Пример #1
bool RobotAgent::isObjectCollision() {

	for (int i = 0; i < gAgentWidth; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < gAgentHeight; j++) {
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gEnvironmentImage, _x+i, _y+j);
			if (pixel != G_COLOR_WHITE) {
				Uint8 r, g, b;
				SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gEnvironmentImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
				if (r == 0xFF) {
					int id = gPuckMap[_x+i][_y+j];

					SimpleShellsAgentWorldModel* wm = static_cast<SimpleShellsAgentWorldModel*>(_wm);
					if (wm) {

					// TODO: this might bethe right way to do it, but better tweak the distribution, so it won't fall twice at same place.
					return isObjectCollision();
				} else {
					return true;

	return false;
Пример #2
SDL_Palette genScanSurface(SDL_Surface * surf, unsigned char colors)
    int max_attempts = surf->w * SCAN_ATTEMPTS_MULTIPLIER;
    SDL_Palette pal;

    int i = 1;
    int z = 0;
    pal.colors = calloc(sizeof(SDL_Color), (unsigned char)-1);
    pal.ncolors = 1;

    // black color by default
    pal.colors[0].r = 0;
    pal.colors[0].g = 0;
    pal.colors[0].b = 0;

    while(i++ < max_attempts && pal.ncolors <= colors)
        // Getting a random pixel from input surface
        SDL_Color col;
        unsigned int c = getPixel32(surf, (int)rand()%surf->w, (int)rand()%surf->h);

        for (z = 0; z < pal.ncolors; z++) {
            if (col.r == pal.colors[z].r && col.g == pal.colors[z].g && col.b == pal.colors[z].b) break;

        if (z < pal.ncolors) continue; //pixel exist!

        pal.colors[pal.ncolors++] = col;

    return pal;
Пример #3
void RobotAgent::updateSensors() {
	// update sensors
	double orientationAngle = _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180;
	gUseDitchSensors = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < _wm->_sensorCount; i++) {
		// Warning: the following is repeated in the show method because coordinates are not stored, but are needed to display the sensor rays.

		_wm->_rangeSensors[i]->update(_wm->_xReal, _wm->_yReal, orientationAngle);

		_wm->_sensors[i][5] = _wm->_rangeSensors[i]->_obstacleRange;
		_wm->_sensors[i][6] = _wm->_rangeSensors[i]->_obstacleId;

		// Cast another sensor on the zone map to detect ditches. TODO: Can see ditches behind obstacles?
		if (gUseDitchSensors) {
			_wm->_ditchSensor[i] = _wm->_rangeSensors[i]->_obstacleRange;

    updateSensorArray(_wm->_rangeSensors, _wm->_sensorCount, _wm->_xReal, _wm->_yReal, orientationAngle);
    for (int i = 0; i < _wm->_sensorCount; i++) {
        _wm->_sensors[i][5] = _wm->_rangeSensors[i]->_obstacleRange;
        _wm->_sensors[i][6] = _wm->_rangeSensors[i]->_obstacleId;

	Uint32 pixel;
	Uint8 r, g, b;
	pixel = getPixel32(gZoneImage, _wm->_xReal, _wm->_yReal);
	SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gZoneImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
	_wm->_floorSensor = r;
void DefaultSensors::update(Point2d position, double orientation){
	// update sensors
	for (int i = 0; i < _sensorCount; i++) {
		// Warning: the following is repeated in the show method because coordinates are not stored, but are needed to display the sensor rays.
		double x1 = (position.x + _sensors[i][1] * cos(_sensors[i][2] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
		double y1 = (position.y + _sensors[i][1] * sin(_sensors[i][2] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
		double x2 = (position.x + _sensors[i][3] * cos(_sensors[i][4] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
		double y2 = (position.y + _sensors[i][3] * sin(_sensors[i][4] + orientation * M_PI / 180));

		// cast sensor ray.
		_sensors[i][5] = castSensorRay(gEnvironmentImage, x1, y1, &x2, &y2, getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i)); // x2 and y2 are overriden with collision coordinate if ray hits object. -- not used here.
		Uint8 r, g, b;
		Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gEnvironmentImage, x2, y2);
		SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gEnvironmentImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
		_sensors[i][6] = (r << 16)+(g << 8) + b; // R=objects, B=agents, can only be one agent OR one object in each location.

		if(gEnergyMode) {
			// Cast another sensor on the energy map to detect energy points
            ResourceFactory<EnergyPoint>::ResourceFactoryPtr factory = ResourceFactory<EnergyPoint>::getInstance();

			double xx1 = (position.x + _sensors[i][1] * cos(_sensors[i][2] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
			double yy1 = (position.y + _sensors[i][1] * sin(_sensors[i][2] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
			double xx2 = (position.x + _sensors[i][3] * cos(_sensors[i][4] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
			double yy2 = (position.y + _sensors[i][3] * sin(_sensors[i][4] + orientation * M_PI / 180));
			_energySensor[i][0] = factory->castRay(xx1, yy1, &xx2, &yy2, getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i));

            Uint8 r, g, b;
            factory->getRGB(xx2, yy2, &r, &g, &b);
            if(r != 0xff){
                _energySensor[i][1] = r; // R=level of energy
                _energySensor[i][1] = 0; // white = no energy

	} //(old: (r<<16)+(g<<8)+b;)

	Uint8 r, g, b;
	Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gZoneImage, position.x, position.y);
	SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gZoneImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
	_floorSensor = r;
Пример #5
bool Puck::testEnvironment() {
	Sint16 xc = _xCenterPixel, yc = _yCenterPixel, r = _radius;
	for (Sint16 xi = xc - r; xi < xc + r; xi++) {
		for (Sint16 yi = yc - r; yi < yc + r; yi++) {
			if (getPixel32(gEnvironmentImage, xi, yi) != COLOR_WHITE) {
				return false;
	return true;
Пример #6
void composite(SDL_Surface* src, SDL_Surface *dest, int offsetX, int offsetY)
    if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(dest)) SDL_LockSurface(dest);
    if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(src)) SDL_LockSurface(src);

    for(int x=0; x < src->w; x++)
        for(int y=0; y<src->h; y++)
            Uint32 srcpixel = getPixel32(src, x, y);
            if(srcpixel & 0xff000000)
                putPixel32(dest, x+offsetX, y+offsetY, srcpixel);
            Uint32 destpixel = getPixel32(dest, x+offsetX, y+offsetY);
            putPixel32(dest, x+offsetX, y+offsetY, destpixel);

    if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(dest)) SDL_UnlockSurface(dest);
    if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(src)) SDL_UnlockSurface(src);
Пример #7
 * Display agent on screen. Add information caption if needed.
 * (render mode only) 
void Agent::show() // display on screen
	//Show the dot
	if (gUseOrganisms && _connectToOthers == POSITIVE) {
		apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentPositiveMaskImage, gScreen);
	} else if (gUseOrganisms && _connectToOthers == NEGATIVE) {
		apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentNegativeMaskImage, gScreen);
	} else {
		apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentMaskImage, gScreen);

	Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gZoneImage, _x, _y);
	if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gZoneImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) // check if there's a "story" to display
		// extract story index (if any)
		Uint8 r, g, b;
		SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gZoneImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
		int storyId = b; // assume the blue component holds the story index.

		if (storyId >= 0 && storyId < 256 && gZoneCaptionImage[storyId] != NULL && gZoneStatus[storyId]) // security check: story exists?
			// display story caption

			//set caption position 
			int xCaption = 0, yCaption = 0;
			if (_x < gAreaWidth / 2)
				xCaption = _x - gCamera.x + 40;
				xCaption = _x - gCamera.x - gZoneCaptionImage[storyId]->w - 40;
			if (_y < gAreaHeight / 2)
				yCaption = _y - gCamera.y + 40;
				yCaption = _y - gCamera.y - gZoneCaptionImage[storyId]->h - 40;

			//display caption
			apply_surface(xCaption, yCaption, gZoneCaptionImage[storyId], gScreen);

			// update story flags (if needed)
			if (storyId >= 100 && storyId < 200 && storyId % 10 == 0) // key story, btw 100 and 199: activate story flag of the 9 next sub-stories
				for (int i = 1; i != 10; i++)
					gZoneStatus[storyId + i] = true;
			} else
				if (storyId >= 200 && storyId < 256 && storyId % 10 != 9) // sub-story, btw 200 and 299: activate the next story flag (if not last)
				gZoneStatus[storyId + 1] = true;

Пример #8
SDL_Surface* flipSurface(SDL_Surface* surf, int flags)
    SDL_Surface* flipped = NULL;
    flipped = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, surf->w, surf->h, surf->format->BitsPerPixel, surf->format->Rmask,
                                    surf->format->Gmask, surf->format->Bmask, surf->format->Amask );

    if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(surf)) SDL_LockSurface(surf);

    for(int x=0, rx=flipped->w - 1; x < flipped->w; x++, rx--)
        for(int y=0, ry=flipped->h-1; y<flipped->h; y++, ry--)
            Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(surf, x, y);
            if((flags & FLIP_HORIZONTAL) && (flags & FLIP_VERTICAL)) putPixel32(flipped, rx, ry, pixel);
            else if(flags & FLIP_VERTICAL) putPixel32(flipped, x, ry, pixel);
            else putPixel32(flipped, rx, y, pixel);
    if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(surf)) SDL_UnlockSurface(surf);

    return flipped;
Пример #9
void Sprite::flipSurface( SDL_Surface* src, SDL_Surface* desk, Vec2i begin, Vec2i end ) {

	if (SDL_MUSTLOCK( src )) {
		SDL_LockSurface( src );

	for ( int y = begin.y ; y < end.y ; y++ ) {
		//Go through columns
		for ( int x = begin.x ; x < end.x ; x++ ) {
			putPixel32( desk, (x - begin.x), (y - begin.y), getPixel32( src, x, y ));

	if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK( src ) ) {
		SDL_UnlockSurface( src );

	//Copy color key 
	if ( src->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ) {
				src->format->colorkey );
bool ParcoursWorldInterface::checkDitch(double x, double y){
	Uint8 r, g, b;
	Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gZoneImage, x, y);
	SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gZoneImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
	return (r == ParcoursSharedData::ZONE_VALUE);
	cast ray from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Stops whenever ray encounters something. (x2,y2) are update with point of contact
	__maxValue is the maximum distance possible -- ie. if no collision during ray casting (makes it possible to return an exact value without the cost of distance (with sqrt) computation)
int castSensorRay(SDL_Surface * image, double x1, double y1, double *x2pt, double *y2pt, int __maxValue )
	double x2 = *x2pt;
	double y2 = *y2pt;
	bool isCollision = false; // check collision btw sensor ray and object.
	if ( abs(x1-x2) > abs (y1-y2) )
		int it;
		double dy = (y1-y2) / (x1-x2);

		if ( (x1-x2) < 0 )
		double yReal = y1;
		for ( int x = (int)(x1+0.5) ; x != (int)(x2+0.5) ; x = x + it )
			if ( getPixel32 ( image, x, (int)(yReal+0.5) ) != SDL_MapRGB( image->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) )
				*x2pt = (double)x;
				*y2pt = yReal;
				isCollision = true;
			yReal += dy;
		int it;
		double dx = (x1-x2) / (y1-y2);

		if ( (y1-y2) < 0 )
		double xReal = x1;
		for ( int y = (int)(y1+0.5) ; y != (int)(y2+0.5) ; y = y + it )
			if ( getPixel32 ( image, (int)(xReal+0.5), y ) != SDL_MapRGB( image->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) )
				*x2pt = xReal;
				*y2pt = (double)y;
				isCollision = true;
			xReal += dx;

	if ( isCollision == false && __maxValue != -1 )
		return __maxValue;
		return sqrt ( ( x1 - *x2pt ) * ( x1 - *x2pt ) + ( y1 - *y2pt ) * ( y1 - *y2pt ) );
    // should be equal to gSensorRange; // no hit
MONEEControlArchitecture::MONEEControlArchitecture( RobotAgentWorldModel *__wm ) : BehaviorControlArchitecture ( __wm ) {
	_wm = (MONEEAgentWorldModel*)__wm;

	 * Adds the extra puckSensors to the active core sensor list, such that it
	 * can be used
	//register sensors
	for (int x = 0; x != gAgentWidth; x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y != gAgentHeight; y++) {
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gAgentSpecsImage, x, y);
			if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gAgentSpecsImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) {
				// sensor found, register sensor.
				Uint8 r, g, b;
				SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gAgentSpecsImage->format, &r, &g, &b);

//				if (_wm->getDefaultSensors()->getSensors()[r][0] != -1) {
//					std::cout << "[ERROR] robot sensor id already in use -- check agent specification image." << std::endl;
//					exit(-1);
//				}
				if (r >= _wm->getDefaultSensors()->getSensorCount()) {
					std::cout << "[ERROR] robot sensor id is not permitted (must be defined btw 0 and " << (_wm->getDefaultSensors()->getSensorCount() - 1) << ", got: " << r << ") -- check agent specification image." << std::endl;

				int sensorId = r;

				double dxOrigin = x - gAgentWidth / 2;
				double dyOrigin = y - gAgentHeight / 2;
				double originDistance = sqrt(dxOrigin * dxOrigin + dyOrigin * dyOrigin);

				double cosOrigin = dxOrigin / originDistance;
				double sinOrigin = dyOrigin / originDistance;

				// atan2 ?
				double originAngle;
				if (sinOrigin >= 0)
					originAngle = acos(cosOrigin) + M_PI * 0.5;
					originAngle = -acos(cosOrigin) + M_PI * 2.5;

				// sensor target point location wrt. agent center -- sensor target angle is (green+blue) component values
				// note: '-90deg' is due to image definition convention (in image, 0° means front of agent, which is upward -- while 0° in simulation means facing right)
				double targetAngle = (g + b - 90) * M_PI / 180;
				double sinTarget, cosTarget;
				sinOrigin = std::sin(targetAngle);
                cosOrigin = std::cos(targetAngle);
                sinTarget = std::sin(targetAngle);
                cosTarget = std::cos(targetAngle);
				double dxTarget = dxOrigin + cosTarget * gSensorRange;
				double dyTarget = dyOrigin + sinTarget * gSensorRange;
				double targetDistance = sqrt(dxTarget * dxTarget + dyTarget * dyTarget); // length (**from agent center**)

				// Now relatively to the center of agent, not the origin point
				cosTarget = dxTarget / targetDistance;
				sinTarget = dyTarget / targetDistance;

				if (sinTarget >= 0)
					targetAngle = acos(cosTarget) + M_PI * 0.5;
					targetAngle = -acos(cosTarget) + M_PI * 2.5;

				_rangeSensors[sensorId] = new PuckSensors(sensorId, originDistance, originAngle, targetDistance, targetAngle, gSensorRange);

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _rangeSensors.size(); i++){

    int tmpInt = 0;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gMaxGenePool", &tmpInt, true);
    gMaxGenePool = tmpInt;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gMaxLifetimeGathering", &tmpInt, true);
    _maxLifetime[PHASE_GATHERING] = tmpInt;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gMaxLifetimeMating", &tmpInt, true);
    _maxLifetime[PHASE_MATING] = tmpInt;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gHiddenNeuronCount", &tmpInt, true);
    _hiddenNeuronCount = tmpInt;
    _randomSelection = false;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gRandomSelection", &_randomSelection, false);
    _useMarket = true;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gUseMarket", &_useMarket, true);
    _useSpecBonus = false;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gUseSpecBonus", &_useSpecBonus, false);
    _task1Premium = 1.0;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gTask1Premium", &_task1Premium, 1.0);
    _selectionPressure = 1.5;
    gProperties.checkAndGetPropertyValue("gSelectionPressure", &_selectionPressure, 1.5);
    if (_hiddenNeuronCount > 0) {
        _parameterCount = (_wm->getDefaultSensors()->getSensorCount() * (gPuckColors + 1) + 1 + 2) * _hiddenNeuronCount + (_hiddenNeuronCount + 1) * 2;
        _response.assign(_hiddenNeuronCount, .0);
    } else {
        _parameterCount = (_wm->getDefaultSensors()->getSensorCount() * (gPuckColors + 1) + 1 + 2) * 2;


    _nearbyGenomes.reserve(gNbOfAgents); // Agent counter is unpredictable at this time

    _activeGenome.parameters.assign(_parameterCount, .0);
    mutate(_activeGenome.parameters, 1.0);

    _wm->_puckCounters = &(_activeGenome.pucks);
Пример #13
int TilesLoad(const char *fname)
    nil_tile = IMG_Load(NILT_FN);
    if(nil_tile == NULL)
        printf("File`s offline: %s\n", NILT_FN);
        return -1;
    SDL_Surface *t = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(nil_tile);
    SDL_Surface *s = zoomSurface(t, (double)tile_w_/t->w, (double)tile_h_/t->h, SMOOTHING_OFF);
    nil_tile = s;

    FILE *f;
    if((f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
        printf("Can`t reach the file: %s\n", fname);
        return -1;

    /* Skipping to second line */
    //fscanf(f, "\n");

    int recieved = 0;
    int current_tile = 0;
#define RESERVED 0x400
        if(tiles == NULL) tiles = malloc(sizeof(tilerecord_t));
        else tiles = realloc(tiles, sizeof(tilerecord_t)*(current_tile+1));
        tiles[current_tile].alright = 1; /* will be set to 0, once any fail happens */
        /* Reserving memory */
        tiles[current_tile].filename = malloc(RESERVED);
        memset(tiles[current_tile].filename, '\0', RESERVED);
        tiles[current_tile].dummy = malloc(RESERVED);
        if(fscanf(f, "%u:%u:%s\n", &tiles[current_tile].id, &tiles[current_tile].type,
                  tiles[current_tile].filename) != 3)
                      printf("TilesLoad(): WARNING: It seems like the input \
file have something wrong aboard (comments, etc.). Proceeding may result in fault!\n");
                      tiles[current_tile].alright = 0;
        tiles[current_tile].filename = realloc(tiles[current_tile].filename, strlen(tiles[current_tile].filename));
        char *fn = (char*)malloc(strlen(tiles[current_tile].filename)+strlen(TILEDIR EXTEN)+1);
        memset(fn, '\0', strlen(tiles[current_tile].filename)+strlen(TILEDIR EXTEN)+1);
        strcat(fn, TILEDIR);
        strcat(fn, tiles[current_tile].filename);
        strcat(fn, EXTEN);

        SDL_Surface *tmpsurf = SDL_LoadBMP(fn);
        if(tmpsurf == NULL)
            printf("TilesLoad(): Image wasn`t loaded successfully: %s\n", fn);
            tiles[current_tile].alright = 0;

        int x,y;
        tiles[current_tile].tile = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(tmpsurf);
        for(x = 0; x < tiles[current_tile].tile->w; x++)
            for(y = 0; y < tiles[current_tile].tile->h; y++)
                if(!(getPixel32(tiles[current_tile].tile, x, y)&0xffffff))
                    putPixel32(tiles[current_tile].tile, x, y, 0);

        tiles[current_tile].tile_noscale = tiles[current_tile].tile;

//        if(tiles[current_tile].tile_noscale->w != tile_w_ || tiles[current_tile].tile_noscale->h != tile_h_)
//        {
            tiles[current_tile].tile = zoomSurface(tiles[current_tile].tile_noscale,
                                                   (double)tile_h_/tiles[current_tile].tile_noscale->h, SMOOTHING_OFF);
//        }

void Collect2RobotSensorsWorldObserver::updateMonitoring()
    // * Log at end of each generation
    //std::cout << gWorld->getIterations() << std::endl;
    if( _lifeIterationCount >= Collect2RobotSensorsSharedData::gEvaluationTime ) // end of generation.
		if ( gVerbose )
            std::cout << "[gen:" << (gWorld->getIterations()/Collect2RobotSensorsSharedData::gEvaluationTime)
                      << "]\n";
        // Logging here
        double sumFitness = 0.0;
        double sumAvgLocalPopFitness = 0.0;
        int gatheredGenomes = 0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )

             sumFitness += (dynamic_cast<Collect2RobotSensorsController*>(gWorld->getRobot(i)->getController()))
                     -> getFitness();
             sumAvgLocalPopFitness += (dynamic_cast<Collect2RobotSensorsController*>
                                       (gWorld->getRobot(i)->getController())) -> getAvgPopFitness();
             gatheredGenomes += (dynamic_cast<Collect2RobotSensorsController*>
                                 (gWorld->getRobot(i)->getController())) ->_genomesList.size();
        //std::cout << gWorld->getIterations() << " ";
        //<< (sumFitness  / gNumberOfRobots) / Collect2SharedData::gEvaluationTime

        // divided by two because each item gives 1 fitness point to both agents
        std::cout << sumFitness / 2 << std::endl;

    if (gWorld->getIterations() == (gMaxIt - 1))
        double sumFitness = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )

             sumFitness += (dynamic_cast<Collect2RobotSensorsController*>(gWorld->getRobot(i)
                                                    ->getController()))-> getFitness();


        std::cout << "End fitness: " << sumFitness  / gNumberOfRobots
                  << " at it: " << gWorld->getIterations() << std::endl;
            for (int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )
                        -> logGenome(Collect2RobotSensorsSharedData::gOutGenomeFile + std::to_string(i) + ".log");
    switch (Collect2RobotSensorsSharedData::gFitness)
        case 2:
            for(int i = 0; i < gNbOfPhysicalObjects;i++)
                if(listCollected[i].size() >= 2)
                    gPhysicalObjects[i]->isWalked(0); //Default agent for callback (unused callback)
                    for(auto it = listCollected[i].begin(); it != listCollected[i].end();it++)
            for(int i = 0; i < gNumberOfRobots; i++)
                Uint8 r, g, b;
                RobotWorldModel* wm = gWorld->getRobot(i)->getWorldModel();
                Uint32 pixel = getPixel32( gGroundSensorImage, wm->_xReal+0.5, wm->_yReal+0.5);
                wm->_groundSensorValue[0] = r;
                wm->_groundSensorValue[1] = g;
                wm->_groundSensorValue[2] = b;

    if(gWorld->getIterations() ==
        //std::cout << "Task changed!" << std::endl;
        Collect2RobotSensorsSharedData::gFitness =
Пример #15
void World::initWorld()
	// * load environment and agents files
    if( loadFiles() == false )
		std::cout << "[CRITICAL] cannot load image files." << std::endl;
    // * initialize landmarks
    for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNbOfLandmarks ; i++)
        LandmarkObject landmarkObject;

    // * initialize physical objects
    for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNbOfPhysicalObjects ; i++)
    // * Analyse agent mask and make it into a list of coordinates
    int nbPointsInMask = 0;
    // count number of significant pixels in mask.
    for ( int i = 0 ; i != gRobotWidth ; i++ ) 
        for ( int j = 0 ; j != gRobotHeight ; j++ )
            if ( getPixel32( gRobotMaskImage , i , j) != SDL_MapRGBA( gForegroundImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 ) )

	for ( int i = 0 ; i != nbPointsInMask ; i++)
    // count number of significant pixels in mask.
    int currentIndex = 0;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i != gRobotWidth ; i++ ) 
        for ( int j = 0 ; j != gRobotHeight ; j++ )
            if ( getPixel32( gRobotMaskImage , i , j) != SDL_MapRGBA( gForegroundImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 ) )

	// * initialize agents
	for ( int i = 0 ; i != gInitialNumberOfRobots ; i++ )
		Robot *robot = new Robot(this);

    for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )
void OriginalWorldObserver::updateMonitoring()
    // * Log at end of each generation
    //std::cout << gWorld->getIterations() << std::endl;
    if( _lifeIterationCount >= OriginalSharedData::gEvaluationTime ) // end of generation.
		if ( gVerbose )
            std::cout << "[gen:" << (gWorld->getIterations()/OriginalSharedData::gEvaluationTime)
                      << "]\n";
        // Logging here
        double sumFitness = 0.0;
        int gatheredGenomes = 0;
        double forgetMeasure = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )

             sumFitness += (dynamic_cast<OriginalController*>(gWorld->getRobot(i)->getController()))
                     -> getFitness();
             OriginalController* ctrl = (dynamic_cast<OriginalController*>
             gatheredGenomes += (ctrl->_doEvoTopo? ctrl ->_genomesList.size():ctrl ->_genomesFList.size());

             if(ctrl -> _storedF.empty())
                 forgetMeasure += -1.0;
                forgetMeasure += ctrl -> forget();
            //Forget measure for each robot ? what to do

        //std::cout << gWorld->getIterations() << " ";
        //<< (sumFitness  / gNumberOfRobots) / Collect2SharedData::gEvaluationTime
        //average forget measure. TODO other estimator/or all the data?

            std::cout << sumFitness
                      //<< " " << (forgetMeasure/ gNumberOfRobots)
                      <<  std::endl;

    if (gWorld->getIterations() == (gMaxIt - 1))
        double sumFitness = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )

             sumFitness += (dynamic_cast<OriginalController*>(gWorld->getRobot(i)
                                                    ->getController()))-> getFitness();


        std::cout << "End fitness: " << sumFitness  / gNumberOfRobots
                  << " at it: " << gWorld->getIterations() << std::endl;
            for (int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++ )
                OriginalController* ctrl = (dynamic_cast<OriginalController*>(gWorld->getRobot(i)->getController()));
                        ctrl -> logGenomeF(OriginalSharedData::gOutGenomeFile + std::to_string(i) + ".log");

    switch (OriginalSharedData::gFitness)
        case 2:
            for(int i = 0; i < gNbOfPhysicalObjects;i++)
                double color = -2.0;
                bool isSynchColor = false;
                if(listCollected[i].size() >= 2)
                    //test if all agents (maybe more than 2) same color
                    for(auto it = listCollected[i].begin(); it != listCollected[i].end();it++)
                        if(color == -2.0)
                            color = it->second;
                            isSynchColor = true;
                            if(color != it->second)
                                isSynchColor = false;
                        gPhysicalObjects[i]->isWalked(0); //Default agent for callback (unused callback)
                        for(auto it = listCollected[i].begin(); it != listCollected[i].end();it++)
                            //Share reward of one item between the agents involved
                            ->getController())->updateFitness(1.0 / (double)listCollected[i].size());
            for(int i = 0; i < gNumberOfRobots; i++)
                Uint8 r, g, b;
                RobotWorldModel* wm = gWorld->getRobot(i)->getWorldModel();
                Uint32 pixel = getPixel32( gGroundSensorImage, wm->_xReal+0.5, wm->_yReal+0.5);
                wm->_groundSensorValue[0] = r;
                wm->_groundSensorValue[1] = g;
                wm->_groundSensorValue[2] = b;

    //TOERASE test seamless node mutation
    /*if(gWorld->getIterations() == 10000)
        Helper::mutateLinkWeightsProb = 0.0;
        Helper::mutateAddNodeProb = 1.0;
        std::cout << "Now only node mutation" << std::endl;
    if(gWorld->getIterations() ==
        //std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "Task changed!" << std::endl;
        OriginalSharedData::gFitness =

        //Store representative for forget measure? For each robot? (previous task)
        for (int i = 0 ; i != gNumberOfRobots ; i++)
Пример #17
bool World::loadFiles()
	bool returnValue = true;

    // Load the dot image
    gRobotMaskImage = load_image( gRobotMaskImageFilename );
    gRobotDisplayImage = load_image( gRobotDisplayImageFilename );
	// Load the agent specifications image
	gRobotSpecsImage = load_image( gRobotSpecsImageFilename ); // no jpg (color loss)	

    // Load the foreground image (active borders)
    gForegroundImage = load_image( gForegroundImageFilename );   // RECOMMENDED: png rather than jpeg (pb with transparency otw)
	if ( gForegroundImageFilename.compare(gForegroundImageFilename.length()-3, 3, "jpg", 0, 3) == 0 )
		std::cerr << "foreground: PNG format is *mandatory* (JPG may feature transparency problems due to compression with loss)\n";
		returnValue = false;
    gEnvironmentImage = load_image( gEnvironmentImageFilename );
	if ( gEnvironmentImageFilename.compare(gEnvironmentImageFilename.length()-3, 3, "jpg", 0, 3) == 0 )
		std::cerr << "environment: PNG format is *mandatory* (JPG may feature transparency problems due to compression with loss)\n";
		returnValue = false;
    //gTrajectoryMonitorImage = load_image( gEnvironmentImageFilename ); // prepare for logging trajectories (useful if requested in the config file)   ---- // Created in roborobo::initTrajectoriesMonitor

	// load background image
    gBackgroundImage = load_image( gBackgroundImageFilename );

	// Load the ground type image
    gGroundSensorImage = load_image( gGroundSensorImageFilename );
    // Managing problems with loading files (agent mask and specs)
    if( gRobotMaskImage == NULL )
		std::cerr << "Could not load agent mask image\n";
		returnValue = false;
    if ( gRobotDisplayImage == NULL )
		std::cerr << "Could not load agent display image\n";
		returnValue = false;
    if( gRobotSpecsImage == NULL )
		std::cerr << "Could not load agent specification image\n";
		returnValue = false;
    //If there was a problem in loading the foreground image
    if( gForegroundImage == NULL )
		std::cerr << "Could not load foreground image\n";
		returnValue = false;
	if ( gEnvironmentImage == NULL )
		std::cerr << "Could not load environment image\n";
		returnValue = false;
	//no background image (not a critical error)
	if ( gBackgroundImage == NULL )
		std::cout << "warning: could not load background image (will proceed anyway)\n";
	// mandatory: image dimensions must be more than 1024x768 (otw: screen underfitting)
	if ( gForegroundImage->w < gScreenWidth || gForegroundImage->h < gScreenHeight )
		std::cerr << "foreground image dimensions must be " << gScreenWidth << "x" << gScreenHeight << " or higher (given: " << gForegroundImage->w << "x" << gForegroundImage->h << ") \n";
		returnValue = false;
	//If there was a problem in loading the ground type image
    if(  gGroundSensorImage == NULL )
		std::cerr << "Could not load ground image\n";
        returnValue = false;    
        if( ( gGroundSensorImage->w != gForegroundImage->w ) || ( gGroundSensorImage->h != gForegroundImage->h ) )
            std::cerr << "Ground image dimensions do not match that of the foreground image\n";
            returnValue = false;
	// set reference dimensions
	gRobotWidth = gRobotMaskImage->w ;
	gRobotHeight = gRobotMaskImage->h ;
	if ( gMaxTranslationalSpeed > gRobotWidth || gMaxTranslationalSpeed > gRobotHeight )
		std::cerr << "[ERROR] gMaxTranslationalSpeed value *should not* be superior to agent dimensions (image width and/or height) -- may impact collision accuracy (e.g. teleporting through walls)\n";
		returnValue = false;
	gAreaWidth = gForegroundImage->w;
	gAreaHeight = gForegroundImage->h;

	// set transparency color
	SDL_SetColorKey( gRobotMaskImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGBA( gRobotMaskImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,0 ) );
   	SDL_SetColorKey( gRobotDisplayImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGBA( gRobotMaskImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,0 ) );

	SDL_SetColorKey( gForegroundImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGBA( gForegroundImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,0 ) );
	SDL_SetColorKey( gEnvironmentImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGBA( gEnvironmentImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,0 ) );

	// preparing Environment Image (ie. only the BLUE component is used)
	for ( int x = 0 ; x != gEnvironmentImage->w ; x++ )
		for ( int y = 0 ; y != gEnvironmentImage->h ; y++ )
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gEnvironmentImage,x,y);
			if ( pixel != SDL_MapRGBA( gEnvironmentImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 ) )
				putPixel32( gEnvironmentImage, x, y,  SDL_MapRGBA( gEnvironmentImage->format, 0, 0, pixel&0x0000FF,0 ) );

    //If everything loaded fine
	if ( returnValue == false ) 
		return false;
		return true;
void DefaultSensors::init(Point2d position, double orientation){
	_sensorCount = 0;

	//count sensors
	for (int x = 0; x != gAgentWidth; x++){ // image is analysed a first time to count the number of sensors (faster than dynamically re-allocating array size for every new sensor)
		for (int y = 0; y != gAgentHeight; y++) {
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gAgentSpecsImage, x, y);
			if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gAgentSpecsImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) {
//	_sensors = new double[_sensorCount][7]; // see header for details.
	_ditchSensor = new double[_sensorCount];
	_energySensor = new double[_sensorCount][2];

	for (int i = 0; i < _sensorCount; i++) {
        std::vector<double> _sensor(7);
		_sensor[0] = -1;
		// 1 - 4 set below
		_sensor[5] = -1;
		_sensor[6] = -1;

		_ditchSensor[i] = -1;
        _energySensor[i][0] = -1;
        _energySensor[i][1] = -1;
	//int sensorIt = 0;

	//register sensors
	for (int x = 0; x != gAgentWidth; x++){
		for (int y = 0; y != gAgentHeight; y++) {
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gAgentSpecsImage, x, y);
			if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gAgentSpecsImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) {
				// sensor found, register sensor.

				Uint8 r, g, b;
				SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gAgentSpecsImage->format, &r, &g, &b);

				if (_sensors[r][0] != -1) {
					std::cout << "[ERROR] robot sensor id already in use -- check agent specification image." << std::endl;

				if (r >= _sensorCount) {
					std::cout << "[ERROR] robot sensor id is not permitted (must be defined btw 0 and " << (_sensorCount - 1) << ", got: " << r << ") -- check agent specification image." << std::endl;

				_sensors[r][0] = r; // no. sensor

				// sensor origini point location wrt. agent center
				_sensors[r][1] = sqrt((x - gAgentWidth / 2) * (x - gAgentWidth / 2) + (y - gAgentHeight / 2) * (y - gAgentHeight / 2)); // length
				double angleCosinus = ((x - (gAgentWidth / 2)) / _sensors[r][1]);
				double angleSinus = ((y - (gAgentHeight / 2)) / _sensors[r][1]);
				if (angleSinus >= 0)
					_sensors[r][2] = acos(angleCosinus) + M_PI / 2; // angle (in radian)
					_sensors[r][2] = -acos(angleCosinus) + M_PI / 2 + M_PI * 2; // angle (in radian)

				// sensor target point location wrt. agent center -- sensor target angle is (green+blue) component values
				double angle = g + b - 90; // note: '-90deg' is due to image definition convention (in image, 0° means front of agent, which is upward -- while 0° in simulation means facing right)
				double xTarget = (x - gAgentWidth / 2) + cos(angle * M_PI / 180) * gSensorRange;
				double yTarget = (y - gAgentHeight / 2) + sin(angle * M_PI / 180) * gSensorRange;
				_sensors[r][3] = sqrt(xTarget * xTarget + yTarget * yTarget); // length (**from agent center**)
				angleCosinus = xTarget / _sensors[r][3];
				angleSinus = yTarget / _sensors[r][3];
				if (angleSinus >= 0)
					_sensors[r][4] = acos(angleCosinus) + M_PI / 2; // angle (in radian) wrt. agent center
					_sensors[r][4] = -acos(angleCosinus) + M_PI / 2 + M_PI * 2;
Пример #19
RobotAgent::RobotAgent(World *__world) {
	COLOR_WHITE = SDL_MapRGB(gEnvironmentImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);

	_wm = gConfigurationLoader->make_RobotAgentWorldModel(); // TODO: externalize object referenced to create the new instance
	_registered = false;

	_wm->_world = __world;

	_wm->_agentId = gAgentCounter;

	_organism = NULL;
	connected = new std::vector<RobotAgentPtr>();
	//Process agent specification (ie. IR/US/laser sensors)

	// create dynamic array
	// parse image and add (sensor.x/y, orientation) or (sensorStart.x/y, sensorEnd.x/y)

	_wm->_sensorCount = 0;

	//count sensors
	for (int x = 0; x != gAgentWidth; x++) // image is analysed a first time to count the number of sensors (faster than dynamically re-allocating array size for every new sensor)
		for (int y = 0; y != gAgentHeight; y++) {
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gAgentSpecsImage, x, y);
			if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gAgentSpecsImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))

	_wm->_sensors = new double[_wm->_sensorCount][7]; // see header for details.
	_wm->_ditchSensor = new double[_wm->_sensorCount];

	_wm->_rangeSensors.resize(_wm->_sensorCount, 0); // Because we can't use push_back -- we might go through the sensors in any random order.

	for (int i = 0; i < _wm->_sensorCount; i++) {
		_wm->_sensors[i][0] = -1;
		// 1 - 4 set below
		_wm->_sensors[i][5] = -1;
		_wm->_sensors[i][6] = -1;

		_wm->_ditchSensor[i] = -1;
	//int sensorIt = 0;

	//register sensors
	for (int x = 0; x != gAgentWidth; x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y != gAgentHeight; y++) {
			Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gAgentSpecsImage, x, y);
			if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gAgentSpecsImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) {
				// sensor found, register sensor.
				Uint8 r, g, b;
				SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gAgentSpecsImage->format, &r, &g, &b);

				if (_wm->_sensors[r][0] != -1) {
					std::cout << "[ERROR] robot sensor id already in use -- check agent specification image." << std::endl;

				if (r >= _wm->_sensorCount) {
					std::cout << "[ERROR] robot sensor id is not permitted (must be defined btw 0 and " << (_wm->_sensorCount - 1) << ", got: " << r << ") -- check agent specification image." << std::endl;

				int sensorId = r;

				double dxOrigin = x - gAgentWidth / 2;
				double dyOrigin = y - gAgentHeight / 2;
				double originDistance = sqrt(dxOrigin * dxOrigin + dyOrigin * dyOrigin);

				double cosOrigin = dxOrigin / originDistance;
				double sinOrigin = dyOrigin / originDistance;

				// atan2 ?
						double originAngle;
				if (sinOrigin >= 0)
					originAngle = acos(cosOrigin) + M_PI * 0.5;
					originAngle = -acos(cosOrigin) + M_PI * 2.5;

				// sensor target point location wrt. agent center -- sensor target angle is (green+blue) component values
				// note: '-90deg' is due to image definition convention (in image, 0° means front of agent, which is upward -- while 0° in simulation means facing right)
				double targetAngle = (g + b - 90) * M_PI / 180;
				double sinTarget, cosTarget;
				sincos(targetAngle, &sinTarget, &cosTarget);
				double dxTarget = dxOrigin + cosTarget * gSensorRange;
				double dyTarget = dyOrigin + sinTarget * gSensorRange;
				double targetDistance = sqrt(dxTarget * dxTarget + dyTarget * dyTarget); // length (**from agent center**)

				// Now relatively to the center of agent, not the origin point
				cosTarget = dxTarget / targetDistance;
				sinTarget = dyTarget / targetDistance;

				if (sinTarget >= 0)
					targetAngle = acos(cosTarget) + M_PI * 0.5;
					targetAngle = -acos(cosTarget) + M_PI * 2.5;

				_wm->_rangeSensors[sensorId] = new RangeSensor(sensorId, originDistance, originAngle, targetDistance, targetAngle, gSensorRange);


	_agentObserver = gConfigurationLoader->make_AgentObserver(_wm); // TODO: externalize
	_behavior = gConfigurationLoader->make_BehaviorControlArchitecture(_wm); // TODO: externalize


Пример #20
 * Display agent on screen. Add information caption if needed.
 * (render mode only)
void RobotAgent::show() // display on screen
	//Show the dot

	if (gNiceRendering) {
		if (gUseOrganisms && _connectToOthers == POSITIVE) {
			apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentPositiveMaskImage, gScreen);
		} else if (gUseOrganisms && _connectToOthers == NEGATIVE) {
			apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentNegativeMaskImage, gScreen);
		} else {
			apply_surface(_x - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gAgentMaskImage, gScreen); // OPTIONAL (agent is already visible/registered through the environment image -- but: may be useful for image capture

		std::string str = "";
		str += boost::lexical_cast<std::string > (this->_wm->_agentId);
		RenderTextToSurface(str, _x + (gAgentWidth / 4) - gCamera.x, _y - gCamera.y, gScreen);

	if (getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_status() == true) {
		int dx = 1;
		int dy = 1;
		int xcenter = (int)(_wm->_xReal + 0.5);
		int ycenter = (int)(_wm->_yReal + 0.5);
		int r = getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_redValue();
		int g = getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_greenValue();
		int b = getWorldModel()->getRobotLED_blueValue();

		for (int xTmp = xcenter - dx; xTmp != xcenter + dx + 1; xTmp++)
			for (int yTmp = ycenter - dy - 1; yTmp != ycenter + dy; yTmp++) {
				putPixel32secure(gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, yTmp + dy - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));

	if (_wm->_agentId == gAgentIndexFocus && gUserCommandMode) // && _iterations%10 < 5)
		int dx = 10;
		int dy = 10;
		int xcenter = (int) _wm->_xReal + 0.5;
		int ycenter = (int) _wm->_yReal + 0.5;
		int r = 255.0 * ranf();
		int g = 255.0 * ranf();
		int b = 255.0 * ranf();

		for (int xTmp = xcenter - dx; xTmp != xcenter + dx + 1; xTmp++) {
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, ycenter - dy - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, ycenter + dy - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));

		for (int yTmp = ycenter - dy; yTmp != ycenter + dy + 1; yTmp++) {
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xcenter - dx - gCamera.x, yTmp - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));
			putPixel32secure(gScreen, xcenter + dx - gCamera.x, yTmp - gCamera.y, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, r, g, b));

		//			for ( int xTmp = (int)_wm->_xReal - dx ; xTmp != (int)_wm->_xReal + dx + 1 ; xTmp++ )
		//				for ( int yTmp = (int)_wm->_yReal - dy ; yTmp != (int)_wm->_yReal + dy + 1 ; yTmp++ )
		//						putPixel32secure( gScreen, xTmp - gCamera.x, yTmp - gCamera.y , SDL_MapRGB( gScreen->format, 0xFF, 0x00, ranf() ) );

	if (gDisplaySensors == true) {
		// * show orientation

		int xOrientationMarker = (int) (_wm->_xReal + 0.5) + gAgentWidth / 2 * cos(_wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180);
		int yOrientationMarker = (int) (_wm->_yReal + 0.5) + gAgentWidth / 2 * sin(_wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180);

		if (_wm->_agentId == gAgentIndexFocus && gUserCommandMode) {
			int g, b;
			g = b = (32 * _iterations % 256) > 128 ? 0 : 255;
			for (int xTmp = -2; xTmp != 3; xTmp++)
				for (int yTmp = -2; yTmp != 3; yTmp++)
					putPixel32secure(gScreen, xOrientationMarker - gCamera.x + xTmp, yOrientationMarker - gCamera.y + yTmp, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, 0x00, b, g));
		} else {
			for (int xTmp = -2; xTmp != 3; xTmp++)
				for (int yTmp = -2; yTmp != 3; yTmp++)
					putPixel32secure(gScreen, xOrientationMarker - gCamera.x + xTmp, yOrientationMarker - gCamera.y + yTmp, SDL_MapRGB(gScreen->format, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00));

		// * show sensors

		for (int i = 0; i < _wm->_sensorCount; i++) {
			// Warning: the following is a repetition of code already in the move method (sensor ray casting) in order to display it (coordinates are not stored)
			double x1 = (_wm->_xReal + _wm->_sensors[i][1] * cos(_wm->_sensors[i][2] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));
			double y1 = (_wm->_yReal + _wm->_sensors[i][1] * sin(_wm->_sensors[i][2] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));
			double x2 = (_wm->_xReal + _wm->_sensors[i][3] * cos(_wm->_sensors[i][4] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));
			double y2 = (_wm->_yReal + _wm->_sensors[i][3] * sin(_wm->_sensors[i][4] + _wm->_agentAbsoluteOrientation * M_PI / 180));

			// sensor ray casting is also performed in the move method -- this time we dont store data (already done). -- this one is only used to *display* the ray.
			/*_sensors[i][5] = */castSensorRay(gEnvironmentImage, x1, y1, &x2, &y2, _wm->getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i)); // x2 and y2 are overriden with collision coordinate if ray hits object.

			// display on screen
			if (_wm->_sensors[i][5] < _wm->getSensorMaximumDistanceValue(i) - 1) //gSensorRange-1 )
				traceRayRGBA(gScreen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 255, 0, 0, 255);
				traceRayRGBA(gScreen, int(x1 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y1 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, int(x2 + 0.5) - gCamera.x, int(y2 + 0.5) - gCamera.y, 0, 0, 255, 255);

	// caption for storyzones

	if (gDisplayZoneCaption) {
		Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gZoneImage, _x + gAgentWidth / 2, _y + gAgentHeight / 2);
		if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gZoneImage->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) // check if there's a "story" to display
			// extract story index (if any)
			Uint8 r, g, b;
			SDL_GetRGB(pixel, gZoneImage->format, &r, &g, &b);
			int storyId = r; // assume the red component holds the story index.

			if (storyId >= 0 && storyId < 256 && gZoneCaptionImage[storyId] != NULL && gZoneStatus[storyId]) // security check: story exists?
				// display story caption

				//set caption position
				int xCaption = 0, yCaption = 0;
				if (_x < gAreaWidth / 2)
					xCaption = _x - gCamera.x + 40;
					xCaption = _x - gCamera.x - gZoneCaptionImage[storyId]->w - 40;
				if (_y < gAreaHeight / 2)
					yCaption = _y - gCamera.y + 40;
					yCaption = _y - gCamera.y - gZoneCaptionImage[storyId]->h - 40;

				//display caption
				apply_surface(xCaption, yCaption, gZoneCaptionImage[storyId], gScreen);

				// update story flags (if needed)
				if (storyId >= 100 && storyId < 200 && storyId % 10 == 0) // key story, btw 100 and 199: activate story flag of the 9 next sub-stories
					for (int i = 1; i != 10; i++)
						gZoneStatus[storyId + i] = true;
				} else
					if (storyId >= 200 && storyId < 256 && storyId % 10 != 9) // sub-story, btw 200 and 299: activate the next story flag (if not last)
						gZoneStatus[storyId + 1] = true;
Пример #21
 * update the agent position in the environment. Apply simple physics (ie. obstacle collision detection and consequences).
void Agent::move() // the interface btw agent and world -- in more complex envt, this should be handled by the "world".
	// max speed limit (opt: compress with above)
	if (_xDelta > gMaxSpeedOnXaxis)
		_xDelta = gMaxSpeedOnXaxis;
		if (_xDelta < -gMaxSpeedOnXaxis)
		_xDelta = -gMaxSpeedOnXaxis;
	if (_yDelta > gMaxSpeedOnYaxis)
		_yDelta = gMaxSpeedOnYaxis;
		if (_yDelta < -gMaxSpeedOnYaxis)
		_yDelta = -gMaxSpeedOnYaxis;

	// update position

	int x_old = _x; // backup old position in case of collision
	int y_old = _y;

	_x += _xDelta; //Move the dot left or right
	_y += _yDelta; //Move the dot up or down

	// * collision with (image) border of the environment - position at border, then bounce

	//Move the collision boxes
	//shift_boxes(); // NOT IMPLEMENTED

	//If the dot went too far to the left or right
	if ((_x < 0) || (_x + gAgentWidth > gAreaWidth)) {
		_xDelta = -_xDelta / 2; // bounce
		_x -= _xDelta; // move back
		_x = _x < 0 ? 0 : gAreaWidth - gAgentWidth;

	//Move the collision boxes
	//shift_boxes(); // NOT IMPLEMENTED

	//If the dot went too far up or down
	if ((_y < 0) || (_y + gAgentHeight > gAreaHeight)) {
		_yDelta = -_yDelta / 2; // bounce
		_y -= _yDelta; // move back
		_y = _y < 0 ? 0 : gAreaHeight - gAgentHeight;

	// * Object/environment collision check 

	bool collision = false;
	//int collision_counter = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i != gAgentWidth; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j != gAgentHeight; j++) {
			if (getPixel32(gAgentMaskImage, i, j) != SDL_MapRGB(gForegroundImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) // opt: bounding box instead of pixel-to-pixel test.
				Uint32 pixel = getPixel32(gForegroundImage, _x + i, _y + j);
				if (pixel != SDL_MapRGB(gForegroundImage->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) {
					collision = true;

	if (collision) // bounce (TODO: position at collision point)
		_x = x_old;
		_y = y_old;
		_xDelta = -_xDelta / 2;
		_yDelta = -_yDelta / 2;