bool ossimKakaduJ2kReader::loadTile(ossim_uint32 x, ossim_uint32 y) { bool result = true; ossimIpt ul(x, y); ossimIpt lr(ul.x + theTileSizeX - 1, ul.y + theTileSizeY - 1); // Set the cache rectangle to be an even j2k tile. theCacheTile->setImageRectangle(ossimIrect(ul, lr)); //--- // Let the getOverviewTile do the rest of the work. if ( getOverviewTile(0, theCacheTile.get()) ) { // Add it to the cache for the next time. ossimAppFixedTileCache::instance()->addTile(theCacheId, theCacheTile); } else { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << " ossimKakaduJ2kReader::loadBlock failed!" << std::endl; result = false; } return result; }
bool ossimHdfReader::getTile(ossimImageData* result, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; //--- // Not open, this tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, // return a blank tile. //--- if( isOpen() && isSourceEnabled() && isValidRLevel(resLevel) && result && (result->getNumberOfBands() == getNumberOfOutputBands()) ) { result->ref(); // Increment ref count. //--- // Check for overview tile. Some overviews can contain r0 so always // call even if resLevel is 0. Method returns true on success, false // on error. //--- status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { status = true; ossimIrect tile_rect = result->getImageRectangle(); if (getImageRectangle().intersects(tile_rect)) { // Make a clip rect. ossimIrect clipRect = tile_rect.clipToRect(getImageRectangle()); if (tile_rect.completely_within(clipRect) == false) { // Not filling whole tile so blank it out first. result->makeBlank(); } if (m_gdalTileSource.valid()) { ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> imageData = m_gdalTileSource->getTile(tile_rect, resLevel); result->loadTile(imageData->getBuf(), tile_rect, clipRect, OSSIM_BSQ); } } else // No intersection... { result->makeBlank(); } } result->validate(); result->unref(); // Decrement ref count. } return status; }
bool ossimAdrgTileSource::getTile(ossimImageData* result, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; //--- // Not open, this tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, // return a blank tile. //--- if( isOpen() && isSourceEnabled() && isValidRLevel(resLevel) && result && (result->getNumberOfBands() == getNumberOfOutputBands()) ) { result->ref(); // Increment ref count. //--- // Check for overview tile. Some overviews can contain r0 so always // call even if resLevel is 0. Method returns true on success, false // on error. //--- status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { status = true; ossimIrect tile_rect = result->getImageRectangle(); ossimIrect image_rect = getImageRectangle(resLevel); result->makeBlank(); //--- // See if any point of the requested tile is in the image. //--- if ( tile_rect.intersects(image_rect) ) { ossimIrect clip_rect = tile_rect.clipToRect(image_rect); // Load the tile buffer with data from the adrg. status = fillBuffer(tile_rect, clip_rect, result); if (status) { result->validate(); } } } result->unref(); // Decrement ref count. } return status; }
bool rspfHdfReader::getTile(rspfImageData* result, rspf_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; if( isOpen() && isSourceEnabled() && isValidRLevel(resLevel) && result && (result->getNumberOfBands() == getNumberOfOutputBands()) ) { result->ref(); // Increment ref count. status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { status = true; rspfIrect tile_rect = result->getImageRectangle(); if (getImageRectangle().intersects(tile_rect)) { rspfIrect clipRect = tile_rect.clipToRect(getImageRectangle()); if (tile_rect.completely_within(clipRect) == false) { result->makeBlank(); } if (m_gdalTileSource.valid()) { rspfRefPtr<rspfImageData> imageData = m_gdalTileSource->getTile(tile_rect, resLevel); result->loadTile(imageData->getBuf(), tile_rect, clipRect, RSPF_BSQ); } } else // No intersection... { result->makeBlank(); } } result->validate(); result->unref(); // Decrement ref count. } return status; }
bool ossimNetCdfReader::getTile(ossimImageData* result, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); ossimIrect rect = result->getImageRectangle(); if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { if(!theTile.valid()||!theMemoryTile.valid()) { cacheImage(); } if (theTile.valid()) { // Image rectangle must be set prior to calling getTile. theTile->setImageRectangle(rect); theTile->makeBlank(); ossimIrect memRect = theMemoryTile->getImageRectangle(); if(memRect.intersects(rect)) { ossimIrect clampRect = theMemoryTile->getImageRectangle().clipToRect(rect); theTile->loadTile(theMemoryTile->getBuf(), memRect, OSSIM_BSQ); theTile->validate(); status = true; } } } return status; }
ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimKakaduJ2kReader::getTile( const ossimIrect& rect, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { // This tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, return a blank tile. if(!isSourceEnabled() || !isOpen() || !isValidRLevel(resLevel)) { return ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>(); } if (theTile.valid()) { // Rectangle must be set prior to getOverviewTile call. theTile->setImageRectangle(rect); if (resLevel) { if ( getOverviewTile(resLevel, theTile.get() ) == false ) { theTile->makeBlank(); } } else { //--- // See if the whole tile is going to be filled, if not, start out with // a blank tile so data from a previous load gets wiped out. //--- if ( !rect.completely_within(theImageRect) ) { // Start with a blank tile. theTile->makeBlank(); } //--- // See if any point of the requested tile is in the image. //--- if ( rect.intersects(theImageRect) ) { ossimIrect clipRect = rect.clipToRect(theImageRect); ossimIrect exandedRect = clipRect; //--- // Shift the upper left corner of the "clip_rect" to the an even // j2k tile boundry. //--- exandedRect.stretchToTileBoundary(ossimIpt(theTileSizeX, theTileSizeY)); // Vertical tile loop. ossim_int32 y = exandedRect.ul().y; while (y < { // Horizontal tile loop. ossim_int32 x = exandedRect.ul().x; while (x < { if ( loadTileFromCache(x, y, clipRect) == false ) { if ( loadTile(x, y) ) { //--- // Note: Clip the cache tile to the image clipRect // since there are j2k tiles that go beyond the image // dimensions, i.e., edge tiles. //--- ossimIrect cr = theCacheTile->getImageRectangle(). clipToRect(clipRect); theTile->loadTile(theCacheTile->getBuf(), theCacheTile->getImageRectangle(), cr, OSSIM_BSQ); } } x += theTileSizeX; // Go to next tile. } y += theTileSizeY; // Go to next row of tiles. } // Set the tile status. theTile->validate(); } // matches: if ( rect.intersects(theImageRect) ) } // r0 block } // matches: if (theTile.valid()) return theTile; }
bool ossimH5Reader::getTile(ossimImageData* result, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; m_mutex.lock(); //--- // Not open, this tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, // return a blank tile. //--- if( isOpen() && isSourceEnabled() && isValidRLevel(resLevel) && result && (result->getNumberOfBands() == getNumberOfOutputBands()) ) { result->ref(); // Increment ref count. //--- // Check for overview tile. Some overviews can contain r0 so always // call even if resLevel is 0. Method returns true on success, false // on error. //--- status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { status = true; ossimIrect tile_rect = result->getImageRectangle(); if ( ! tile_rect.completely_within(getImageRectangle(0)) ) { // We won't fill totally so make blank first. result->makeBlank(); } if (getImageRectangle(0).intersects(tile_rect)) { // Make a clip rect. ossimIrect clipRect = tile_rect.clipToRect(getImageRectangle(0)); if (tile_rect.completely_within( clipRect) == false) { // Not filling whole tile so blank it out first. result->makeBlank(); } // Create buffer to hold the clip rect for a single band. ossim_uint32 clipRectSizeInBytes = clipRect.area() * ossim::scalarSizeInBytes( m_entries[m_currentEntry].getScalarType() ); vector<char> dataBuffer(clipRectSizeInBytes); // Get the data. for (ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < getNumberOfInputBands(); ++band) { // Hdf5 file to buffer: m_entries[m_currentEntry].getTileBuf(&dataBuffer.front(), clipRect, band); if ( m_entries[m_currentEntry].getScalarType() == OSSIM_FLOAT32 ) { //--- // NPP VIIRS data has null of "-999.3". // Scan and fix non-standard null value. //--- const ossim_float32 NP = getNullPixelValue(band); const ossim_uint32 COUNT = clipRect.area(); ossim_float32* float_buffer = (ossim_float32*)&dataBuffer.front(); for ( ossim_uint32 i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i ) { if ( float_buffer[i] <= -999.0 ) float_buffer[i] = NP; } } // Buffer to tile: result->loadBand((void*)&dataBuffer.front(), clipRect, band); } // Validate the tile, i.e. full, partial, empty. result->validate(); } else // No intersection... { result->makeBlank(); } } result->unref(); // Decrement ref count. } m_mutex.unlock(); return status; }
bool ossimPngReader::getTile(ossimImageData* result, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; //--- // Not open, this tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, // return a blank tile. //--- if( isOpen() && isSourceEnabled() && isValidRLevel(resLevel) && result && (result->getNumberOfBands() == getNumberOfOutputBands()) ) { result->ref(); // Increment ref count. //--- // Check for overview tile. Some overviews can contain r0 so always // call even if resLevel is 0. Method returns true on success, false // on error. //--- status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); if (status) { if(m_outputScalarType == OSSIM_UINT16) { //--- // Temp fix: // The overview handler could return a tile of OSSIM_USHORT11 if // the max sample value was not set to 2047. // // To prevent a scalar mismatch set //--- result->setScalarType(m_outputScalarType); } } if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { status = true; ossimIrect tile_rect = result->getImageRectangle(); if ( ! tile_rect.completely_within(getImageRectangle(0)) ) { // We won't fill totally so make blank first. m_tile->makeBlank(); } if (getImageRectangle(0).intersects(tile_rect)) { // Make a clip rect. ossimIrect clip_rect = tile_rect.clipToRect(getImageRectangle(0)); // This will validate the tile at the end. fillTile(clip_rect, result); } } result->unref(); // Decrement ref count. } return status; }
bool ossimGeneralRasterTileSource::getTile(ossimImageData* result, ossim_uint32 resLevel) { bool status = false; //--- // Not open, this tile source bypassed, or invalid res level, // return a blank tile. //--- if( isOpen() && isSourceEnabled() && isValidRLevel(resLevel) && result && (result->getNumberOfBands() == getNumberOfOutputBands()) ) { //--- // Check for overview tile. Some overviews can contain r0 so always // call even if resLevel is 0. Method returns true on success, false // on error. //--- status = getOverviewTile(resLevel, result); if (status) { if(getOutputScalarType() == OSSIM_USHORT11) { //--- // Temp fix: // The overview handler could return a tile of OSSIM_UINT16 if // the max sample value was not set to 2047. //--- result->setScalarType(OSSIM_USHORT11); } } if (!status) // Did not get an overview tile. { status = true; //--- // Subtract any sub image offset to get the zero based image space // rectangle. //--- ossimIrect tile_rect = result->getImageRectangle(); // This should be the zero base image rectangle for this res level. ossimIrect image_rect = getImageRectangle(resLevel); //--- // See if any point of the requested tile is in the image. //--- if ( tile_rect.intersects(image_rect) ) { // Make the tile rectangle zero base. result->setImageRectangle(tile_rect); // Initialize the tile if needed as we're going to stuff it. if (result->getDataObjectStatus() == OSSIM_NULL) { result->initialize(); } ossimIrect clip_rect = tile_rect.clipToRect(image_rect); if ( ! tile_rect.completely_within(m_bufferRect) ) { // A new buffer must be loaded. if ( !tile_rect.completely_within(clip_rect) ) { //--- // Start with a blank tile since the whole tile buffer will // not be // filled. //--- result->makeBlank(); } // Reallocate the buffer if needed. if ( m_bufferSizeInPixels != result->getSize() ) { allocateBuffer( result ); } ossimIpt size(static_cast<ossim_int32>(result->getWidth()), static_cast<ossim_int32>(result->getHeight())); if( !fillBuffer(clip_rect.ul(), size) ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "Error from fill buffer..." << std::endl; //--- // Error in filling buffer. //--- setErrorStatus(); status = false; } } result->loadTile(m_buffer, m_bufferRect, clip_rect, m_bufferInterleave); result->validate(); // Set the rectangle back. result->setImageRectangle(tile_rect); } else // No intersection. { result->makeBlank(); } } } return status; }