//Start and stay at PowerOFF
void test_stateTransition0(void)
  //All of these should pass
  State = getInitialState();
  State = Ubuntu_State[State]();
  State = Ubuntu_State[State]();
TEST_P(ComponentIntegrationSchemeAndCountParamTest, TimeMatrixInitialization)
	int numCubes;
	SurgSim::Math::IntegrationScheme integrationScheme;
	SurgSim::Math::LinearSolver linearSolver;
	std::tie(integrationScheme, linearSolver, numCubes) = GetParam();
	RecordProperty("IntegrationScheme", IntegrationSchemeNames[integrationScheme]);
	RecordProperty("LinearSolver", LinearSolverNames[linearSolver]);
	RecordProperty("CubeDivisions", boost::to_string(numCubes));

	auto fem = std::make_shared<DivisibleCubeRepresentation>("cube", numCubes);
	// We need to add some boundary conditions for the static solver to not run into a singular matrix

Пример #3
    std::map<Key, sem_elem_t>
    WFA::readOutCombineOverAllPathsValues(std::set<Key> const & alpha)
      Key const init = getInitialState();
      sem_elem_t weight = getSomeWeight()->zero();

      std::map<Key, sem_elem_t> values_map;

      for (std::set<Key>::const_iterator iter = alpha.begin();
           iter != alpha.end(); iter++)
        // Compute Combine_{t = (init,*iter,to)} (weight(t) extend weight(to))
        // or      Combine_{t = (init,*iter,to)} (weight(to) extend weight(t)),
        // depending on whether the WFA holds a prestar or poststar
        // answer.
        // Get the set of transitions in the WFA that are of the
        // form (init,*iter,?)
        TransSet transitionSet = match(init, *iter);
        for (TransSet::iterator tsiter = transitionSet.begin();
             tsiter != transitionSet.end() ; tsiter++)
          ITrans * t = *tsiter;

          // Set tmp to (weight(to) extend weight(t)) or
          // (weight(t) extend weight(to)),
          // depending on whether the WFA holds a prestar or
          // poststar answer.
          sem_elem_t tmp;
          sem_elem_t target_weight = getState(t->to())->weight();
          sem_elem_t trans_weight = t->weight();
          if (getQuery() == WFA::INORDER) {
            tmp = trans_weight->extend(target_weight);
          else {
            tmp = target_weight->extend(trans_weight);

          // Combine the value to the accumulated weight of all
          // "to" states 
          weight = weight->combine(tmp);

        values_map[*iter] = weight;
      return values_map;
Пример #4
 vector<pair<double, double> > System::simulate(){
     vector<pair<double, double> > trace ;
     gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {func, jac, 2, &mu};
     gsl_odeiv2_driver * d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rk8pd, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
     double t = 0.0, t1 = 20.0;
     double* state = getInitialState();
     double y[2] = { state[0], state[1] };
     for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++){
         double ti = i * t1 / 1000.0;
         int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply (d, &t, ti, y);
         if (status != GSL_SUCCESS){
             printf ("error, return value=%d\n", status);
         trace.push_back(make_pair(y[0], y[1]));
         //printf ("%.5e %.5e %.5e\n", t, y[0], y[1]);
     delete state;
     gsl_odeiv2_driver_free (d);
     return trace;
Пример #5
void DescentOptimizer::initialize() {
  cout << "Duplex initialization started. It make take a while to analyze the "
       << endl;
  double *init = getInitialState();
  max = new double[objectiveDimension];
  min = new double[objectiveDimension];
  vector<string> objectiveMinStringVector =
      settings->listValues("objective", "uid-objective.min");
  vector<string> objectiveMaxStringVector =
      settings->listValues("objective", "uid-objective.max");
  for (int i = 0; i < objectiveDimension; i++) {
    min[i] = stod(objectiveMinStringVector[i]);
    max[i] = stod(objectiveMaxStringVector[i]);
  stat = new Stat(settings, max, min, opt);
  // Setting up the root node
  State *root = new State(parameterDimension, objectiveDimension);
  insert(0, root, root);
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  gflags::SetUsageMessage("[options] full_path_to_urdf_or_sdf_file");
  gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
  if (argc < 2) {
    return 1;

  // todo: consider moving this logic into the RigidBodySystem class so it can
  // be reused
  FloatingBaseType floating_base_type = kQuaternion;
  if (FLAGS_base == "kFixed") {
    floating_base_type = kFixed;
  } else if (FLAGS_base == "RPY") {
    floating_base_type = kRollPitchYaw;
  } else if (FLAGS_base == "QUAT") {
    floating_base_type = kQuaternion;
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error(string("Unknown base type") + FLAGS_base +
                             "; must be kFixed, RPY, or QUAT");

  auto rigid_body_sys = make_shared<RigidBodySystem>();
  rigid_body_sys->AddModelInstanceFromFile(argv[argc - 1], floating_base_type);
  auto const& tree = rigid_body_sys->getRigidBodyTree();

  if (FLAGS_add_flat_terrain) {
    SPDLOG_TRACE(drake::log(), "adding flat terrain");
    double box_width = 1000;
    double box_depth = 10;
    DrakeShapes::Box geom(Vector3d(box_width, box_width, box_depth));
    Isometry3d T_element_to_link = Isometry3d::Identity();
    T_element_to_link.translation() << 0, 0,
        -box_depth / 2;  // top of the box is at z=0
    RigidBody<double>& world = tree->world();
    Vector4d color;
    color << 0.9297, 0.7930, 0.6758,
        1;  // was hex2dec({'ee','cb','ad'})'/256 in matlab
        DrakeShapes::VisualElement(geom, T_element_to_link, color));
        DrakeCollision::Element(geom, T_element_to_link, &world), world,

  shared_ptr<lcm::LCM> lcm = make_shared<lcm::LCM>();
  auto visualizer =
      make_shared<BotVisualizer<RigidBodySystem::StateVector>>(lcm, tree);
  auto sys = cascade(rigid_body_sys, visualizer);

  SimulationOptions options;
  options.realtime_factor = 1.0;
  options.timeout_seconds = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  options.initial_step_size = 5e-3;

  runLCM(sys, lcm, 0, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(),
         getInitialState(*sys), options);
  //  simulate(*sys, 0, std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
  //  getInitialState(*sys), options);

  return 0;