Пример #1
void KIGPDialog::writeConfig()
 KConfigGroup group = m_config->group("Look");
 group.writeEntry("ImagesPerRow", getImagesPerRow());
 group.writeEntry("ImageName", printImageName());
 group.writeEntry("ImageSize", printImageSize());
 group.writeEntry("ImageProperty", printImageProperty());
 group.writeEntry("FontName", getFontName());
 group.writeEntry("FontSize", getFontSize());
 group.writeEntry("ForegroundColor", getForegroundColor().name() );
 group.writeEntry("BackgroundColor", getBackgroundColor().name());

 group =m_config->group("Directory");
 group.writeEntry("RecurseSubDirectories", recurseSubDirectories());
 group.writeEntry("RecursionLevel", recursionLevel());
 group.writeEntry("CopyOriginalFiles", copyOriginalFiles());
 group.writeEntry("UseCommentFile", useCommentFile());

 group = m_config->group("Thumbnails");
 group.writeEntry("ThumbnailSize", getThumbnailSize());
 group.writeEntry("ColorDepth", getColorDepth());
 group.writeEntry("ColorDepthSet", colorDepthSet());
 group.writeEntry("ImageFormat", getImageFormat());
void LLPanelSnapshotLocal::onFormatComboCommit(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
	mLocalFormat = getImageFormat();
	// <FS:Ansariel> FIRE-7090: Snapshot format for disk changes when selecting snapshot to inventory or email
	gSavedSettings.setS32("FSSnapshotLocalFormat", getChild<LLComboBox>("local_format_combo")->getCurrentIndex());

	// will call updateControls()
	LLFloaterSnapshot::getInstance()->notify(LLSD().with("image-format-change", true));
Пример #3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WriteImages::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setImagePrefix( reader->readString("ImagePrefix", getImagePrefix()) );
  setFilePrefix( reader->readValue("FilePrefix", getFilePrefix()) );
  setOutputPath( reader->readString("OutputPath", getOutputPath()) );
  setColorsArrayPath( reader->readDataArrayPath("ColorsArrayPath", getColorsArrayPath()) );
  setImageFormat( reader->readValue("ImageFormat", getImageFormat()) );
  setPlane(reader->readValue("Plane", getPlane()));
Пример #4
VideoSourceImages::VideoSourceImages(VDInputFileImages *parent)
	: mpParent(parent)
	, mCachedHandleFrame(-1)
	mSampleFirst = 0;



	// This has to be 1 so that read() doesn't kick away the request.

	mSampleLast = mpParent->GetFrameCount();

	// Fill out streamInfo
	extern const VDFraction& VDPreferencesGetImageSequenceFrameRate();
	const VDFraction& fr = VDPreferencesGetImageSequenceFrameRate();

	streamInfo.fccType					= VDAVIStreamInfo::kTypeVideo;
	streamInfo.fccHandler				= NULL;
	streamInfo.dwFlags					= 0;
	streamInfo.dwCaps					= 0;
	streamInfo.wPriority				= 0;
	streamInfo.wLanguage				= 0;
	streamInfo.dwScale					= fr.getLo();
	streamInfo.dwRate					= fr.getHi();
	streamInfo.dwStart					= 0;
	streamInfo.dwLength					= VDClampToUint32(mSampleLast);
	streamInfo.dwInitialFrames			= 0;
	streamInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize	= 0;
	streamInfo.dwQuality				= (DWORD)-1;
	streamInfo.dwSampleSize				= 0;
	streamInfo.rcFrameLeft				= 0;
	streamInfo.rcFrameTop				= 0;
	streamInfo.rcFrameRight				= (uint16)getImageFormat()->biWidth;
	streamInfo.rcFrameBottom			= (uint16)getImageFormat()->biHeight;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WritePoleFigure::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setGoodVoxelsArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("GoodVoxelsArrayPath", getGoodVoxelsArrayPath() ) );
  setCrystalStructuresArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("CrystalStructuresArrayPath", getCrystalStructuresArrayPath() ) );
  setCellPhasesArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("CellPhasesArrayPath", getCellPhasesArrayPath() ) );
  setCellEulerAnglesArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("CellEulerAnglesArrayPath", getCellEulerAnglesArrayPath() ) );
  setImagePrefix( reader->readString("ImagePrefix", getImagePrefix()));
  setOutputPath( reader->readString("OutputPath", getOutputPath()));
  setImageFormat( reader->readValue("ImageFormat", getImageFormat()));
  setImageLayout( reader->readValue("ImageLayout", getImageLayout()));
  setImageSize( reader->readValue("ImageSize", getImageSize()));
  setLambertSize( reader->readValue("LambertSize", getLambertSize()));
// virtual
void LLPanelSnapshot::onOpen(const LLSD& key)
    S32 old_format = gSavedSettings.getS32("SnapshotFormat");
    S32 new_format = (S32) getImageFormat();

    gSavedSettings.setS32("SnapshotFormat", new_format);

    // Switching panels will likely change image format.
    // Not updating preview right away may lead to errors,
    // e.g. attempt to send a large BMP image by email.
    if (old_format != new_format)
        LLFloaterSnapshot::getInstance()->notify(LLSD().with("image-format-change", true));

Пример #7
 * Get the image stored in the specified field.
 * @param rowId The ID of the record to fetch data from
 * @param colIndex The position index of the field to fetch data from
 * @return The requested image
QImage View::getImage(int rowId, int colIndex)
    QString colName = columns[colIndex];
    QString format = getImageFormat(rowId, colIndex);
    return ImageUtils::load(db, rowId, colName, format);
Пример #8
 * Update Texture - requires valid OpenGL Context
void TextureUpdate::updateTexture(const Measurement::ImageMeasurement& image) {
    // access OCL Manager and initialize if needed
    Vision::OpenCLManager& oclManager = Vision::OpenCLManager::singleton();

    if (!image) {
        // LOG4CPP_WARN ??

    // if OpenCL is enabled and image is on GPU, then use OCL codepath
    bool image_isOnGPU = oclManager.isInitialized() & image->isOnGPU();

    if ( m_bTextureInitialized )
        // check if received image fits into the allocated texture

        // find out texture format
        int umatConvertCode = -1;
        GLenum glFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
        GLenum glDatatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        int numOfChannels = 1;
        Image::ImageFormatProperties fmtSrc, fmtDst;

        getImageFormat(fmtSrc, fmtDst, image_isOnGPU, umatConvertCode, glFormat, glDatatype);

        if (image_isOnGPU) {

            glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture );

            // @todo this probably causes unwanted delay - .. except when executed on gpu ...
            if (umatConvertCode != -1) {
                cv::cvtColor(image->uMat(), m_convertedImage, umatConvertCode );
            } else {
                m_convertedImage = image->uMat();


            cl_command_queue commandQueue = oclManager.getCommandQueue();
            cl_int err;


            err = clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(commandQueue, 1, &(m_clImage), 0, NULL, NULL);
            if(err != CL_SUCCESS)
                LOG4CPP_ERROR( logger, "error at  clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects:" << getOpenCLErrorString(err) );

            cl_mem clBuffer = (cl_mem) m_convertedImage.handle(cv::ACCESS_READ);
            cl_command_queue cv_ocl_queue = (cl_command_queue)cv::ocl::Queue::getDefault().ptr();

            size_t offset = 0;
            size_t dst_origin[3] = {0, 0, 0};
            size_t region[3] = {static_cast<size_t>(m_convertedImage.cols), static_cast<size_t>(m_convertedImage.rows), 1};

            err = clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage(cv_ocl_queue, clBuffer, m_clImage, offset, dst_origin, region, 0, NULL, NULL);
            if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
                LOG4CPP_ERROR( logger, "error at  clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage:" << getOpenCLErrorString(err) );

            err = clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(commandQueue, 1, &m_clImage, 0, NULL, NULL);
            if(err != CL_SUCCESS)
                LOG4CPP_ERROR( logger, "error at  clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects:" << getOpenCLErrorString(err) );

#else // HAVE_OPENCL
            LOG4CPP_ERROR( logger, "Image isOnGPU but OpenCL is disabled!!");
#endif // HAVE_OPENCL
        } else {
            // load image from CPU buffer into texture
            glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture );
            glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, image->width(), image->height(),
                    glFormat, glDatatype, image->Mat().data );


#endif // HAVE_OPENCV
Пример #9
void TextureUpdate::initializeTexture(const Measurement::ImageMeasurement& image, const GLuint tex_id) {

    if (!image) {

    if ( !m_bTextureInitialized )
        // access OCL Manager and initialize if needed
        Vision::OpenCLManager& oclManager = Vision::OpenCLManager::singleton();

        // if OpenCL is enabled and image is on GPU, then use OCL codepath
        bool image_isOnGPU = oclManager.isEnabled() & image->isOnGPU();

        // find out texture format
        int umatConvertCode = -1;
        GLenum glFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
        GLenum glDatatype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        int numOfChannels = 1;
        Image::ImageFormatProperties fmtSrc, fmtDst;

        getImageFormat(fmtSrc, fmtDst, image_isOnGPU, umatConvertCode, glFormat, glDatatype);

        // generate power-of-two sizes
        m_pow2Width = 1;
        while ( m_pow2Width < (unsigned)image->width() )
            m_pow2Width <<= 1;

        m_pow2Height = 1;
        while ( m_pow2Height < (unsigned)image->height() )
            m_pow2Height <<= 1;

        m_texture = tex_id;

        glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture );

        // define texture parameters

        // load empty texture image (defines texture size)
        glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, fmtDst.channels, m_pow2Width, m_pow2Height, 0, glFormat, glDatatype, 0 );
        LOG4CPP_DEBUG( logger, "glTexImage2D( width=" << m_pow2Width << ", height=" << m_pow2Height << " ): " << glGetError() );
        LOG4CPP_INFO( logger, "initalized texture ( " << glFormat << " ) OnGPU: " << image_isOnGPU);

        if (oclManager.isInitialized()) {

            //Get an image Object from the OpenGL texture
            cl_int err;
// windows specific or opencl version specific ??
#ifdef WIN32
            m_clImage = clCreateFromGLTexture2D( oclManager.getContext(), CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, m_texture, &err);
            m_clImage = clCreateFromGLTexture( oclManager.getContext(), CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, m_texture, &err);
            if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
                LOG4CPP_ERROR( logger, "error at  clCreateFromGLTexture2D:" << getOpenCLErrorString(err) );
        m_bTextureInitialized = true;
#endif // HAVE_OPENCV
Пример #10
std::string MapSection::getImageFormatSuffix() const {
	if (getImageFormat() == ImageFormat::PNG)
		return "png";
	return "jpg";
Пример #11
const void *VideoSourceImages::streamGetFrame(const void *inputBuffer, uint32 data_len, bool is_preroll, VDPosition frame_num, VDPosition target_sample) {
	// We may get a zero-byte frame if we already have the image.

	if (!data_len)
		return getFrameBuffer();

	int w, h;
	bool bHasAlpha;

	bool bIsPNG = false;
	bool bIsJPG = false;
	bool bIsBMP = false;
	bool bIsIFF = false;
	bool bIsTGA = false;

	bIsPNG = VDDecodePNGHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha);
	if (!bIsPNG) {
		bIsJPG = VDIsJPEGHeader(inputBuffer, data_len);
		if (!bIsJPG) {
			bIsBMP = DecodeBMPHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha);
			if (!bIsBMP) {
				bIsIFF = VDIsMayaIFFHeader(inputBuffer, data_len);
				if (!bIsIFF)
					bIsTGA = DecodeTGAHeader(inputBuffer, data_len, w, h, bHasAlpha);

	if (!bIsBMP && !bIsTGA && !bIsJPG && !bIsPNG && !bIsIFF)
		throw MyError("Image file must be in PNG, Windows BMP, truecolor TARGA format, MayaIFF, or sequential JPEG format.");

	if (bIsJPG) {
		if (!mpJPEGDecoder)
			mpJPEGDecoder = VDCreateJPEGDecoder();
		mpJPEGDecoder->Begin(inputBuffer, data_len);
		mpJPEGDecoder->DecodeHeader(w, h);

	VDPixmap pxIFF;
	if (bIsIFF) {
		if (!mpIFFDecoder)
			mpIFFDecoder = VDCreateImageDecoderIFF();
		pxIFF = mpIFFDecoder->Decode(inputBuffer, data_len);
		w = pxIFF.w;
		h = pxIFF.h;

	// Check image header.

	VDAVIBitmapInfoHeader *pFormat = getImageFormat();

	if (getFrameBuffer()) {
		if (w != pFormat->biWidth || h != pFormat->biHeight) {
			vdfastvector<wchar_t> errBuf;

			throw MyError("Image \"%ls\" (%dx%d) doesn't match the image dimensions of the first image (%dx%d)."
					, mpParent->ComputeFilename(errBuf, frame_num), w, h, pFormat->biWidth, pFormat->biHeight);

	} else {
		if (!AllocFrameBuffer(w * h * 4))
			throw MyMemoryError();

		pFormat->biSize				= sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
		pFormat->biWidth			= w;
		pFormat->biHeight			= h;
		pFormat->biPlanes			= 1;
		pFormat->biCompression		= 0xFFFFFFFFUL;
		pFormat->biBitCount			= 0;
		pFormat->biSizeImage		= 0;
		pFormat->biXPelsPerMeter	= 0;
		pFormat->biYPelsPerMeter	= 0;
		pFormat->biClrUsed			= 0;
		pFormat->biClrImportant		= 0;

		// special case for initial read in constructor

		return NULL;

	if (bIsJPG) {
		int format;

		switch(mvbFrameBuffer.depth) {
		case 16:	format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatXRGB1555;	break;
		case 24:	format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatRGB888;		break;
		case 32:	format = IVDJPEGDecoder::kFormatXRGB8888;	break;

		mpJPEGDecoder->DecodeImage((char *)mvbFrameBuffer.data + mvbFrameBuffer.pitch * (mvbFrameBuffer.h - 1), -mvbFrameBuffer.pitch, format);

	if (bIsIFF)
		VDPixmapBlt(getTargetFormat(), pxIFF);

	if (bIsBMP)
		DecodeBMP(inputBuffer, data_len, mvbFrameBuffer);
	if (bIsTGA)
		DecodeTGA(inputBuffer, data_len, mvbFrameBuffer);
	if (bIsPNG) {
		if (!mpPNGDecoder)
			mpPNGDecoder = VDCreateImageDecoderPNG();

		PNGDecodeError err = mpPNGDecoder->Decode(inputBuffer, data_len);

		if (err) {
			if (err == kPNGDecodeOutOfMemory)
				throw MyMemoryError();

			vdfastvector<wchar_t> errBuf;

			throw MyError("Error decoding \"%ls\": %ls\n", mpParent->ComputeFilename(errBuf, frame_num), VDLoadString(0, kVDST_PNGDecodeErrors, err));

		VDPixmapBlt(VDAsPixmap(mvbFrameBuffer), mpPNGDecoder->GetFrameBuffer());

	mCachedFrame = frame_num;

	return mpFrameBuffer;