Пример #1
void LLHUDText::updateSize()
    F32 height = 0.f;
    F32 width = 0.f;

    S32 max_lines = getMaxLines();

    S32 start_segment;
    if (max_lines < 0) start_segment = 0;
    else start_segment = llmax((S32)0, (S32)mTextSegments.size() - max_lines);

    std::vector<LLHUDTextSegment>::iterator iter = mTextSegments.begin() + start_segment;
    while (iter != mTextSegments.end())
        const LLFontGL* fontp = iter->mFont;
        height += fontp->getLineHeight() - 1; // correction factor to match legacy font metrics
        width = llmax(width, llmin(iter->getWidth(fontp), HUD_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH));

    if (width == 0.f)

    height += VERTICAL_PADDING;

    // *TODO: Could do some sort of timer-based resize logic here
    F32 u = 1.f;
    mWidth = llmax(width, lerp(mWidth, (F32)width, u));
    mHeight = llmax(height, lerp(mHeight, (F32)height, u));
void LLHUDNameTag::updateSize()
	F32 height = 0.f;
	F32 width = 0.f;

	S32 max_lines = getMaxLines();
	//S32 lines = (max_lines < 0) ? (S32)mTextSegments.size() : llmin((S32)mTextSegments.size(), max_lines);
	//F32 height = (F32)mFontp->getLineHeight() * (lines + mLabelSegments.size());

	S32 start_segment;
	if (max_lines < 0) start_segment = 0;
	else start_segment = llmax((S32)0, (S32)mTextSegments.size() - max_lines);

	std::vector<LLHUDTextSegment>::iterator iter = mTextSegments.begin() + start_segment;
	while (iter != mTextSegments.end())
		const LLFontGL* fontp = iter->mFont;
		height += fontp->getLineHeight();
		height += LINE_PADDING;
		width = llmax(width, llmin(iter->getWidth(fontp), HUD_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH));

	// Don't want line spacing under the last line
	if (height > 0.f)
		height -= LINE_PADDING;

	iter = mLabelSegments.begin();
	while (iter != mLabelSegments.end())
		height += mFontp->getLineHeight();
		width = llmax(width, llmin(iter->getWidth(mFontp), HUD_TEXT_MAX_WIDTH));
	if (width == 0.f)


	// *TODO: Could do a timer-based resize here
	//mWidth = llmax(width, lerp(mWidth, (F32)width, u));
	//mHeight = llmax(height, lerp(mHeight, (F32)height, u));
	mWidth = width;
	mHeight = height;
Пример #3
bool TextInputView::onKeyDown(unsigned char const& key)
  if ( !getHasFocus() )
    return false;
  else if ( 32 <= key && key <= 126 )
    if (_content.length() < getMaxLines() * getMaxCharsPerLine())
      _content += key;
    return true;
    switch (key)
      case 8:
        //cerr << "backspace" << endl;
        if (_content.length() > 0)
          string::iterator it = _content.end();

      case 127:
        // delete implemented as backspace because on Mac OSX, the backspace 
        // key (delete) sends the ascii value for delete (127), 
        // whereas fn+delete, which simulates the forward
        // deletion property of a linux or windows keyborad, 
        // sends the ascii value for backspace (8)
        //cerr << "delete" << endl;
        if (_content.length() > 0)
          string::iterator it = _content.end();

    return true;
Пример #4
void LLHUDText::renderText()
    if (!mVisible || mHidden)


    LLGLState gls_blend(GL_BLEND, TRUE);
    LLGLState gls_alpha(GL_ALPHA_TEST, TRUE);

    LLColor4 shadow_color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
    F32 alpha_factor = 1.f;
    LLColor4 text_color = mColor;
    if (mDoFade)
        if (mLastDistance > mFadeDistance)
            alpha_factor = llmax(0.f, 1.f - (mLastDistance - mFadeDistance)/mFadeRange);
            text_color.mV[3] = text_color.mV[3]*alpha_factor;
    if (text_color.mV[3] < 0.01f)
    shadow_color.mV[3] = text_color.mV[3];

    mOffsetY = lltrunc(mHeight * ((mVertAlignment == ALIGN_VERT_CENTER) ? 0.5f : 1.f));

    // *TODO: cache this image
    LLUIImagePtr imagep = LLUI::getUIImage("Rounded_Square");

    // *TODO: make this a per-text setting
    LLColor4 bg_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("ObjectBubbleColor");
    bg_color.setAlpha(gSavedSettings.getF32("ChatBubbleOpacity") * alpha_factor);

    const S32 border_height = 16;
    const S32 border_width = 16;

    // *TODO move this into helper function
    F32 border_scale = 1.f;

    if (border_height * 2 > mHeight)
        border_scale = (F32)mHeight / ((F32)border_height * 2.f);
    if (border_width * 2 > mWidth)
        border_scale = llmin(border_scale, (F32)mWidth / ((F32)border_width * 2.f));

    // scale screen size of borders down
    //RN: for now, text on hud objects is never occluded

    LLVector3 x_pixel_vec;
    LLVector3 y_pixel_vec;

    if (mOnHUDAttachment)
        x_pixel_vec = LLVector3::y_axis / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthRaw();
        y_pixel_vec = LLVector3::z_axis / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWorldViewHeightRaw();
        LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getPixelVectors(mPositionAgent, y_pixel_vec, x_pixel_vec);

    LLVector2 border_scale_vec((F32)border_width / (F32)imagep->getTextureWidth(), (F32)border_height / (F32)imagep->getTextureHeight());
    LLVector3 width_vec = mWidth * x_pixel_vec;
    LLVector3 height_vec = mHeight * y_pixel_vec;
    LLVector3 scaled_border_width = (F32)llfloor(border_scale * (F32)border_width) * x_pixel_vec;
    LLVector3 scaled_border_height = (F32)llfloor(border_scale * (F32)border_height) * y_pixel_vec;

    mRadius = (width_vec + height_vec).magVec() * 0.5f;

    LLVector2 screen_offset;
    screen_offset = mPositionOffset;

    LLVector3 render_position = mPositionAgent
                                + (x_pixel_vec * screen_offset.mV[VX])
                                + (y_pixel_vec * screen_offset.mV[VY]);

    F32 y_offset = (F32)mOffsetY;

    // Render label

    // Render text
        // -1 mMaxLines means unlimited lines.
        S32 start_segment;
        S32 max_lines = getMaxLines();

        if (max_lines < 0)
            start_segment = 0;
            start_segment = llmax((S32)0, (S32)mTextSegments.size() - max_lines);

        for (std::vector<LLHUDTextSegment>::iterator segment_iter = mTextSegments.begin() + start_segment;
                segment_iter != mTextSegments.end(); ++segment_iter )
            const LLFontGL* fontp = segment_iter->mFont;
            y_offset -= fontp->getLineHeight() - 1; // correction factor to match legacy font metrics

            U8 style = segment_iter->mStyle;
            LLFontGL::ShadowType shadow = LLFontGL::DROP_SHADOW;

            F32 x_offset;
            if (mTextAlignment== ALIGN_TEXT_CENTER)
                x_offset = -0.5f*segment_iter->getWidth(fontp);
            else // ALIGN_LEFT
                x_offset = -0.5f * mWidth + (HORIZONTAL_PADDING / 2.f);

            text_color = segment_iter->mColor;
            text_color.mV[VALPHA] *= alpha_factor;

            hud_render_text(segment_iter->getText(), render_position, *fontp, style, shadow, x_offset, y_offset, text_color, mOnHUDAttachment);
    /// Reset the default color to white.  The renderer expects this to be the default.
    gGL.color4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Пример #5
void TextInputView::draw()
  // Draw the rect
  drawRectWithColor(this->getGlobalBounds(), this->getColor());
  // Split up and draw the text based on the size of the rectangle
  _lines.empty(); // start anew
  string temp = "";
  int cnt = 0;
  const int maxChars = getMaxCharsPerLine();
  const int maxLines = getMaxLines();
  for (string::iterator it = _content.begin(); it != _content.end(); ++it)
    if (_lines.size() >= maxLines )
    temp += (*it);
    if (cnt >= maxChars)
      cnt = 0;
  // add a cursor if has focus
  // Currently the cursor is always at the end,
  // this will change when we make it so that the
  // position can be set with a mouse click or the
  // arrow keys
  if ( getHasFocus() )
    if (temp.length() > 0)
      temp += "~"; // there is more to push, so stick the cursor on the last line
    // hell, this seems to work okay visually...
  _lines.push_back(temp); // push the rest

  CGRect bounds = this->getGlobalBounds();
  int x = bounds.getX() + 5;
  int y = bounds.getY() + 14;

  for(vector<string>::iterator it = _lines.begin(); it != _lines.end(); ++it)
      (*it), this->getTextColor(), CGPoint( x, y), "small fixed");
    y += this->getLineSpacing();

  // Draw the border
  if (getHasFocus())
    drawBorderWithColor(bounds, CGColor(0.0,0.0,0.6,1.0));
    drawBorderWithColor(bounds, CGColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0));

  // Draw the subviews

void LLHUDNameTag::renderText(BOOL for_select)
	if (!mVisible || mHidden)

	// don't pick text that isn't bound to a viewerobject
	if (for_select && 
		(!mSourceObject || mSourceObject->mDrawable.isNull()))
	if (for_select)

	LLGLState gls_blend(GL_BLEND, for_select ? FALSE : TRUE);
	LLGLState gls_alpha(GL_ALPHA_TEST, for_select ? FALSE : TRUE);
	LLColor4 shadow_color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
	F32 alpha_factor = 1.f;
	LLColor4 text_color = mColor;
	if (mDoFade)
		if (mLastDistance > mFadeDistance)
			alpha_factor = llmax(0.f, 1.f - (mLastDistance - mFadeDistance)/mFadeRange);
			text_color.mV[3] = text_color.mV[3]*alpha_factor;
	if (text_color.mV[3] < 0.01f)
	shadow_color.mV[3] = text_color.mV[3];

	mOffsetY = lltrunc(mHeight * ((mVertAlignment == ALIGN_VERT_CENTER) ? 0.5f : 1.f));

	// *TODO: cache this image
	// <FS:Ansariel> Performance improvement
	//LLUIImagePtr imagep = LLUI::getUIImage("Rounded_Rect");

	// *TODO: make this a per-text setting
	//LLColor4 bg_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("NameTagBackground");
	//bg_color.setAlpha(gSavedSettings.getF32("ChatBubbleOpacity") * alpha_factor);

	static LLUIColor s_bg_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("NameTagBackground");
	static LLCachedControl<F32> chatBubbleOpacity(gSavedSettings, "ChatBubbleOpacity");
	LLColor4 bg_color = s_bg_color.get();
	F32 color_alpha = chatBubbleOpacity * alpha_factor;
	// </FS:Ansariel>

	// scale screen size of borders down
	//RN: for now, text on hud objects is never occluded

	LLVector3 x_pixel_vec;
	LLVector3 y_pixel_vec;
	LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getPixelVectors(mPositionAgent, y_pixel_vec, x_pixel_vec);

	LLVector3 width_vec = mWidth * x_pixel_vec;
	LLVector3 height_vec = mHeight * y_pixel_vec;

	mRadius = (width_vec + height_vec).magVec() * 0.5f;

	LLCoordGL screen_pos;
	LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->projectPosAgentToScreen(mPositionAgent, screen_pos, FALSE);

	LLVector2 screen_offset = updateScreenPos(mPositionOffset);

	LLVector3 render_position = mPositionAgent  
			+ (x_pixel_vec * screen_offset.mV[VX])
			+ (y_pixel_vec * screen_offset.mV[VY]);

	LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE);
	LLRect screen_rect;
	screen_rect.setCenterAndSize(0, static_cast<S32>(lltrunc(-mHeight / 2 + mOffsetY)), static_cast<S32>(lltrunc(mWidth)), static_cast<S32>(lltrunc(mHeight)));
	// <FS:Ansariel> Performance improvement
	//imagep->draw3D(render_position, x_pixel_vec, y_pixel_vec, screen_rect, bg_color);
	mRoundedRectImg->draw3D(render_position, x_pixel_vec, y_pixel_vec, screen_rect, bg_color);
	// </FS:Ansariel>
	if (mLabelSegments.size())
		// <FS:Ansariel> Performance improvement
		//LLUIImagePtr rect_top_image = LLUI::getUIImage("Rounded_Rect_Top");
		LLRect label_top_rect = screen_rect;
		const S32 label_height = ll_round((mFontp->getLineHeight() * (F32)mLabelSegments.size() + (VERTICAL_PADDING / 3.f)));
		label_top_rect.mBottom = label_top_rect.mTop - label_height;
		LLColor4 label_top_color = text_color;
		// <FS:Ansariel> Performance improvement
		//label_top_color.mV[VALPHA] = gSavedSettings.getF32("ChatBubbleOpacity") * alpha_factor;
		label_top_color.mV[VALPHA] = color_alpha;
		// </FS:Ansariel>

		// <FS:Ansariel> Performance improvement
		//rect_top_image->draw3D(render_position, x_pixel_vec, y_pixel_vec, label_top_rect, label_top_color);
		mRoundedRectTopImg->draw3D(render_position, x_pixel_vec, y_pixel_vec, label_top_rect, label_top_color);
		// </FS:Ansariel>

	F32 y_offset = (F32)mOffsetY;
	// Render label

		for(std::vector<LLHUDTextSegment>::iterator segment_iter = mLabelSegments.begin();
			segment_iter != mLabelSegments.end(); ++segment_iter )
			// Label segments use default font
			const LLFontGL* fontp = (segment_iter->mStyle == LLFontGL::BOLD) ? mBoldFontp : mFontp;
			y_offset -= fontp->getLineHeight();

			F32 x_offset;
			if (mTextAlignment == ALIGN_TEXT_CENTER)
				x_offset = -0.5f*segment_iter->getWidth(fontp);
			else // ALIGN_LEFT
				x_offset = -0.5f * mWidth + (HORIZONTAL_PADDING / 2.f);

			LLColor4 label_color(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
			label_color.mV[VALPHA] = alpha_factor;
			hud_render_text(segment_iter->getText(), render_position, *fontp, segment_iter->mStyle, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, x_offset, y_offset, label_color, FALSE);

	// Render text
		// -1 mMaxLines means unlimited lines.
		S32 start_segment;
		S32 max_lines = getMaxLines();

		if (max_lines < 0) 
			start_segment = 0;
			start_segment = llmax((S32)0, (S32)mTextSegments.size() - max_lines);

		for (std::vector<LLHUDTextSegment>::iterator segment_iter = mTextSegments.begin() + start_segment;
			 segment_iter != mTextSegments.end(); ++segment_iter )
			const LLFontGL* fontp = segment_iter->mFont;
			y_offset -= fontp->getLineHeight();
			y_offset -= LINE_PADDING;

			U8 style = segment_iter->mStyle;
			LLFontGL::ShadowType shadow = LLFontGL::DROP_SHADOW;
			F32 x_offset;
			if (mTextAlignment== ALIGN_TEXT_CENTER)
				x_offset = -0.5f*segment_iter->getWidth(fontp);
			else // ALIGN_LEFT
				x_offset = -0.5f * mWidth + (HORIZONTAL_PADDING / 2.f);

				// *HACK
				x_offset += 1;

			text_color = segment_iter->mColor;
			text_color.mV[VALPHA] *= alpha_factor;

			hud_render_text(segment_iter->getText(), render_position, *fontp, style, shadow, x_offset, y_offset, text_color, FALSE);
	/// Reset the default color to white.  The renderer expects this to be the default. 
	gGL.color4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (for_select)