void WorldSession::CharacterEnumProc(QueryResult* result) { struct player_item { uint32 displayid; uint8 invtype; uint32 enchantment; // added in 2.4 }; uint32 start_time = getMSTime(); player_item items[23]; int8 slot; uint32 i; ItemPrototype* proto; QueryResult* res; CreatureInfo* info = NULL; uint8 race; has_dk = false; _side = -1; // side should be set on every enumeration for safety uint32 numchar; if(result) numchar = result->GetRowCount(); else numchar = 0; // should be more than enough.. 200 bytes per char.. WorldPacket data(SMSG_CHAR_ENUM, 1 + numchar * 200); // parse m_characters and build a mighty packet of // characters to send to the client. data << uint8(numchar); if(result) { uint64 guid; uint8 Class; uint32 bytes2; uint32 flags; uint32 banned; Field* fields; uint32 petLevel = 0; do { fields = result->Fetch(); guid = fields[0].GetUInt64(); bytes2 = fields[6].GetUInt32(); Class = fields[3].GetUInt8(); flags = fields[17].GetUInt32(); race = fields[2].GetUInt8(); if(_side < 0) { // work out the side static uint8 sides[RACE_DRAENEI + 1] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}; _side = sides[race]; } // Death Knight starting information // Note: To change what level is required to make a dk change the >= 55 to something. // For example >=80 would require a level 80 to create a DK has_level_55_char = has_level_55_char || (fields[1].GetUInt8() >= 55); has_dk = has_dk || (Class == 6); /* build character enum, w0000t :p */ data << uint64(guid); //guid data << fields[7].GetString(); //name data << uint8(race); //race data << uint8(Class); //class data << uint8(fields[4].GetUInt8()); //gender data << uint32(fields[5].GetUInt32()); //PLAYER_BYTES data << uint8(bytes2 & 0xFF); //facial hair data << uint8(fields[1].GetUInt8()); //Level data << uint32(fields[12].GetUInt32()); //zoneid data << uint32(fields[11].GetUInt32()); //Mapid data << float(fields[8].GetFloat()); //X data << float(fields[9].GetFloat()); //Y data << float(fields[10].GetFloat()); //Z data << uint32(fields[18].GetUInt32()); //GuildID banned = fields[13].GetUInt32(); uint32 char_flags = 0; if(banned && (banned < 10 || banned > (uint32)UNIXTIME)) char_flags |= 0x01000000; //Character is banned if(fields[15].GetUInt32() != 0) char_flags |= 0x00002000; //Character is dead if(flags & PLAYER_FLAG_NOHELM) char_flags |= 0x00000400; //Helm not displayed if(flags & PLAYER_FLAG_NOCLOAK) char_flags |= 0x00000800; //Cloak not displayed if(fields[16].GetUInt32() != 0) char_flags |= 0x00004000; //Character has to be renamed before logging in data << uint32(char_flags); data << uint32(0); //Character recustomization flags data << uint8(0); //Unknown 3.2.0 if(Class == WARLOCK || Class == HUNTER) { res = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT entry, level FROM playerpets WHERE ownerguid = %u AND MOD( active, 10 ) = 1 AND alive = TRUE;", Arcemu::Util::GUID_LOPART(guid)); if(res) { petLevel = res->Fetch()[1].GetUInt32(); info = CreatureNameStorage.LookupEntry(res->Fetch()[0].GetUInt32()); delete res; } else info = NULL; } else info = NULL; if(info) { data << uint32(info->Male_DisplayID); data << uint32(petLevel); data << uint32(info->Family); } else { data << uint32(0); data << uint32(0); data << uint32(0); } res = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT slot, entry, enchantments FROM playeritems WHERE ownerguid=%u AND containerslot = '-1' AND slot BETWEEN '0' AND '22'", Arcemu::Util::GUID_LOPART(guid)); memset(items, 0, sizeof(player_item) * 23); uint32 enchantid; EnchantEntry* enc; if(res) { do { slot = res->Fetch()[0].GetInt8(); proto = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(res->Fetch()[1].GetUInt32()); if(proto) { items[slot].displayid = proto->DisplayInfoID; items[slot].invtype = static_cast<uint8>(proto->InventoryType); // weapon glows if(slot == EQUIPMENT_SLOT_MAINHAND || slot == EQUIPMENT_SLOT_OFFHAND) { // get enchant visual ID const char* enchant_field = res->Fetch()[2].GetString(); if(sscanf(enchant_field , "%u,0,0;" , (unsigned int*)&enchantid) == 1 && enchantid > 0) { enc = dbcEnchant.LookupEntryForced(enchantid); if(enc != NULL) items[slot].enchantment = enc->visual; } } } } while(res->NextRow()); delete res; } for(i = 0; i < INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_END; ++i) { data << uint32(items[i].displayid); data << uint8(items[i].invtype); data << uint32(items[i].enchantment); } } while(result->NextRow()); } Log.Debug("Character Enum", "Built in %u ms.", getMSTime() - start_time); SendPacket(&data); }
void WorldSession::HandleBattlefieldStatusOpcode(WorldPacket & /*recv_data*/) { // empty opcode sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: Battleground status"); WorldPacket data; // we must update all queues here Battleground *bg = NULL; for (uint8 i = 0; i < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES; ++i) { BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = _player->GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(i); if (!bgQueueTypeId) continue; BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGTemplateId(bgQueueTypeId); uint8 arenaType = BattlegroundMgr::BGArenaType(bgQueueTypeId); if (bgTypeId == _player->GetBattlegroundTypeId()) { bg = _player->GetBattleground(); //i cannot check any variable from player class because player class doesn't know if player is in 2v2 / 3v3 or 5v5 arena //so i must use bg pointer to get that information if (bg && bg->GetArenaType() == arenaType) { // this line is checked, i only don't know if GetStartTime is changing itself after bg end! // send status in Battleground sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, i, STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, bg->GetEndTime(), bg->GetStartTime(), arenaType); SendPacket(&data); continue; } } //we are sending update to player about queue - he can be invited there! //get GroupQueueInfo for queue status BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->m_BattlegroundQueues[bgQueueTypeId]; GroupQueueInfo ginfo; if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(_player->GetGUID(), &ginfo)) continue; if (ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) { bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId); if (!bg) continue; uint32 remainingTime = getMSTimeDiff(getMSTime(), ginfo.RemoveInviteTime); // send status invited to Battleground sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, i, STATUS_WAIT_JOIN, remainingTime, 0, arenaType); SendPacket(&data); } else { bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId); if (!bg) continue; // expected bracket entry PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel()); if (!bracketEntry) continue; uint32 avgTime = bgQueue.GetAverageQueueWaitTime(&ginfo, bracketEntry->GetBracketId()); // send status in Battleground Queue sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, i, STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE, avgTime, getMSTimeDiff(ginfo.JoinTime, getMSTime()), arenaType); SendPacket(&data); } } }
void LoadDBCStores(const std::string& dataPath) { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); std::string dbcPath = dataPath+"dbc/"; StoreProblemList bad_dbc_files; uint32 availableDbcLocales = 0xFFFFFFFF; LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAreaStore, dbcPath, "AreaTable.dbc"); // must be after sAreaStore loading for (uint32 i = 0; i < sAreaStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) // areaflag numbered from 0 { if (AreaTableEntry const* area = sAreaStore.LookupEntry(i)) { // fill AreaId->DBC records sAreaFlagByAreaID.insert(AreaFlagByAreaID::value_type(uint16(area->ID), area->exploreFlag)); // fill MapId->DBC records (skip sub zones and continents) if (area->zone == 0 && area->mapid != 0 && area->mapid != 1 && area->mapid != 530 && area->mapid != 571) sAreaFlagByMapID.insert(AreaFlagByMapID::value_type(area->mapid, area->exploreFlag)); } } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAchievementStore, dbcPath, "Achievement.dbc", &CustomAchievementfmt, &CustomAchievementIndex); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAchievementCriteriaStore, dbcPath, "Achievement_Criteria.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAreaTriggerStore, dbcPath, "AreaTrigger.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAreaGroupStore, dbcPath, "AreaGroup.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAreaPOIStore, dbcPath, "AreaPOI.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sAuctionHouseStore, dbcPath, "AuctionHouse.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sBankBagSlotPricesStore, dbcPath, "BankBagSlotPrices.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sBattlemasterListStore, dbcPath, "BattlemasterList.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sBarberShopStyleStore, dbcPath, "BarberShopStyle.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCharStartOutfitStore, dbcPath, "CharStartOutfit.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCharTitlesStore, dbcPath, "CharTitles.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sChatChannelsStore, dbcPath, "ChatChannels.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sChrClassesStore, dbcPath, "ChrClasses.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sChrRacesStore, dbcPath, "ChrRaces.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCinematicSequencesStore, dbcPath, "CinematicSequences.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureFamilyStore, dbcPath, "CreatureFamily.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureSpellDataStore, dbcPath, "CreatureSpellData.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCreatureTypeStore, dbcPath, "CreatureType.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sCurrencyTypesStore, dbcPath, "CurrencyTypes.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sDestructibleModelDataStore, dbcPath, "DestructibleModelData.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sDungeonEncounterStore, dbcPath, "DungeonEncounter.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityCostsStore, dbcPath, "DurabilityCosts.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sDurabilityQualityStore, dbcPath, "DurabilityQuality.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesStore, dbcPath, "Emotes.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sEmotesTextStore, dbcPath, "EmotesText.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sFactionStore, dbcPath, "Faction.dbc"); for (uint32 i=0; i<sFactionStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { FactionEntry const* faction = sFactionStore.LookupEntry(i); if (faction && faction->team) { SimpleFactionsList &flist = sFactionTeamMap[faction->team]; flist.push_back(i); } } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sFactionTemplateStore, dbcPath, "FactionTemplate.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc"); for (uint32 i = 0; i < sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { if (GameObjectDisplayInfoEntry const* info = sGameObjectDisplayInfoStore.LookupEntry(i)) { if (info->maxX < info->minX) std::swap(*(float*)(&info->maxX), *(float*)(&info->minX)); if (info->maxY < info->minY) std::swap(*(float*)(&info->maxY), *(float*)(&info->minY)); if (info->maxZ < info->minZ) std::swap(*(float*)(&info->maxZ), *(float*)(&info->minZ)); } } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGemPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "GemProperties.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGlyphPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "GlyphProperties.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGlyphSlotStore, dbcPath, "GlyphSlot.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtBarberShopCostBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtBarberShopCostBase.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtCombatRatingsStore, dbcPath, "gtCombatRatings.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToMeleeCritBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToMeleeCritStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToSpellCritBaseStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtChanceToSpellCritStore, dbcPath, "gtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTClassCombatRatingScalarStore, dbcPath, "gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTRegenHPStore, dbcPath, "gtOCTRegenHP.dbc"); //LoadDBC(dbcCount, availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtOCTRegenMPStore, dbcPath, "gtOCTRegenMP.dbc"); -- not used currently LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtRegenHPPerSptStore, dbcPath, "gtRegenHPPerSpt.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sGtRegenMPPerSptStore, dbcPath, "gtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sHolidaysStore, dbcPath, "Holidays.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemStore, dbcPath, "Item.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemBagFamilyStore, dbcPath, "ItemBagFamily.dbc"); //LoadDBC(dbcCount, availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemDisplayInfoStore, dbcPath, "ItemDisplayInfo.dbc"); -- not used currently //LoadDBC(dbcCount, availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemCondExtCostsStore, dbcPath, "ItemCondExtCosts.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemExtendedCostStore, dbcPath, "ItemExtendedCost.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemLimitCategoryStore, dbcPath, "ItemLimitCategory.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "ItemRandomProperties.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemRandomSuffixStore, dbcPath, "ItemRandomSuffix.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sItemSetStore, dbcPath, "ItemSet.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sLFGDungeonStore, dbcPath, "LFGDungeons.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sLockStore, dbcPath, "Lock.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sMailTemplateStore, dbcPath, "MailTemplate.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sMapStore, dbcPath, "Map.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sMapDifficultyStore, dbcPath, "MapDifficulty.dbc"); // fill data for (uint32 i = 1; i < sMapDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) if (MapDifficultyEntry const* entry = sMapDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i)) sMapDifficultyMap[MAKE_PAIR32(entry->MapId, entry->Difficulty)] = MapDifficulty(entry->resetTime, entry->maxPlayers, entry->areaTriggerText[0] != '\0'); sMapDifficultyStore.Clear(); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sMovieStore, dbcPath, "Movie.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sOverrideSpellDataStore, dbcPath, "OverrideSpellData.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sPvPDifficultyStore, dbcPath, "PvpDifficulty.dbc"); for (uint32 i = 0; i < sPvPDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) if (PvPDifficultyEntry const* entry = sPvPDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i)) if (entry->bracketId > MAX_BATTLEGROUND_BRACKETS) ASSERT(false && "Need update MAX_BATTLEGROUND_BRACKETS by DBC data"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sQuestXPStore, dbcPath, "QuestXP.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sQuestFactionRewardStore, dbcPath, "QuestFactionReward.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sQuestSortStore, dbcPath, "QuestSort.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sRandomPropertiesPointsStore, dbcPath, "RandPropPoints.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sScalingStatDistributionStore, dbcPath, "ScalingStatDistribution.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sScalingStatValuesStore, dbcPath, "ScalingStatValues.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineStore, dbcPath, "SkillLine.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSkillLineAbilityStore, dbcPath, "SkillLineAbility.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSoundEntriesStore, dbcPath, "SoundEntries.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellStore, dbcPath, "Spell.dbc", &CustomSpellEntryfmt, &CustomSpellEntryIndex); for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { SpellEntry const* spell = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(i); if (spell && spell->Category) sSpellCategoryStore[spell->Category].insert(i); } for (uint32 j = 0; j < sSkillLineAbilityStore.GetNumRows(); ++j) { SkillLineAbilityEntry const *skillLine = sSkillLineAbilityStore.LookupEntry(j); if (!skillLine) continue; SpellEntry const* spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(skillLine->spellId); if (spellInfo && spellInfo->Attributes & SPELL_ATTR0_PASSIVE) { for (uint32 i = 1; i < sCreatureFamilyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { CreatureFamilyEntry const* cFamily = sCreatureFamilyStore.LookupEntry(i); if (!cFamily) continue; if (skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[0] && skillLine->skillId != cFamily->skillLine[1]) continue; if (spellInfo->spellLevel) continue; if (skillLine->learnOnGetSkill != ABILITY_LEARNED_ON_GET_RACE_OR_CLASS_SKILL) continue; sPetFamilySpellsStore[i].insert(spellInfo->Id); } } } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellCastTimesStore, dbcPath, "SpellCastTimes.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellDifficultyStore, dbcPath, "SpellDifficulty.dbc", &CustomSpellDifficultyfmt, &CustomSpellDifficultyIndex); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellDurationStore, dbcPath, "SpellDuration.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellFocusObjectStore, dbcPath, "SpellFocusObject.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantment.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellItemEnchantmentConditionStore, dbcPath, "SpellItemEnchantmentCondition.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRadiusStore, dbcPath, "SpellRadius.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRangeStore, dbcPath, "SpellRange.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellRuneCostStore, dbcPath, "SpellRuneCost.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSpellShapeshiftStore, dbcPath, "SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sStableSlotPricesStore, dbcPath, "StableSlotPrices.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sSummonPropertiesStore, dbcPath, "SummonProperties.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTalentStore, dbcPath, "Talent.dbc"); // Create Spelldifficulty searcher for (uint32 i = 0; i < sSpellDifficultyStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { SpellDifficultyEntry const *spellDiff = sSpellDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(i); if (!spellDiff) continue; SpellDifficultyEntry newEntry; memset(newEntry.SpellID, 0, 4*sizeof(uint32)); for (int x = 0; x < MAX_DIFFICULTY; ++x) { if (spellDiff->SpellID[x] <= 0 || !sSpellStore.LookupEntry(spellDiff->SpellID[x])) { if (spellDiff->SpellID[x] > 0)//don't show error if spell is <= 0, not all modes have spells and there are unknown negative values sLog->outErrorDb("spelldifficulty_dbc: spell %i at field id:%u at spellid%i does not exist in SpellStore (spell.dbc), loaded as 0", spellDiff->SpellID[x], spellDiff->ID, x); newEntry.SpellID[x] = 0;//spell was <= 0 or invalid, set to 0 } else newEntry.SpellID[x] = spellDiff->SpellID[x]; } if (newEntry.SpellID[0] <= 0 || newEntry.SpellID[1] <= 0)//id0-1 must be always set! continue; for (int x = 0; x < MAX_DIFFICULTY; ++x) sSpellMgr->SetSpellDifficultyId(uint32(newEntry.SpellID[x]), spellDiff->ID); } // create talent spells set for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sTalentStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { TalentEntry const *talentInfo = sTalentStore.LookupEntry(i); if (!talentInfo) continue; for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TALENT_RANK; j++) if (talentInfo->RankID[j]) sTalentSpellPosMap[talentInfo->RankID[j]] = TalentSpellPos(i, j); } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTalentTabStore, dbcPath, "TalentTab.dbc"); // prepare fast data access to bit pos of talent ranks for use at inspecting { // now have all max ranks (and then bit amount used for store talent ranks in inspect) for (uint32 talentTabId = 1; talentTabId < sTalentTabStore.GetNumRows(); ++talentTabId) { TalentTabEntry const *talentTabInfo = sTalentTabStore.LookupEntry(talentTabId); if (!talentTabInfo) continue; // prevent memory corruption; otherwise cls will become 12 below if ((talentTabInfo->ClassMask & CLASSMASK_ALL_PLAYABLE) == 0) continue; // store class talent tab pages uint32 cls = 1; for (uint32 m=1; !(m & talentTabInfo->ClassMask) && cls < MAX_CLASSES; m <<= 1, ++cls) {} sTalentTabPages[cls][talentTabInfo->tabpage]=talentTabId; } } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiNodesStore, dbcPath, "TaxiNodes.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathStore, dbcPath, "TaxiPath.dbc"); for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) if (TaxiPathEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathStore.LookupEntry(i)) sTaxiPathSetBySource[entry->from][entry->to] = TaxiPathBySourceAndDestination(entry->ID, entry->price); uint32 pathCount = sTaxiPathStore.GetNumRows(); //## TaxiPathNode.dbc ## Loaded only for initialization different structures LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTaxiPathNodeStore, dbcPath, "TaxiPathNode.dbc"); // Calculate path nodes count std::vector<uint32> pathLength; pathLength.resize(pathCount); // 0 and some other indexes not used for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i)) { if (pathLength[entry->path] < entry->index + 1) pathLength[entry->path] = entry->index + 1; } // Set path length sTaxiPathNodesByPath.resize(pathCount); // 0 and some other indexes not used for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodesByPath.size(); ++i) sTaxiPathNodesByPath[i].resize(pathLength[i]); // fill data for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiPathNodeStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) if (TaxiPathNodeEntry const* entry = sTaxiPathNodeStore.LookupEntry(i)) sTaxiPathNodesByPath[entry->path].set(entry->index, entry); // Initialize global taxinodes mask // include existed nodes that have at least single not spell base (scripted) path { std::set<uint32> spellPaths; for (uint32 i = 1; i < sSpellStore.GetNumRows (); ++i) if (SpellEntry const* sInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry (i)) for (int j = 0; j < MAX_SPELL_EFFECTS; ++j) if (sInfo->Effect[j] == SPELL_EFFECT_SEND_TAXI) spellPaths.insert(sInfo->EffectMiscValue[j]); memset(sTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sTaxiNodesMask)); memset(sOldContinentsNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sOldContinentsNodesMask)); memset(sHordeTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sHordeTaxiNodesMask)); memset(sAllianceTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sAllianceTaxiNodesMask)); memset(sDeathKnightTaxiNodesMask, 0, sizeof(sDeathKnightTaxiNodesMask)); for (uint32 i = 1; i < sTaxiNodesStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) { TaxiNodesEntry const* node = sTaxiNodesStore.LookupEntry(i); if (!node) continue; TaxiPathSetBySource::const_iterator src_i = sTaxiPathSetBySource.find(i); if (src_i != sTaxiPathSetBySource.end() && !src_i->second.empty()) { bool ok = false; for (TaxiPathSetForSource::const_iterator dest_i = src_i->second.begin(); dest_i != src_i->second.end(); ++dest_i) { // not spell path if (spellPaths.find(dest_i->second.ID) == spellPaths.end()) { ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) continue; } // valid taxi network node uint8 field = (uint8)((i - 1) / 32); uint32 submask = 1<<((i-1)%32); sTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask; if (node->MountCreatureID[0] && node->MountCreatureID[0] != 32981) sHordeTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask; if (node->MountCreatureID[1] && node->MountCreatureID[1] != 32981) sAllianceTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask; if (node->MountCreatureID[0] == 32981 || node->MountCreatureID[1] == 32981) sDeathKnightTaxiNodesMask[field] |= submask; // old continent node (+ nodes virtually at old continents, check explicitly to avoid loading map files for zone info) if (node->map_id < 2 || i == 82 || i == 83 || i == 93 || i == 94) sOldContinentsNodesMask[field] |= submask; // fix DK node at Ebon Hold if (i == 315) { ((TaxiNodesEntry*)node)->MountCreatureID[1] = 32981; } } } LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTeamContributionPointsStore, dbcPath, "TeamContributionPoints.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sTotemCategoryStore, dbcPath, "TotemCategory.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sVehicleStore, dbcPath, "Vehicle.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sVehicleSeatStore, dbcPath, "VehicleSeat.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWMOAreaTableStore, dbcPath, "WMOAreaTable.dbc"); for (uint32 i = 0; i < sWMOAreaTableStore.GetNumRows(); ++i) if (WMOAreaTableEntry const* entry = sWMOAreaTableStore.LookupEntry(i)) sWMOAreaInfoByTripple.insert(WMOAreaInfoByTripple::value_type(WMOAreaTableTripple(entry->rootId, entry->adtId, entry->groupId), entry)); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWorldMapAreaStore, dbcPath, "WorldMapArea.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWorldMapOverlayStore, dbcPath, "WorldMapOverlay.dbc"); LoadDBC(availableDbcLocales, bad_dbc_files, sWorldSafeLocsStore, dbcPath, "WorldSafeLocs.dbc"); // error checks if (bad_dbc_files.size() >= DBCFileCount) { sLog->outError("Incorrect DataDir value in worldserver.conf or ALL required *.dbc files (%d) not found by path: %sdbc", DBCFileCount, dataPath.c_str()); exit(1); } else if (!bad_dbc_files.empty()) { std::string str; for (StoreProblemList::iterator i = bad_dbc_files.begin(); i != bad_dbc_files.end(); ++i) str += *i + "\n"; sLog->outError("Some required *.dbc files (%u from %d) not found or not compatible:\n%s", (uint32)bad_dbc_files.size(), DBCFileCount, str.c_str()); exit(1); } // Check loaded DBC files proper version if (!sAreaStore.LookupEntry(3617) || // last area (areaflag) added in 3.3.5a !sCharTitlesStore.LookupEntry(177) || // last char title added in 3.3.5a !sGemPropertiesStore.LookupEntry(1629) || // last added spell in 3.3.5a !sItemStore.LookupEntry(56806) || // last gem property added in 3.3.5a !sItemExtendedCostStore.LookupEntry(2997) || // last item extended cost added in 3.3.5a !sMapStore.LookupEntry(724) || // last map added in 3.3.5a !sSpellStore.LookupEntry(80864) ) // last client known item added in 3.3.5a { sLog->outError("You have _outdated_ DBC files. Please extract correct versions from current using client."); exit(1); } sLog->outString(">> Initialized %d data stores in %u ms", DBCFileCount, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); }
void WardenWin::HandleData(ByteBuffer &buff) { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "Handle data"); _dataSent = false; _clientResponseTimer = 0; uint16 Length; buff >> Length; uint32 Checksum; buff >> Checksum; if (!IsValidCheckSum(Checksum, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), Length)) { buff.rpos(buff.wpos()); SF_LOG_WARN("warden", "%s failed checksum. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str()); return; } // TIMING_CHECK { uint8 result; buff >> result; /// @todo test it. if (result == 0x00) { SF_LOG_WARN("warden", "%s failed timing check. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str()); return; } uint32 newClientTicks; buff >> newClientTicks; uint32 ticksNow = getMSTime(); uint32 ourTicks = newClientTicks + (ticksNow - _serverTicks); SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "ServerTicks %u", ticksNow); // Now SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RequestTicks %u", _serverTicks); // At request SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "Ticks %u", newClientTicks); // At response SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "Ticks diff %u", ourTicks - newClientTicks); } WardenCheckResult* rs; WardenCheck *rd; uint8 type; uint16 checkFailed = 0; ACE_READ_GUARD(ACE_RW_Mutex, g, sWardenCheckMgr->_checkStoreLock); for (std::list<uint16>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr) { rd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(*itr); rs = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenResultById(*itr); type = rd->Type; switch (type) { case MEM_CHECK: { uint8 Mem_Result; buff >> Mem_Result; if (Mem_Result != 0) { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MEM_CHECK not 0x00, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); checkFailed = *itr; continue; } if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false).get(), rd->Length) != 0) { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MEM_CHECK fail CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); checkFailed = *itr; buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length); continue; } buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + rd->Length); SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); break; } case PAGE_CHECK_A: case PAGE_CHECK_B: case DRIVER_CHECK: case MODULE_CHECK: { const uint8 byte = 0xE9; if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), &byte, sizeof(uint8)) != 0) { if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B) SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT PAGE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); if (type == MODULE_CHECK) SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MODULE_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); if (type == DRIVER_CHECK) SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT DRIVER_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); checkFailed = *itr; buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1); continue; } buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 1); if (type == PAGE_CHECK_A || type == PAGE_CHECK_B) SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); else if (type == MODULE_CHECK) SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MODULE_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); else if (type == DRIVER_CHECK) SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT DRIVER_CHECK passed CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); break; } case LUA_STR_CHECK: { uint8 Lua_Result; buff >> Lua_Result; if (Lua_Result != 0) { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); checkFailed = *itr; continue; } uint8 luaStrLen; buff >> luaStrLen; if (luaStrLen != 0) { char *str = new char[luaStrLen + 1]; memcpy(str, buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), luaStrLen); str[luaStrLen] = '\0'; // null terminator SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "Lua string: %s", str); delete [] str; } buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + luaStrLen); // Skip string SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT LUA_STR_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); break; } case MPQ_CHECK: { uint8 Mpq_Result; buff >> Mpq_Result; if (Mpq_Result != 0) { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MPQ_CHECK not 0x00 account id %u", _session->GetAccountId()); checkFailed = *itr; continue; } if (memcmp(buff.contents() + buff.rpos(), rs->Result.AsByteArray(0, false).get(), 20) != 0) // SHA1 { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MPQ_CHECK fail, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); checkFailed = *itr; buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20); // 20 bytes SHA1 continue; } buff.rpos(buff.rpos() + 20); // 20 bytes SHA1 SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "RESULT MPQ_CHECK passed, CheckId %u account Id %u", *itr, _session->GetAccountId()); break; } default: // Should never happen break; } } if (checkFailed > 0) { WardenCheck* check = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(checkFailed); SF_LOG_WARN("warden", "%s failed Warden check %u. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), checkFailed, Penalty(check).c_str()); } // Set hold off timer, minimum timer should at least be 1 second uint32 holdOff = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_CLIENT_CHECK_HOLDOFF); _checkTimer = (holdOff < 1 ? 1 : holdOff) * IN_MILLISECONDS; }
void AnticheatMgr::BuildReport(Player* player,uint8 reportType) { uint32 key = player->GetGUIDLow(); if (MustCheckTempReports(reportType)) { uint32 actualTime = getMSTime(); if (!m_Players[key].GetTempReportsTimer(reportType)) m_Players[key].SetTempReportsTimer(actualTime,reportType); if (getMSTimeDiff(m_Players[key].GetTempReportsTimer(reportType),actualTime) < 3000) { m_Players[key].SetTempReports(m_Players[key].GetTempReports(reportType)+1,reportType); if (m_Players[key].GetTempReports(reportType) < 3) return; } else { m_Players[key].SetTempReportsTimer(actualTime,reportType); m_Players[key].SetTempReports(1,reportType); return; } } // generating creationTime for average calculation if (!m_Players[key].GetTotalReports()) m_Players[key].SetCreationTime(getMSTime()); // increasing total_reports m_Players[key].SetTotalReports(m_Players[key].GetTotalReports()+1); // increasing specific cheat report m_Players[key].SetTypeReports(reportType,m_Players[key].GetTypeReports(reportType)+1); // diff time for average calculation uint32 diffTime = getMSTimeDiff(m_Players[key].GetCreationTime(),getMSTime()) / IN_MILLISECONDS; if (diffTime > 0) { // Average == Reports per second float average = float(m_Players[key].GetTotalReports()) / float(diffTime); m_Players[key].SetAverage(average); } if (sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ANTICHEAT_MAX_REPORTS_FOR_DAILY_REPORT) < m_Players[key].GetTotalReports()) { if (!m_Players[key].GetDailyReportState()) { CharacterDatabase.PExecute("REPLACE INTO daily_players_reports (guid,average,total_reports,speed_reports,fly_reports,jump_reports,waterwalk_reports,teleportplane_reports,climb_reports,creation_time) VALUES (%u,%f,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u);",player->GetGUIDLow(),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetAverage(),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTotalReports(), m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTypeReports(SPEED_HACK_REPORT),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTypeReports(FLY_HACK_REPORT),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTypeReports(JUMP_HACK_REPORT),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTypeReports(WALK_WATER_HACK_REPORT),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTypeReports(TELEPORT_PLANE_HACK_REPORT),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetTypeReports(CLIMB_HACK_REPORT),m_Players[player->GetGUIDLow()].GetCreationTime()); m_Players[key].SetDailyReportState(true); } } if (m_Players[key].GetTotalReports() > sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_ANTICHEAT_REPORTS_INGAME_NOTIFICATION)) { // display warning at the center of the screen, hacky way? std::string str = ""; if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BAN_PLAYER)) //Make anticheat active. { if (m_Players[key].GetAverage() > 0.5f) { str = "Cheater possible trouvé: " + std::string(player->GetName()); sWorld->BanCharacter(player->GetName(), "1h", str, "Anticheat"); sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_BAN_CHEATER, player->GetName()); } } else { str = "|cFFFFFC00[ANTICHEAT]|cFF00FFFF[|cFF60FF00" + std::string(player->GetName()) + "|cFF00FFFF] Cheater possible !"; WorldPacket data(SMSG_NOTIFICATION, (str.size()+1)); data << str; sWorld->SendGlobalGMMessage(&data); } } }
void WardenMac::HandleHashResult(ByteBuffer &buff) { // test int keyIn[4]; keyData mod_seed = { { { { 0x4D, 0x80, 0x8D, 0x2C, 0x77, 0xD9, 0x05, 0xC4, 0x1A, 0x63, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x08, 0x58, 0x6A, 0xFE } } } }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { keyIn[i] = mod_seed.ints.ints[i]; } int keyOut[4]; int keyIn1, keyIn2; keyOut[0] = keyIn[0]; keyIn[0] ^= 0xDEADBEEFu; keyIn1 = keyIn[1]; keyIn[1] -= 0x35014542u; keyIn2 = keyIn[2]; keyIn[2] += 0x5313F22u; keyIn[3] *= 0x1337F00Du; keyOut[1] = keyIn1 - 0x6A028A84; keyOut[2] = keyIn2 + 0xA627E44; keyOut[3] = 0x1337F00D * keyIn[3]; // end test buff.rpos(buff.wpos()); SHA1Hash sha1; sha1.UpdateData((uint8*)keyIn, 16); sha1.Finalize(); //const uint8 validHash[20] = { 0x56, 0x8C, 0x05, 0x4C, 0x78, 0x1A, 0x97, 0x2A, 0x60, 0x37, 0xA2, 0x29, 0x0C, 0x22, 0xB5, 0x25, 0x71, 0xA0, 0x6F, 0x4E }; // Verify key if (memcmp(buff.contents() + 1, sha1.GetDigest(), 20) != 0) { TC_LOG_WARN("warden", "%s failed hash reply. Action: %s", _session->GetPlayerInfo().c_str(), Penalty().c_str()); return; } TC_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "Request hash reply: succeed"); // client 7F96EEFDA5B63D20A4DF8E00CBF48304 //const uint8 client_key[16] = { 0x7F, 0x96, 0xEE, 0xFD, 0xA5, 0xB6, 0x3D, 0x20, 0xA4, 0xDF, 0x8E, 0x00, 0xCB, 0xF4, 0x83, 0x04 }; // server C2B7ADEDFCCCA9C2BFB3F85602BA809B //const uint8 server_key[16] = { 0xC2, 0xB7, 0xAD, 0xED, 0xFC, 0xCC, 0xA9, 0xC2, 0xBF, 0xB3, 0xF8, 0x56, 0x02, 0xBA, 0x80, 0x9B }; // change keys here memcpy(_inputKey, keyIn, 16); memcpy(_outputKey, keyOut, 16); _inputCrypto.Init(_inputKey); _outputCrypto.Init(_outputKey); _initialized = true; _previousTimestamp = getMSTime(); }
void WorldSession::HandlePlayerLoginOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data,8); m_playerLoading = true; uint64 playerGuid = 0; DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Recvd Player Logon Message" ); recv_data >> playerGuid; Player* plr = new Player(this); // "GetAccountId()==db stored account id" checked in LoadFromDB (prevent login not own character using cheating tools) if(!plr->LoadFromDB(GUID_LOPART(playerGuid))) { KickPlayer(); // disconnect client, player no set to session and it will not deleted or saved at kick delete plr; // delete it manually m_playerLoading = false; return; } //plr->_RemoveAllItemMods(); //set a count of unread mails time_t cTime = time(NULL); QueryResult *resultMails = sDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `mail` WHERE `receiver` = '%u' AND `checked` = 0 AND `deliver_time` <= '" I64FMTD "'", GUID_LOPART(playerGuid),(uint64)cTime); if (resultMails) { Field *fieldMail = resultMails->Fetch(); plr->unReadMails = fieldMail[0].GetUInt8(); delete resultMails; } // store nearest delivery time (it > 0 and if it < current then at next player update SendNewMaill will be called) resultMails = sDatabase.PQuery("SELECT MIN(`deliver_time`) FROM `mail` WHERE `receiver` = '%u' AND `checked` = 0", GUID_LOPART(playerGuid)); if (resultMails) { Field *fieldMail = resultMails->Fetch(); plr->m_nextMailDelivereTime = (time_t)fieldMail[0].GetUInt64(); delete resultMails; } SetPlayer(plr); Player *pCurrChar = GetPlayer(); pCurrChar->SendDungeonDifficulty(); WorldPacket data( SMSG_LOGIN_VERIFY_WORLD, 20 ); data << plr->GetMapId(); data << plr->GetPositionX(); data << plr->GetPositionY(); data << plr->GetPositionZ(); data << plr->GetOrientation(); SendPacket(&data); data.Initialize( SMSG_ACCOUNT_DATA_MD5, 128 ); for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) data << uint32(0); SendPacket(&data); pCurrChar->LoadIgnoreList(); pCurrChar->SendFriendlist(); pCurrChar->SendIgnorelist(); // Send MOTD { data.Initialize(SMSG_MOTD, 50); // new in 2.0.1 data << (uint32)0; uint32 linecount=0; string str_motd = sWorld.GetMotd(); string::size_type pos, nextpos; pos = 0; while ( (nextpos= str_motd.find('@',pos)) != string::npos ) { if (nextpos != pos) { data << str_motd.substr(pos,nextpos-pos); linecount++; } pos = nextpos+1; } if (pos<str_motd.length()) { data << str_motd.substr(pos); linecount++; } data.put(0, linecount); SendPacket( &data ); DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Sent motd (SMSG_MOTD)" ); } if(pCurrChar->GetGuildId() != 0) { Guild* guild = objmgr.GetGuildById(pCurrChar->GetGuildId()); if(guild) { data.Initialize(SMSG_GUILD_EVENT, (2+guild->GetMOTD().size()+1)); data << (uint8)GE_MOTD; data << (uint8)1; data << guild->GetMOTD(); SendPacket(&data); DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Sent guild-motd (SMSG_GUILD_EVENT)" ); data.Initialize(SMSG_GUILD_EVENT, (5+10)); // we guess size data<<(uint8)GE_SIGNED_ON; data<<(uint8)1; data<<pCurrChar->GetName(); data<<pCurrChar->GetGUID(); guild->BroadcastPacket(&data); DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Sent guild-signed-on (SMSG_GUILD_EVENT)" ); } else { // remove wrong guild data sLog.outError("Player %s (GUID: %u) marked as member not existed guild (id: %u), removing guild membership for player.",pCurrChar->GetName(),pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow(),pCurrChar->GetGuildId()); pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_GUILDID,0); pCurrChar->SetUInt32ValueInDB(PLAYER_GUILDID,0,pCurrChar->GetGUID()); } } // rest_start // home bind stuff { QueryResult *result4 = sDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `map`,`zone`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z` FROM `character_homebind` WHERE `guid` = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(playerGuid)); if (result4) { Field *fields = result4->Fetch(); _player->m_homebindMapId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); _player->m_homebindZoneId = fields[1].GetUInt16(); _player->m_homebindX = fields[2].GetFloat(); _player->m_homebindY = fields[3].GetFloat(); _player->m_homebindZ = fields[4].GetFloat(); delete result4; } else { int plrace = GetPlayer()->getRace(); int plclass = GetPlayer()->getClass(); QueryResult *result5 = sDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `map`,`zone`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z` FROM `playercreateinfo` WHERE `race` = '%u' AND `class` = '%u'", plrace, plclass); if(!result5) { sLog.outErrorDb("Table `playercreateinfo` not have data for race %u class %u , character can't be loaded.",plrace, plclass); LogoutPlayer(false); // without save return; } Field *fields = result5->Fetch(); // store and send homebind for player _player->m_homebindMapId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); _player->m_homebindZoneId = fields[1].GetUInt16(); _player->m_homebindX = fields[2].GetFloat(); _player->m_homebindY = fields[3].GetFloat(); _player->m_homebindZ = fields[4].GetFloat(); sDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `character_homebind` (`guid`,`map`,`zone`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`) VALUES ('%u', '%u', '%u', '%f', '%f', '%f')", GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), _player->m_homebindMapId, (uint32)_player->m_homebindZoneId, _player->m_homebindX, _player->m_homebindY, _player->m_homebindZ); delete result5; } data.Initialize (SMSG_BINDPOINTUPDATE, 5*4); data << _player->m_homebindX << _player->m_homebindY << _player->m_homebindZ; data << (uint32) _player->m_homebindMapId; data << (uint32) _player->m_homebindZoneId; SendPacket (&data); DEBUG_LOG("Setting player home position: mapid is: %u, zoneid is %u, X is %f, Y is %f, Z is %f\n", _player->m_homebindMapId,_player->m_homebindZoneId,_player->m_homebindX,_player->m_homebindY, _player->m_homebindZ); } data.Initialize( SMSG_TUTORIAL_FLAGS, 8*32 ); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) data << uint32( GetPlayer()->GetTutorialInt(i) ); SendPacket(&data); //sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Sent tutorial flags." ); pCurrChar->_LoadSpellCooldowns(); GetPlayer()->SendInitialSpells(); GetPlayer()->SendInitialActionButtons(); GetPlayer()->SendInitialReputations(); /*if(GetPlayer()->getClass() == CLASS_HUNTER || GetPlayer()->getClass() == CLASS_ROGUE) { uint32 shiftdata=0x01; for(uint8 i=0;i<32;i++) { if ( 522753 & shiftdata ) { data.Initialize(SMSG_SET_FLAT_SPELL_MODIFIER); data << uint8(i); data << uint8(5); data << uint16(1); data << uint16(0); SendPacket(&data); } shiftdata=shiftdata<<1; } }*/ //Show cinematic at the first time that player login if( !GetPlayer()->getCinematic() ) { GetPlayer()->setCinematic(1); ChrRacesEntry const* rEntry = sChrRacesStore.LookupEntry(GetPlayer()->getRace()); if(rEntry) { data.Initialize( SMSG_TRIGGER_CINEMATIC,4 ); data << uint32(rEntry->startmovie); SendPacket( &data ); } } pCurrChar->SendInitWorldStates(); pCurrChar->CastSpell(pCurrChar, 836, true); // LOGINEFFECT data.Initialize(SMSG_LOGIN_SETTIMESPEED, 8); time_t gameTime = sWorld.GetGameTime(); struct tm *lt = localtime(&gameTime); uint32 xmitTime = (lt->tm_year - 100) << 24 | lt->tm_mon << 20 | (lt->tm_mday - 1) << 14 | lt->tm_wday << 11 | lt->tm_hour << 6 | lt->tm_min; data << xmitTime; data << (float)0.017f; // game speed SendPacket( &data ); GetPlayer()->UpdateHonorFields(); QueryResult *result = sDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `guildid`,`rank` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guid` = '%u'",pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow()); if(result) { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); pCurrChar->SetInGuild(fields[0].GetUInt32()); pCurrChar->SetRank(fields[1].GetUInt32()); delete result; } else if(pCurrChar->GetGuildId()) // clear guild related fields in case wrong data about non existed membership { pCurrChar->SetInGuild(0); pCurrChar->SetRank(0); } if (!MapManager::Instance().GetMap(pCurrChar->GetMapId(), pCurrChar)->AddInstanced(pCurrChar)) { // TODO : Teleport to zone-in area } MapManager::Instance().GetMap(pCurrChar->GetMapId(), pCurrChar)->Add(pCurrChar); ObjectAccessor::Instance().InsertPlayer(pCurrChar); //sLog.outDebug("Player %s added to Map.",pCurrChar->GetName()); if (pCurrChar->m_transport) { Transport* curTrans = pCurrChar->m_transport; pCurrChar->TeleportTo(curTrans->GetMapId(), curTrans->GetPositionX(), curTrans->GetPositionY(), curTrans->GetPositionZ(), curTrans->GetOrientation(), true, false); } sDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `character` SET `online` = 1 WHERE `guid` = '%u'", pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow()); loginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `account` SET `online` = 1 WHERE `id` = '%u'", GetAccountId()); plr->SetInGameTime( getMSTime() ); // set some aura effects after add player to map if(pCurrChar->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_STUN)) pCurrChar->SetMovement(MOVE_ROOT); if(pCurrChar->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ROOT)) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_FORCE_MOVE_ROOT, 10); data.append(pCurrChar->GetPackGUID()); data << (uint32)2; pCurrChar->SendMessageToSet(&data,true); } // announce group about member online (must be after add to player list to receive announce to self) if(pCurrChar->groupInfo.group) { //pCurrChar->groupInfo.group->SendInit(this); // useless pCurrChar->groupInfo.group->SendUpdate(); } // friend status data.Initialize(SMSG_FRIEND_STATUS, 19); data<<uint8(FRIEND_ONLINE); data<<pCurrChar->GetGUID(); data<<uint8(1); data<<pCurrChar->GetAreaId(); data<<pCurrChar->getLevel(); data<<pCurrChar->getClass(); pCurrChar->BroadcastPacketToFriendListers(&data); pCurrChar->SendEnchantmentDurations(); // must be after add to map // Place character in world (and load zone) before some object loading pCurrChar->LoadCorpse(); // setting Ghost+speed if dead //if ( pCurrChar->m_deathState == DEAD ) if ( pCurrChar->m_deathState != ALIVE ) { // not blizz like, we must correctly save and load player instead... if(pCurrChar->getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF) pCurrChar->CastSpell(pCurrChar, 20584, true, 0);// auras SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SPEED(+speed in wisp form), SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SWIM_SPEED(+swim speed in wisp form), SPELL_AURA_TRANSFORM (to wisp form) pCurrChar->CastSpell(pCurrChar, 8326, true, 0); // auras SPELL_AURA_GHOST, SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SPEED(why?), SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SWIM_SPEED(why?) //pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_AURA+41, 8326); //pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_AURA+42, 20584); //pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_AURAFLAGS+6, 238); //pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_AURALEVELS+11, 514); //pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_AURAAPPLICATIONS+11, 65535); //pCurrChar->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID, 1825); //if (pCurrChar->getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF) //{ // pCurrChar->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN, 1.5f*1.2f, true); // pCurrChar->SetSpeed(MOVE_SWIM, 1.5f*1.2f, true); //} //else //{ // pCurrChar->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN, 1.5f, true); // pCurrChar->SetSpeed(MOVE_SWIM, 1.5f, true); //} pCurrChar->SetMovement(MOVE_WATER_WALK); } // Load pet if any and player is alive if(pCurrChar->isAlive()) pCurrChar->LoadPet(); // show time before shutdown if shutdown planned. if(sWorld.IsShutdowning()) sWorld.ShutdownMsg(true,pCurrChar); if(pCurrChar->isGameMaster()) SendNotification("GM mode is ON"); m_playerLoading = false; pCurrChar->SendAllowMove(); data.Initialize(SMSG_UNKNOWN_811, 4); data << uint32(0); SendPacket(&data); }
void SystemMgr::LoadScriptSplineChains() { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); m_mSplineChainsMap.clear(); // 0 1 2 3 4 QueryResult resultMeta = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT entry, chainId, splineId, expectedDuration, msUntilNext FROM script_spline_chain_meta ORDER BY entry asc, chainId asc, splineId asc"); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 QueryResult resultWP = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT entry, chainId, splineId, wpId, x, y, z FROM script_spline_chain_waypoints ORDER BY entry asc, chainId asc, splineId asc, wpId asc"); if (!resultMeta || !resultWP) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded spline chain data for 0 chains, consisting of 0 splines with 0 waypoints. DB tables `script_spline_chain_meta` and `script_spline_chain_waypoints` are empty."); } else { uint32 chainCount = 0, splineCount = 0, wpCount = 0; do { Field* fieldsMeta = resultMeta->Fetch(); uint32 entry = fieldsMeta[0].GetUInt32(); uint16 chainId = fieldsMeta[1].GetUInt16(); uint8 splineId = fieldsMeta[2].GetUInt8(); std::vector<SplineChainLink>& chain = m_mSplineChainsMap[{entry,chainId}]; if (splineId != chain.size()) { TC_LOG_WARN("server.loading", "Creature #%u: Chain %u has orphaned spline %u, skipped.", entry, chainId, splineId); continue; } uint32 expectedDuration = fieldsMeta[3].GetUInt32(); uint32 msUntilNext = fieldsMeta[4].GetUInt32(); chain.emplace_back(expectedDuration, msUntilNext); if (splineId == 0) ++chainCount; ++splineCount; } while (resultMeta->NextRow()); do { Field* fieldsWP = resultWP->Fetch(); uint32 entry = fieldsWP[0].GetUInt32(); uint16 chainId = fieldsWP[1].GetUInt16(); uint8 splineId = fieldsWP[2].GetUInt8(), wpId = fieldsWP[3].GetUInt8(); float posX = fieldsWP[4].GetFloat(), posY = fieldsWP[5].GetFloat(), posZ = fieldsWP[6].GetFloat(); auto it = m_mSplineChainsMap.find({entry,chainId}); if (it == m_mSplineChainsMap.end()) { TC_LOG_WARN("server.loading", "Creature #%u has waypoint data for spline chain %u. No such chain exists - entry skipped.", entry, chainId); continue; } std::vector<SplineChainLink>& chain = it->second; if (splineId >= chain.size()) { TC_LOG_WARN("server.loading", "Creature #%u has waypoint data for spline (%u,%u). The specified chain does not have a spline with this index - entry skipped.", entry, chainId, splineId); continue; } SplineChainLink& spline = chain[splineId]; if (wpId != spline.Points.size()) { TC_LOG_WARN("server.loading", "Creature #%u has orphaned waypoint data in spline (%u,%u) at index %u. Skipped.", entry, chainId, splineId, wpId); continue; } spline.Points.emplace_back(posX, posY, posZ); ++wpCount; } while (resultWP->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded spline chain data for %u chains, consisting of %u splines with %u waypoints in %u ms", chainCount, splineCount, wpCount, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); } }
// add group or player (grp == NULL) to bg queue with the given leader and bg specifications GroupQueueInfo* BattlegroundQueue::AddGroup(Player* leader, Group* grp, BattlegroundTypeId BgTypeId, PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry, uint8 ArenaType, bool isRated, bool isPremade, uint32 ArenaRating, uint32 MatchmakerRating, uint32 arenateamid) { BattlegroundBracketId bracketId = bracketEntry->GetBracketId(); // create new ginfo GroupQueueInfo* ginfo = new GroupQueueInfo; ginfo->BgTypeId = BgTypeId; ginfo->ArenaType = ArenaType; ginfo->ArenaTeamId = arenateamid; ginfo->IsRated = isRated; ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = 0; ginfo->JoinTime = getMSTime(); ginfo->RemoveInviteTime = 0; ginfo->Team = leader->GetTeam(); ginfo->ArenaTeamRating = ArenaRating; ginfo->ArenaMatchmakerRating = MatchmakerRating; ginfo->OpponentsTeamRating = 0; ginfo->OpponentsMatchmakerRating = 0; ginfo->Players.clear(); //compute index (if group is premade or joined a rated match) to queues uint32 index = 0; if (!isRated && !isPremade) index += BG_TEAMS_COUNT; if (ginfo->Team == HORDE) index++; TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Adding Group to BattlegroundQueue bgTypeId : %u, bracket_id : %u, index : %u", BgTypeId, bracketId, index); uint32 lastOnlineTime = getMSTime(); //announce world (this don't need mutex) if (isRated && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ARENA_QUEUE_ANNOUNCER_ENABLE)) { ArenaTeam* Team = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(arenateamid); if (Team) sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_ARENA_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_WORLD_JOIN, Team->GetName().c_str(), ginfo->ArenaType, ginfo->ArenaType, ginfo->ArenaTeamRating); } //add players from group to ginfo if (grp) { for (GroupReference* itr = grp->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->GetSource(); if (!member) continue; // this should never happen PlayerQueueInfo& pl_info = m_QueuedPlayers[member->GetGUID()]; pl_info.LastOnlineTime = lastOnlineTime; pl_info.GroupInfo = ginfo; // add the pinfo to ginfo's list ginfo->Players[member->GetGUID()] = &pl_info; } } else { PlayerQueueInfo& pl_info = m_QueuedPlayers[leader->GetGUID()]; pl_info.LastOnlineTime = lastOnlineTime; pl_info.GroupInfo = ginfo; ginfo->Players[leader->GetGUID()] = &pl_info; } //add GroupInfo to m_QueuedGroups { //ACE_Guard<ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex> guard(m_Lock); m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][index].push_back(ginfo); //announce to world, this code needs mutex if (!isRated && !isPremade && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_ANNOUNCER_ENABLE)) { if (Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(ginfo->BgTypeId)) { char const* bgName = bg->GetName(); uint32 MinPlayers = bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam(); uint32 qHorde = 0; uint32 qAlliance = 0; uint32 q_min_level = bracketEntry->minLevel; uint32 q_max_level = bracketEntry->maxLevel; GroupsQueueType::const_iterator itr; for (itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qAlliance += (*itr)->Players.size(); for (itr = m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].begin(); itr != m_QueuedGroups[bracketId][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].end(); ++itr) if (!(*itr)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) qHorde += (*itr)->Players.size(); // Show queue status to player only (when joining queue) if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_ANNOUNCER_PLAYERONLY)) { ChatHandler(leader->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage(LANG_BG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_SELF, bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qAlliance, (MinPlayers > qAlliance) ? MinPlayers - qAlliance : (uint32)0, qHorde, (MinPlayers > qHorde) ? MinPlayers - qHorde : (uint32)0); } // System message else { sWorld->SendWorldText(LANG_BG_QUEUE_ANNOUNCE_WORLD, bgName, q_min_level, q_max_level, qAlliance, (MinPlayers > qAlliance) ? MinPlayers - qAlliance : (uint32)0, qHorde, (MinPlayers > qHorde) ? MinPlayers - qHorde : (uint32)0); } } } //release mutex } return ginfo; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char ** argv) { char * config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char * realm_config_file = (char*)default_realm_config_file; int file_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct arctic_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", arctic_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", arctic_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "fileloglevel", arctic_required_argument, &file_log_level, -1 }, { "version", arctic_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "conf", arctic_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", arctic_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while ((c = arctic_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(arctic_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, arctic_optarg); break; case 'r': realm_config_file = new char[strlen(arctic_optarg)]; strcpy(realm_config_file, arctic_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.m_fileLogLevel = -1; sLog.m_screenLogLevel = 3; printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version]\n", argv[0]); return true; } } /* set new log levels if used as argument*/ if( screen_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetScreenLoggingLevel(screen_log_level); if( file_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET ) sLog.SetFileLoggingLevel(file_log_level); // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); sLog.outString("==============================================================================="); printf(BANNER, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); sLog.outString("==============================================================================="); sLog.outString(""); sLog.outString("The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time."); Log.Line(); if( do_check_conf ) { Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors." ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors." ); Log.Notice( "Config", "Checking config file: %s\n", realm_config_file ); if( Config.RealmConfig.SetSource( realm_config_file, true ) ) Log.Success( "Config", "Passed without errors.\n" ); else Log.Warning( "Config", "Encountered one or more errors.\n" ); /* test for die variables */ string die; if( Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.MainConfig.GetString("die2", "msg", &die ) ) Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return true; } // use these log_level until we are fully started up. sLog.Init(-1, 3); #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage( LARGERRORMESSAGE_WARNING, "You are running ArcTic as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Success( "Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators." ); ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); Log.Notice( "Config", "Loading Config Files...\n" ); if( Config.MainConfig.SetSource( config_file ) ) Log.Success( "Config", ">> WorldServer.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> WorldServer.conf" ); return false; } string die; if( Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die", "msg", &die) || Config.MainConfig.GetString( "die2", "msg", &die ) ) { Log.Warning( "Config", "Die directive received: %s", die.c_str() ); return false; } if(Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file)) Log.Success( "Config", ">> Realms.conf" ); else { Log.Error( "Config", ">> Realms.conf" ); return false; } if( !_StartDB() ) { Database::CleanupLibs(); return false; } Log.Line(); sLog.outString( "" ); new EventMgr; new World; // open cheat log file Anticheat_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "cheaters", false).c_str(), false ); GMCommand_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "gmcommand", false).c_str(), false ); Player_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString( "logs", "players", false).c_str(), false ); /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(false); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); string host = Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefault( "Listen", "Host", DEFAULT_HOST ); int wsport = Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault( "Listen", "WorldServerPort", DEFAULT_WORLDSERVER_PORT ); new ScriptMgr; if( !sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings() ) { Log.Error( "Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting." ); return false; } g_bufferPool.Init(); sWorld.SetStartTime(uint32(UNIXTIME)); WorldRunnable * wr = new WorldRunnable(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread * console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start; uint32 diff; uint32 last_time = now(); uint32 etime; // Start Network Subsystem DEBUG_LOG("Server","Starting network subsystem..." ); new SocketMgr; new SocketGarbageCollector; sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); if( StartConsoleListener() ) { #ifdef WIN32 ThreadPool.ExecuteTask( GetConsoleListener() ); #endif Log.Success("RemoteConsole", "Started and listening on port %i",Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("RemoteConsole", "Port", 8092)); } else DEBUG_LOG("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Success("Server","Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums\n", LoadingTime ); //Update sLog to obey config setting sLog.Init(Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "File", -1),Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "Screen", 1)); /* write pid file */ FILE * fPid = fopen( "conf/WorldServer.pid", "w" ); if( fPid ) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf( fPid, "%u", (unsigned int)pid ); fclose( fPid ); } #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); #endif uint32 loopcounter = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); #ifndef CLUSTERING /* Connect to realmlist servers / logon servers */ new LogonCommHandler(); sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); // Create listener ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * ls = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>(host.c_str(), wsport); bool listnersockcreate = ls->IsOpen(); #ifdef WIN32 if( listnersockcreate ) ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(ls); #endif while( !m_stopEvent && listnersockcreate ) #else new ClusterInterface; sClusterInterface.ConnectToRealmServer(); while(!m_stopEvent) #endif { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if(! ((++loopcounter) % 10000) ) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck(); // Checks if THREAD_RESERVE is met g_bufferPool.Optimize(); } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if( UNIXTIME != curTime ) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } sSocketGarbageCollector.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if( 50 > etime ) { #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 50 - etime); #else Sleep(50 - etime); #endif } }; // begin server shutdown Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime( uint32(UNIXTIME)).c_str()); bServerShutdown = true; _UnhookSignals(); wr->Terminate(); /* Shut down console system */ CloseConsoleListener(); console->terminate(); delete console; if( lootmgr.is_loading ) { Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..."); while( lootmgr.is_loading ) Sleep( 100 ); } Log.Notice("CharacterLoaderThread", "Exiting..."); sCLT.Terminate(); sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); //(Also saves players). CharacterDatabase.Execute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0"); // send a query to wake it up if its inactive Log.Notice("Database", "Clearing all pending queries..."); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); Log.Notice("Server", "Shutting down random generator."); CleanupRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Notice( "WintergraspInternal", "Exiting..." ); sWintergraspI.terminate(); Log.Notice( "DayWatcherThread", "Exiting..." ); sDayWatcher.terminate(); #ifndef CLUSTERING ls->Close(); #endif Log.Notice( "Network", "Shutting down network subsystem." ); #ifdef WIN32 sSocketMgr.ShutdownThreads(); #endif sSocketMgr.CloseAll(); sAddonMgr.SaveToDB(); Log.Notice("AddonMgr", "~AddonMgr()"); delete AddonMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("AuctionMgr", "~AuctionMgr()"); delete AuctionMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("LootMgr", "~LootMgr()"); delete LootMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("MailSystem", "~MailSystem()"); delete MailSystem::getSingletonPtr(); ThreadPool.Shutdown(); #ifndef CLUSTERING delete ls; #endif sLog.outString( "" ); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("World", "~World()"); delete World::getSingletonPtr(); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("EventMgr", "~EventMgr()"); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("Database", "Closing Connections..."); _StopDB(); Log.Notice("Network", "Deleting Network Subsystem..."); delete SocketMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete SocketGarbageCollector::getSingletonPtr(); #ifdef ENABLE_LUA_SCRIPTING sLog.outString("Deleting Script Engine..."); LuaEngineMgr::getSingleton().Unload(); #endif // delete ScriptSystem; delete GMCommand_Log; delete Anticheat_Log; delete Player_Log; // remove pid remove("conf/WorldServer.pid"); g_bufferPool.Destroy(); Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Shutdown complete."); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif return true; }
bool Master::Run(int argc, char** argv) { char* config_file = (char*)default_config_file; char* optional_config_file = (char*)default_optional_config_file; char* realm_config_file = (char*)default_realm_config_file; int file_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int screen_log_level = DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET; int do_check_conf = 0; int do_version = 0; int do_cheater_check = 0; int do_database_clean = 0; time_t curTime; struct arcpro_option longopts[] = { { "checkconf", arcpro_no_argument, &do_check_conf, 1 }, { "screenloglevel", arcpro_required_argument, &screen_log_level, 1 }, { "fileloglevel", arcpro_required_argument, &file_log_level, 1 }, { "version", arcpro_no_argument, &do_version, 1 }, { "conf", arcpro_required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "realmconf", arcpro_required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "databasecleanup", arcpro_no_argument, &do_database_clean, 1 }, { "cheatercheck", arcpro_no_argument, &do_cheater_check, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; char c; while((c = static_cast<char>(arcpro_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, ":f:", longopts, NULL))) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'c': config_file = new char[strlen(arcpro_optarg)]; strcpy(config_file, arcpro_optarg); break; case 'r': realm_config_file = new char[strlen(arcpro_optarg)]; strcpy(realm_config_file, arcpro_optarg); break; case 0: break; default: sLog.Init(0, WORLD_LOG); printf("Usage: %s [--checkconf] [--fileloglevel <level>] [--conf <filename>] [--realmconf <filename>] [--version] [--databasecleanup] [--cheatercheck]\n", argv[0]); sLog.Close(); return true; } } // Startup banner UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&UNIXTIME); sLog.Init(0, WORLD_LOG); sLog.outBasic(BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_HASH_STR, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); sLog.outErrorSilent(BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_HASH_STR, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); // Echo off. if(do_version) { sLog.Close(); return true; } if(do_check_conf) { Log.Notice("Config", "Checking config file: %s", config_file); if(Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file, true)) Log.Success("Config", "Passed without errors."); else Log.Error("Config", "Encountered one or more errors."); Log.Notice("Config", "Checking config file: %s", realm_config_file); if(Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file, true)) Log.Success("Config", "Passed without errors."); else Log.Error("Config", "Encountered one or more errors."); Log.Notice("Config", "Checking config file:: %s", optional_config_file); if(Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(optional_config_file, true)) Log.Success("Config", "Passed without errors."); else Log.Error("Config", "Encountered one or more errors."); sLog.Close(); return true; } printf("The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.\n"); #ifndef WIN32 if(geteuid() == 0 || getegid() == 0) Log.LargeErrorMessage("You are running ArcPro as root.", "This is not needed, and may be a possible security risk.", "It is advised to hit CTRL+C now and", "start as a non-privileged user.", NULL); #endif InitImplicitTargetFlags(); InitRandomNumberGenerators(); Log.Notice("Rnd", "Initialized Random Number Generators."); ThreadPool.Startup(); uint32 LoadingTime = getMSTime(); Log.Success("Config", "Loading Config Files..."); if(Config.MainConfig.SetSource(config_file)) Log.Notice("Config", ">> " CONFDIR "/world.conf loaded"); else { sLog.Error("Config", ">> error occurred loading " CONFDIR "/world.conf"); sLog.Close(); return false; } if(Config.OptionalConfig.SetSource(optional_config_file)) Log.Notice("Config", ">> " CONFDIR "/optional.conf loaded"); else { sLog.Error("Config", ">> error occurred loading " CONFDIR "/optional.conf"); sLog.Close(); return false; } if(Config.RealmConfig.SetSource(realm_config_file)) Log.Notice("Config", ">> " CONFDIR "/realms.conf loaded"); else { sLog.Error("Config", ">> error occurred loading " CONFDIR "/realms.conf"); sLog.Close(); return false; } #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(__DEBUG__) if(Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("LogLevel", "DisableCrashdumpReport", 0) == 0) { char cmd[1024]; char banner[1024]; snprintf(banner, 1024, BANNER, BUILD_TAG, BUILD_REVISION, CONFIG, PLATFORM_TEXT, ARCH); snprintf(cmd, 1024, "./arcpro-crashreport -r %d -d \'%s\'", BUILD_REVISION, banner); system(cmd); } unlink("arcpro.uptime"); #endif if(!_StartDB()) { Database::CleanupLibs(); sLog.Close(); return false; } // Checking the DB version. If it's wrong or can't be validated we exit. if(!CheckDBVersion()) { sLog.Close(); return false; } if(do_database_clean) { sLog.outDebug("Entering database maintenance mode."); new DatabaseCleaner; DatabaseCleaner::getSingleton().Run(); delete DatabaseCleaner::getSingletonPtr(); sLog.outDebug("Maintenance finished."); } new EventMgr; new World; // optional time stamp in logs bool useTimeStamp = Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("log", "TimeStamp", false); // open cheat log file Anticheat_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString("logs", "cheaters", useTimeStamp).c_str(), false); GMCommand_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString("logs", "gmcommand", useTimeStamp).c_str(), false); Player_Log = new SessionLogWriter(FormatOutputString("logs", "players", useTimeStamp).c_str(), false); /* load the config file */ sWorld.Rehash(false); /* set new log levels */ if(file_log_level != (int)DEF_VALUE_NOT_SET) sLog.SetFileLoggingLevel(file_log_level); // Initialize Opcode Table WorldSession::InitPacketHandlerTable(); string host = Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefault("Listen", "Host", DEFAULT_HOST); int wsport = Config.MainConfig.GetIntDefault("Listen", "WorldServerPort", DEFAULT_WORLDSERVER_PORT); new ScriptMgr; if(!sWorld.SetInitialWorldSettings()) { Log.Error("Server", "SetInitialWorldSettings() failed. Something went wrong? Exiting."); sLog.Close(); return false; } if(do_cheater_check) sWorld.CleanupCheaters(); sWorld.SetStartTime((uint32)UNIXTIME); WorldRunnable* wr = new WorldRunnable(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(wr); _HookSignals(); ConsoleThread* console = new ConsoleThread(); ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(console); uint32 realCurrTime, realPrevTime; realCurrTime = realPrevTime = getMSTime(); // Socket loop! uint32 start; uint32 diff; uint32 last_time = now(); uint32 etime; uint32 next_printout = getMSTime(), next_send = getMSTime(); // Start Network Subsystem Log.Success("Network", "Starting subsystem..."); new SocketMgr; new SocketGarbageCollector; sSocketMgr.SpawnWorkerThreads(); sScriptMgr.LoadScripts(); if(Config.MainConfig.GetBoolDefault("Startup", "EnableSpellIDDump", false)) sScriptMgr.DumpUnimplementedSpells(); LoadingTime = getMSTime() - LoadingTime; Log.Success("Server", "Ready for connections. Startup time: %ums", LoadingTime); Log.Notice("RemoteConsole", "Starting..."); if(StartConsoleListener()) { #ifdef WIN32 ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(GetConsoleListener()); #endif Log.Notice("RemoteConsole", "Now open."); } else { Log.Warning("RemoteConsole", "Not enabled or failed listen."); } /* write pid file */ FILE* fPid = fopen("ArcPro.pid", "w"); if(fPid) { uint32 pid; #ifdef WIN32 pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = getpid(); #endif fprintf(fPid, "%u", (unsigned int)pid); fclose(fPid); } uint32 loopcounter = 0; //ThreadPool.Gobble(); /* Connect to realmlist servers / logon servers */ new LogonCommHandler(); sLogonCommHandler.Startup(); // Create listener ListenSocket<WorldSocket> * ls = new ListenSocket<WorldSocket>(host.c_str(), wsport); bool listnersockcreate = ls->IsOpen(); #ifdef WIN32 if(listnersockcreate) ThreadPool.ExecuteTask(ls); #endif while(!m_stopEvent && listnersockcreate) { start = now(); diff = start - last_time; if(!((++loopcounter) % 10000)) // 5mins { ThreadPool.ShowStats(); ThreadPool.IntegrityCheck(); #if !defined(WIN32) && defined(__DEBUG__) FILE* f = fopen("arcpro.uptime", "w"); if(f) { fprintf(f, "%u %u %u %u", sWorld.GetUptime(), sWorld.GetSessionCount(), sWorld.PeakSessionCount, sWorld.mAcceptedConnections); fclose(f); } #endif } /* since time() is an expensive system call, we only update it once per server loop */ curTime = time(NULL); if(UNIXTIME != curTime) { UNIXTIME = time(NULL); g_localTime = *localtime(&curTime); } sSocketGarbageCollector.Update(); /* UPDATE */ last_time = now(); etime = last_time - start; if(m_ShutdownEvent) { if(getMSTime() >= next_printout) { if(m_ShutdownTimer > 60000.0f) { if(!((int)(m_ShutdownTimer) % 60000)) Log.Notice("Server", "Shutdown in %i minutes.", (int)(m_ShutdownTimer / 60000.0f)); } else Log.Notice("Server", "Shutdown in %i seconds.", (int)(m_ShutdownTimer / 1000.0f)); next_printout = getMSTime() + 500; } if(getMSTime() >= next_send) { int time = m_ShutdownTimer / 1000; if((time % 30 == 0) || time < 10) { // broadcast packet. WorldPacket data(20); data.SetOpcode(SMSG_SERVER_MESSAGE); if(m_restartEvent) data << uint32(SERVER_MSG_RESTART_TIME); else data << uint32(SERVER_MSG_SHUTDOWN_TIME); if(time > 0) { int mins = 0, secs = 0; if(time > 60) mins = time / 60; if(mins) time -= (mins * 60); secs = time; char str[20]; snprintf(str, 20, "%02u:%02u", mins, secs); data << str; sWorld.SendGlobalMessage(&data, NULL); } } next_send = getMSTime() + 1000; } if(diff >= m_ShutdownTimer) break; else m_ShutdownTimer -= diff; } if(50 > etime) { arcpro::Sleep(50 - etime); } } _UnhookSignals(); wr->SetThreadState(THREADSTATE_TERMINATE); ThreadPool.ShowStats(); /* Shut down console system */ console->terminate(); delete console; // begin server shutdown Log.Success("Shutdown", "Initiated at %s", ConvertTimeStampToDataTime((uint32)UNIXTIME).c_str()); if(lootmgr.is_loading) { Log.Notice("Shutdown", "Waiting for loot to finish loading..."); while(lootmgr.is_loading) arcpro::Sleep(100); } // send a query to wake it up if its inactive Log.Notice("Database", "Clearing all pending queries..."); // kill the database thread first so we don't lose any queries/data CharacterDatabase.EndThreads(); WorldDatabase.EndThreads(); Log.Notice("DayWatcherThread", "Exiting..."); dw->terminate(); dw = NULL; Log.Notice("CommonScheduleThread", "Exiting..."); cs->terminate(); cs = NULL; ls->Close(); CloseConsoleListener(); sWorld.SaveAllPlayers(); Log.Notice("Network", "Shutting down network subsystem."); #ifdef WIN32 sSocketMgr.ShutdownThreads(); #endif sSocketMgr.CloseAll(); bServerShutdown = true; ThreadPool.Shutdown(); delete ls; sWorld.LogoutPlayers(); delete LogonCommHandler::getSingletonPtr(); sWorld.ShutdownClasses(); Log.Notice("World", "~World()"); delete World::getSingletonPtr(); sScriptMgr.UnloadScripts(); delete ScriptMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("ChatHandler", "~ChatHandler()"); delete ChatHandler::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("EventMgr", "~EventMgr()"); delete EventMgr::getSingletonPtr(); Log.Notice("Database", "Closing Connections..."); _StopDB(); Log.Notice("Network", "Deleting Network Subsystem..."); delete SocketMgr::getSingletonPtr(); delete SocketGarbageCollector::getSingletonPtr(); delete GMCommand_Log; delete Anticheat_Log; delete Player_Log; // remove pid remove("ArcPro.pid"); Log.Success("Shutdown", "Shutdown complete."); Log.Close(); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); // Terminate Entire Application //HANDLE pH = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId()); //TerminateProcess(pH, 0); //CloseHandle(pH); #endif return true; }
void FormationMgr::LoadCreatureFormations() { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); for (CreatureGroupInfoType::iterator itr = CreatureGroupMap.begin(); itr != CreatureGroupMap.end(); ++itr) // for reload case delete itr->second; CreatureGroupMap.clear(); //Get group data QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT leaderGUID, memberGUID, dist, angle, groupAI, point_1, point_2 FROM creature_formations ORDER BY leaderGUID"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 creatures in formations. DB table `creature_formations` is empty!"); return; } uint32 count = 0; Field* fields; FormationInfo* group_member; do { fields = result->Fetch(); //Load group member data group_member = new FormationInfo(); group_member->leaderGUID = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 memberGUID = fields[1].GetUInt32(); group_member->groupAI = fields[4].GetUInt32(); group_member->point_1 = fields[5].GetUInt16(); group_member->point_2 = fields[6].GetUInt16(); //If creature is group leader we may skip loading of dist/angle if (group_member->leaderGUID != memberGUID) { group_member->follow_dist = fields[2].GetFloat(); group_member->follow_angle = fields[3].GetFloat() * M_PI / 180; } else { group_member->follow_dist = 0; group_member->follow_angle = 0; } // check data correctness { if (!sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(group_member->leaderGUID)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "creature_formations table leader guid %u incorrect (not exist)", group_member->leaderGUID); delete group_member; continue; } if (!sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(memberGUID)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "creature_formations table member guid %u incorrect (not exist)", memberGUID); delete group_member; continue; } } CreatureGroupMap[memberGUID] = group_member; ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u creatures in formations in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
void WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { uint32 opcode = recv_data.GetOpcode(); sLog.outDebug("WORLD: Recvd %s (%u, 0x%X) opcode", LookupOpcodeName(opcode), opcode, opcode); Unit *mover = _player->m_mover; Player *plMover = mover->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER ? (Player*)mover : NULL; // ignore, waiting processing in WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode and WorldSession::HandleMoveTeleportAck if(plMover && plMover->IsBeingTeleported()) { // movement anticheat plMover->m_anti_JustTeleported = 1; // end movement anticheat return; } /* extract packet */ MovementInfo movementInfo; ReadMovementInfo(recv_data, &movementInfo); /*----------------*/ if(!(movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT) && _player->GetVehicleGUID()) { if(mover->GetGUID() == _player->GetGUID()) { return; } } // we sent a movement packet with MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT and we are on vehicle // this can be moving on vehicle or entering another transport (eg. boat) if((movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT) && _player->GetVehicleGUID()) { // we are controlling that vehicle if(mover->GetGUID() == _player->GetVehicleGUID()) { // we sent movement packet, related to movement ON vehicle, // but not WITH vehicle, so mover = player if(_player->GetVehicleGUID() == movementInfo.t_guid) { // this is required to avoid client crash, otherwise it will result // in moving with vehicle on the same vehicle and that = crash mover = _player; plMover = _player; } } if(_player->GetVehicleGUID() == movementInfo.t_guid) { _player->m_SeatData.OffsetX = movementInfo.t_x; _player->m_SeatData.OffsetY = movementInfo.t_y; _player->m_SeatData.OffsetZ = movementInfo.t_z; _player->m_SeatData.Orientation = movementInfo.t_o; } } if(recv_data.size() != recv_data.rpos()) { sLog.outError("MovementHandler: player %s (guid %d, account %u) sent a packet (opcode %u) that is " SIZEFMTD " bytes larger than it should be. Kicked as cheater.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->GetSession()->GetAccountId(), recv_data.GetOpcode(), recv_data.size() - recv_data.rpos()); KickPlayer(); return; } if (!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z, movementInfo.o)) return; /* handle special cases */ if (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT) && !mover->GetVehicleGUID()) { // transports size limited // (also received at zeppelin leave by some reason with t_* as absolute in continent coordinates, can be safely skipped) if( movementInfo.t_x > 60 || movementInfo.t_y > 60 || movementInfo.t_x < -60 || movementInfo.t_y < -60 ) return; if( !MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.x+movementInfo.t_x, movementInfo.y + movementInfo.t_y, movementInfo.z + movementInfo.t_z, movementInfo.o + movementInfo.t_o) ) return; if (plMover && plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID == 0 && (movementInfo.t_guid !=0)) { // if we boarded a transport, add us to it if (plMover && !plMover->m_transport) { // elevators also cause the client to send MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT - just unmount if the guid can be found in the transport list for (MapManager::TransportSet::const_iterator iter = MapManager::Instance().m_Transports.begin(); iter != MapManager::Instance().m_Transports.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->GetGUID() == movementInfo.t_guid) { plMover->m_transport = (*iter); (*iter)->AddPassenger(plMover); break; } } } //movement anticheat; //Correct finding GO guid in DB (thanks to GriffonHeart) GameObject *obj = HashMapHolder<GameObject>::Find(movementInfo.t_guid); if(obj) plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID = obj->GetDBTableGUIDLow(); else plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID = GUID_LOPART(movementInfo.t_guid); // end movement anticheat } } else if (plMover && plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID != 0){ if (plMover && plMover->m_transport) // if we were on a transport, leave { plMover->m_transport->RemovePassenger(plMover); plMover->m_transport = NULL; } movementInfo.t_x = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_y = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_z = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_o = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_time = 0; movementInfo.t_seat = -1; plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID = 0; } // fall damage generation (ignore in flight case that can be triggered also at lags in moment teleportation to another map). if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_FALL_LAND && plMover && !plMover->isInFlight()) { //movement anticheat plMover->m_anti_JustJumped = 0; plMover->m_anti_JumpBaseZ = 0; //end movement anticheat plMover->HandleFall(movementInfo); } if (plMover && (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING) != plMover->IsInWater())) { // now client not include swimming flag in case jumping under water plMover->SetInWater( !plMover->IsInWater() || plMover->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z) ); } if (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING)) { if(mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT) { if(((Creature*)mover)->isVehicle() && !((Creature*)mover)->canSwim()) { // NOTE : we should enter evade mode here, but... ((Vehicle*)mover)->SetSpawnDuration(1); } } } /*----------------------*/ //---- anti-cheat features -->>> bool check_passed = true; #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG if (plMover){ sLog.outBasic("MA-%s > client-time:%d fall-time:%d | xyzo: %f,%f,%fo(%f) flags[%X] opcode[%s]| transport (xyzo): %f,%f,%fo(%f)", plMover->GetName(),movementInfo.time,movementInfo.fallTime,movementInfo.x,movementInfo.y,movementInfo.z,movementInfo.o, movementInfo.flags, LookupOpcodeName(opcode),movementInfo.t_x,movementInfo.t_y,movementInfo.t_z,movementInfo.t_o); sLog.outBasic("MA-%s Transport > server GUID: %d | client GUID: (lo)%d - (hi)%d", plMover->GetName(),plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID, GUID_LOPART(movementInfo.t_guid), GUID_HIPART(movementInfo.t_guid)); } else { sLog.outBasic("MA > client-time:%d fall-time:%d | xyzo: %f,%f,%fo(%f) flags[%X] opcode[%s]| transport (xyzo): %f,%f,%fo(%f)", movementInfo.time,movementInfo.fallTime,movementInfo.x,movementInfo.y,movementInfo.z,movementInfo.o, movementInfo.flags, LookupOpcodeName(opcode),movementInfo.t_x,movementInfo.t_y,movementInfo.t_z,movementInfo.t_o); sLog.outBasic("MA Transport > server GUID: | client GUID: (lo)%d - (hi)%d", GUID_LOPART(movementInfo.t_guid), GUID_HIPART(movementInfo.t_guid)); } #endif if (plMover && World::GetEnableMvAnticheat()) { //calc time deltas int32 cClientTimeDelta = 1500; if (plMover->m_anti_LastClientTime !=0){ cClientTimeDelta = movementInfo.time - plMover->m_anti_LastClientTime; plMover->m_anti_DeltaClientTime += cClientTimeDelta; plMover->m_anti_LastClientTime = movementInfo.time; } else { plMover->m_anti_LastClientTime = movementInfo.time; } uint32 cServerTime=getMSTime(); uint32 cServerTimeDelta = 1500; if (plMover->m_anti_LastServerTime != 0){ cServerTimeDelta = cServerTime - plMover->m_anti_LastServerTime; plMover->m_anti_DeltaServerTime += cServerTimeDelta; plMover->m_anti_LastServerTime = cServerTime; } else { plMover->m_anti_LastServerTime = cServerTime; } //resync times on client login (first 15 sec for heavy areas) if (plMover->m_anti_DeltaServerTime < 15000 && plMover->m_anti_DeltaClientTime < 15000) plMover->m_anti_DeltaClientTime = plMover->m_anti_DeltaServerTime; int32 sync_time = plMover->m_anti_DeltaClientTime - plMover->m_anti_DeltaServerTime; #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outBasic("MA-%s Time > cClientTimeDelta: %d, cServerTime: %d || deltaC: %d - deltaS: %d || SyncTime: %d", plMover->GetName(),cClientTimeDelta, cServerTime, plMover->m_anti_DeltaClientTime, plMover->m_anti_DeltaServerTime, sync_time); #endif //mistiming checks int32 gmd = World::GetMistimingDelta(); if (sync_time > gmd || sync_time < -gmd){ cClientTimeDelta = cServerTimeDelta; plMover->m_anti_MistimingCount++; sLog.outError("MA-%s, mistiming exception. #:%d, mistiming: %dms ", plMover->GetName(), plMover->m_anti_MistimingCount, sync_time); if (plMover->m_anti_MistimingCount > World::GetMistimingAlarms()) { sWorld.SendWorldText(3,"Bye Cheto! ",plMover->GetName()); plMover->GetSession()->KickPlayer(); return; } check_passed = false; } // end mistiming checks uint32 curDest = plMover->m_taxi.GetTaxiDestination(); //check taxi flight if ((plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID == 0) && !curDest) { UnitMoveType move_type; // calculating section --------------------- //current speed if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING) move_type = movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_BACKWARD ? MOVE_FLIGHT_BACK : MOVE_FLIGHT; else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING) move_type = movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_BACKWARD ? MOVE_SWIM_BACK : MOVE_SWIM; else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_WALK_MODE) move_type = MOVE_WALK; //hmm... in first time after login player has MOVE_SWIMBACK instead MOVE_WALKBACK else move_type = movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_BACKWARD ? MOVE_SWIM_BACK : MOVE_RUN; float current_speed = plMover->GetSpeed(move_type); // end current speed // movement distance float allowed_delta= 0; float delta_x = plMover->GetPositionX() - movementInfo.x; float delta_y = plMover->GetPositionY() - movementInfo.y; float delta_z = plMover->GetPositionZ() - movementInfo.z; float real_delta = delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y; float tg_z = -99999; //tangens // end movement distance if (cClientTimeDelta < 0) {cClientTimeDelta = 0;} float time_delta = (cClientTimeDelta < 1500) ? (float)cClientTimeDelta/1000 : 1.5f; //normalize time - 1.5 second allowed for heavy loaded server if (!(movementInfo.flags & (MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING | MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING))) tg_z = (real_delta !=0) ? (delta_z*delta_z / real_delta) : -99999; if (current_speed < plMover->m_anti_Last_HSpeed) { allowed_delta = plMover->m_anti_Last_HSpeed; if (plMover->m_anti_LastSpeedChangeTime == 0 ) plMover->m_anti_LastSpeedChangeTime = movementInfo.time + (uint32)floor(((plMover->m_anti_Last_HSpeed / current_speed) * 1500)) + 100; //100ms above for random fluctuating =))) } else { allowed_delta = current_speed; } allowed_delta = allowed_delta * time_delta; allowed_delta = allowed_delta * allowed_delta + 2; if (tg_z > 2.2) allowed_delta = allowed_delta + (delta_z*delta_z)/2.37; // mountain fall allowed speed if (movementInfo.time>plMover->m_anti_LastSpeedChangeTime) { plMover->m_anti_Last_HSpeed = current_speed; // store current speed plMover->m_anti_Last_VSpeed = -2.3f; if (plMover->m_anti_LastSpeedChangeTime != 0) plMover->m_anti_LastSpeedChangeTime = 0; } // end calculating section --------------------- //AntiGravitation (thanks to Meekro) float JumpHeight = plMover->m_anti_JumpBaseZ - movementInfo.z; if ((plMover->m_anti_JumpBaseZ != 0) && !(movementInfo.flags & (MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING | MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING | MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2)) && (JumpHeight < plMover->m_anti_Last_VSpeed)) { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, GraviJump exception. JumpHeight = %f, Allowed Veritcal Speed = %f", plMover->GetName(), JumpHeight, plMover->m_anti_Last_VSpeed); #endif check_passed = false; } //multi jump checks if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_JUMP && !plMover->IsInWater()) { if (plMover->m_anti_JustJumped >= 1){ check_passed = false; //don't process new jump packet } else { plMover->m_anti_JustJumped += 1; plMover->m_anti_JumpBaseZ = movementInfo.z; } } else if (plMover->IsInWater()) { plMover->m_anti_JustJumped = 0; } //speed hack checks if ((real_delta > allowed_delta)) // && (delta_z < 0)) { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, speed exception | cDelta=%f aDelta=%f | cSpeed=%f lSpeed=%f deltaTime=%f", plMover->GetName(), real_delta, allowed_delta, current_speed, plMover->m_anti_Last_HSpeed,time_delta); #endif check_passed = false; } //teleport hack checks if ((real_delta>4900.0f) && !(real_delta < allowed_delta)) { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, is teleport exception | cDelta=%f aDelta=%f | cSpeed=%f lSpeed=%f deltaToime=%f", plMover->GetName(),real_delta, allowed_delta, current_speed, plMover->m_anti_Last_HSpeed,time_delta); #endif check_passed = false; } //mountian hack checks // 1.56f (delta_z < GetPlayer()->m_anti_Last_VSpeed)) if ((delta_z < plMover->m_anti_Last_VSpeed) && (plMover->m_anti_JustJumped == 0) && (tg_z > 2.37f)) { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, mountain exception | tg_z=%f", plMover->GetName(),tg_z); #endif check_passed = false; } //Fly hack checks if (((movementInfo.flags & (MOVEMENTFLAG_CAN_FLY | MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING | MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2)) != 0) && !plMover->isGameMaster() && !(plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FLY) || plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_FLIGHT_SPEED))) { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, flight exception. {SPELL_AURA_FLY=[%X]} {SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_FLIGHT_SPEED=[%X]} {SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_FLIGHT=[%X]} {SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_ALWAYS=[%X]} {SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_NOT_STACK=[%X]}", plMover->GetName(), plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FLY), plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_FLIGHT_SPEED), plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_FLIGHT), plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_ALWAYS), plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_NOT_STACK)); #endif check_passed = false; } //Water-Walk checks if (((movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_WATERWALKING) != 0) && !plMover->isGameMaster() && !(plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_WATER_WALK) | plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_GHOST))) { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, water-walk exception. [%X]{SPELL_AURA_WATER_WALK=[%X]}", plMover->GetName(), movementInfo.flags, plMover->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_WATER_WALK)); #endif check_passed = false; } //Teleport To Plane checks if (movementInfo.z < 0.0001f && movementInfo.z > -0.0001f && ((movementInfo.flags & (MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING | MOVEMENTFLAG_CAN_FLY | MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING | MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2)) == 0) && !plMover->isGameMaster()) { // Prevent using TeleportToPlan. Map *map = plMover->GetMap(); if (map){ float plane_z = map->GetHeight(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, MAX_HEIGHT) - movementInfo.z; plane_z = (plane_z < -500.0f) ? 0 : plane_z; //check holes in heigth map if(plane_z > 0.1f || plane_z < -0.1f) { plMover->m_anti_TeleToPlane_Count++; check_passed = false; #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outDebug("MA-%s, teleport to plan exception. plane_z: %f ", plMover->GetName(), plane_z); #endif if (plMover->m_anti_TeleToPlane_Count > World::GetTeleportToPlaneAlarms()) { sLog.outError("MA-%s, teleport to plan exception. Exception count: %d ", plMover->GetName(), plMover->m_anti_TeleToPlane_Count); sWorld.SendWorldText(3,"Bye Cheto! ",plMover->GetName()); plMover->GetSession()->KickPlayer(); return; } } } } else { if (plMover->m_anti_TeleToPlane_Count != 0) plMover->m_anti_TeleToPlane_Count = 0; } } else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT) { //antiwrap checks if (plMover->m_transport) { float trans_rad = movementInfo.t_x*movementInfo.t_x + movementInfo.t_y*movementInfo.t_y + movementInfo.t_z*movementInfo.t_z; if (trans_rad > 3600.0f){ check_passed = false; #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, leave transport.", plMover->GetName()); #endif } } else { if (GameObjectData const* go_data = objmgr.GetGOData(plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID)) { float delta_gox = go_data->posX - movementInfo.x; float delta_goy = go_data->posY - movementInfo.y; float delta_goz = go_data->posZ - movementInfo.z; int mapid = go_data->mapid; #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outDebug("MA-%s, transport movement. GO xyzo: %f,%f,%f", plMover->GetName(), go_data->posX,go_data->posY,go_data->posZ); #endif if (plMover->GetMapId() != mapid){ check_passed = false; } else if (mapid !=369) { float delta_go = delta_gox*delta_gox + delta_goy*delta_goy; if (delta_go > 3600.0f) { check_passed = false; #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outError("MA-%s, leave transport. GO xyzo: %f,%f,%f", plMover->GetName(), go_data->posX,go_data->posY,go_data->posZ); #endif } } } else { #ifdef MOVEMENT_ANTICHEAT_DEBUG sLog.outDebug("MA-%s, undefined transport.", plMover->GetName()); #endif check_passed = false; } } if (!check_passed){ if (plMover->m_transport) { plMover->m_transport->RemovePassenger(plMover); plMover->m_transport = NULL; } movementInfo.t_x = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_y = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_z = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_o = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_time = 0; plMover->m_anti_TransportGUID = 0; } } } /* process position-change */ if (check_passed) { recv_data.put<uint32>(6, getMSTime()); // fix time, offset flags(4) + unk(2) WorldPacket data(recv_data.GetOpcode(), (mover->GetPackGUID().size()+recv_data.size())); data.append(mover->GetPackGUID()); // use mover guid data.append(recv_data.contents(), recv_data.size()); GetPlayer()->SendMessageToSet(&data, false); if(plMover) // nothing is charmed, or player charmed { plMover->SetPosition(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z, movementInfo.o); plMover->m_movementInfo = movementInfo; plMover->UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(movementInfo, recv_data.GetOpcode()); if(plMover->isMovingOrTurning()) plMover->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); if(movementInfo.z < -500.0f) { if(plMover->InBattleGround() && plMover->GetBattleGround() && plMover->GetBattleGround()->HandlePlayerUnderMap(_player)) { // do nothing, the handle already did if returned true } else { // NOTE: this is actually called many times while falling // even after the player has been teleported away // TODO: discard movement packets after the player is rooted if(plMover->isAlive()) { plMover->EnvironmentalDamage(DAMAGE_FALL_TO_VOID, GetPlayer()->GetMaxHealth()); // pl can be alive if GM/etc if(!plMover->isAlive()) { // change the death state to CORPSE to prevent the death timer from // starting in the next player update plMover->KillPlayer(); plMover->BuildPlayerRepop(); } } // cancel the death timer here if started plMover->RepopAtGraveyard(); } } //movement anticheat >>> if (plMover->m_anti_AlarmCount > 0){ sLog.outError("MA-%s produce %d anticheat alarms",plMover->GetName(),plMover->m_anti_AlarmCount); plMover->m_anti_AlarmCount = 0; } // end movement anticheat } else // creature charmed { if(mover->IsInWorld()) { mover->GetMap()->CreatureRelocation((Creature*)mover, movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z, movementInfo.o); if(((Creature*)mover)->isVehicle()) ((Vehicle*)mover)->RellocatePassengers(mover->GetMap()); } } } else if (plMover) { plMover->m_anti_AlarmCount++; WorldPacket data; //GetPlayer()->m_movementInfo.SetMovementFlags(MovementFlags(MOVEMENTFLAG_NONE)); plMover->m_movementInfo.SetMovementFlags(MovementFlags(MOVEMENTFLAG_NONE)); plMover->BuildTeleportAckMsg(&data, plMover->GetPositionX(), plMover->GetPositionY(), plMover->GetPositionZ(), plMover->GetOrientation()); plMover->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); plMover->BuildHeartBeatMsg(&data); plMover->SendMessageToSet(&data, true); } }
void WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { uint32 opcode = recv_data.GetOpcode(); DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Recvd %s (%u, 0x%X) opcode", LookupOpcodeName(opcode), opcode, opcode); recv_data.hexlike(); Unit *mover = _player->GetMover(); Player *plMover = mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER ? (Player*)mover : NULL; // ignore, waiting processing in WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode and WorldSession::HandleMoveTeleportAck if(plMover && plMover->IsBeingTeleported()) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } /* extract packet */ ObjectGuid guid; MovementInfo movementInfo; recv_data >> guid.ReadAsPacked(); recv_data >> movementInfo; /*----------------*/ if (!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z, movementInfo.GetPos()->o)) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } /* handle special cases */ if (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_ONTRANSPORT)) { // transports size limited // (also received at zeppelin/lift leave by some reason with t_* as absolute in continent coordinates, can be safely skipped) if( movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->x > 50 || movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->y > 50 || movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->z > 100 ) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } if( !MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.GetPos()->x + movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y + movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z + movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->z, movementInfo.GetPos()->o + movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->o) ) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } // if we boarded a transport, add us to it if (plMover && !plMover->m_transport) { float trans_rad = movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->x*movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->x + movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->y*movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->y + movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->z*movementInfo.GetTransportPos()->z; if (trans_rad > 3600.0f) // transport radius = 60 yards //cheater with on_transport_flag { return; } // elevators also cause the client to send MOVEFLAG_ONTRANSPORT - just unmount if the guid can be found in the transport list for (MapManager::TransportSet::const_iterator iter = sMapMgr.m_Transports.begin(); iter != sMapMgr.m_Transports.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->GetObjectGuid() == movementInfo.GetTransportGuid()) { plMover->m_transport = (*iter); (*iter)->AddPassenger(plMover); break; } } } } else if (plMover && plMover->m_transport) // if we were on a transport, leave { plMover->m_transport->RemovePassenger(plMover); plMover->m_transport = NULL; movementInfo.ClearTransportData(); } // fall damage generation (ignore in flight case that can be triggered also at lags in moment teleportation to another map). if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_FALL_LAND && plMover && !plMover->isInFlight()) plMover->HandleFall(movementInfo); if (plMover && (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_SWIMMING) != plMover->IsInWater())) { // now client not include swimming flag in case jumping under water plMover->SetInWater( !plMover->IsInWater() || plMover->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z) ); if(plMover->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z-7.0f)) { plMover->m_anti_BeginFallZ=INVALID_HEIGHT; } } // ---- anti-cheat features -->>> uint32 Anti_TeleTimeDiff=plMover ? time(NULL) - plMover->Anti__GetLastTeleTime() : time(NULL); static const uint32 Anti_TeleTimeIgnoreDiff=sWorld.GetMvAnticheatIgnoreAfterTeleport(); if (plMover && (plMover->m_transport == 0) && sWorld.GetMvAnticheatEnable() && GetPlayer()->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= sWorld.GetMvAnticheatGmLevel() && GetPlayer()->GetMotionMaster()->GetCurrentMovementGeneratorType()!=FLIGHT_MOTION_TYPE && Anti_TeleTimeDiff>Anti_TeleTimeIgnoreDiff) { const uint32 CurTime=getMSTime(); if (getMSTimeDiff(GetPlayer()->m_anti_lastalarmtime,CurTime) > sWorld.GetMvAnticheatAlarmPeriod()) { GetPlayer()->m_anti_alarmcount = 0; } /* I really don't care about movement-type yet (todo) UnitMoveType move_type; if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING) move_type = MOVE_FLY; else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING) move_type = MOVE_SWIM; else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_WALK_MODE) move_type = MOVE_WALK; else move_type = MOVE_RUN;*/ float delta_x = GetPlayer()->GetPositionX() - movementInfo.GetPos()->x; float delta_y = GetPlayer()->GetPositionY() - movementInfo.GetPos()->y; float delta_z = GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() - movementInfo.GetPos()->z; float delta = sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y); // Len of movement-vector via Pythagoras (a^2+b^2=Len^2) float tg_z = 0.0f; //tangens float delta_t = getMSTimeDiff(GetPlayer()->m_anti_lastmovetime,CurTime); GetPlayer()->m_anti_lastmovetime = CurTime; GetPlayer()->m_anti_MovedLen += delta; if (delta_t > 15000.0f) { delta_t = 15000.0f; } // Tangens of walking angel if (!(movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_FLYING | MOVEFLAG_SWIMMING))) { tg_z = ((delta !=0.0f) && (delta_z > 0.0f)) ? (atan((delta_z*delta_z) / delta) * 180.0f / M_PI) : 0.0f; } //antiOFF fall-damage, MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK4 seted by client if player try movement when falling and unset in this case the MOVEMENTFLAG_FALLING flag. if ((!GetPlayer()->CanFly() && GetPlayer()->m_anti_BeginFallZ == INVALID_HEIGHT) && (movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_FALLING | MOVEFLAG_FALLINGFAR)) != 0) { GetPlayer()->m_anti_BeginFallZ=(float)(movementInfo.GetPos()->z); } if (GetPlayer()->m_anti_NextLenCheck <= CurTime) { // Check every 500ms is a lot more advisable then 1000ms, because normal movment packet arrives every 500ms uint32 OldNextLenCheck=GetPlayer()->m_anti_NextLenCheck; float delta_xyt=GetPlayer()->m_anti_MovedLen/(float)(getMSTimeDiff(OldNextLenCheck-500,CurTime)); GetPlayer()->m_anti_NextLenCheck = CurTime+500; GetPlayer()->m_anti_MovedLen = 0.0f; static const float MaxDeltaXYT = sWorld.GetMvAnticheatMaxXYT(); if (delta_xyt > MaxDeltaXYT && delta<=100.0f && GetPlayer()->GetZoneId() != 2257) { if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatSpeedCheck()) Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Speed hack",delta_xyt,LookupOpcodeName(opcode), (float)(GetPlayer()->GetMotionMaster()->GetCurrentMovementGeneratorType()), (float)(getMSTimeDiff(OldNextLenCheck-500,CurTime))); } } if (delta > 100.0f && GetPlayer()->GetZoneId() != 2257) { if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatTeleportCheck()) Anti__ReportCheat("Tele hack",delta,LookupOpcodeName(opcode)); } // Check for waterwalking . Fix new way of checking for waterwalking by Darky88 if (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_WATERWALKING) && !(GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_WATER_WALK) || GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_GHOST))) { if(sWorld.GetMvAnticheatWaterCheck()) Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Water walking",0.0f,NULL,0.0f,(uint32)(movementInfo.GetMovementFlags())); } // Check for walking upwards a mountain while not beeing able to do that, New check by Darky88 if ((delta_z < -2.3f) && (tg_z > 2.37f)) { if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatMountainCheck()) Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Mountain hack",tg_z,NULL,delta,delta_z); } static const float DIFF_OVERGROUND = 10.0f; float Anti__GroundZ = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetHeight(GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(),GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(),MAX_HEIGHT); float Anti__FloorZ = GetPlayer()->GetMap()->GetHeight(GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(),GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(),GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ()); float Anti__MapZ = ((Anti__FloorZ <= (INVALID_HEIGHT+5.0f)) ? Anti__GroundZ : Anti__FloorZ) + DIFF_OVERGROUND; if (!GetPlayer()->CanFly() && !GetPlayer()->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z-7.0f) && Anti__MapZ < GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() && Anti__MapZ > (INVALID_HEIGHT+DIFF_OVERGROUND + 5.0f)) { static const float DIFF_AIRJUMP=25.0f; // 25 is realy high, but to many false positives... // Air-Jump-Detection definitively needs a better way to be detected... if ((movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_CAN_FLY | MOVEFLAG_FLYING | MOVEFLAG_ROOT)) != 0) // Fly Hack { // Fix Aura 55164 if (!GetPlayer()->HasAura(55164) || !GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FEATHER_FALL)) if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatFlyCheck()) Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Fly hack", ((uint8)(GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FLY))) + ((uint8)(GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_MOUNTED))*2), NULL,GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ()-Anti__MapZ); } // Need a better way to do that - currently a lot of fake alarms else if ((Anti__MapZ+DIFF_AIRJUMP < GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() && (movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_FALLINGFAR | MOVEFLAG_PENDINGSTOP))==0) || (Anti__MapZ < GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() && opcode==MSG_MOVE_JUMP) && !GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FEATHER_FALL)) { if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatJumpCheck()) Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Possible Air Jump Hack",0.0f,LookupOpcodeName(opcode),0.0f,movementInfo.GetMovementFlags()); } } /*if(Anti__FloorZ < -199900.0f && Anti__GroundZ >= -199900.0f && GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ()+5.0f < Anti__GroundZ) { Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Teleport2Plane hack", GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(),NULL,Anti__GroundZ); }*/ //Teleport To Plane checks if (movementInfo.GetPos()->z < 0.0001f && movementInfo.GetPos()->z > -0.0001f && (!movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MovementFlags(MOVEFLAG_SWIMMING | MOVEFLAG_CAN_FLY | MOVEFLAG_FLYING)))) { if(sWorld.GetMvAnticheatTeleport2PlaneCheck()) { // Prevent using TeleportToPlan. Map *map = GetPlayer()->GetMap(); if (map) { float plane_z = map->GetHeight(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, MAX_HEIGHT) - movementInfo.GetPos()->z; plane_z = (plane_z < -500.0f) ? 0 : plane_z; //check holes in heigth map if(plane_z > 0.1f || plane_z < -0.1f) { if(sWorld.GetMvAnticheatTeleport2PlaneCheck()) Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Teleport2Plane hack",GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(),NULL,plane_z); } } } } } // <<---- anti-cheat features /* process position-change */ movementInfo.UpdateTime(getMSTime()); WorldPacket data(opcode, recv_data.size()); data.appendPackGUID(mover->GetGUID()); // write guid movementInfo.Write(data); // write data mover->SendMessageToSetExcept(&data, _player); if(plMover) // nothing is charmed, or player charmed { plMover->SetPosition(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z, movementInfo.GetPos()->o); plMover->m_movementInfo = movementInfo; plMover->UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(movementInfo, opcode); // after move info set if ((opcode == MSG_MOVE_SET_WALK_MODE || opcode == MSG_MOVE_SET_RUN_MODE)) plMover->UpdateWalkMode(plMover, false); if(plMover->isMovingOrTurning()) plMover->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); if(movementInfo.GetPos()->z < -500.0f) { if(plMover->InBattleGround() && plMover->GetBattleGround() && plMover->GetBattleGround()->HandlePlayerUnderMap(_player)) { // do nothing, the handle already did if returned true } else { // NOTE: this is actually called many times while falling // even after the player has been teleported away // TODO: discard movement packets after the player is rooted if(plMover->isAlive()) { plMover->EnvironmentalDamage(DAMAGE_FALL_TO_VOID, plMover->GetMaxHealth()); // pl can be alive if GM/etc if(!plMover->isAlive()) { // change the death state to CORPSE to prevent the death timer from // starting in the next player update plMover->KillPlayer(); plMover->BuildPlayerRepop(); } } // cancel the death timer here if started plMover->RepopAtGraveyard(); } } } else // creature charmed { if(mover->IsInWorld()) mover->GetMap()->CreatureRelocation((Creature*)mover, movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z, movementInfo.GetPos()->o); } }
void WorldSession::HandlePlayerLogin(LoginQueryHolder *holder) { uint64 playerGuid = holder->GetGuid(); Player *pCurrChar = new Player(this); pCurrChar->GetMotionMaster()->Initialize(); // "GetAccountId()==db stored account id" checked in LoadFromDB (prevent login not own character using cheating tools) if(!pCurrChar->LoadFromDB(GUID_LOPART(playerGuid), holder)) { KickPlayer(); // disconnect client, player no set to session and it will not deleted or saved at kick delete pCurrChar; // delete it manually delete holder; // delete all unprocessed queries m_playerLoading = false; return; } SetPlayer(pCurrChar); pCurrChar->SendDungeonDifficulty(false); WorldPacket data( SMSG_LOGIN_VERIFY_WORLD, 20 ); data << pCurrChar->GetMapId(); data << pCurrChar->GetPositionX(); data << pCurrChar->GetPositionY(); data << pCurrChar->GetPositionZ(); data << pCurrChar->GetOrientation(); SendPacket(&data); // load player specific part before send times LoadAccountData(holder->GetResult(PLAYER_LOGIN_QUERY_LOADACCOUNTDATA),PER_CHARACTER_CACHE_MASK); SendAccountDataTimes(PER_CHARACTER_CACHE_MASK); data.Initialize(SMSG_FEATURE_SYSTEM_STATUS, 2); // added in 2.2.0 data << uint8(2); // unknown value data << uint8(0); // enable(1)/disable(0) voice chat interface in client SendPacket(&data); // Send MOTD { data.Initialize(SMSG_MOTD, 50); // new in 2.0.1 data << (uint32)0; uint32 linecount=0; std::string str_motd = sWorld.GetMotd(); std::string::size_type pos, nextpos; pos = 0; while ( (nextpos= str_motd.find('@',pos)) != std::string::npos ) { if (nextpos != pos) { data << str_motd.substr(pos, nextpos-pos); ++linecount; } pos = nextpos + 1; } if (pos < str_motd.length()) { data << str_motd.substr(pos); ++linecount; } data.put(0, linecount); SendPacket( &data ); DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Sent motd (SMSG_MOTD)" ); } //QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guildid,rank FROM guild_member WHERE guid = '%u'",pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow()); QueryResult *resultGuild = holder->GetResult(PLAYER_LOGIN_QUERY_LOADGUILD); if(resultGuild) { Field *fields = resultGuild->Fetch(); pCurrChar->SetInGuild(fields[0].GetUInt32()); pCurrChar->SetRank(fields[1].GetUInt32()); delete resultGuild; } else if(pCurrChar->GetGuildId()) // clear guild related fields in case wrong data about non existed membership { pCurrChar->SetInGuild(0); pCurrChar->SetRank(0); } if(pCurrChar->GetGuildId() != 0) { Guild* guild = sObjectMgr.GetGuildById(pCurrChar->GetGuildId()); if(guild) { data.Initialize(SMSG_GUILD_EVENT, (1+1+guild->GetMOTD().size()+1)); data << uint8(GE_MOTD); data << uint8(1); data << guild->GetMOTD(); SendPacket(&data); DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Sent guild-motd (SMSG_GUILD_EVENT)" ); guild->DisplayGuildBankTabsInfo(this); guild->BroadcastEvent(GE_SIGNED_ON, pCurrChar->GetGUID(), 1, pCurrChar->GetName(), "", ""); } else { // remove wrong guild data sLog.outError("Player %s (GUID: %u) marked as member not existed guild (id: %u), removing guild membership for player.",pCurrChar->GetName(),pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow(),pCurrChar->GetGuildId()); pCurrChar->SetInGuild(0); } } data.Initialize(SMSG_LEARNED_DANCE_MOVES, 4+4); data << uint32(0); data << uint32(0); SendPacket(&data); pCurrChar->SendInitialPacketsBeforeAddToMap(); //Show cinematic at the first time that player login if( !pCurrChar->getCinematic() ) { pCurrChar->setCinematic(1); if(ChrClassesEntry const* cEntry = sChrClassesStore.LookupEntry(pCurrChar->getClass())) { if (cEntry->CinematicSequence) pCurrChar->SendCinematicStart(cEntry->CinematicSequence); else if (ChrRacesEntry const* rEntry = sChrRacesStore.LookupEntry(pCurrChar->getRace())) pCurrChar->SendCinematicStart(rEntry->CinematicSequence); } } if (!pCurrChar->GetMap()->Add(pCurrChar)) { // normal delayed teleport protection not applied (and this correct) for this case (Player object just created) AreaTrigger const* at = sObjectMgr.GetGoBackTrigger(pCurrChar->GetMapId()); if(at) pCurrChar->TeleportTo(at->target_mapId, at->target_X, at->target_Y, at->target_Z, pCurrChar->GetOrientation()); else pCurrChar->TeleportToHomebind(); } sObjectAccessor.AddObject(pCurrChar); //DEBUG_LOG("Player %s added to Map.",pCurrChar->GetName()); pCurrChar->SendInitialPacketsAfterAddToMap(); CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 1 WHERE guid = '%u'", pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow()); LoginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE account SET active_realm_id = %d WHERE id = '%u'", realmID, GetAccountId()); pCurrChar->SetInGameTime( getMSTime() ); // announce group about member online (must be after add to player list to receive announce to self) if (Group *group = pCurrChar->GetGroup()) group->SendUpdate(); // friend status sSocialMgr.SendFriendStatus(pCurrChar, FRIEND_ONLINE, pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow(), true); // Place character in world (and load zone) before some object loading pCurrChar->LoadCorpse(); // setting Ghost+speed if dead if (pCurrChar->m_deathState != ALIVE) { // not blizz like, we must correctly save and load player instead... if(pCurrChar->getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF) pCurrChar->CastSpell(pCurrChar, 20584, true); // auras SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SPEED(+speed in wisp form), SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SWIM_SPEED(+swim speed in wisp form), SPELL_AURA_TRANSFORM (to wisp form) pCurrChar->CastSpell(pCurrChar, 8326, true); // auras SPELL_AURA_GHOST, SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SPEED(why?), SPELL_AURA_INCREASE_SWIM_SPEED(why?) pCurrChar->SetMovement(MOVE_WATER_WALK); } pCurrChar->ContinueTaxiFlight(); // reset for all pets before pet loading if(pCurrChar->HasAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_RESET_PET_TALENTS)) Pet::resetTalentsForAllPetsOf(pCurrChar); // Load pet if any (if player not alive and in taxi flight or another then pet will remember as temporary unsummoned) pCurrChar->LoadPet(); // Set FFA PvP for non GM in non-rest mode if(sWorld.IsFFAPvPRealm() && !pCurrChar->isGameMaster() && !pCurrChar->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS,PLAYER_FLAGS_RESTING) ) pCurrChar->SetFFAPvP(true); if(pCurrChar->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_CONTESTED_PVP)) pCurrChar->SetContestedPvP(); // Apply at_login requests if(pCurrChar->HasAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_RESET_SPELLS)) { pCurrChar->resetSpells(); SendNotification(LANG_RESET_SPELLS); } if(pCurrChar->HasAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_RESET_TALENTS)) { pCurrChar->resetTalents(true,true); pCurrChar->SendTalentsInfoData(false); // original talents send already in to SendInitialPacketsBeforeAddToMap, resend reset state SendNotification(LANG_RESET_TALENTS); // we can use SMSG_TALENTS_INVOLUNTARILY_RESET here } if (pCurrChar->HasAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_FIRST)) pCurrChar->RemoveAtLoginFlag(AT_LOGIN_FIRST); // show time before shutdown if shutdown planned. if(sWorld.IsShutdowning()) sWorld.ShutdownMsg(true,pCurrChar); if(sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_ALL_TAXI_PATHS)) pCurrChar->SetTaxiCheater(true); if(pCurrChar->isGameMaster()) SendNotification(LANG_GM_ON); std::string IP_str = GetRemoteAddress(); sLog.outChar("Account: %d (IP: %s) Login Character:[%s] (guid: %u)", GetAccountId(), IP_str.c_str(), pCurrChar->GetName(), pCurrChar->GetGUIDLow()); if(!pCurrChar->IsStandState() && !pCurrChar->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_STUNNED)) pCurrChar->SetStandState(UNIT_STAND_STATE_STAND); m_playerLoading = false; delete holder; }
bool BattlegroundQueue::InviteGroupToBG(GroupQueueInfo* ginfo, Battleground* bg, uint32 side) { // set side if needed if (side) ginfo->Team = side; if (!ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID) { // not yet invited // set invitation ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = bg->GetInstanceID(); BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = bg->GetTypeID(); BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, bg->GetArenaType()); BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id = bg->GetBracketId(); // set ArenaTeamId for rated matches if (bg->isArena() && bg->isRated()) bg->SetArenaTeamIdForTeam(ginfo->Team, ginfo->ArenaTeamId); ginfo->RemoveInviteTime = getMSTime() + INVITE_ACCEPT_WAIT_TIME; // loop through the players for (std::map<uint64, PlayerQueueInfo*>::iterator itr = ginfo->Players.begin(); itr != ginfo->Players.end(); ++itr) { // get the player Player* player = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(itr->first); // if offline, skip him, this should not happen - player is removed from queue when he logs out if (!player) continue; // invite the player PlayerInvitedToBGUpdateAverageWaitTime(ginfo, bracket_id); //sBattlegroundMgr->InvitePlayer(player, bg, ginfo->Team); // set invited player counters bg->IncreaseInvitedCount(ginfo->Team); player->SetInviteForBattlegroundQueueType(bgQueueTypeId, ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID); // create remind invite events BGQueueInviteEvent* inviteEvent = new BGQueueInviteEvent(player->GetGUID(), ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId, ginfo->ArenaType, ginfo->RemoveInviteTime); m_events.AddEvent(inviteEvent, m_events.CalculateTime(INVITATION_REMIND_TIME)); // create automatic remove events BGQueueRemoveEvent* removeEvent = new BGQueueRemoveEvent(player->GetGUID(), ginfo->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId, bgQueueTypeId, ginfo->RemoveInviteTime); m_events.AddEvent(removeEvent, m_events.CalculateTime(INVITE_ACCEPT_WAIT_TIME)); WorldPacket data; uint32 queueSlot = player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId); TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: invited player %s (%u) to BG instance %u queueindex %u bgtype %u", player->GetName().c_str(), player->GetGUIDLow(), bg->GetInstanceID(), queueSlot, bg->GetTypeID()); // send status packet sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, player, queueSlot, STATUS_WAIT_JOIN, INVITE_ACCEPT_WAIT_TIME, player->GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId), ginfo->ArenaType); player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } return true; } return false; }
void SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB() { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); for (uint8 i = 0; i < SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_MAX; i++) mEventMap[i].clear(); //Drop Existing SmartAI List PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_LOAD_SMART_SCRIPTS); PreparedQueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query(stmt); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 SmartAI scripts. DB table `smartai_scripts` is empty."); sLog->outString(); return; } uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); SmartScriptHolder temp; temp.entryOrGuid = fields[0].GetInt32(); SmartScriptType source_type = (SmartScriptType)fields[1].GetUInt8(); if (source_type >= SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_MAX) { sLog->outErrorDb("SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: invalid source_type (%u), skipped loading.", uint32(source_type)); continue; } if (temp.entryOrGuid >= 0) { switch (source_type) { case SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_CREATURE: { if (!sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate((uint32)temp.entryOrGuid)) { sLog->outErrorDb("SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature entry (%u) does not exist, skipped loading.", uint32(temp.entryOrGuid)); continue; } break; } case SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_GAMEOBJECT: { if (!sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate((uint32)temp.entryOrGuid)) { sLog->outErrorDb("SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: GameObject entry (%u) does not exist, skipped loading.", uint32(temp.entryOrGuid)); continue; } break; } case SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_AREATRIGGER: { if (!sAreaTriggerStore.LookupEntry((uint32)temp.entryOrGuid)) { sLog->outErrorDb("SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: AreaTrigger entry (%u) does not exist, skipped loading.", uint32(temp.entryOrGuid)); continue; } break; } case SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_TIMED_ACTIONLIST: break;//nothing to check, really default: sLog->outErrorDb("SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: not yet implemented source_type %u", (uint32)source_type); continue; } } else { if (!sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(uint32(abs(temp.entryOrGuid)))) { sLog->outErrorDb("SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB: Creature guid (%u) does not exist, skipped loading.", uint32(abs(temp.entryOrGuid))); continue; } } temp.source_type = source_type; temp.event_id = fields[2].GetUInt16(); temp.link = fields[3].GetUInt16(); temp.event.type = (SMART_EVENT)fields[4].GetUInt8(); temp.event.event_phase_mask = fields[5].GetUInt8(); temp.event.event_chance = fields[6].GetUInt8(); temp.event.event_flags = fields[7].GetUInt8(); temp.event.raw.param1 = fields[8].GetUInt32(); temp.event.raw.param2 = fields[9].GetUInt32(); temp.event.raw.param3 = fields[10].GetUInt32(); temp.event.raw.param4 = fields[11].GetUInt32(); temp.action.type = (SMART_ACTION)fields[12].GetUInt8(); temp.action.raw.param1 = fields[13].GetUInt32(); temp.action.raw.param2 = fields[14].GetUInt32(); temp.action.raw.param3 = fields[15].GetUInt32(); temp.action.raw.param4 = fields[16].GetUInt32(); temp.action.raw.param5 = fields[17].GetUInt32(); temp.action.raw.param6 = fields[18].GetUInt32(); temp.target.type = (SMARTAI_TARGETS)fields[19].GetUInt8(); temp.target.raw.param1 = fields[20].GetUInt32(); temp.target.raw.param2 = fields[21].GetUInt32(); temp.target.raw.param3 = fields[22].GetUInt32(); temp.target.x = fields[23].GetFloat(); temp.target.y = fields[24].GetFloat(); temp.target.z = fields[25].GetFloat(); temp.target.o = fields[26].GetFloat(); //check target if (!IsTargetValid(temp)) continue; // check all event and action params if (!IsEventValid(temp)) continue; // creature entry / guid not found in storage, create empty event list for it and increase counters if (mEventMap[source_type].find(temp.entryOrGuid) == mEventMap[source_type].end()) { ++count; SmartAIEventList eventList; mEventMap[source_type][temp.entryOrGuid] = eventList; } // store the new event mEventMap[source_type][temp.entryOrGuid].push_back(temp); } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u SmartAI scripts in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); }
/* this method is called when group is inserted, or player / group is removed from BG Queue - there is only one player's status changed, so we don't use while (true) cycles to invite whole queue it must be called after fully adding the members of a group to ensure group joining should be called from Battleground::RemovePlayer function in some cases */ void BattlegroundQueue::BattlegroundQueueUpdate(uint32 /*diff*/, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id, uint8 arenaType, bool isRated, uint32 arenaRating) { //if no players in queue - do nothing if (m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].empty() && m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_HORDE].empty()) return; // battleground with free slot for player should be always in the beggining of the queue // maybe it would be better to create bgfreeslotqueue for each bracket_id BGFreeSlotQueueContainer& bgQueues = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBGFreeSlotQueueStore(bgTypeId); for (BGFreeSlotQueueContainer::iterator itr = bgQueues.begin(); itr != bgQueues.end();) { Battleground* bg = *itr; ++itr; // DO NOT allow queue manager to invite new player to rated games if (!bg->isRated() && bg->GetTypeID() == bgTypeId && bg->GetBracketId() == bracket_id && bg->GetStatus() > STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE && bg->GetStatus() < STATUS_WAIT_LEAVE) { // clear selection pools m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].Init(); m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].Init(); // call a function that does the job for us FillPlayersToBG(bg, bracket_id); // now everything is set, invite players for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr) InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg, (*citr)->Team); for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr) InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg, (*citr)->Team); if (!bg->HasFreeSlots()) bg->RemoveFromBGFreeSlotQueue(); } } // finished iterating through the bgs with free slots, maybe we need to create a new bg Battleground* bg_template = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId); if (!bg_template) { TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "Battleground: Update: bg template not found for %u", bgTypeId); return; } PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketById(bg_template->GetMapId(), bracket_id); if (!bracketEntry) { TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "Battleground: Update: bg bracket entry not found for map %u bracket id %u", bg_template->GetMapId(), bracket_id); return; } // get the min. players per team, properly for larger arenas as well. (must have full teams for arena matches!) uint32 MinPlayersPerTeam = bg_template->GetMinPlayersPerTeam(); uint32 MaxPlayersPerTeam = bg_template->GetMaxPlayersPerTeam(); if (bg_template->isArena()) { MaxPlayersPerTeam = arenaType; MinPlayersPerTeam = sBattlegroundMgr->isArenaTesting() ? 1 : arenaType; } else if (sBattlegroundMgr->isTesting()) MinPlayersPerTeam = 1; m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].Init(); m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].Init(); if (bg_template->isBattleground()) { if (CheckPremadeMatch(bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam, MaxPlayersPerTeam)) { // create new battleground Battleground* bg2 = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, 0, false); if (!bg2) { TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue::Update - Cannot create battleground: %u", bgTypeId); return; } // invite those selection pools for (uint32 i = 0; i < BG_TEAMS_COUNT; i++) for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr) InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg2, (*citr)->Team); bg2->StartBattleground(); //clear structures m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].Init(); m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].Init(); } } // now check if there are in queues enough players to start new game of (normal battleground, or non-rated arena) if (!isRated) { // if there are enough players in pools, start new battleground or non rated arena if (CheckNormalMatch(bg_template, bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam, MaxPlayersPerTeam) || (bg_template->isArena() && CheckSkirmishForSameFaction(bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam))) { // we successfully created a pool Battleground* bg2 = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, arenaType, false); if (!bg2) { TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue::Update - Cannot create battleground: %u", bgTypeId); return; } // invite those selection pools for (uint32 i = 0; i < BG_TEAMS_COUNT; i++) for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr) InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg2, (*citr)->Team); // start bg bg2->StartBattleground(); } } else if (bg_template->isArena()) { // found out the minimum and maximum ratings the newly added team should battle against // arenaRating is the rating of the latest joined team, or 0 // 0 is on (automatic update call) and we must set it to team's with longest wait time if (!arenaRating) { GroupQueueInfo* front1 = NULL; GroupQueueInfo* front2 = NULL; if (!m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].empty()) { front1 = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].front(); arenaRating = front1->ArenaMatchmakerRating; } if (!m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].empty()) { front2 = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].front(); arenaRating = front2->ArenaMatchmakerRating; } if (front1 && front2) { if (front1->JoinTime < front2->JoinTime) arenaRating = front1->ArenaMatchmakerRating; } else if (!front1 && !front2) return; //queues are empty } //set rating range uint32 arenaMinRating = (arenaRating <= sBattlegroundMgr->GetMaxRatingDifference()) ? 0 : arenaRating - sBattlegroundMgr->GetMaxRatingDifference(); uint32 arenaMaxRating = arenaRating + sBattlegroundMgr->GetMaxRatingDifference(); // if max rating difference is set and the time past since server startup is greater than the rating discard time // (after what time the ratings aren't taken into account when making teams) then // the discard time is current_time - time_to_discard, teams that joined after that, will have their ratings taken into account // else leave the discard time on 0, this way all ratings will be discarded uint32 discardTime = getMSTime() - sBattlegroundMgr->GetRatingDiscardTimer(); // we need to find 2 teams which will play next game GroupsQueueType::iterator itr_teams[BG_TEAMS_COUNT]; uint8 found = 0; uint8 team = 0; for (uint8 i = BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE; i < BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE; i++) { // take the group that joined first GroupsQueueType::iterator itr2 = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][i].begin(); for (; itr2 != m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][i].end(); ++itr2) { // if group match conditions, then add it to pool if (!(*itr2)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && (((*itr2)->ArenaMatchmakerRating >= arenaMinRating && (*itr2)->ArenaMatchmakerRating <= arenaMaxRating) || (*itr2)->JoinTime < discardTime)) { itr_teams[found++] = itr2; team = i; break; } } } if (!found) return; if (found == 1) { for (GroupsQueueType::iterator itr3 = itr_teams[0]; itr3 != m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][team].end(); ++itr3) { if (!(*itr3)->IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID && (((*itr3)->ArenaMatchmakerRating >= arenaMinRating && (*itr3)->ArenaMatchmakerRating <= arenaMaxRating) || (*itr3)->JoinTime < discardTime) && (*itr_teams[0])->ArenaTeamId != (*itr3)->ArenaTeamId) { itr_teams[found++] = itr3; break; } } } //if we have 2 teams, then start new arena and invite players! if (found == 2) { GroupQueueInfo* aTeam = *itr_teams[TEAM_ALLIANCE]; GroupQueueInfo* hTeam = *itr_teams[TEAM_HORDE]; Battleground* arena = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, arenaType, true); if (!arena) { TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue::Update couldn't create arena instance for rated arena match!"); return; } aTeam->OpponentsTeamRating = hTeam->ArenaTeamRating; hTeam->OpponentsTeamRating = aTeam->ArenaTeamRating; aTeam->OpponentsMatchmakerRating = hTeam->ArenaMatchmakerRating; hTeam->OpponentsMatchmakerRating = aTeam->ArenaMatchmakerRating; TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "setting oposite teamrating for team %u to %u", aTeam->ArenaTeamId, aTeam->OpponentsTeamRating); TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "setting oposite teamrating for team %u to %u", hTeam->ArenaTeamId, hTeam->OpponentsTeamRating); // now we must move team if we changed its faction to another faction queue, because then we will spam log by errors in Queue::RemovePlayer if (aTeam->Team != ALLIANCE) { m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].push_front(aTeam); m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].erase(itr_teams[TEAM_ALLIANCE]); } if (hTeam->Team != HORDE) { m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].push_front(hTeam); m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].erase(itr_teams[TEAM_HORDE]); } arena->SetArenaMatchmakerRating(ALLIANCE, aTeam->ArenaMatchmakerRating); arena->SetArenaMatchmakerRating( HORDE, hTeam->ArenaMatchmakerRating); InviteGroupToBG(aTeam, arena, ALLIANCE); InviteGroupToBG(hTeam, arena, HORDE); TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Starting rated arena match!"); arena->StartBattleground(); } } }
void AccountMgr::LoadRBAC() { ClearRBAC(); TC_LOG_DEBUG("rbac", "AccountMgr::LoadRBAC"); uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); uint32 count1 = 0; uint32 count2 = 0; uint32 count3 = 0; TC_LOG_DEBUG("rbac", "AccountMgr::LoadRBAC: Loading permissions"); QueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query("SELECT id, name FROM rbac_permissions"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 account permission definitions. DB table `rbac_permissions` is empty."); return; } do { Field* field = result->Fetch(); uint32 id = field[0].GetUInt32(); _permissions[id] = new rbac::RBACPermission(id, field[1].GetString()); ++count1; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_DEBUG("rbac", "AccountMgr::LoadRBAC: Loading linked permissions"); result = LoginDatabase.Query("SELECT id, linkedId FROM rbac_linked_permissions ORDER BY id ASC"); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 linked permissions. DB table `rbac_linked_permissions` is empty."); return; } uint32 permissionId = 0; rbac::RBACPermission* permission = NULL; do { Field* field = result->Fetch(); uint32 newId = field[0].GetUInt32(); if (permissionId != newId) { permissionId = newId; permission = _permissions[newId]; } uint32 linkedPermissionId = field[1].GetUInt32(); if (linkedPermissionId == permissionId) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "RBAC Permission %u has itself as linked permission. Ignored", permissionId); continue; } permission->AddLinkedPermission(linkedPermissionId); ++count2; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_DEBUG("rbac", "AccountMgr::LoadRBAC: Loading default permissions"); result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT secId, permissionId FROM rbac_default_permissions WHERE (realmId = %u OR realmId = -1) ORDER BY secId ASC", realm.Id.Realm); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 default permission definitions. DB table `rbac_default_permissions` is empty."); return; } uint8 secId = 255; rbac::RBACPermissionContainer* permissions = NULL; do { Field* field = result->Fetch(); uint32 newId = field[0].GetUInt32(); if (secId != newId || permissions == NULL) { secId = newId; permissions = &_defaultPermissions[secId]; } permissions->insert(field[1].GetUInt32()); ++count3; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u permission definitions, %u linked permissions and %u default permissions in %u ms", count1, count2, count3, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
void WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { uint32 opcode = recv_data.GetOpcode(); //sLog.outDebug("WORLD: Recvd %s (%u, 0x%X) opcode", LookupOpcodeName(opcode), opcode, opcode); Unit *mover = _player->m_mover; Player *plMover = mover->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER ? (Player*)mover : NULL; // ignore, waiting processing in WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode and WorldSession::HandleMoveTeleportAck if(plMover && plMover->IsBeingTeleported()) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } /* extract packet */ MovementInfo movementInfo; ReadMovementInfo(recv_data, &movementInfo); /*----------------*/ if(recv_data.size() != recv_data.rpos()) { sLog.outError("MovementHandler: player %s (guid %d, account %u) sent a packet (opcode %u) that is " SIZEFMTD " bytes larger than it should be. Kicked as cheater.", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->GetSession()->GetAccountId(), recv_data.GetOpcode(), recv_data.size() - recv_data.rpos()); KickPlayer(); recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } if (!MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z, movementInfo.o)) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } /* handle special cases */ if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT) { // transports size limited // (also received at zeppelin leave by some reason with t_* as absolute in continent coordinates, can be safely skipped) if( movementInfo.t_x > 50 || movementInfo.t_y > 50 || movementInfo.t_z > 50 ) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } if( !MaNGOS::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.x+movementInfo.t_x, movementInfo.y + movementInfo.t_y, movementInfo.z + movementInfo.t_z, movementInfo.o + movementInfo.t_o) ) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // prevent warnings spam return; } // if we boarded a transport, add us to it if (plMover && !plMover->m_transport) { // elevators also cause the client to send MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT - just unmount if the guid can be found in the transport list for (MapManager::TransportSet::const_iterator iter = MapManager::Instance().m_Transports.begin(); iter != MapManager::Instance().m_Transports.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->GetGUID() == movementInfo.t_guid) { plMover->m_transport = (*iter); (*iter)->AddPassenger(plMover); break; } } } if(!mover->GetTransport() && !mover->GetVehicle()) movementInfo.flags &= ~MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT; } else if (plMover && plMover->m_transport) // if we were on a transport, leave { plMover->m_transport->RemovePassenger(plMover); plMover->m_transport = NULL; movementInfo.t_x = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_y = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_z = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_o = 0.0f; movementInfo.t_time = 0; movementInfo.t_seat = -1; } // fall damage generation (ignore in flight case that can be triggered also at lags in moment teleportation to another map). if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_FALL_LAND && plMover && !plMover->isInFlight()) plMover->HandleFall(movementInfo); if (plMover && ((movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING) != 0) != plMover->IsInWater()) { // now client not include swimming flag in case jumping under water plMover->SetInWater( !plMover->IsInWater() || plMover->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z) ); } /*----------------------*/ /* process position-change */ recv_data.put<uint32>(6, getMSTime()); // fix time, offset flags(4) + unk(2) WorldPacket data(recv_data.GetOpcode(), (mover->GetPackGUID().size()+recv_data.size())); data.append(mover->GetPackGUID()); // use mover guid data.append(recv_data.contents(), recv_data.size()); GetPlayer()->SendMessageToSet(&data, false); mover->m_movementInfo = movementInfo; if(mover->GetVehicle()) { mover->SetOrientation(movementInfo.o); return; } if(plMover) // nothing is charmed, or player charmed { plMover->SetPosition(movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z, movementInfo.o); plMover->UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(movementInfo, recv_data.GetOpcode()); if(movementInfo.z < -500.0f) { if(plMover->InBattleGround() && plMover->GetBattleGround() && plMover->GetBattleGround()->HandlePlayerUnderMap(_player)) { // do nothing, the handle already did if returned true } else { // NOTE: this is actually called many times while falling // even after the player has been teleported away // TODO: discard movement packets after the player is rooted if(plMover->isAlive()) { plMover->EnvironmentalDamage(DAMAGE_FALL_TO_VOID, GetPlayer()->GetMaxHealth()); // pl can be alive if GM/etc if(!plMover->isAlive()) { // change the death state to CORPSE to prevent the death timer from // starting in the next player update plMover->KillPlayer(); plMover->BuildPlayerRepop(); } } // cancel the death timer here if started plMover->RepopAtGraveyard(); } } } else // creature charmed { mover->GetMap()->CreatureRelocation((Creature*)mover, movementInfo.x, movementInfo.y, movementInfo.z, movementInfo.o); /*if(mover->canFly()) { bool flying = mover->IsFlying(); if(flying != ((mover->GetByteValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, 3) & 0x02) ? true : false)) mover->SetFlying(flying); }*/ } //sLog.outString("Receive Movement Packet %s:", opcodeTable[recv_data.GetOpcode()]); //mover->OutMovementInfo(); }
void WardenWin::RequestData() { SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "Request data"); // If all checks were done, fill the todo list again if (_memChecksTodo.empty()) _memChecksTodo.assign(sWardenCheckMgr->MemChecksIdPool.begin(), sWardenCheckMgr->MemChecksIdPool.end()); if (_otherChecksTodo.empty()) _otherChecksTodo.assign(sWardenCheckMgr->OtherChecksIdPool.begin(), sWardenCheckMgr->OtherChecksIdPool.end()); _serverTicks = getMSTime(); uint16 id; uint8 type; WardenCheck* wd; _currentChecks.clear(); // Build check request for (uint32 i = 0; i < sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_NUM_MEM_CHECKS); ++i) { // If todo list is done break loop (will be filled on next Update() run) if (_memChecksTodo.empty()) break; // Get check id from the end and remove it from todo id = _memChecksTodo.back(); _memChecksTodo.pop_back(); // Add the id to the list sent in this cycle _currentChecks.push_back(id); } ByteBuffer buff; buff << uint8(WARDEN_SMSG_CHEAT_CHECKS_REQUEST); ACE_READ_GUARD(ACE_RW_Mutex, g, sWardenCheckMgr->_checkStoreLock); for (uint32 i = 0; i < sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_WARDEN_NUM_OTHER_CHECKS); ++i) { // If todo list is done break loop (will be filled on next Update() run) if (_otherChecksTodo.empty()) break; // Get check id from the end and remove it from todo id = _otherChecksTodo.back(); _otherChecksTodo.pop_back(); // Add the id to the list sent in this cycle _currentChecks.push_back(id); wd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(id); switch (wd->Type) { case MPQ_CHECK: case LUA_STR_CHECK: case DRIVER_CHECK: buff << uint8(wd->Str.size()); buff.append(wd->Str.c_str(), wd->Str.size()); break; default: break; } } uint8 xorByte = _inputKey[0]; // Add TIMING_CHECK buff << uint8(0x00); buff << uint8(TIMING_CHECK ^ xorByte); uint8 index = 1; for (std::list<uint16>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr) { wd = sWardenCheckMgr->GetWardenDataById(*itr); type = wd->Type; buff << uint8(type ^ xorByte); switch (type) { case MEM_CHECK: { buff << uint8(0x00); buff << uint32(wd->Address); buff << uint8(wd->Length); break; } case PAGE_CHECK_A: case PAGE_CHECK_B: { buff.append(wd->Data.AsByteArray(0, false).get(), wd->Data.GetNumBytes()); buff << uint32(wd->Address); buff << uint8(wd->Length); break; } case MPQ_CHECK: case LUA_STR_CHECK: { buff << uint8(index++); break; } case DRIVER_CHECK: { buff.append(wd->Data.AsByteArray(0, false).get(), wd->Data.GetNumBytes()); buff << uint8(index++); break; } case MODULE_CHECK: { uint32 seed = static_cast<uint32>(rand32()); buff << uint32(seed); HmacHash hmac(4, (uint8*)&seed); hmac.UpdateData(wd->Str); hmac.Finalize(); buff.append(hmac.GetDigest(), hmac.GetLength()); break; } /*case PROC_CHECK: { buff.append(wd->i.AsByteArray(0, false).get(), wd->i.GetNumBytes()); buff << uint8(index++); buff << uint8(index++); buff << uint32(wd->Address); buff << uint8(wd->Length); break; }*/ default: break; // Should never happen } } buff << uint8(xorByte); buff.hexlike(); // Encrypt with warden RC4 key EncryptData(buff.contents(), buff.size()); WorldPacket pkt(SMSG_WARDEN_DATA, buff.size()); pkt.append(buff); _session->SendPacket(&pkt); _dataSent = true; std::stringstream stream; stream << "Sent check id's: "; for (std::list<uint16>::iterator itr = _currentChecks.begin(); itr != _currentChecks.end(); ++itr) stream << *itr << " "; SF_LOG_DEBUG("warden", "%s", stream.str().c_str()); }
void GuildMgr::LoadGuilds() { // 1. Load all guilds sLog->outString("Loading Guilds..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT g.guildid, g.name, g.leaderguid, g.EmblemStyle, g.EmblemColor, g.BorderStyle, g.BorderColor, " // 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 "g.BackgroundColor, g.info, g.motd, g.createdate, g.BankMoney, COUNT(gbt.guildid), xp, level, m_today_xp, m_xp_cap " "FROM guild g LEFT JOIN guild_bank_tab gbt ON g.guildid = gbt.guildid GROUP BY g.guildid ORDER BY g.guildid ASC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 Guilds. DB table `guild` is empty."); sLog->outString(); return; } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); Guild* guild = new Guild(); if (!guild->LoadFromDB(fields)) { delete guild; continue; } QueryResult guildNews = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT type, date, value1, value2, source_guid, flags FROM guild_news WHERE guildid = %u ORDER BY date DESC", guild->GetId()); if (guildNews) { Field* fields = guildNews->Fetch(); guild->LoadGuildNewsFromDB(fields); } AddGuild(guild); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u Guilds in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 2. Load all guild ranks sLog->outString("Loading guild ranks..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete orphaned guild rank entries before loading the valid ones CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE gr FROM guild_rank gr LEFT JOIN guild g ON gr.guildId = g.guildId WHERE g.guildId IS NULL"); // 0 1 2 3 4 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guildid, rid, rname, rights, BankMoneyPerDay FROM guild_rank ORDER BY guildid ASC, rid ASC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild ranks. DB table `guild_rank` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadRankFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u guild ranks in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 3. Load all guild members sLog->outString("Loading guild members..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete orphaned guild member entries before loading the valid ones CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE gm FROM guild_member gm LEFT JOIN guild g ON gm.guildId = g.guildId WHERE g.guildId IS NULL"); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guildid, gm.guid, rank, pnote, offnote, BankResetTimeMoney, BankRemMoney, " // 7 8 9 10 11 12 "BankResetTimeTab0, BankRemSlotsTab0, BankResetTimeTab1, BankRemSlotsTab1, BankResetTimeTab2, BankRemSlotsTab2, " // 13 14 15 16 17 18 "BankResetTimeTab3, BankRemSlotsTab3, BankResetTimeTab4, BankRemSlotsTab4, BankResetTimeTab5, BankRemSlotsTab5, " // 19 20 21 22 "BankResetTimeTab6, BankRemSlotsTab6, BankResetTimeTab7, BankRemSlotsTab7, " // 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 "c.name, c.level, c.class, c.zone, c.account, c.logout_time, FirstProffLevel, FirstProffSkill, FirstProffRank, SecondProffLevel, SecondProffSkill, SecondProffRank " "FROM guild_member gm LEFT JOIN characters c ON c.guid = gm.guid ORDER BY guildid ASC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild members. DB table `guild_member` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadMemberFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u guild members int %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 4. Load all guild bank tab rights sLog->outString("Loading bank tab rights..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete orphaned guild bank right entries before loading the valid ones CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE gbr FROM guild_bank_right gbr LEFT JOIN guild g ON gbr.guildId = g.guildId WHERE g.guildId IS NULL"); // 0 1 2 3 4 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guildid, TabId, rid, gbright, SlotPerDay FROM guild_bank_right ORDER BY guildid ASC, TabId ASC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild bank tab rights. DB table `guild_bank_right` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadBankRightFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u bank tab rights in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 5. Load all event logs sLog->outString("Loading guild event logs..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("DELETE FROM guild_eventlog WHERE LogGuid > %u", sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GUILD_EVENT_LOG_COUNT)); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guildid, LogGuid, EventType, PlayerGuid1, PlayerGuid2, NewRank, TimeStamp FROM guild_eventlog ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC, LogGuid DESC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild event logs. DB table `guild_eventlog` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadEventLogFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u guild event logs in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 6. Load all bank event logs sLog->outString("Loading guild bank event logs..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Remove log entries that exceed the number of allowed entries per guild CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("DELETE FROM guild_bank_eventlog WHERE LogGuid > %u", sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_GUILD_BANK_EVENT_LOG_COUNT)); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guildid, TabId, LogGuid, EventType, PlayerGuid, ItemOrMoney, ItemStackCount, DestTabId, TimeStamp FROM guild_bank_eventlog ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC, LogGuid DESC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild bank event logs. DB table `guild_bank_eventlog` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadBankEventLogFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u guild bank event logs in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 7. Load all guild bank tabs sLog->outString("Loading guild bank tabs..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete orphaned guild bank tab entries before loading the valid ones CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE gbt FROM guild_bank_tab gbt LEFT JOIN guild g ON gbt.guildId = g.guildId WHERE g.guildId IS NULL"); // 0 1 2 3 4 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guildid, TabId, TabName, TabIcon, TabText FROM guild_bank_tab ORDER BY guildid ASC, TabId ASC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild bank tabs. DB table `guild_bank_tab` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadBankTabFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u guild bank tabs in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 8. Fill all guild bank tabs sLog->outString("Filling bank tabs with items..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete orphan guild bank items CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE gbi FROM guild_bank_item gbi LEFT JOIN guild g ON gbi.guildId = g.guildId WHERE g.guildId IS NULL"); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT creatorGuid, giftCreatorGuid, count, duration, charges, flags, enchantments, randomPropertyId, durability, playedTime, text, " // 11 12 13 14 15 "guildid, TabId, SlotId, item_guid, itemEntry FROM guild_bank_item gbi INNER JOIN item_instance ii ON gbi.item_guid = ii.guid"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 guild bank tab items. DB table `guild_bank_item` or `item_instance` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guildId = fields[11].GetUInt32(); if (Guild* guild = GetGuildById(guildId)) guild->LoadBankItemFromDB(fields); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u guild bank tab items in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // 9. Validate loaded guild data sLog->outString("Validating data of loaded guilds..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); std::set<Guild*> rm; // temporary storage to avoid modifying GuildStore with RemoveGuild() while iterating for (GuildContainer::iterator itr = GuildStore.begin(); itr != GuildStore.end(); ++itr) { Guild* guild = itr->second; if (guild && !guild->Validate()) rm.insert(guild); } for (std::set<Guild*>::iterator itr = rm.begin(); itr != rm.end(); ++itr) { Guild* guild = *itr; RemoveGuild(guild->GetId()); delete guild; } sLog->outString(">> Validated data of loaded guilds in %u ms", GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } }
void WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes(WorldPacket& recvPacket) { uint16 opcode = recvPacket.GetOpcode(); Unit* mover = _player->m_mover; ASSERT(mover != NULL); // there must always be a mover Player* plrMover = mover->ToPlayer(); // ignore, waiting processing in WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode and WorldSession::HandleMoveTeleportAck if (plrMover && plrMover->IsBeingTeleported()) { recvPacket.rfinish(); // prevent warnings spam return; } /* extract packet */ MovementInfo movementInfo; GetPlayer()->ReadMovementInfo(recvPacket, &movementInfo); // prevent tampered movement data if (movementInfo.guid != mover->GetGUID()) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "HandleMovementOpcodes: guid error"); return; } if (!movementInfo.pos.IsPositionValid()) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "HandleMovementOpcodes: Invalid Position"); return; } /* handle special cases */ if (movementInfo.transport.guid) { // transports size limited // (also received at zeppelin leave by some reason with t_* as absolute in continent coordinates, can be safely skipped) if (movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionX() > 50 || movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionY() > 50 || movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionZ() > 50) { recvPacket.rfinish(); // prevent warnings spam return; } if (!Trinity::IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.pos.GetPositionX() + movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionX(), movementInfo.pos.GetPositionY() + movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionY(), movementInfo.pos.GetPositionZ() + movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionZ(), movementInfo.pos.GetOrientation() + movementInfo.transport.pos.GetOrientation())) { recvPacket.rfinish(); // prevent warnings spam return; } // if we boarded a transport, add us to it if (plrMover) { if (!plrMover->GetTransport()) { if (Transport* transport = plrMover->GetMap()->GetTransport(movementInfo.transport.guid)) { plrMover->m_transport = transport; transport->AddPassenger(plrMover); } } else if (plrMover->GetTransport()->GetGUID() != movementInfo.transport.guid) { bool foundNewTransport = false; plrMover->m_transport->RemovePassenger(plrMover); if (Transport* transport = plrMover->GetMap()->GetTransport(movementInfo.transport.guid)) { foundNewTransport = true; plrMover->m_transport = transport; transport->AddPassenger(plrMover); } if (!foundNewTransport) { plrMover->m_transport = NULL; movementInfo.ResetTransport(); } } } if (!mover->GetTransport() && !mover->GetVehicle()) { GameObject* go = mover->GetMap()->GetGameObject(movementInfo.transport.guid); if (!go || go->GetGoType() != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRANSPORT) movementInfo.transport.guid = 0; } } else if (plrMover && plrMover->GetTransport()) // if we were on a transport, leave { plrMover->m_transport->RemovePassenger(plrMover); plrMover->m_transport = NULL; movementInfo.ResetTransport(); } // fall damage generation (ignore in flight case that can be triggered also at lags in moment teleportation to another map). if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_FALL_LAND && plrMover && !plrMover->IsInFlight()) plrMover->HandleFall(movementInfo); if (plrMover && ((movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING) != 0) != plrMover->IsInWater()) { // now client not include swimming flag in case jumping under water plrMover->SetInWater(!plrMover->IsInWater() || plrMover->GetBaseMap()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.pos.GetPositionX(), movementInfo.pos.GetPositionY(), movementInfo.pos.GetPositionZ())); } uint32 mstime = getMSTime(); /*----------------------*/ if (m_clientTimeDelay == 0) m_clientTimeDelay = mstime - movementInfo.time; /* process position-change */ movementInfo.time = movementInfo.time + m_clientTimeDelay + MOVEMENT_PACKET_TIME_DELAY; movementInfo.guid = mover->GetGUID(); mover->m_movementInfo = movementInfo; /*----------------------*/ /* process position-change */ // this is almost never true (not sure why it is sometimes, but it is), normally use mover->IsVehicle() if (mover->GetVehicle()) { mover->SetOrientation(movementInfo.pos.GetOrientation()); return; } mover->UpdatePosition(movementInfo.pos); WorldPacket data(SMSG_PLAYER_MOVE, recvPacket.size()); mover->WriteMovementInfo(data); mover->SendMessageToSet(&data, _player); if (plrMover) // nothing is charmed, or player charmed { plrMover->UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(movementInfo, opcode); AreaTableEntry const* zone = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(plrMover->GetAreaId()); float depth = zone ? zone->MaxDepth : -500.0f; if (movementInfo.pos.GetPositionZ() < depth) { if (!(plrMover->GetBattleground() && plrMover->GetBattleground()->HandlePlayerUnderMap(_player))) { // NOTE: this is actually called many times while falling // even after the player has been teleported away /// @todo discard movement packets after the player is rooted if (plrMover->IsAlive()) { plrMover->EnvironmentalDamage(DAMAGE_FALL_TO_VOID, GetPlayer()->GetMaxHealth()); // player can be alive if GM/etc // change the death state to CORPSE to prevent the death timer from // starting in the next player update if (!plrMover->IsAlive()) plrMover->KillPlayer(); } } } } }
void CreatureTextMgr::LoadCreatureTexts() { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); mTextMap.clear(); // for reload case mTextRepeatMap.clear(); //reset all currently used temp texts PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_SEL_CREATURE_TEXT); PreparedQueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query(stmt); if (!result) { TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 ceature texts. DB table `creature_texts` is empty."); return; } uint32 textCount = 0; uint32 creatureCount = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); CreatureTextEntry temp; temp.entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); temp.group = fields[1].GetUInt8(); temp.id = fields[2].GetUInt8(); temp.text = fields[3].GetString(); temp.type = ChatMsg(fields[4].GetUInt8()); temp.lang = Language(fields[5].GetUInt8()); temp.probability = fields[6].GetFloat(); temp.emote = Emote(fields[7].GetUInt32()); temp.duration = fields[8].GetUInt32(); temp.sound = fields[9].GetUInt32(); temp.BroadcastTextId = fields[10].GetUInt32(); if (temp.sound) { if (!sSoundEntriesStore.LookupEntry(temp.sound)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "CreatureTextMgr: Entry %u, Group %u in table `creature_texts` has Sound %u but sound does not exist.", temp.entry, temp.group, temp.sound); temp.sound = 0; } } if (!GetLanguageDescByID(temp.lang)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "CreatureTextMgr: Entry %u, Group %u in table `creature_texts` using Language %u but Language does not exist.", temp.entry, temp.group, uint32(temp.lang)); temp.lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL; } if (temp.type >= MAX_CHAT_MSG_TYPE) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "CreatureTextMgr: Entry %u, Group %u in table `creature_texts` has Type %u but this Chat Type does not exist.", temp.entry, temp.group, uint32(temp.type)); temp.type = CHAT_MSG_SAY; } if (temp.emote) { if (!sEmotesStore.LookupEntry(temp.emote)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "CreatureTextMgr: Entry %u, Group %u in table `creature_texts` has Emote %u but emote does not exist.", temp.entry, temp.group, uint32(temp.emote)); temp.emote = EMOTE_ONESHOT_NONE; } } if (temp.BroadcastTextId) { if (!sObjectMgr->GetBroadcastText(temp.BroadcastTextId)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "CreatureTextMgr: Entry %u, Group %u, Id %u in table `creature_texts` has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextId %u.", temp.entry, temp.group, temp.id, temp.BroadcastTextId); temp.BroadcastTextId = 0; } } // entry not yet added, add empty TextHolder (list of groups) if (mTextMap.find(temp.entry) == mTextMap.end()) ++creatureCount; // add the text into our entry's group mTextMap[temp.entry][temp.group].push_back(temp); ++textCount; } while (result->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u creature texts for %u creatures in %u ms", textCount, creatureCount, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
void PoolMgr::LoadFromDB() { // Pool templates { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); QueryResult result = WorldDB.Query("SELECT entry,max_limit FROM pool_template"); if (!result) { mPoolTemplate.clear(); sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 object pools. DB table `pool_template` is empty."); sLog->outString(); return; } uint32 count = 0; do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 pool_id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); PoolTemplateData& pPoolTemplate = mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; pPoolTemplate.MaxLimit = fields[1].GetUInt32(); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u objects pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } // Creatures sLog->outString("Loading Creatures Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDB.Query("SELECT guid, pool_entry, chance FROM pool_creature"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 creatures in pools. DB table `pool_creature` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float chance = fields[2].GetFloat(); CreatureData const* data = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(guid); if (!data) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_creature` has a non existing creature spawn (GUID: %u) defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", guid, pool_id); continue; } if (pool_id > max_pool_id) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_creature` pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.",pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_creature` has an invalid chance (%f) for creature guid (%u) in pool id (%u), skipped.", chance, guid, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData *pPoolTemplate = &mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(guid, chance); PoolGroup<Creature>& cregroup = mPoolCreatureGroups[pool_id]; cregroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); cregroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(guid, pool_id); mCreatureSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u creatures in pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // Gameobjects sLog->outString("Loading Gameobject Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDB.Query("SELECT guid, pool_entry, chance FROM pool_gameobject"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 gameobjects in pools. DB table `pool_gameobject` is empty."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float chance = fields[2].GetFloat(); GameObjectData const* data = sObjectMgr->GetGOData(guid); if (!data) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_gameobject` has a non existing gameobject spawn (GUID: %u) defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", guid, pool_id); continue; } GameObjectInfo const* goinfo = ObjectMgr::GetGameObjectInfo(data->id); if (goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST && goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER && goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_gameobject` has a not lootable gameobject spawn (GUID: %u, type: %u) defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", guid, goinfo->type, pool_id); continue; } if (pool_id > max_pool_id) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_gameobject` pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.",pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_gameobject` has an invalid chance (%f) for gameobject guid (%u) in pool id (%u), skipped.", chance, guid, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData *pPoolTemplate = &mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(guid, chance); PoolGroup<GameObject>& gogroup = mPoolGameobjectGroups[pool_id]; gogroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); gogroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(guid, pool_id); mGameobjectSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u gameobject in pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // Pool of pools sLog->outString("Loading Mother Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDB.Query("SELECT pool_id, mother_pool, chance FROM pool_pool"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 pools in pools"); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 child_pool_id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 mother_pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); float chance = fields[2].GetFloat(); if (mother_pool_id > max_pool_id) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_pool` mother_pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.",mother_pool_id); continue; } if (child_pool_id > max_pool_id) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_pool` included pool_id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.",child_pool_id); continue; } if (mother_pool_id == child_pool_id) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_pool` pool_id (%u) includes itself, dead-lock detected, skipped.",child_pool_id); continue; } if (chance < 0 || chance > 100) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_pool` has an invalid chance (%f) for pool id (%u) in mother pool id (%u), skipped.", chance, child_pool_id, mother_pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData *pPoolTemplateMother = &mPoolTemplate[mother_pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(child_pool_id, chance); PoolGroup<Pool>& plgroup = mPoolPoolGroups[mother_pool_id]; plgroup.SetPoolId(mother_pool_id); plgroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplateMother->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(child_pool_id, mother_pool_id); mPoolSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); // Now check for circular reference for (uint32 i=0; i<mPoolPoolGroups.size(); ++i) { std::set<uint32> checkedPools; for (SearchMap::iterator poolItr = mPoolSearchMap.find(i); poolItr != mPoolSearchMap.end(); poolItr = mPoolSearchMap.find(poolItr->second)) { checkedPools.insert(poolItr->first); if (checkedPools.find(poolItr->second) != checkedPools.end()) { std::ostringstream ss; ss<< "The pool(s) "; for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator itr=checkedPools.begin(); itr != checkedPools.end(); ++itr) ss << *itr << " "; ss << "create(s) a circular reference, which can cause the server to freeze.\nRemoving the last link between mother pool " << poolItr->first << " and child pool " << poolItr->second; sLog->outErrorDb("%s", ss.str().c_str()); mPoolPoolGroups[poolItr->second].RemoveOneRelation(poolItr->first); mPoolSearchMap.erase(poolItr); --count; break; } } } sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u pools in mother pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } sLog->outString("Loading Quest Pooling Data..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); PreparedStatement* stmt = WorldDB.GetPreparedStatement(WORLD_LOAD_QUEST_POOLS); PreparedQueryResult result = WorldDB.Query(stmt); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 quests in pools"); sLog->outString(); } else { PooledQuestRelationBounds creBounds; PooledQuestRelationBounds goBounds; enum eQuestTypes { QUEST_NONE = 0, QUEST_DAILY = 1, QUEST_WEEKLY = 2 }; std::map<uint32, int32> poolTypeMap; uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); Quest const* pQuest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(entry); if (!pQuest) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_quest` has a non existing quest template (Entry: %u) defined for pool id (%u), skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } if (pool_id > max_pool_id) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_quest` pool id (%u) is out of range compared to max pool id in `pool_template`, skipped.",pool_id); continue; } if (!pQuest->IsDailyOrWeekly()) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_quest` has an quest (%u) which is not daily or weekly in pool id (%u), use ExclusiveGroup instead, skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } if (poolTypeMap[pool_id] == QUEST_NONE) poolTypeMap[pool_id] = pQuest->IsDaily() ? QUEST_DAILY : QUEST_WEEKLY; int32 currType = pQuest->IsDaily() ? QUEST_DAILY : QUEST_WEEKLY; if (poolTypeMap[pool_id] != currType) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_quest` quest %u is %s but pool (%u) is specified for %s, mixing not allowed, skipped.", entry, currType == QUEST_DAILY ? "QUEST_DAILY" : "QUEST_WEEKLY", pool_id, poolTypeMap[pool_id] == QUEST_DAILY ? "QUEST_DAILY" : "QUEST_WEEKLY"); continue; } creBounds = mQuestCreatureRelation.equal_range(entry); goBounds = mQuestGORelation.equal_range(entry); if (creBounds.first == creBounds.second && goBounds.first == goBounds.second) { sLog->outErrorDb("`pool_quest` lists entry (%u) as member of pool (%u) but is not started anywhere, skipped.", entry, pool_id); continue; } PoolTemplateData *pPoolTemplate = &mPoolTemplate[pool_id]; PoolObject plObject = PoolObject(entry, 0.0f); PoolGroup<Quest>& questgroup = mPoolQuestGroups[pool_id]; questgroup.SetPoolId(pool_id); questgroup.AddEntry(plObject, pPoolTemplate->MaxLimit); SearchPair p(entry, pool_id); mQuestSearchMap.insert(p); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u quests in pools in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } // The initialize method will spawn all pools not in an event and not in another pool, this is why there is 2 left joins with 2 null checks sLog->outString("Starting objects pooling system..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); QueryResult result = WorldDB.Query("SELECT DISTINCT pool_template.entry, pool_pool.pool_id, pool_pool.mother_pool FROM pool_template" " LEFT JOIN game_event_pool ON pool_template.entry=game_event_pool.pool_entry" " LEFT JOIN pool_pool ON pool_template.entry=pool_pool.pool_id WHERE game_event_pool.pool_entry IS NULL"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Pool handling system initialized, 0 pools spawned."); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 pool_entry = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 pool_pool_id = fields[1].GetUInt32(); if (!CheckPool(pool_entry)) { if (pool_pool_id) // The pool is a child pool in pool_pool table. Ideally we should remove it from the pool handler to ensure it never gets spawned, // however that could recursively invalidate entire chain of mother pools. It can be done in the future but for now we'll do nothing. sLog->outErrorDb("Pool Id %u has no equal chance pooled entites defined and explicit chance sum is not 100. This broken pool is a child pool of Id %u and cannot be safely removed.", pool_entry, fields[2].GetUInt32()); else sLog->outErrorDb("Pool Id %u has no equal chance pooled entites defined and explicit chance sum is not 100. The pool will not be spawned.", pool_entry); continue; } // Don't spawn child pools, they are spawned recursively by their parent pools if (!pool_pool_id) { SpawnPool(pool_entry); count++; } } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outBasic("Pool handling system initialized, %u pools spawned in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } }
void AuctionHouseMgr::DeleteExpiredAuctionsAtStartup() { // Deletes expired auctions. Should be called at server start before loading auctions. // DO NOT USE after auctions are already loaded since this deletes from the DB // and assumes the auctions HAVE NOT been loaded into a list or AuctionEntryMap yet uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); uint32 expirecount = 0; time_t curTime = sWorld->GetGameTime(); // Query the DB to see if there are any expired auctions PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_EXPIRED_AUCTIONS); stmt->setUInt32(0, (uint32)curTime+60); PreparedQueryResult expAuctions = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt); if (!expAuctions) { TC_LOG_INFO(LOG_FILTER_SERVER_LOADING, ">> No expired auctions to delete"); return; } do { Field* fields = expAuctions->Fetch(); AuctionEntry* auction = new AuctionEntry(); // Can't use LoadFromDB() because it assumes the auction map is loaded if (!auction->LoadFromFieldList(fields)) { // For some reason the record in the DB is broken (possibly corrupt // faction info). Delete the object and move on. delete auction; continue; } SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); if (auction->bidder==0) { // Cancel the auction, there was no bidder sAuctionMgr->SendAuctionExpiredMail(auction, trans); } else { // Send the item to the winner and money to seller sAuctionMgr->SendAuctionSuccessfulMail(auction, trans); sAuctionMgr->SendAuctionWonMail(auction, trans); } // Call the appropriate AuctionHouseObject script // ** Do we need to do this while core is still loading? ** sScriptMgr->OnAuctionExpire(GetAuctionsMap(auction->factionTemplateId), auction); // Delete the auction from the DB auction->DeleteFromDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); // Release memory delete auction; ++expirecount; } while (expAuctions->NextRow()); TC_LOG_INFO(LOG_FILTER_SERVER_LOADING, ">> Deleted %u expired auctions in %u ms", expirecount, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
// loads the extra item creation info from DB void LoadSkillExtraItemTable() { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); SkillExtraItemStore.clear(); // need for reload // 0 1 2 3 QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT spellId, requiredSpecialization, additionalCreateChance, additionalMaxNum FROM skill_extra_item_template"); if (!result) { sLog->outErrorDb(">> Loaded 0 spell specialization definitions. DB table `skill_extra_item_template` is empty."); sLog->outString(); return; } uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 spellId = fields[0].GetUInt32(); if (!sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(spellId)) { sLog->outError("Skill specialization %u has non-existent spell id in `skill_extra_item_template`!", spellId); continue; } uint32 requiredSpecialization = fields[1].GetUInt32(); if (!sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(requiredSpecialization)) { sLog->outError("Skill specialization %u have not existed required specialization spell id %u in `skill_extra_item_template`!", spellId, requiredSpecialization); continue; } float additionalCreateChance = fields[2].GetFloat(); if (additionalCreateChance <= 0.0f) { sLog->outError("Skill specialization %u has too low additional create chance in `skill_extra_item_template`!", spellId); continue; } uint8 additionalMaxNum = fields[3].GetUInt8(); if (!additionalMaxNum) { sLog->outError("Skill specialization %u has 0 max number of extra items in `skill_extra_item_template`!", spellId); continue; } SkillExtraItemEntry& skillExtraItemEntry = SkillExtraItemStore[spellId]; skillExtraItemEntry.requiredSpecialization = requiredSpecialization; skillExtraItemEntry.additionalCreateChance = additionalCreateChance; skillExtraItemEntry.additionalMaxNum = additionalMaxNum; ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u spell specialization definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); }
static bool HandleGameObjectAddTempCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args) { if (handler->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_PLAYER) { int timeSinceLastSpawn = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->m_lastSpawnTime - getMSTime(); if (timeSinceLastSpawn > -TIME_BETWEEN_SPAWNS_MILLIS && timeSinceLastSpawn < TIME_BETWEEN_SPAWNS_MILLIS) { handler->SendSysMessage("You may only spawn GameObjects once every second, unless you are a voter."); return true; } else handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->m_lastSpawnTime = getMSTime(); } if (!handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->CanUseID(DISABLE_TYPE_ZONE, handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->GetZoneId())) { handler->SendSysMessage("Spawning is prohibited in this zone."); return true; } if (!*args) return false; char* id = strtok((char*)args, " "); if (!id) return false; Player* player = handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer(); char* spawntime = strtok(NULL, " "); uint32 spawntm = 300; if (spawntime) spawntm = atoi((char*)spawntime); float x = player->GetPositionX(); float y = player->GetPositionY(); float z = player->GetPositionZ(); float ang = player->GetOrientation(); float rot2 = std::sin(ang/2); float rot3 = std::cos(ang/2); uint32 objectId = atoi(id); if (!handler->GetSession()->GetPlayer()->CanUseID(DISABLE_TYPE_GOBJECT, objectId)) { handler->PSendSysMessage("This GameObject (id '%u') is disabled.", objectId); return true; } if (!sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(objectId)) { handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_GAMEOBJECT_NOT_EXIST, objectId); handler->SetSentErrorMessage(true); return false; } player->SummonGameObject(objectId, x, y, z, ang, 0, 0, rot2, rot3, spawntm); return true; }
void MapManager::LoadTransports() { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, entry, name, period, ScriptName FROM transports"); if (!result) { sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_SERVER_LOADING, ">> Loaded 0 transports. DB table `transports` is empty!"); return; } uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 lowguid = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 entry = fields[1].GetUInt32(); std::string name = fields[2].GetString(); uint32 period = fields[3].GetUInt32(); uint32 scriptId = sObjectMgr->GetScriptId(fields[4].GetCString()); GameObjectTemplate const* goinfo = sObjectMgr->GetGameObjectTemplate(entry); if (!goinfo) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_SQL, "Transport ID:%u, Name: %s, will not be loaded, gameobject_template missing", entry, name.c_str()); continue; } if (goinfo->type != GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_MO_TRANSPORT) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_SQL, "Transport ID:%u, Name: %s, will not be loaded, gameobject_template type wrong", entry, name.c_str()); continue; } // sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_SERVER_LOADING, "Loading transport %d between %s, %s", entry, name.c_str(), goinfo->name); std::set<uint32> mapsUsed; Transport* t = new Transport(period, scriptId); if (!t->GenerateWaypoints(goinfo->moTransport.taxiPathId, mapsUsed)) // skip transports with empty waypoints list { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_SQL, "Transport (path id %u) path size = 0. Transport ignored, check DBC files or transport GO data0 field.", goinfo->moTransport.taxiPathId); delete t; continue; } float x = t->m_WayPoints[0].x; float y = t->m_WayPoints[0].y; float z = t->m_WayPoints[0].z; uint32 mapid = t->m_WayPoints[0].mapid; float o = 1.0f; // creates the Gameobject if (!t->Create(lowguid, entry, mapid, x, y, z, o, 255, 0)) { delete t; continue; } m_Transports.insert(t); for (std::set<uint32>::const_iterator i = mapsUsed.begin(); i != mapsUsed.end(); ++i) m_TransportsByMap[*i].insert(t); //If we someday decide to use the grid to track transports, here: t->SetMap(sMapMgr->CreateBaseMap(mapid)); t->AddToWorld(); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); // check transport data DB integrity result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT gameobject.guid, gameobject.id, transports.name FROM gameobject, transports WHERE gameobject.id = transports.entry"); if (result) // wrong data found { do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 guid = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint32 entry = fields[1].GetUInt32(); std::string name = fields[2].GetString(); sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_SQL, "Transport %u '%s' have record (GUID: %u) in `gameobject`. Transports must not have any records in `gameobject` or its behavior will be unpredictable/bugged.", entry, name.c_str(), guid); } while (result->NextRow()); } sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_SERVER_LOADING, ">> Loaded %u transports in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
bool WorldRunnable::run() { SetThreadName("WorldRunnable (non-instance/logon)"); uint32 LastWorldUpdate = getMSTime(); uint32 LastSessionsUpdate = getMSTime(); THREAD_TRY_EXECUTION while (GetThreadState() != THREADSTATE_TERMINATE) { // Provision for pausing this thread. if (GetThreadState() == THREADSTATE_PAUSED) { while (GetThreadState() == THREADSTATE_PAUSED) { Arcemu::Sleep(200); } } if (GetThreadState() == THREADSTATE_TERMINATE) break; ThreadState.SetVal(THREADSTATE_BUSY); uint32 diff; //calc time passed uint32 now, execution_start; now = getMSTime(); execution_start = now; if (now < LastWorldUpdate) //overrun diff = WORLD_UPDATE_DELAY; else diff = now - LastWorldUpdate; LastWorldUpdate = now; sWorld.Update(diff); now = getMSTime(); if (now < LastSessionsUpdate) //overrun diff = WORLD_UPDATE_DELAY; else diff = now - LastSessionsUpdate; LastSessionsUpdate = now; sWorld.UpdateSessions(diff); now = getMSTime(); //we have to wait now if (execution_start > now)//overrun diff = WORLD_UPDATE_DELAY - now; else diff = now - execution_start; //time used for updating if (GetThreadState() == THREADSTATE_TERMINATE) break; ThreadState.SetVal(THREADSTATE_SLEEPING); /*This is execution time compensating system if execution took more than default delay no need to make this sleep*/ if (diff < WORLD_UPDATE_DELAY) Arcemu::Sleep(WORLD_UPDATE_DELAY - diff); } THREAD_HANDLE_CRASH return true; }