Пример #1
const FontData* FontCache::getFontData(const Font& font, int& familyIndex)
    FontPlatformData* result = 0;

    int startIndex = familyIndex;
    const FontFamily* startFamily = &font.fontDescription().family();
    for (int i = 0; startFamily && i < startIndex; i++)
        startFamily = startFamily->next();
    const FontFamily* currFamily = startFamily;
    while (currFamily && !result) {
        if (currFamily->family().length())
            result = getCachedFontPlatformData(font.fontDescription(), currFamily->family());
        currFamily = currFamily->next();

    if (!currFamily)
        familyIndex = cAllFamiliesScanned;

    if (!result)
        // We didn't find a font. Try to find a similar font using our own specific knowledge about our platform.
        // For example on OS X, we know to map any families containing the words Arabic, Pashto, or Urdu to the
        // Geeza Pro font.
        result = getSimilarFontPlatformData(font);

    if (!result && startIndex == 0)
        // We still don't have a result.  Hand back our last resort fallback font.  We only do the last resort fallback
        // when trying to find the primary font.  Otherwise our fallback will rely on the actual characters used.
        result = getLastResortFallbackFont(font);

    // Now that we have a result, we need to go from FontPlatformData -> FontData.
    return getCachedFontData(result);
Пример #2
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontCache::fallbackFontForCharacter(const FontDescription& fontDescription, UChar32 c, const SimpleFontData*)
    AtomicString familyName = getFamilyNameForCharacter(c, fontDescription.script());
    if (familyName.isEmpty())
        return getLastResortFallbackFont(fontDescription, DoNotRetain);
    return fontDataFromFontPlatformData(getFontPlatformData(fontDescription, FontFaceCreationParams(familyName)), DoNotRetain);
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontCache::fallbackFontForCharacter(const FontDescription& fontDescription, UChar32 c, const SimpleFontData*, FontFallbackPriority fallbackPriority)
    RefPtr<SkFontMgr> fm = adoptRef(SkFontMgr::RefDefault());
    AtomicString familyName = getFamilyNameForCharacter(fm.get(), c, fontDescription, fallbackPriority);
    if (familyName.isEmpty())
        return getLastResortFallbackFont(fontDescription, DoNotRetain);
    return fontDataFromFontPlatformData(getFontPlatformData(fontDescription, FontFaceCreationParams(familyName)), DoNotRetain);
Пример #4
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters(const Font& font, const UChar* characters, int length)
    RefPtr<SimpleFontData> fontData = 0;
    fontData = getCachedFontData(font.fontDescription(), font.family().family(), false, DoNotRetain);
    if (!fontData->containsCharacters(characters, length))
        fontData = getSimilarFontPlatformData(font);
    if (!fontData->containsCharacters(characters, length))
        fontData = getLastResortFallbackFont(font.fontDescription());

    return fontData.release();
Пример #5
const SimpleFontData* FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters(const Font& font, const UChar* characters, int length)
    SimpleFontData* fontData = 0;
    fontData = getCachedFontData(font.fontDescription(), font.family().family());
    if (!fontData->containsCharacters(characters, length))
        fontData = getSimilarFontPlatformData(font);
    if (!fontData->containsCharacters(characters, length))
        fontData = getLastResortFallbackFont(font.fontDescription());
    return fontData;
Пример #6
const FontData* FontCache::getFontData(const Font& font, int& familyIndex, FontSelector* fontSelector)
    FontPlatformData* result = 0;

    int startIndex = familyIndex;
    const FontFamily* startFamily = &font.fontDescription().family();
    for (int i = 0; startFamily && i < startIndex; i++)
        startFamily = startFamily->next();
    const FontFamily* currFamily = startFamily;
    while (currFamily && !result) {
        if (currFamily->family().length()) {
            if (fontSelector) {
                FontData* data = fontSelector->getFontData(font.fontDescription(), currFamily->family());
                if (data)
                    return data;
            result = getCachedFontPlatformData(font.fontDescription(), currFamily->family());
        currFamily = currFamily->next();

    if (!currFamily)
        familyIndex = cAllFamiliesScanned;

    if (!result) {
        // We didn't find a font. Try to find a similar font using our own specific knowledge about our platform.
        // For example on OS X, we know to map any families containing the words Arabic, Pashto, or Urdu to the
        // Geeza Pro font.

        //+ 4/27/09 CSidhall - The old code created a new fontPlatfromData here but left the pointer to leak.
        // We will use the exising font cache to store it in so that we can collect it.
        // There might be some risk if fontPlatformData gets added from another location with the same
        // key value.  This would overwrite the mapped value, causing a leak.  Have not seen this to occur in
        // however while testing several sites.
        // Original code:
        // result = getSimilarFontPlatformData(font);
        // New code:
        // Verify that we don't have one already in the cache (the familyIndex might have skipped this step)
        const FontDescription& fontDescription = font.fontDescription(); 
        // Use first font family as default name for the key
        const AtomicString& familyName = font.fontDescription().family().family();  
        result = getCachedFontPlatformData(fontDescription, familyName);
        if(!result) {
            // No default font was found so should be safe to add to key location
            result = getSimilarFontPlatformData(font);

            FontPlatformDataCacheKey key(familyName, fontDescription.computedPixelSize(), fontDescription.weight(), fontDescription.italic(),
                                 fontDescription.usePrinterFont(), fontDescription.renderingMode());
        //- CS 

    if (!result && startIndex == 0) {
        // If it's the primary font that we couldn't find, we try the following. In all other cases, we will
        // just use per-character system fallback.

        if (fontSelector) {
            // Try the user's preferred standard font.
            if (FontData* data = fontSelector->getFontData(font.fontDescription(), "-webkit-standard"))
                return data;

        // Still no result.  Hand back our last resort fallback font.
        result = getLastResortFallbackFont(font.fontDescription());

    // Now that we have a result, we need to go from FontPlatformData -> FontData.
    return getCachedFontData(result);