int Flow::createVarY() { int nvars = 0; double coeff = 0.0; double lb = 0.; double ub = 1.; VariableHash::iterator vit; Variable::VARTYPE varType = Variable::V_Y; Column::COLTYPE colType = Column::COLTYPE::BINARY; for (int sIt = 0; sIt < g->nTerminals; ++sIt) { Vertex s = g->terminals[sIt]; for (int tIt = 0; tIt < g->nTerminals; ++tIt) { Vertex t = g->terminals[tIt]; if (s.getCode() == t.getCode()) continue; for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < g->adjList[i].size(); ++j) { Arc arc = g->adjList[i][j]; Variable y(colType, coeff, lb, ub); y.setType(varType); y.setVertex1(s); y.setVertex2(t); y.setArc(arc); vit = vHash[varType].find(y); if (vit != vHash[varType].end()) continue; bool isInserted = addCol(&y); if (isInserted) { y.setColIdx(getNCols() - 1); vHash[varType][y] = y.getColIdx(); ++nvars; } } } } } return nvars; }
void Image2D<T>::printEntireImage (int Nx90) { cout << "Image2D<T>: Rotation by 90*" << Nx90 << "=" << Nx90*90 << " degree" << endl; cout << " ncols=" << this->getNCols(Nx90) << " nrows=" << this->getNRows(Nx90) << endl; for (size_t row = 0; row < getNRows(Nx90); row++) { for (size_t col = 0; col < getNCols(Nx90); col++) { cout << this->rotN90 (row,col,Nx90) << " "; } cout << endl; } }
int FacilityLocation::createVarY() { int nVars = 0; double coeff = 0.0; double lb = 0.; double ub = 1.; VariableHash::iterator vit; Variable::VARTYPE varType = Variable::V_Y; Column::COLTYPE colType = choseColType(pType, lb, ub); // @teste colType = Column::CONTINUOUS; // * Variable y_i: // * // * Used to indicate whether the vertex i \in I is a core vertex (Steiner // * vertex) in the solution. for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { Vertex* v = &(g->vertices[i]); // @annotation: comment next filter to resolve instances where // the vpn terminals may be considered internal nodes // 20160125 if (v->isTerminal()) continue; Variable var(colType, coeff, lb, ub); var.setType(varType); var.setVertex1(*v); vit = vHash[varType].find(var); if (vit != vHash[varType].end()) continue; bool isInserted = addCol(&var); if (isInserted) { var.setColIdx(getNCols() - 1); vHash[varType][var] = var.getColIdx(); ++nVars; } } return nVars; }
int main(int nargin, char** argv){ if(nargin != 4){ printf("Usage: p1 <greylevel img> <threshold> <output file>"); return -1; } im = (Image*) malloc(sizeof(Image)); thresh = atoi(argv[2]); readImage(im, argv[1]); int i, j; setColors(im, 1); for(i = 0; i < getNRows(im); i++){ for(j = 0; j < getNCols(im); j++){ setPixel(im, i, j, getPixel(im, i, j) > thresh); } } writeImage(im, argv[3]); }
/** Calculate the the number of holes in the object o of the image i * The function attempts to reverse the idea of sequential labeling * in order to find black spots on objects * It still needs work. * TODO Make this work properly * */ void euler(Image *im, Object *o) { int i, j, k, c, neighbors[NNEIGHB], newObj, left, right; LabelMap lm=makeLabelMap(im); /* this sets up a dummy class for background darkness */ addLabel(&lm); for (i=0; i < getNRows(im); ++i) for (j=0; j < getNCols(im); ++j) if (!getPixel(im, i, j)) setLabel(&lm, i, j, 1); for (i=o->top; i <= o->bottom; ++i) { left=-1; for (j=o->left; j <= o->right; ++j) { if (getPixel(im, i, j) == o->label) { if (left < 0) left=j; /* left edge for this row */ right=j; /* right-most so far */ } } for (j=left; j <= right; ++j) { if (!getPixel(im, i, j)) { newObj=getNeighbors(&lm, i, o->top, j, left, neighbors); if (newObj) { addLabel(&lm); c=getNLabels(&lm); } else { for (k=0; k < NNEIGHB; ++k) if (neighbors[k] > 0) { c=evalNeighbor(k, &lm, neighbors); break; /* break since finding one means checking the rest */ } } setLabel(&lm, i, j, c); } } } o->holes=getNClasses(&lm)-1; /* number is off by one because of dummy class */ freeLabelMap(&lm); }
int writeImage(const Image *im, const char *fname) { FILE *output; int nRows; int nCols; int colors; int i, j; /* open the file */ if (!fname || (output=fopen(fname,"wb"))==0) return(-1); nRows=getNRows(im); nCols=getNCols(im); colors=getColors(im); /* write the header */ fprintf(output,"P5\n"); /* magic number */ fprintf(output,"#\n"); /* empty comment */ fprintf(output,"%d %d\n%03d\n",nCols,nRows,colors); /* image info */ /* write pixels row by row */ for(i=0;i<nRows;i++) { for(j=0;j<nCols;j++) { int byte=getPixel(im,i,j); if (fputc(byte,output)==EOF) /* couldn't write */ { fclose(output); return -1; } } } /* close the file */ fclose(output); return 0; /* OK */ }
void Image2D<T>::saveImageInFile (const std::string &fname, int Nx90) { cout << "Image2D<T>::saveImageInFile: "; ofstream file;,ios_base::out); for (size_t row = 0; row < getNRows(Nx90); row++) { for (size_t col = 0; col < getNCols(Nx90); col++) { file << this->rotN90 (row,col,Nx90) << " "; } file << endl; } file.close(); cout << "The 2x1 image (ncols,nrows=" << this->getNCols(Nx90) << "," << this->getNRows(Nx90) << " with rotation by 90*" << Nx90 << "=" << Nx90*90 << " degree)" << " is saved in file " << fname << endl; }
int Flow::createVarX() { int nvars = 0; double coeff = 1.0; double lb = 0.; double ub = 1e20; VariableHash::iterator vit; Variable::VARTYPE varType = Variable::V_X; Column::COLTYPE colType = Column::COLTYPE::CONTINUOUS; for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < g->adjList[i].size(); ++j) { Arc arc = g->adjList[i][j]; Variable x(colType, coeff, lb, ub); x.setType(varType); x.setArc(arc.toEdge()); vit = vHash[varType].find(x); if (vit != vHash[varType].end()) continue; bool isInserted = addCol(&x); if (isInserted) { x.setColIdx(getNCols() - 1); vHash[varType][x] = x.getColIdx(); ++nvars; } } } return nvars; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int threshold, rh, theta, rows, cols, rScale, tScale, hitImage, i; char *inputo, *inputh, *inpute, *outputl; float r, t, diag, x, y, c, s; Image io, ih, ie; if (argc < 5) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <input original scene image> <input hough image> <input thresholded image> <hough threshold> <cropped line-detected output image>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } inputo = argv[1]; inputh = argv[2]; inpute = argv[3]; if (sscanf(argv[4], "%d", &threshold) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: threshold not an integer\n"); exit(1); } outputl = argv[5]; if (readImage(&io, inputo) == -1) { std::cerr << "Error reading file " << inputo << "\n"; exit(1); } else if (readImage(&ih, inputh) == -1) { std::cerr << "Error reading file " << inputh << "\n"; exit(1); } else if (readImage(&ie, inpute) == -1) { std::cerr << "Error reading file " << inpute << "\n"; exit(1); } rows = getNRows(&io); cols = getNCols(&io); diag = sqrt(pow(rows, 2) + pow(cols, 2)); rScale = getNRows(&ih); tScale = getNCols(&ih); for (rh = 0; rh < rScale; ++rh) { for (theta = 0; theta < tScale; ++theta) { if (getPixel(&ih, rh, theta) >= threshold) { r = ((2*diag)/rScale)*rh - diag; t = (PI/tScale)*theta - PI/2; c = cos(t); s = sin(t); x = -r*s; // cos(t + pi/2) = -sin(t) y = r*c; // sin(t + pi/2) = cos(t) if (inImage(&io, x, y)) { x -= diag*c; y -= diag*s; } hitImage = 0; i = 0; while (!hitImage || inImage(&io, x + i*c, y + i*s)) { if (!hitImage && inImage(&io, x + i*c, y + i*s)) hitImage = 1; if (hitImage && getPixel(&ie, y + i*s, x + i*c)) { setPixel(&io, y + i*s, x + i*c, 255); } i++; } } } } setColors(&io, 255); if (writeImage(&io, outputl) == -1) { std::cerr << "Error writing file " << outputl << "\n"; } free(; free(; free(; }
int FacilityLocation::createVarZ() { int nVars = 0; double coeff = 0.0; double lb = 0.; double ub = 1.; VariableHash::iterator vit; Variable::VARTYPE varType = Variable::V_Z; Column::COLTYPE colType = choseColType(pType, lb, ub); // @teste //colType = Column::CONTINUOUS; double bMinus = 0.; double bPlus = 0.; for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { bMinus += g->vertices[i].getIngree(); bPlus += g->vertices[i].getEgree(); } (bMinus < bPlus) ? coeff = bMinus : coeff = bPlus; // * Variable z_e: // * // * Used to indicate whether the edges e = (i, j) is used to connect the // * two core vertex i \in I and j \in I for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { Vertex* v = &(g->vertices[i]); // @annotation: comment next filter to resolve instances where // the vpn terminals may be considered internal nodes // 20160125 if (v->isTerminal()) continue; for (int j = 0; j < g->adjList[i].size(); ++j) { Vertex* u = &(g->adjList[i][j].getTail()); Arc* arc = &(g->adjList[i][j]); // @annotation: comment next filter to resolve instances where // the vpn terminals may be considered internal nodes // 20160125 if (arc->getHead().isTerminal() || arc->getTail().isTerminal()) continue; Variable var(colType, coeff, lb, ub); var.setType(varType); var.setArc(arc->toEdge()); vit = vHash[varType].find(var); if (vit != vHash[varType].end()) continue; bool isInserted = addCol(&var); if (isInserted) { var.setColIdx(getNCols() - 1); vHash[varType][var] = var.getColIdx(); ++nVars; } } } return nVars; }
int FacilityLocation::createVarX() { int nVars = 0; double coeff = 0.0; double lb = 0.; double ub = 1.; VariableHash::iterator vit; Variable::VARTYPE varType = Variable::V_X; Column::COLTYPE colType = choseColType(pType, lb, ub); // @teste //colType = Column::CONTINUOUS; std::vector<std::vector<int> > dist((g->nVertices + 1), std::vector<int>((g->nVertices + 1), 0)); clock_t start, end; start = clock(); bfs(g, dist); end = clock(); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "\nBFS_time: " << (end - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n"; #endif #ifdef DEBUG for (int i = 0; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= g->nVertices; ++j) { std::cout << i << " " << j << ": " << dist[i][j] << std::endl; } } #endif // * Variable x_ip: // * // * Used to indicate whether the terminal vertex (client) p \in P is connected // * (or assigned) to the core vertex i \in I. double totalIngree = 0.; double totalEgree = 0.; for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { totalIngree += g->vertices[i].getIngree(); totalEgree += g->vertices[i].getEgree(); } for (int i = 1; i <= g->nVertices; ++i) { Vertex client = g->vertices[i]; if (!client.isTerminal()) continue; double tmp1 = std::min(g->vertices[i].getEgree(), totalIngree - g->vertices[i].getIngree()); double tmp2 = std::min(g->vertices[i].getIngree(), totalEgree- g->vertices[i].getEgree()); double b = tmp1 + tmp2; for (int j = 1; j <= g->nVertices; ++j) { Vertex router = g->vertices[j]; // @annotation: comment next filter to resolve instances where // the vpn terminals may be considered internal nodes // 20160125 if (client == router || router.isTerminal()) continue; coeff = b * dist[client.getCode()][router.getCode()]; Variable var(colType, coeff, lb, ub); var.setType(varType); var.setArc(Arc(router, client, 0.)); vit = vHash[varType].find(var); if (vit != vHash[varType].end()) continue; bool isInserted = addCol(&var); if (isInserted) { var.setColIdx(getNCols() - 1); vHash[varType][var] = var.getColIdx(); ++nVars; } } } return nVars; }
SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT FacilityLocation::solveLRExtentedFormulations(MulltipleCutSetSeparation _cutSetSepFunc, double _tol) { int pos = 0; int nbCuts = 0; int sentinel = 0; int MAX_ITER = 100; int tailOffCounter = 0; int tailOffTol = 3; int printInterval = 5; double currentLp = 0., lastLp = 0.; bool noViolatedCutFound = true; std::set<long> hashTable; TypeVariableHashPtr vHashPtr = &(vHash); std::vector<std::set<int>*> cutSets; SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT ret = SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_UNKNOWN; if (xSol != NULL) delete[] xSol; xSol = new double[getNCols()]; clock_t start = clock(); do { lastLp = currentLp; status = SolverMIP::solve(SolverMIP::METHOD::METHOD_DUAL); if (status == SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_MIPOPTIMAL || status == SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_LPOPTIMAL || status == SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_FEASIBLE) { ret = SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_FEASIBLE; currentLp = getObjVal(); // Getting fractional node solution getX(); if (sentinel % printInterval == 0) { printf("\n---- iter: %d\n", sentinel + 1); printf("OBJ_VAL = %lf\n", currentLp); } #ifndef DEBUG //Printing xNode solution printf("\n\n---- iter: %d\n", sentinel + 1); for (int varType = Variable::V_X; varType != Variable::V_UNKNOWN; varType += 10) { VariableHash::iterator vit = vHashPtr->at((Variable::VARTYPE)varType).begin(); for (; vit != vHashPtr->at((Variable::VARTYPE)varType).end(); ++vit) { int idx = vit->second; if (xSol[idx] > SOLVER_EPS) std::cout << (vit->first).toString() << "(" << idx << "); " << xSol[idx] << std::endl; printf(""); } printf(""); } #endif // Verifying optimality conditions if (fabs(currentLp - lastLp) < _tol) { ++tailOffCounter; if (tailOffCounter > tailOffTol) { ret = SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_LPOPTIMAL; break; } } else tailOffCounter = 0; // Calling the separation routine pos = cutSets.size(); int cutSize = _cutSetSepFunc(g, vHashPtr, xSol, cutSets, true); // If a fractional cycle is found... if (cutSets.size() - pos > 0) { noViolatedCutFound = false; for (int i = pos; i < cutSets.size(); ++i) { std::set<int>* sPtr = cutSets[i]; // Check whether the cut has already been generated unsigned long hashVal = hashFunc(*sPtr); std::set<long>::iterator it = hashTable.find(hashVal); if (it != hashTable.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG int warnCode = 990; std::string aux = convertSetToString(s); std::string msg = "The identified cut set was already separated " + convertSetToString(s); warningMsg(NULL, __func__,, warnCode); #endif } else hashTable.insert(hashVal); // ... we must find the cut set ... std::vector<Variable> cutSet; for (VariableHash::iterator vit = vHashPtr->at(Variable::V_Z).begin(); vit != vHashPtr->at(Variable::V_Z).end(); ++vit) { Variable z = vit->first; int head = z.getArc().getHead().getCode(); int tail = z.getArc().getTail().getCode(); std::set<int>::iterator hIt = sPtr->find(head); std::set<int>::iterator tIt = sPtr->find(tail); // ... which is composed by those arcs with one endpoint in S bool isHeadInS = hIt != sPtr->end(); bool isTailInS = tIt != sPtr->end(); if (!(isHeadInS && isTailInS) && (isHeadInS || isTailInS)) { cutSet.push_back(z); } } // Identifying the y-variables involved in cut set constraints // And split them into two sets std::vector<Variable> sVec; std::vector<Variable> sCompVec; for (VariableHash::iterator vit = vHashPtr->at(Variable::V_Y).begin(); vit != vHashPtr->at(Variable::V_Y).end(); ++vit) { Variable v = vit->first; int nodeIdx = v.getVertex1().getCode(); if (sPtr->find(nodeIdx) != sPtr->end()) { sVec.push_back(v); } else { sCompVec.push_back(v); } } // Translating valid inequalities found into cplex/matrix representation int nzcnt = cutSet.size() + 2; std::vector<int> idx(nzcnt); std::vector<double> val(nzcnt); for (int i = 0; i < sVec.size(); ++i) { idx[0] = sVec[i].getColIdx(); val[0] = -1.0; for (int j = 0; j < sCompVec.size(); ++j) { idx[1] = sCompVec[j].getColIdx(); val[1] = -1.0; for (int k = 0; k < cutSet.size(); ++k) { idx[k + 2] = cutSet[k].getColIdx(); val[k + 2] = 1.0; } // Adding user generated cut int nRows = 1; double rhs = -1; char sense = 'G'; int rmatbeg = 0; int newColsAdded = 0; status = CPXaddrows(env, lp, newColsAdded, nRows, nzcnt, &rhs, &sense, &rmatbeg, &idx[0], &val[0], NULL, NULL); //status = CPXcutcallbackadd(_env, _cbdata, _wherefrom, nzcnt, -1, 'G', &idx[0], &val[0], CPX_USECUT_FORCE); if (status) { int warnCode = 999; std::string msg = "Failed to add integer cut."; warningMsg(NULL, __func__,, warnCode); } else nbCuts++; printf(""); } } } #ifdef DEBUG // salva um arquivo .lp com o LP atual writeProbLP(".\\lpRelax"); #endif } else { // No violated cut was found noViolatedCutFound = true; } // If no violated cut was found if (noViolatedCutFound) { ret = SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_LPOPTIMAL; break; } } else { int warnCode = 201; std::string msg = "Model is infeasible"; warningMsg(typeid(*this).name(), __func__,, warnCode); // salva um arquivo .lp com o LP atual writeProbLP(".\\infeasible"); ret = SolverMIP::SOLVERSTAT::SOLVERSTAT_INFEASIBLE; break; } } while (++sentinel < MAX_ITER); // Deallocating memory for (int i = 0; i < cutSets.size(); ++i) { if (cutSets[i] != NULL) { delete cutSets[i]; cutSets[i] = NULL; } } clock_t end = clock(); printf("\n-----"); printf("\n----- iter: %d", sentinel + 1); printf("\n----- OBJ_VAL = %lf", currentLp); printf("\n----- Exectution time: %.4f", (end - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return ret; }
int main(int nargin, char** argv){ if(nargin != 5){ printf("Usage: p5 <input gradient> <seed point> <mask> <output depth>"); return -1; } int index, i,j; mask = (Image*) malloc(sizeof(Image)); readImage(mask, argv[3]); FILE* file = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); FILE* seeds = fopen(argv[2], "r"); Gradient* grid = (Gradient*) malloc(sizeof(Gradient)*getNRows(mask)*getNCols(mask)); fread(grid, getNRows(mask)*getNCols(mask), sizeof(Gradient), file); double** points = (double**) malloc(sizeof(double)*getNRows(mask)); for(i = 0; i < getNRows(mask); i++) points[i] = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*getNCols(mask)); double* allpoints = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*getNRows(mask)*getNCols(mask)); char line[1024]; int r = getNRows(mask), c = getNCols(mask); int max = 0; while(fgets(line, 1024, seeds) != NULL){ int x0 = atoi(strtok(line, " ")); int y0 = atoi(strtok(NULL, " ")); for(i = 0; i < getNRows(mask); i++) for(j = 0; j < getNCols(mask); j++) points[i][j] = 0; int x, y; for(x = x0-1; x >=0; x--) points[x][y0] = (points[x+1][y0] + (grid+x*r+y0)->p); for(x = x0+1; x < r; x++) points[x][y0] = (points[x-1][y0] - (grid+x*r+y0)->p); for(y = y0-1; y >=0; y--) points[x0][y] = (points[x0][y+1] + (grid+x0*r+y)->q); for(y = y0+1; y < r; y++) points[x0][y] = (points[x0][y-1] - (grid+x0*r+y)->q); for(x = x0-1; x >=0; x--){ for(y = y0-1; y >=0; y--) points[x][y] = (0.5 * points[x][y+1] + (grid+x*r+y)->q + 0.5 * points[x+1][y] + (grid+x*r+y)->p); for(y = y0+1; y < r; y++) points[x][y] = (0.5 * points[x][y-1] - (grid+x*r+y)->q + 0.5 * points[x+1][y] + (grid+x*r+y)->p); } for(x = x0+1; x < r; x++){ for(y = y0-1; y >=0; y--) points[x][y] = (0.5 * points[x][y+1] + (grid+x*r+y)->q + 0.5 * points[x-1][y] - (grid+x*r+y)->p); for(y = y0+1; y < r; y++) points[x][y] = (0.5 * points[x][y-1] - (grid+x*r+y)->q + 0.5 * points[x-1][y] - (grid+x*r+y)->p); } for(x = 0; x < r; x++) for(y = 0; y < r; y++){ allpoints[x*r+y] += points[x][y]; max = (allpoints[x*r+y] > max) ? allpoints[x*r+y] : max; } } Image* im = (Image*) malloc(sizeof(Image)); setSize(im, r, c); setColors(im, 255); int x,y; for(x = 0; x < r; x++) for(y = 0; y < c; y++) setPixel(im, x, y, getPixel(mask,x,y) ? allpoints[x*r+y] / (double) max * 255 : 0); writeImage(im, argv[4]); }
void getObjects(Image *im, ObjectDB *odb) { int i, j, px, a, b, c, jp, ip, rows=getNRows(im), cols=getNCols(im); float theta[2]; double E[2]; Object *obj; /* get area, calculate bounding boxes, and begin calculating centers */ for (i=0; i < rows; ++i) { for (j=0; j < cols; ++j) { px=getPixel(im, i, j); if (px > 0) { obj=odb->objs+px-1; if (i < obj->top) obj->top=i; if (i > obj->bottom) obj->bottom=i; if (j < obj->left) obj->left=j; if (j > obj->right) obj->right=j; obj->fm[0]+=i; obj->fm[1]+=j; obj->area++; } } } /* finish centers */ for (i=0; i < odb->nObjects; ++i) if (odb->objs[i].area > 0) { obj=odb->objs+i; for (j=0; j < DIM; ++j) obj->fm[j]/=obj->area; } /* calculate a, b, c */ for (i=0; i < rows; ++i) { for (j=0; j < cols; ++j) { px=getPixel(im, i, j); if (px > 0) { obj=odb->objs+px-1; ip=i - obj->fm[0]; jp=j - obj->fm[1]; obj->sm.a+=jp*jp; obj->sm.b+=2*jp*ip; obj->sm.c+=ip*ip; } } } /* calculate theatmin */ for (i=0; i < odb->nObjects; ++i) if (odb->objs[i].area > 0) { obj=odb->objs+i; a=obj->sm.a; b=obj->sm.b; c=obj->sm.c; theta[0]=0.5f*atan2(b, a-c); theta[1]=theta[0] + PI/2.0; E[0]=secondMoment(a, b, c, theta[0]); E[1]=secondMoment(a, b, c, theta[1]); if (E[0] > E[1]) { obj->sm.thetaMin=theta[1]; obj->sm.thetaMax=theta[0]; } else { obj->sm.thetaMin=theta[0]; obj->sm.thetaMax=theta[1]; } } }