     		 wj2_tmp += currentJet;
     	     } // if AK4 jet passes fid and jetid.
     	   } //end of ak4 jet loop
     	   if(wj1_tmp.Pt()==0 && wj2_tmp.Pt() ==0) 
     	     std::cout << " wj1_tmp.Pt() IN  " <<wj1_tmp.Pt()  << " wj2_tmp.Pt() " <<  wj2_tmp.Pt()  << std::endl;
     	 } //fid and jet id j2
       } //fid and jet id j1
     } // end of two jets.
     //-------------- end Giulia Wide jet --------------------------     

     if(wj1_tmp.Pt()==0 && wj2_tmp.Pt() ==0)     std::cout << " wj1_tmp.Pt()  " <<wj1_tmp.Pt()  << " wj2_tmp.Pt() " << wj2_tmp.Pt()  << "  no_jets_ak4 " << no_jets_ak4 << std::endl;
     double MJJWide,DeltaEtaJJWide,DeltaPhiJJWide;
     if( wj1_tmp.Pt()>0 && wj2_tmp.Pt() >0 ){
       // Re-order the wide jets in pt
       if( wj1_tmp.Pt() > wj2_tmp.Pt()){
	 wj1 = wj1_tmp;
	 wj2 = wj2_tmp;
	 wj1 = wj2_tmp;
	 wj2 = wj1_tmp;
       // Create dijet system
       wdijet = wj1 + wj2;
       MJJWide = wdijet.M();
       DeltaEtaJJWide = fabs(wj1.Eta()-wj2.Eta());
       DeltaPhiJJWide = fabs(wj1.DeltaPhi(wj2));
       // Put widejets in the container
       wj1math.SetPtEtaPhiM(wj1.Pt(), wj1.Eta(), wj1.Phi(), wj1.M());
       wj2math.SetPtEtaPhiM(wj2.Pt(), wj2.Eta(), wj2.Phi(), wj2.M());  
       widejets.push_back( wj1math );
       widejets.push_back( wj2math );

     fillVariableWithValue("nJetFinal",widejets.size()) ;
     fillVariableWithValue("nVtx",nvtx) ;
     fillVariableWithValue("ptHat", ptHat);    
     fillVariableWithValue("neutralHadronEnergyFraction_j1", jetNhfAK4->at(0));    
     fillVariableWithValue("photonEnergyFraction_j1", jetPhfAK4->at(0));    
     fillVariableWithValue("electronEnergyFraction_j1", jetElfAK4->at(0));         
     fillVariableWithValue("muonEnergyFraction_j1", jetMufAK4->at(0));    
     fillVariableWithValue("chargedHadronMultiplicity_j1", jetChfAK4->at(0));    
     fillVariableWithValue("neutralHadronEnergyFraction_j2", jetNhfAK4->at(1));    
     fillVariableWithValue("photonEnergyFraction_j2", jetPhfAK4->at(1));    
     fillVariableWithValue("electronEnergyFraction_j2", jetElfAK4->at(1));         
     fillVariableWithValue("muonEnergyFraction_j2", jetMufAK4->at(1));    
     fillVariableWithValue("chargedHadronMultiplicity_j2", jetChfAK4->at(1));    
     fillVariableWithValue("jetIdT1",idTAK4->at(0)) ;
     fillVariableWithValue("jetIdT2",idTAK4->at(1)) ;

     if( widejets.size() >= 1 )
	 fillVariableWithValue( "pT1stJet", widejets[0].Pt() );
	 fillVariableWithValue( "eta1stJet", widejets[0].Eta());

     if( widejets.size() >= 2 )
         fillVariableWithValue( "pT2ndJet", widejets[1].Pt() );
         fillVariableWithValue( "eta2ndJet", widejets[1].Eta());

         // Calculate deltaETAjj
	 fillVariableWithValue( "deltaETAjj", DeltaEtaJJWide ) ;
         // Calculate Mjj
         fillVariableWithValue( "Dijet_MassW", wdijet.M() ) ;
         fillVariableWithValue( "Dijet_MassAK8", mjjAK8 ) ;  
	 fillVariableWithValue( "Dijet_MassAK4", mjjAK4 ) ;  
	 //giulia - test
	 //fillVariableWithValue( "Dijet_MassC", mjjCA8 ) ;
	   std::cout << " INV MASS IS " << wdijet.M() << std::endl;
	   std::cout << " Delta Eta IS " << DeltaEtaJJWide << " n is  " << widejets.size() << std::endl;
	   std::cout << " INV MASS FROM NTUPLE AK8 " << mjjAK8 << std::endl;
	   //std::cout << " INV MASS FROM NTUPLE CA8 " << mjjCA8 << std::endl;
     // Evaluate cuts (but do not apply them)
     // optional call to fill a skim with the full content of the input roottuple
     if( passedCut("nJetFinal") ) fillSkimTree();
     // optional call to fill a skim with a subset of the variables defined in the cutFile (use flag SAVE)
     if( passedCut("nJetFinal") ) fillReducedSkimTree();

     // reject events that did not pass level 0 cuts
     if( !passedCut("0") ) continue;
     // ......
     // reject events that did not pass level 1 cuts
     if( !passedCut("1") ) continue;
     // ......

     // reject events that did not pass the full cut list
     if( !passedCut("all") ) continue;
     // ......

     if( widejets.size() >= 2) {
     ////////////////////// User's code ends here ///////////////////////
   } // End loop over events
   //////////write histos 

   //pT of both jets, to be built using the histograms produced automatically by baseClass
   TH1F * h_pTJets = new TH1F ("h_pTJets","", getHistoNBins("pT1stJet"), getHistoMin("pT1stJet"), getHistoMax("pT1stJet"));
   h_pTJets->Add( & getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT1stJet") ); // all histos can be retrieved, see other getHisto_xxxx methods in baseClass.h
   h_pTJets->Add( & getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT2ndJet") );
   //one could also do:  *h_pTJets = getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT1stJet") + getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT2ndJet");
   //one could also do:   const TH1F& h = getHisto_noCuts_or_skim// and use h

   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop() ends" <<std::endl;   
void analysisClass::Loop()
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop() begins" <<std::endl;   
   if (fChain == 0) return;
   //////////book histos here
   TH2F *h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_top = new TH2F ("h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_top","h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_top",500,0,500,500,-10,10);
   TH2F *h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_bottom = new TH2F ("h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_bottom","h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_bottom",500,0,500,500,-10,10);

   TH2F *h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_top = new TH2F ("h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_top","h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_top",500,0,500,500,0,500);
   TH2F *h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_bottom = new TH2F ("h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_bottom","h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_bottom",500,0,500,500,0,500);

   STDOUT("WARNING: using example code. In order NOT to use it, comment line that defines USE_EXAMPLE flag in Makefile.");   
   // number of electrons
   TH1F *h_nEleFinal = new TH1F ("h_nEleFinal","",11,-0.5,10.5);
   //pT 1st ele
   TH1F *h_pT1stEle = new TH1F ("h_pT1stEle","",100,0,1000);
   //pT 2nd ele
   TH1F *h_pT2ndEle = new TH1F ("h_pT2ndEle","",100,0,1000);

#endif //end of USE_EXAMPLE

   /////////initialize variables

   Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop(): nentries = " << nentries << std::endl;   

   ////// The following ~7 lines have been taken from rootNtupleClass->Loop() /////
   ////// If the root version is updated and rootNtupleClass regenerated,     /////
   ////// these lines may need to be updated.                                 /////    
   Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
   for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
     Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
     if (ientry < 0) break;
     nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
     if(jentry < 10 || jentry%1000 == 0) std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop(): jentry = " << jentry << std::endl;   
     // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;

     ////////////////////// User's code starts here ///////////////////////

     ///Stuff to be done every event

     // Electrons
     vector<int> v_idx_ele_final;
     for(int iele=0;iele<eleCount;iele++)
	 // ECAL barrel fiducial region
	 bool pass_ECAL_FR=false;
	 if( fabs(eleEta[iele]) < getPreCutValue1("eleFidRegion") )	v_idx_ele_final.push_back(iele);

     // Set the evaluation of the cuts to false and clear the variable values and filled status
     // Set the value of the variableNames listed in the cutFile to their current value
     fillVariableWithValue("nEleFinal", v_idx_ele_final.size()) ;
     if( v_idx_ele_final.size() >= 1 ) 
	 fillVariableWithValue( "pT1stEle", elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]] );
     if( v_idx_ele_final.size() >= 2 ) 
	 fillVariableWithValue( "pT2ndEle", elePt[v_idx_ele_final[1]] );
	 // Calculate Mee
	 TLorentzVector v_ee, ele1, ele2;
	 v_ee = ele1 + ele2;
	 fillVariableWithValue( "invMass_ee", v_ee.M() ) ;

     // Evaluate cuts (but do not apply them)
     // Fill histograms and do analysis based on cut evaluation
     //if( v_idx_ele_final.size()>=1 ) h_pT1stEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]]);
     //if( v_idx_ele_final.size()>=2 && (elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]])>85 ) h_pT2ndEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[1]]);
     if( passedCut("pT1stEle") ) h_pT1stEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]]);
     if( passedCut("pT2ndEle") ) h_pT2ndEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[1]]);
     // reject events that did not pass level 0 cuts
     if( !passedCut("0") ) continue;
     // ......
     // reject events that did not pass level 1 cuts
     if( !passedCut("1") ) continue;
     // ......

     // reject events that did not pass the full cut list
     if( !passedCut("all") ) continue;
     // ......

#endif  // end of USE_EXAMPLE

     //########### My code here #############
     // Set the evaluation of the cuts to false and clear the variable values and filled status

     double LenghtHB = getPreCutValue2("radiusHB") - getPreCutValue1("radiusHB");

     int n_DTtracksT=0;
     int n_DTtracksB=0;
     int n_DTtracksValidProp=0;
     for(int muon=0; muon<muonDTCount; muon++)
	 if(muonDTYin[muon]>0 && muonDTYout[muon]>0)

	 if(muonDTYin[muon]<0 && muonDTYout[muon]<0)


     fillVariableWithValue( "N_DTtracks", muonDTCount );
     fillVariableWithValue( "N_DTtracksProp", n_DTtracksValidProp );
     fillVariableWithValue( "N_DTtracksT", n_DTtracksT );
     fillVariableWithValue( "N_DTtracksB", n_DTtracksB );
     fillVariableWithValue( "N_TRKtracks", trackCount );

     if( muonDTCount >=2  )

	 int indexTOP=-1;
	 int indexBOTTOM=-1;
	 if(muonDTYin[0]>0 && muonDTYout[0]>0)
	     indexTOP = 0;
	   if(muonDTYin[0]<0 && muonDTYout[0]<0)
	       indexBOTTOM = 0;

	 if(muonDTYin[1]>0 && muonDTYout[1]>0)
	     indexTOP = 1;
	   if(muonDTYin[1]<0 && muonDTYout[1]<0)
	       indexBOTTOM = 1;
	 if(indexTOP >= 0 && indexBOTTOM >= 0)
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDXY_DT_TRK", muonDTnrstTrkDXY[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDZ_DT_TRK", muonDTnrstTrkDZ[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTNHits", muonDTNumRecHits[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTNValidHits", muonDTNumValidRecHits[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTEtaAtHB", max(muonDTEtaAtInHB[indexTOP],muonDTEtaAtOutHB[indexTOP]) );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTPhiAtHB", max(muonDTPhiAtInHB[indexTOP],muonDTPhiAtOutHB[indexTOP]) );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTLenghtHB", muonDTLengthInHB[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTdRHitMuInHB", muonDTdeltaRatInHB[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTdRHitMuOutHB", muonDTdeltaRatOutHB[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTEnergy", muonDTTotEnergy[indexTOP] );
	     double normEnergyTOP = (muonDTTotEnergy[indexTOP] / muonDTLengthInHB[indexTOP]) * LenghtHB; 
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTEnergyNorm", normEnergyTOP );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTNCells", muonDTNumCells[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTCellSameEta", muonDTHaveCellsSameEta[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTCellSamePhi", muonDTHaveCellsSamePhi[indexTOP] );
	     if(muonDTHaveCellsSameEta[indexTOP] || muonDTHaveCellsSamePhi[indexTOP])
	       fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTCellSmEtaOrPhi", 1 );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTP", muonDTP[indexTOP] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTPt", muonDTPt[indexTOP] );

		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkChi2", trackChi2[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkNdof", trackNdof[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkNrmChi2", trackChi2[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]]/trackNdof[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkP", trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkPt", trackPt[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] );
		 double relDeltaP = ( muonDTP[indexTOP] - trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] ) / trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]];
		 double relDeltaPt = ( muonDTPt[indexTOP] - trackPt[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] ) / trackPt[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]];
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkRelDeltaP", relDeltaP );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonTDTtrkRelDeltaPt", relDeltaPt );

	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDXY_DT_TRK", muonDTnrstTrkDXY[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDZ_DT_TRK", muonDTnrstTrkDZ[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTNHits", muonDTNumRecHits[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTNValidHits", muonDTNumValidRecHits[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTEtaAtHB", max(muonDTEtaAtInHB[indexBOTTOM],muonDTEtaAtOutHB[indexBOTTOM]) );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTPhiAtHB", max(muonDTPhiAtInHB[indexBOTTOM],muonDTPhiAtOutHB[indexBOTTOM]) );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTLenghtHB", muonDTLengthInHB[indexBOTTOM] );	     
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTdRHitMuInHB", muonDTdeltaRatInHB[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTdRHitMuOutHB", muonDTdeltaRatOutHB[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTEnergy", muonDTTotEnergy[indexBOTTOM] );
	     double normEnergyBOTTOM = (muonDTTotEnergy[indexBOTTOM] / muonDTLengthInHB[indexBOTTOM]) * LenghtHB; 
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTEnergyNorm", normEnergyBOTTOM );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTNCells", muonDTNumCells[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTCellSameEta", muonDTHaveCellsSameEta[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTCellSamePhi", muonDTHaveCellsSamePhi[indexBOTTOM] );
	     if(muonDTHaveCellsSameEta[indexBOTTOM] || muonDTHaveCellsSamePhi[indexBOTTOM])
	       fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTCellSmEtaOrPhi", 1 );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTP", muonDTP[indexBOTTOM] );
	     fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTPt", muonDTPt[indexBOTTOM] );

		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkChi2", trackChi2[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkNdof", trackNdof[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkNrmChi2", trackChi2[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]]/trackNdof[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkP", trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkPt", trackPt[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] );
		 double relDeltaP = ( muonDTP[indexBOTTOM] - trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] ) / trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]];
		 double relDeltaPt = ( muonDTPt[indexBOTTOM] - trackPt[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] ) / trackPt[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]];
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkRelDeltaP", relDeltaP );
		 fillVariableWithValue( "muonBDTtrkRelDeltaPt", relDeltaPt );

     // Evaluate cuts (but do not apply them)

     if( passedCut("0") && passedCut("1") &&  passedCut("2") && passedCut("3") && passedCut("4") ) 
	 if( muonDTCount >=2  )
	     int indexTOP=-1;
	     int indexBOTTOM=-1;
	     if(muonDTYin[0]>0 && muonDTYout[0]>0)
	       indexTOP = 0;
	       if(muonDTYin[0]<0 && muonDTYout[0]<0)
		 indexBOTTOM = 0;
	     if(muonDTYin[1]>0 && muonDTYout[1]>0)
	       indexTOP = 1;
	       if(muonDTYin[1]<0 && muonDTYout[1]<0)
		 indexBOTTOM = 1;

	     if(indexTOP >= 0 && indexBOTTOM >= 0)
		     double relDeltaP = ( muonDTP[indexTOP] - trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] ) / trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]];
		     h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_top->Fill(trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] , relDeltaP);
		     h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_top->Fill(trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexTOP]] , muonDTP[indexTOP]);
		     double relDeltaP = ( muonDTP[indexBOTTOM] - trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] ) / trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]];
		     h_RelDeltaP_vs_trkP_bottom->Fill(trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] , relDeltaP);
		     h_muonDTP_vs_trkP_bottom->Fill(trackP[muonDTnrstTrkIdx[indexBOTTOM]] , muonDTP[indexBOTTOM]);
     ////////////////////// User's code ends here ///////////////////////

   } // End loop over events

   //////////write histos 

   STDOUT("WARNING: using example code. In order NOT to use it, comment line that defines USE_EXAMPLE flag in Makefile.");   


   //pT of both electrons, to be built using the histograms produced automatically by baseClass
   TH1F * h_pTElectrons = new TH1F ("h_pTElectrons","", getHistoNBins("pT1stEle"), getHistoMin("pT1stEle"), getHistoMax("pT1stEle"));
   h_pTElectrons->Add( & getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT1stEle") ); // all histos can be retrieved, see other getHisto_xxxx methods in baseClass.h
   h_pTElectrons->Add( & getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT2ndEle") );
   //one could also do:  *h_pTElectrons = getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT1stEle") + getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT2ndEle");
   //one could also do:   const TH1F& h = getHisto_noCuts_or_skim// and use h
#endif // end of USE_EXAMPLE

   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop() ends" <<std::endl;   
void analysisClass::Loop()
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop() begins" <<std::endl;   
   if (fChain == 0) return;
   //////////book histos here

   STDOUT("WARNING: using example code. In order NOT to use it, comment line that defines USE_EXAMPLE flag in Makefile.");   
   // number of electrons
   TH1F *h_nEleFinal = new TH1F ("h_nEleFinal","",11,-0.5,10.5);
   //pT 1st ele
   TH1F *h_pT1stEle = new TH1F ("h_pT1stEle","",100,0,1000);
   //pT 2nd ele
   TH1F *h_pT2ndEle = new TH1F ("h_pT2ndEle","",100,0,1000);

#endif //end of USE_EXAMPLE

   /////////initialize variables

   Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop(): nentries = " << nentries << std::endl;   

   ////// The following ~7 lines have been taken from rootNtupleClass->Loop() /////
   ////// If the root version is updated and rootNtupleClass regenerated,     /////
   ////// these lines may need to be updated.                                 /////    
   Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
   for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
     Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
     if (ientry < 0) break;
     nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
     if(jentry < 10 || jentry%1000 == 0) std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop(): jentry = " << jentry << std::endl;   
     // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;

     ////////////////////// User's code starts here ///////////////////////

     ///Stuff to be done every event

     // Electrons
     vector<int> v_idx_ele_final;
     for(int iele=0;iele<eleCount;iele++)
	 // ECAL barrel fiducial region
	 bool pass_ECAL_FR=false;
	 if( fabs(eleEta[iele]) < getPreCutValue1("eleFidRegion") )	v_idx_ele_final.push_back(iele);

     // Set the evaluation of the cuts to false and clear the variable values and filled status
     // Set the value of the variableNames listed in the cutFile to their current value
     fillVariableWithValue("nEleFinal", v_idx_ele_final.size()) ;
     if( v_idx_ele_final.size() >= 1 ) 
	 fillVariableWithValue( "pT1stEle", elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]] );
     if( v_idx_ele_final.size() >= 2 ) 
	 fillVariableWithValue( "pT2ndEle", elePt[v_idx_ele_final[1]] );
	 // Calculate Mee
	 TLorentzVector v_ee, ele1, ele2;
	 v_ee = ele1 + ele2;
	 fillVariableWithValue( "invMass_ee", v_ee.M() ) ;

     // Evaluate cuts (but do not apply them)
     // Fill histograms and do analysis based on cut evaluation
     //if( v_idx_ele_final.size()>=1 ) h_pT1stEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]]);
     //if( v_idx_ele_final.size()>=2 && (elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]])>85 ) h_pT2ndEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[1]]);
     if( passedCut("pT1stEle") ) h_pT1stEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[0]]);
     if( passedCut("pT2ndEle") ) h_pT2ndEle->Fill(elePt[v_idx_ele_final[1]]);
     // retrieve value of previously filled variables (after making sure that they were filled)
     double totpTEle;
     if ( variableIsFilled("pT1stEle") && variableIsFilled("pT2ndEle") ) 
       totpTEle = getVariableValue("pT1stEle")+getVariableValue("pT2ndEle");

     // reject events that did not pass level 0 cuts
     if( !passedCut("0") ) continue;
     // ......
     // reject events that did not pass level 1 cuts
     if( !passedCut("1") ) continue;
     // ......

     // reject events that did not pass the full cut list
     if( !passedCut("all") ) continue;
     // ......

#endif  // end of USE_EXAMPLE

     ////////////////////// User's code ends here ///////////////////////

   } // End loop over events

   //////////write histos 

   STDOUT("WARNING: using example code. In order NOT to use it, comment line that defines USE_EXAMPLE flag in Makefile.");   


   //pT of both electrons, to be built using the histograms produced automatically by baseClass
   TH1F * h_pTElectrons = new TH1F ("h_pTElectrons","", getHistoNBins("pT1stEle"), getHistoMin("pT1stEle"), getHistoMax("pT1stEle"));
   h_pTElectrons->Add( & getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT1stEle") ); // all histos can be retrieved, see other getHisto_xxxx methods in baseClass.h
   h_pTElectrons->Add( & getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT2ndEle") );
   //one could also do:  *h_pTElectrons = getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT1stEle") + getHisto_noCuts_or_skim("pT2ndEle");
   //one could also do:   const TH1F& h = getHisto_noCuts_or_skim// and use h
#endif // end of USE_EXAMPLE
   std::cout << "analysisClass::Loop() ends" <<std::endl;   