TEST_F(TestDoubleClearSingleSystemNoSun, Test1)
    SCOPED_TRACE("Begin Test: Double Clear Single System - Surface temperatures");

    auto aSystem = GetSystem();
    ASSERT_TRUE(aSystem != nullptr);

    auto Temperature = aSystem->getTemperatures();
    std::vector<double> correctTemperature = {258.756688, 259.359226, 279.178510, 279.781048};
    ASSERT_EQ(correctTemperature.size(), Temperature.size());

    for(auto i = 0u; i < correctTemperature.size(); ++i)
        EXPECT_NEAR(correctTemperature[i], Temperature[i], 1e-5);

    auto Radiosity = aSystem->getRadiosities();
    std::vector<double> correctRadiosity = {251.950834, 268.667346, 332.299338, 359.731700};
    ASSERT_EQ(correctRadiosity.size(), Radiosity.size());

    for(auto i = 0u; i < correctRadiosity.size(); ++i)
        EXPECT_NEAR(correctRadiosity[i], Radiosity[i], 1e-5);

    auto heatFlow = aSystem->getHeatFlow(Tarcog::ISO15099::Environment::Indoor);
    EXPECT_NEAR(105.431019, heatFlow, 1e-5);

    auto Uvalue = aSystem->getUValue();
    EXPECT_NEAR(2.703359, Uvalue, 1e-5);

    auto numOfIter = aSystem->getNumberOfIterations();
    EXPECT_EQ(20u, numOfIter);
TEST_F(TestDoubleClearIndoorShadeAir, Test1)
    SCOPED_TRACE("Begin Test: Indoor Shade - Air");

    auto aSystem = GetSystem();

    auto temperature = aSystem->getTemperatures();
    auto radiosity = aSystem->getRadiosities();

    std::vector<double> correctTemp = {
      258.2265788, 258.7403799, 276.1996405, 276.7134416, 288.1162677, 288.1193825};
    std::vector<double> correctJ = {
      250.2066021, 264.5687123, 319.49179, 340.4531177, 382.6512706, 397.0346045};

    EXPECT_EQ(correctTemp.size(), temperature.size());
    EXPECT_EQ(correctJ.size(), radiosity.size());

    for(size_t i = 0; i < temperature.size(); ++i)
        EXPECT_NEAR(correctTemp[i], temperature[i], 1e-6);
        EXPECT_NEAR(correctJ[i], radiosity[i], 1e-6);

    const auto numOfIter = aSystem->getNumberOfIterations();
    EXPECT_EQ(1, int(numOfIter));

    const auto ventilatedFlow = aSystem->getVentilationFlow(Tarcog::ISO15099::Environment::Indoor);
    EXPECT_NEAR(40.066868, ventilatedFlow, 1e-6);
Пример #3
void peanoclaw::records::RepositoryState::toString (std::ostream& out) const {
   out << "("; 
   out << "action:" << toString(getAction());
   out << ",";
   out << "numberOfIterations:" << getNumberOfIterations();
   out <<  ")";
Пример #4
peanoclaw::records::RepositoryStatePacked peanoclaw::records::RepositoryState::convert() const{
   return RepositoryStatePacked(
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[] )

    int verbose = 0;

    char outputFile[256];
    int doOutput = getWriteToFile( argc, argv, outputFile, 256);
    if (argc == 1)

    moleculizer* pMoleculizer = createNewMoleculizerObject();

    setRateExtrapolation( pMoleculizer, 1 );
    int result = loadModelFile( pMoleculizer, argc, argv);

    case 0:
        printf("Model loaded successfully.\n");
    case 1:
        printf("Unknown error on load.  Aborting\n");
        return 1;
    case 2:
        printf("Document unparsable.  Aborting.\n");
        return 1;
    case 3:
        printf("Moleculizer has already loaded rules. Ignoring and continuing.\n");
        return 1;

  int numIter = getNumberOfIterations(argc, argv);
  int maxSpecies = getMaxNumSpecies( argc, argv);
  int maxRxns = getMaxNumReactions( argc, argv);

  if (numIter > 0 && (maxSpecies > 0 || maxRxns > 0) )
      // ANCHOR
      printf("Error, if either (max species and/or max rxns) can be set or numIters. ");

  verbose = getVerbose(argc, argv);
  if(numIter == -1 )
      int numRxns;
      int numSpec;

      species** speciesArray;
      reaction** rxnArray;
      int errorCode = \
          getBoundedNetwork( pMoleculizer, maxSpecies, maxRxns, &speciesArray, &numSpec, &rxnArray, &numRxns );

      if (errorCode)
          printf("Unknown erorr.  Check error messages for description.  Exiting...\n");
          numIter = 10;
          printf("Network generated to %d species and %d reactions.\n", numSpec, numRxns);
      int iter = 0;

      for( iter = 0; iter != numIter; ++iter)
          species** theSpecies;
          int numSpecies = 0;

          getAllExteriorSpecies( pMoleculizer, &theSpecies, &numSpecies);

          if (numSpecies == 0)
              printf("Entire network has been generated on the %dth iteration.\n", iter);
              freeSpeciesArray( theSpecies, numSpecies);
          /* Get a random number in the range [0, numSpecies) */
          int speciesNumber = rand() % numSpecies;

          printf("Iteration %d: Expanding %s\n", iter + 1, theSpecies[speciesNumber]->name);
          incrementSpecies( pMoleculizer, theSpecies[speciesNumber]->name);

          freeSpeciesArray( theSpecies, numSpecies);


  if (numIter == -1)
      printf("Expanded entire network.\n");
      printf("Expanded %d iterations.", numIter);


  printf("There are %d species and %d reactions.\n", 
         getNumberOfReactions(pMoleculizer) );

  if ( verbose )
      showAllSpecies( pMoleculizer );
      showAllReactions( pMoleculizer);

  if (doOutput)
      writeDotFile(pMoleculizer, outputFile);
  freeMoleculizerObject( pMoleculizer );
  return 0;
