Пример #1
int SPECTEQ2::subinit(double p[], int n_args)
	int eqtablen;
	_eqtable = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &eqtablen);
	if (!_eqtable)
		_eqconst = p[8];
		_control_table_size = eqtablen;

	int len;
	double *binmaptable = (double *) getPFieldTable(11, &len);
	if (binmaptable) {
		if (len != eqtablen)
			die(instname(), "The bin-mapping table (p11) must be the same size as "
			                "the EQ table (p8).");
		if (p[9] != 0.0 || (p[10] != 0.0 || p[10] != _nyquist))
			warn(instname(), "Use of the bin-mapping table ignores the freq. "
			                 "range set in p9-10.");


	return 0;
void IINOISE::initamp(float dur, double p[], int ampindex, int ampgenslot)
	fastUpdate = Option::fastUpdate();
	if (fastUpdate) {
		// Prefer PField table, otherwise makegen
		int tablen = 0;
		amptable = (double *) getPFieldTable(ampindex, &tablen);
		if (amptable)
			ampmult = 1.0f;
		else {
			ampmult = p[ampindex];
			amptable = floc(ampgenslot);
			if (amptable)
				tablen = fsize(ampgenslot);
		if (amptable)
			tableset(SR, dur, tablen, amptabs);
			amp = ampmult;
	else {
		// NB: ampmult never used, first amp set in doupdate
		amptable = floc(ampgenslot);
		if (amptable) {
			int tablen = fsize(ampgenslot);
			tableset(SR, dur, tablen, amptabs);
Пример #3
int MULTIWAVE::init(double p[], int n_args)
   if (n_args < 8)
      return usage();
   float outskip = p[0];
   float dur = p[1];
   nargs = n_args;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (outputChannels() < 1 || outputChannels() > 2)
      return die("MULTIWAVE", "Must have mono or stereo output only.");

   int wavelen;
   double *wavet = (double *) getPFieldTable(3, &wavelen);
   if (wavet == NULL)
      return die("MULTIWAVE", "p3 must be wavetable (use maketable)");

   numpartials = (nargs - FIRST_FREQ_ARG) / 4;
   oscil = new Ooscili * [numpartials];
   amp = new double [numpartials];
   pan = new double [numpartials];

   for (int i = 0; i < numpartials; i++) {
      oscil[i] = new Ooscili(SR, 440.0, wavet, wavelen);
      const int index = FIRST_FREQ_ARG + (4 * i);
      oscil[i]->setphase(p[index + 2] / 360.0);
      amp[i] = 0.0;
      pan[i] = 0.0;

   return nSamps();
Пример #4
int AM::init(double p[], int n_args)
	float outskip = p[0];
	float inskip = p[1];
	float dur = p[2];
	inchan = (int) p[5];

	if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
		return DONT_SCHEDULE;	// no input
	if (inchan >= inputChannels())
		return die("AM", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
														inchan, inputChannels());
	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
	if (outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("AM", "Can't handle more than 2 output channels.");

	amptable = floc(1);
	if (amptable) {
		int amplen = fsize(1);
		tableset(SR, dur, amplen, amptabs);

	int tablelen = 0;
	if (n_args > 7) {      // handle table coming in as optional p7 TablePField
		wavetable = (double *) getPFieldTable(7, &tablelen);
	if (wavetable == NULL) { // use old gen slot
		wavetable = floc(2);
		if (wavetable)
			tablelen = fsize(2);
		else { // use default sine wave
			rtcmix_advise("AM", "No modulator wavetable specified, so using sine wave.");
			tablelen = 1024;
			wavetable = new double [tablelen];
			ownWavetable = true;
			const double twopi = M_PI * 2.0;
			for (int i = 0; i < tablelen; i++)
				wavetable[i] = sin(twopi * ((double) i / tablelen));

	modfreq = p[4];
	modosc = new Ooscili(SR, modfreq, wavetable, tablelen);

	if (modfreq == 0.0) {
		freqtable = floc(3);
		if (freqtable) {
			int len = fsize(3);
      	tableset(SR, dur, len, freqtabs);
			return die("AM", "If p4 is zero, old-style gen table 3 must "
									"contain modulator frequency curve.");

	skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

	return nSamps();
Пример #5
int FMINST::init(double p[], int n_args)
	nargs = n_args;
	float outskip = p[0];
	float dur = p[1];

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
	if (outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("FMINST", "Can't handle more than 2 output channels.");

	carfreqraw = p[3];
	if (carfreqraw < 15.0)
		carfreq = cpspch(carfreqraw);
		carfreq = carfreqraw;

	modfreqraw = p[4];
	if (modfreqraw < 15.0)
		modfreq = cpspch(modfreqraw);
		modfreq = modfreqraw;

	double *wavetable = NULL;
	int tablelen = 0;
	if (n_args > 8) {      // handle table coming in as optional p8 TablePField
		wavetable = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &tablelen);
	if (wavetable == NULL) {
		wavetable = floc(WAVET_GEN_SLOT);
		if (wavetable == NULL)
			return die("FMINST", "Either use the wavetable pfield (p8) or make "
                    "an old-style gen function in slot %d.", WAVET_GEN_SLOT);
		tablelen = fsize(WAVET_GEN_SLOT);

	carosc = new Ooscili(SR, carfreq, wavetable, tablelen);
	modosc = new Ooscili(SR, modfreq, wavetable, tablelen);

	if (n_args < 10) {		// no p9 guide PField, must use gen table
		indexenv = floc(INDEX_GEN_SLOT);
		if (indexenv == NULL)
			return die("FMINST", "Either use the index guide pfield (p9) or make "
                    "an old-style gen function in slot %d.", INDEX_GEN_SLOT);
		int len = fsize(INDEX_GEN_SLOT);
		tableset(SR, dur, len, indtabs);

	initamp(dur, p, 2, 1);
	if (fastUpdate) {
		minindex = p[5];
		indexdiff = p[6] - minindex;
		pan = p[7];

	return nSamps();
Пример #6
int GRANSYNTH::init(double p[], int n_args)
   _nargs = n_args;
   if (_nargs < 11 || _nargs > 17)
      return die("GRANSYNTH", USAGE_MESSAGE);
   const double outskip = p[0];
   const double dur = p[1];
   const int seed = _nargs > 14 ? int(p[14]) : 0;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;

   if (outputChannels() > 2)
      return die("GRANSYNTH", "You can have only mono or stereo output.");
   _stereoOut = (outputChannels() == 2);

   int length;
   double *table = (double *) getPFieldTable(3, &length);
   if (table == NULL)
      return die("GRANSYNTH", "You must create a table containing the "
                              "oscillator waveform.");
   _stream = new SynthGrainStream(SR, table, length, outputChannels(), seed);

   table = (double *) getPFieldTable(4, &length);
   if (table == NULL)
      return die("GRANSYNTH", "You must create a table containing the grain "
   _stream->setGrainEnvelopeTable(table, length);

   if (_nargs > 12) {
      table = (double *) getPFieldTable(12, &length);
      if (table != NULL)
         _stream->setGrainTranspositionCollection(table, length);

   return nSamps();
Пример #7
int JFIR :: init(double p[], int n_args)
   nargs = n_args;
   float outskip = p[0];
   float inskip = p[1];
   float dur = p[2];
   int order = (int) p[4];
   inchan = (int) p[5];

   if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   insamps = (int) (dur * SR + 0.5);
   if (inchan >= inputChannels())
      return die("JFIR", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
                                                      inchan, inputChannels());
   float ringdur = (float) order / SR;
   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur + ringdur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;

   double *response_table = NULL;
	int tablelen = 0;
	if (n_args > 8) {      // handle table coming in as optional p8 TablePField
		response_table = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &tablelen);
	if (response_table == NULL) {
		response_table = floc(2);
		if (response_table == NULL)
			return die("JFIR", "Either use the frequency response pfield (p8) "
                    "or make an old-style gen function in slot 2.");
		tablelen = fsize(2);

   if (order < 1)
      return die("JFIR", "Order must be greater than 0.");

   filt = new NZero(SR, order);
   filt->designFromFunctionTable(response_table, tablelen, 0, 0);

   amparray = floc(1);
   if (amparray) {
      int lenamp = fsize(1);
      tableset(SR, dur, lenamp, amptabs);

   return nSamps();
Пример #8
int WAVY::init(double p[], int n_args)
	if (n_args < 9)
		return usage();
	_nargs = n_args;

	const float outskip = p[0];
	const float dur = p[1];

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
	if (outputChannels() < 1 || outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("WAVY", "Must have mono or stereo output only.");

	int wavelenA;
	double *wavetabA = (double *) getPFieldTable(6, &wavelenA);
	if (wavetabA == NULL)
		return die("WAVY", "p6 must be wavetable (use maketable)");

	int wavelenB;
	double *wavetabB = (double *) getPFieldTable(7, &wavelenB);
	if (wavetabB == NULL) {
		wavetabB = wavetabA;
		wavelenB = wavelenA;

	_oscilA = new Ooscil(SR, 440.0, wavetabA, wavelenA);
	_oscilB = new Ooscil(SR, 440.0, wavetabB, wavelenB);

	if (setExpression() != 0)

	assert(_fp != NULL || _combiner != NULL);

	return nSamps();
Пример #9
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- configure --
int SPECTACLE2_BASE::configure()
	_inbuf = new float [RTBUFSAMPS * inputChannels()];
	_input = new float [_window_len];            // interior input buffer
	_output = new float [_window_len];           // interior output buffer
	_anal_bins = new float [_fftlen + 2];        // analysis bins
	if (_inbuf == NULL || _input == NULL || _output == NULL || _anal_bins == NULL)
		return -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < _window_len; i++)
		_input[i] = _output[i] = 0.0f;

	// Delay dry output by latency to sync with wet sig.
	_dry_delay = new Odelay(_window_len);

	// Read index chases write index by _decimation; add 2 extra locations to
	// keep read point from stepping on write point.  Verify with asserts in
	// increment_out_*_index().
	_outframes = _decimation + 2;
	_out_read_index = _outframes - _decimation;
	_out_write_index = 0;
	_outbuf = new float [_outframes];
	if (_outbuf == NULL)
		return -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < _outframes; i++)
		_outbuf[i] = 0.0f;
	DPRINT1("_outframes: %d\n", _outframes);

	_bucket = new Obucket(_decimation, process_wrapper, (void *) this);

	_fft = new Offt(_fftlen);
	_fft_buf = _fft->getbuf();

	_anal_window = new float [_window_len];
	_synth_window = new float [_window_len];
	if (_anal_window == NULL || _synth_window == NULL)
		return -1;
	int len;
	double *window = (double *) getPFieldTable(_window_pfield_index, &len);
	if (make_windows(window, len) != 0)

	if (subconfigure() != 0)
		return -1;

	return 0;
Пример #10
int WAVETABLE::init(double p[], int n_args)
    float outskip = p[0];
    float dur = p[1];

    if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
        return DONT_SCHEDULE;
    if (outputChannels() > 2)
        return die("WAVETABLE", "Can't handle more than 2 output channels.");

    initamp(dur, p, 2, AMP_GEN_SLOT);

    freqraw = p[3];
    float freq;
    if (freqraw < 15.0)
        freq = cpspch(freqraw);
        freq = freqraw;

    spread = p[4];

    wavetable = NULL;
    int tablelen = 0;
    if (n_args > 5)		// handle table coming in as optional p5 TablePField
        wavetable = (double *) getPFieldTable(5, &tablelen);
    if (wavetable == NULL) {
        wavetable = floc(WAVET_GEN_SLOT);
        if (wavetable)
            tablelen = fsize(WAVET_GEN_SLOT);
        else {
            rtcmix_advise("WAVETABLE", "No wavetable specified, so using sine wave.");
            tablelen = 1024;
            wavetable = new double [tablelen];
            ownWavetable = true;
            const double twopi = M_PI * 2.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < tablelen; i++)
                wavetable[i] = sin(twopi * ((double) i / tablelen));
    if (tablelen > 32767)
        return die("WAVETABLE", "wavetable must have fewer than 32768 samples.");

    osc = new Ooscili(SR, freq, wavetable, tablelen);

    return nSamps();
int MBOWED :: init(double p[], int n_args)
    nargs = n_args;

    if (rtsetoutput(p[0], p[1], this) == -1)
        return DONT_SCHEDULE;

    amptable = floc(1);
    if (amptable) // the amp array has been created using makegen
        theEnv = new Ooscili(SR, 1.0/p[1], 1);

    theRand = new Orand();

    if (n_args < 10)
        thePressure = new Ooscili(SR, 1.0/p[1], 2);

    if (n_args < 11)
        thePosition = new Ooscili(SR, 1.0/p[1], 3);

    viblo = p[4];
    vibhi = p[5];

    int vtablelen = 0;
    if (n_args > 11) // if vibrato waveform is p11 table-handle
        vibtable = (double *) getPFieldTable(11, &vtablelen);
    if (vibtable == NULL) {
        vibtable = floc(4);
        if (vibtable == NULL)
            return die("MBOWED", "no vibrato waveform in function slot 4 or p11");
        vtablelen = fsize(4);
    theVib = new Ooscili(SR, theRand->range(viblo, vibhi), vibtable, vtablelen);
    vibupdate = 0;

    freqbase = p[3] - (p[6] * p[3]);
    freqamp = 2.0 * (p[6] * p[3]);

    theBow = new Bowed(50.0); // 50 Hz is lowest freq for now

    theBow->noteOn(p[3], p[5]);

    pctleft = n_args > 7 ? p[7] : 0.5;                /* default is .5 */

    return nSamps();
Пример #12
int DUMP::init(double p[], int n_args)
	nargs = n_args;
	float outskip = p[0];
	float dur = p[1];

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)

	if (outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("DUMP", "Output must be mono or stereo.");

	if (nargs > 3)
		table = (double *) getPFieldTable(3, &tablelen);
	skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

	return nSamps();
Пример #13
int SHAPE :: init(double p[], int n_args)
   nargs = n_args;
   float outskip = p[0];
   float inskip = p[1];
   float dur = p[2];
   amp = p[3];
   min_index = p[4];
   max_index = p[5];
   int ampnorm_genno = (int) p[6];
   inchan = n_args > 7 ? (int) p[7] : 0;             /* default is chan 0 */

   if (n_args < 7)
      return die("SHAPE", "Needs at least 7 arguments.");

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;

   if (inchan >= inputChannels())
      return die("SHAPE", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
                                                   inchan, inputChannels());

   if (max_index < min_index)
      return die("SHAPE",
                 "Max. distortion index must not be less than min. index.");

   double *function = floc(1);
   if (function) {
      int len = fsize(1);
      amp_table = new TableL(SR, dur, function, len);

   function = NULL;
   int tablelen = 0;
   if (n_args > 9) {    // handle table coming in as optional p9 TablePField
      function = (double *) getPFieldTable(9, &tablelen);
   if (function == NULL) {
      function = floc(2);
      if (function == NULL)
         return die("SHAPE", "Either use the transfer function pfield (p9) "
                    "or make an old-style gen function in slot 2.");
      tablelen = fsize(2);
   shaper = new WavShape();
   shaper->setTransferFunc(function, tablelen);

   function = NULL;
	if (n_args < 11) {		// no p10 guide PField, must use gen table
      function = floc(3);
      if (function) {
         int len = fsize(3);
         index_table = new TableL(SR, dur, function, len);
         rtcmix_advise("SHAPE", "Setting distortion index curve to all 1's.");

   /* Construct the <ampnorm> WavShape object if (1) p6 is a TablePField, or
      (2) if p6 is non-zero, in which case use p6 as the gen slot for the
      amp norm function.  If p6 is zero, then don't construct <ampnorm>.
   function = NULL;
   const PField &field = getPField(6);
   tablelen = field.values();
   function = (double *) field;
   if (function == NULL) {    // no table pfield
      if (ampnorm_genno > 0) {
         function = floc(ampnorm_genno);
         if (function == NULL)
            return die("SHAPE", "You specified table %d as the amplitude "
                    "normalization function, but you didn't create the table.",
         tablelen = fsize(ampnorm_genno);
   if (function) {
      ampnorm = new WavShape();
      ampnorm->setTransferFunc(function, tablelen);

   dcblocker = new DCBlock();

   skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

   return nSamps();
Пример #14
int JGRAN :: init(double p[], int n_args)
   nargs = n_args;
   float outskip = p[0];
   float dur = p[1];
   int seed = (int) p[3];
   osctype = (p[4] == 0.0) ? AS : FM;
   randomize_phase = n_args > 5 ? (bool) p[5] : true;    // default: yes

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (outputChannels() > 2)
      return die("JGRAN", "Output must be mono or stereo.");

   amp_table = make_table(1, dur, SR);

   // get grain envelope table
   double *function = NULL;
   int tablelen = 0;
	if (n_args > 6) {       // handle table coming in as optional p6 TablePField
		function = (double *) getPFieldTable(6, &tablelen);
	if (function == NULL) {
		function = floc(2);
		if (function == NULL)
			return die("JGRAN", "Either use the grain envelope pfield (p6) "
                    "or make an old-style gen function in slot 2.");
		tablelen = fsize(2);
   grainenv_oscil = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, function, tablelen);

   // get grain waveform table and create oscillator(s)
   function = NULL;
   tablelen = 0;
	if (n_args > 7) {       // handle table coming in as optional p7 TablePField
		function = (double *) getPFieldTable(7, &tablelen);
	if (function == NULL) {
		function = floc(3);
		if (function == NULL) {
         tablelen = DEFAULT_WAVETABLE_SIZE;
         rtcmix_advise("JGRAN", "Using sine for grain waveform (no table 3).");
		   tablelen = fsize(3);
   car_oscil = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, function, tablelen);
   if (osctype == FM)
      mod_oscil = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, function, tablelen);

   // create additional tables, if corresponding pfield is missing
   if (osctype == FM) {
      if (n_args <= 8) {
         modmult_table = make_table(4, dur, SR);
         if (modmult_table == NULL)
            return die("JGRAN", "Either use the modulation frequency "
                                "multiplier pfield (p8) or make an old-style "
                                "gen function in slot 4.");
      if (n_args <= 9) {
         modindex_table = make_table(5, dur, SR);
         if (modindex_table == NULL)
            return die("JGRAN", "Either use the index envelope pfield (p9) "
                                "or make an old-style gen function in slot 5.");
   if (n_args <= 10) {
      minfreq_table = make_table(6, dur, SR);
      if (minfreq_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the min. grain frequency pfield (p10) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 6.");
   if (n_args <= 11) {
      maxfreq_table = make_table(7, dur, SR);
      if (maxfreq_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the max. grain frequency pfield (p11) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 7.");
   if (n_args <= 12) {
      minspeed_table = make_table(8, dur, SR);
      if (minspeed_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the min. grain speed pfield (p12) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 8.");
   if (n_args <= 13) {
      maxspeed_table = make_table(9, dur, SR);
      if (maxspeed_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the max. grain speed pfield (p13) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 9.");
   if (n_args <= 14) {
      minintens_table = make_table(10, dur, SR);
      if (minintens_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the min. grain intensity pfield (p14) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 10.");
   if (n_args <= 15) {
      maxintens_table = make_table(11, dur, SR);
      if (maxintens_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the max. grain intensity pfield (p15) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 11.");
   if (n_args <= 16) {
      density_table = make_table(12, dur, SR);
      if (density_table == NULL)
         return die("JGRAN", "Either use the grain density pfield (p16) "
                             "or make an old-style gen function in slot 12.");
   if (outputChannels() == 2) {
      if (n_args <= 17) {
         pan_table = make_table(13, dur, SR);
         if (pan_table == NULL)
            return die("JGRAN", "Either use the pan pfield (p17) or make an "
                                "old-style gen function in slot 13.");
      if (n_args <= 18) {
         panvar_table = make_table(14, dur, SR);
         if (panvar_table == NULL)
            return die("JGRAN", "Either use the pan randomization pfield (p18) "
                               "or make an old-style gen function in slot 14.");

   // seed multipliers straight from Piche/Bezkorowajny source
   durnoi = new JGNoise((unsigned int) seed * 243);
   freqnoi = new JGNoise((unsigned int) seed * 734);
   pannoi = new JGNoise((unsigned int) seed * 634);
   ampnoi = new JGNoise((unsigned int) seed * 824);
   if (randomize_phase)
      phasenoi = new JGNoise((unsigned int) seed * 951);

   krate = resetval;
   skip = (int) (SR / (float) krate);

   return nSamps();
int WAVESHAPE::init(double p[], int n_args)
	nargs = n_args;
	float outskip = p[0];
	float dur = p[1];
	rawfreq = p[2];
	doampnorm = n_args > 10 ? (bool) p[10] : true;

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
	if (outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("WAVESHAPE", "Can't handle more than 2 output channels.");

	waveform = NULL;
	int tablelen = 0;
	if (n_args > 7) {		// handle table coming in as optional p7 TablePField
		waveform = (double *) getPFieldTable(7, &tablelen);
	if (waveform == NULL) {
		waveform = floc(WAVE_GEN_SLOT);
		if (waveform == NULL)
			return die("WAVESHAPE", "Either use the wavetable pfield (p7) or make "
						"an old-style gen function in slot %d.", WAVE_GEN_SLOT);
		tablelen = fsize(WAVE_GEN_SLOT);

	float freq = rawfreq;
	if (rawfreq < 15.0)
		freq = cpspch(rawfreq);

	osc = new Ooscili(SR, freq, waveform, tablelen);

	xferfunc = NULL;
	lenxfer = 0;
	if (n_args > 8) {		// handle table coming in as optional p8 TablePField
		xferfunc = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &lenxfer);
	if (xferfunc == NULL) {
		xferfunc = floc(XFER_GEN_SLOT);
		if (xferfunc == NULL)
			return die("WAVESHAPE", "Either use the transfer function pfield "
						"(p8) or make an old-style gen function in slot %d.",
		lenxfer = fsize(XFER_GEN_SLOT);

	indenv = NULL;
	if (n_args < 10) {	// no p9 guide PField, so must use gen table
		indenv = floc(INDEX_GEN_SLOT);
		if (indenv == NULL)
			return die("WAVESHAPE", "Either use the index pfield (p9) or make "
						"an old-style gen function in slot %d.", INDEX_GEN_SLOT);
		lenind = fsize(INDEX_GEN_SLOT);
		tableset(SR, dur, lenind, indtabs);

	ampenv = floc(AMP_GEN_SLOT);
	if (ampenv) {
		int lenamp = fsize(AMP_GEN_SLOT);
		tableset(SR, dur, lenamp, amptabs);

	setDCBlocker(freq, true);		// initialize dc blocking filter

	skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

	return nSamps();
Пример #16
int SPECTACLE2::subinit(double p[], int n_args)
	_eqtable = (double *) getPFieldTable(10, &_eqtablen);
	if (!_eqtable)
		_eqconst = p[10];

	int deltimetablen;
	_deltimetable = (double *) getPFieldTable(11, &deltimetablen);
	if (!_deltimetable)
		_deltimeconst = p[11];		// read later in this function

	int feedbacktablen;
	_feedbacktable = (double *) getPFieldTable(12, &feedbacktablen);
	if (!_feedbacktable)
		_feedbackconst = p[12];

	// Delay and feedback tables, if they exist, must be the same size.
	int cntltablen = 0;
	if (_deltimetable)
		cntltablen = deltimetablen;
	if (_feedbacktable) {
		cntltablen = feedbacktablen;
		if (_deltimetable && (feedbacktablen != deltimetablen))
			return die(instname(), "Delay time and feedback tables must be the "
		                          "same size.");
	_control_table_size = cntltablen;

	int binmaptablen;
	double *binmaptable = (double *) getPFieldTable(17, &binmaptablen);
	if (binmaptable) {
		if (binmaptablen != _eqtablen || binmaptablen != _control_table_size)
			die(instname(), "The bin-mapping table (p17) must be the same size as "
			                "the EQ and delay tables (p10-12).");
		if (p[13] != 0.0
			|| (p[14] != 0.0 || p[14] != _nyquist)
			|| p[15] != 0.0
			|| (p[16] != 0.0 || p[16] != _nyquist))
			rtcmix_warn(instname(), "Use of the bin-mapping table ignores the freq. "
			                 "ranges set in p13-16.");

	// Init delay minfreq and maxfreq, so that bin groups will be ready for use
	// below.  This calls update_bin_groups, which reads _control_table_size.
	set_freqrange(p[15], p[16]);

	// Compute maximum delay lag and create delay lines for FFT magnitude
	// and phase values.  Make ringdur at least as long as the longest
	// delay time.  Remember that these delays function at the decimation
	// rate, not at the audio rate, so the memory footprint is not as large
	// as you would expect -- about 44100 samples per second at fftlen=1024,
	// overlap=2 and SR=44100.

	// Set max delay time and bounds-check initial state of delay time array.
	// Also increase ringdur to accommodate longest delay time, if necessary.
	// Note that if user updates delay time table while running, values are
	// pinned to max delay time without notification.

	_maxdelsamps = long(kMaxDelayTime * SR / float(_decimation) + 0.5);
	float maxtime = 0.0f;
	float deltime = _deltimeconst;
	for (int i = 0; i <= _half_fftlen; i++) {
		if (_deltimetable)
			deltime = _deltimetable[_bin_groups[i]];
		if (deltime < 0.0f || deltime > kMaxDelayTime)
			return die(instname(), "Delay times must be between 0 and %g seconds.",
		if (deltime > maxtime)
			maxtime = deltime;
	float ringdur = p[5];
	if (ringdur < maxtime)
		ringdur = maxtime;	// but will still cut off any trailing feedback

	DPRINT3("decimation=%d, _maxdelsamps=%ld, ringdur=%g\n",
											_decimation, _maxdelsamps, ringdur);
	return 0;
Пример #17
int VOCODE3::init(double p[], int n_args)
	_nargs = n_args;
	if (_nargs < 11)
		return usage();

	const float outskip = p[0];
	const float inskip = p[1];
	const float dur = p[2];

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
	if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)

	if (outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("VOCODE3", "Output must be either mono or stereo.");
	if (inputChannels() != 2)
		return die("VOCODE3",
		"Must use 2 input channels: 'left' for carrier; 'right' for modulator.");

	_modtable_src = (double *) getPFieldTable(4, &_numfilts);
	if (_modtable_src == NULL)
		return die("VOCODE3", "p4 must have the modulator center freq. table.");
	int len;
	_cartable_src = (double *) getPFieldTable(5, &len);
	if (_cartable_src == NULL)
		return die("VOCODE3", "p5 must have the carrier center freq. table.");
	if (len != _numfilts)
		return die("VOCODE3", "Modulator and carrier center freq. tables must "
									 "be the same size.");
	_modtable_prev = new double [_numfilts];   // these two arrays inited below
	_cartable_prev = new double [_numfilts];

	_maptable_src = (double *) getPFieldTable(6, &len);
	if (_maptable_src && (len != _numfilts))
		return die("VOCODE3", "Center freq. mapping table (p6) must be the same "
									 "size as the modulator and carrier tables.");
	_maptable = new int [_numfilts];
	if (_maptable_src) {
		for (int i = 0; i < _numfilts; i++)
			_maptable[i] = int(_maptable_src[i]);
	else {	// no user mapping table; make linear mapping
		for (int i = 0; i < _numfilts; i++)
			_maptable[i] = i;

	_scaletable = (double *) getPFieldTable(7, &len);
	if (_scaletable && (len != _numfilts))
		return die("VOCODE3", "The carrier scaling table must be the same size "
		                      "(%d elements) as the carrier frequency table.",

	_modtransp = p[8];
	_cartransp = p[9];
	_modq = p[10];
	_carq = p[11];

	_lastmod = new float [_numfilts];

	_modulator_filt = new Oequalizer * [_numfilts];
	_carrier_filt = new Oequalizer * [_numfilts];
	_balancer = new Obalance * [_numfilts];

#ifdef NOTYET
	const bool print_stats = Option::printStats();
	const bool print_stats = true;
	if (print_stats) {
		rtcmix_advise(NULL, "VOCODE3:  mod. CF\tcar. CF  [Hz, after transp]");
		rtcmix_advise(NULL, "          (Q=%2.1f)\t(Q=%2.1f)", _modq, _carq);
		rtcmix_advise(NULL, "          -----------------------------------------");

	for (int i = 0; i < _numfilts; i++) {
		_modulator_filt[i] = new Oequalizer(SR, kBandPassType);
		_modtable_prev[i] = _modtable_src[i];
		float mfreq = updateFreq(_modtable_src[i], _modtransp);
		_modulator_filt[i]->setparams(mfreq, _modq);

		_carrier_filt[i] = new Oequalizer(SR, kBandPassType);
		_cartable_prev[i] = _cartable_src[i];
		float cfreq = updateFreq(_cartable_src[i], _cartransp);
		_carrier_filt[i]->setparams(cfreq, _carq);

		_balancer[i] = new Obalance(SR);

		_lastmod[i] = 0.0f;	// not necessary

		if (print_stats)
			rtcmix_advise(NULL, "          %7.1f\t%7.1f", mfreq, cfreq);

	return nSamps();
Пример #18
int WIGGLE::init(double p[], int n_args)
   const float outskip = p[0];
   const float dur = p[1];
   depth_type = (n_args > 4) ? getDepthType(p[4]) : NoModOsc;
   filter_type = (n_args > 5) ? getFiltType(p[5]) : NoFilter;

   float ringdur;
   if (filter_type == NoFilter) {
      nfilts = 0;
      ringdur = 0.0f;
   else {
      if (filter_type != LowPass && filter_type != HighPass)
         return die("WIGGLE", "Filter type (p5) must be 0, 1, or 2.");
      nfilts = (n_args > 6) ? int(p[6]) : 1;
      if (nfilts < 1 || nfilts > MAXFILTS)
         return die("WIGGLE",
                    "Steepness (p6) must be an integer between 1 and %d.",
      if (n_args > 7)
         do_balance = bool(p[7]);
      if (do_balance) {
         balancer = new Balance(SR);
      ringdur = 0.1f;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur + ringdur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (outputChannels() < 1 || outputChannels() > 2)
      return die("WIGGLE", "Output must be mono or stereo.");

   for (int i = 0; i < nfilts; i++)
      filt[i] = new Butter(SR);

   double *array = floc(AMP_FUNC);
   if (array) {
      int len = fsize(AMP_FUNC);
      amp_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);

   int len;
   if (n_args > 8)
      carwave_array = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &len);
   if (carwave_array == NULL) {
      carwave_array = floc(CAR_WAVE_FUNC);
      if (carwave_array == NULL)
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the carrier wavetable pfield (p8), "
                              "or make an old-style gen function in slot %d.",
      len = fsize(CAR_WAVE_FUNC);
   carrier = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, carwave_array, len);

   array = floc(CAR_GLISS_FUNC);
   if (array) {
      len = fsize(CAR_GLISS_FUNC);
      cargliss_table = new TableN(SR, dur, array, len);

   if (depth_type != NoModOsc) {
      if (n_args > 9)
         modwave_array = (double *) getPFieldTable(9, &len);
      if (modwave_array == NULL) {
         modwave_array = floc(MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
         if (modwave_array == NULL)
            return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator wavetable pfield "
                                 "(p9), or make an old-style gen function "
                                 "in slot %d.", MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
         len = fsize(MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
      modulator = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, modwave_array, len);

      array = floc(MOD_FREQ_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(MOD_FREQ_FUNC);
         modfreq_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 11)    // no p10 mod freq
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator frequency pfield "
                              "(p10), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", MOD_FREQ_FUNC);

      array = floc(MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);
         moddepth_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 12)    // no p11 mod depth
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator depth pfield "
                              "(p11), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);

   if (filter_type != NoFilter) {
      array = floc(FILTER_CF_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(FILTER_CF_FUNC);
         filtcf_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 13)    // no p12 filter cf
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the filter cutoff frequency pfield "
                              "(p12), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", FILTER_CF_FUNC);

   if (outputChannels() == 2) {
      array = floc(PAN_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(PAN_FUNC);
         pan_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 14)    // no p13 pan
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the pan pfield (p13), or make an "
                              "old-style gen function in slot %d.", PAN_FUNC);

   cpsoct10 = cpsoct(10.0);

   return nSamps();
Пример #19
int CONVOLVE1::init(double p[], int n_args)
	const float outskip = p[0];
	const float inskip = p[1];
	const float indur = p[2];
	const float impskip = p[5];
	const float impdur = p[6];
	if (impdur <= 0.0)
		return die("CONVOLVE1", "Impulse duration must be greater than zero.");
	_impgain = p[7];
	_wetpct = p[9];	// NB: used before first call to doupdate
	if (_wetpct < 0.0 || _wetpct > 1.0)
		return die("CONVOLVE1", "Wet percent must be between 0 and 1.");
	_inchan = int(p[10]);

	// Read impulse response table, and set FFT size based on this.
	_imptab = (double *) getPFieldTable(4, &_imptablen);
	if (_imptab == NULL)
		return die("CONVOLVE1", "Must store impulse response in a table.");
	_impStartIndex = int(impskip * SR + 0.5);
	if (_impStartIndex >= _imptablen)
		return die("CONVOLVE1", "Impulse start time exceeds impulse duration.");
	int impend = _impStartIndex + int(impdur * SR + 0.5);
	// NOTE: <impend> may be past end of table; we handle that in prepareImpulse.
	DPRINT2("impend=%d, _imptablen=%d\n", impend, _imptablen);
	_impframes = impend - _impStartIndex;

	_halfFFTlen = kMinFFTsize / 2;
	for ( ; _halfFFTlen < kMaxImpulseFrames; _halfFFTlen *= 2)
		if (_halfFFTlen >= _impframes)
	_fftlen = 2 * _halfFFTlen;
	DPRINT2("_impframes=%d, _halfFFTlen=%d\n", _impframes, _halfFFTlen);
	rtcmix_advise("CONVOLVE1", "Using %d impulse response frames.  FFT length is %d.",
				_impframes, _fftlen);

	if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
		return DONT_SCHEDULE;	// no input
	if (_inchan >= inputChannels())
		return die("CONVOLVE1", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel input.",
										_inchan, inputChannels());

	// Latency is the delay before the FFT looks at actual input rather than
	// zero-padding.  Need to let inst run long enough to compensate for this.

	const float latency = float(_impframes) / SR;
	const float ringdur = latency;
	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, latency + indur + ringdur, this) == -1)
	if (outputChannels() > 2)
		return die("CONVOLVE1", "Must have mono or stereo output.");
	_inframes = int(indur * SR + 0.5);		// not including latency

	int winlen;
	double *wintab = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &winlen);
	if (wintab) {
		if (winlen > 32767)	// limit for new fixed-point Ooscili
			return die("CONVOLVE1", "Window table size must be less than 32768.");
		const float freq = 1.0 / ((float) _impframes / SR);
		_winosc = new Ooscili(SR, freq, wintab, winlen);

	return nSamps();