Пример #1
    void setMissingProjectProperties (Project& project) const
        const String sanitisedProjectName (CodeHelpers::makeValidIdentifier (project.getTitle(), false, true, false));

        setValueIfVoid (shouldBuildVST (project), true);
        setValueIfVoid (shouldBuildAU (project),  true);

        setValueIfVoid (getPluginName (project),                   project.getTitle());
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginDesc (project),                   project.getTitle());
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginManufacturer (project),           "yourcompany");
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginManufacturerCode (project),       "Manu");
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginCode (project),                   "Plug");
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginChannelConfigs (project),         "{1, 1}, {2, 2}");
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginIsSynth (project),                false);
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginWantsMidiInput (project),         false);
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginProducesMidiOut (project),        false);
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut (project), false);
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginTailLengthSeconds (project),      0);
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus (project),    false);
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginAUExportPrefix (project),         sanitisedProjectName + "AU");
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginAUCocoaViewClassName (project),   sanitisedProjectName + "AU_V1");
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginRTASCategory (project),           String::empty);
        setValueIfVoid (project.getBundleIdentifier(),             project.getDefaultBundleIdentifier());
        setValueIfVoid (project.getAAXIdentifier(),                project.getDefaultAAXIdentifier());
        setValueIfVoid (getPluginAAXCategory (project),            "AAX_ePlugInCategory_Dynamics");
Пример #2
void Project::setMissingDefaultValues()
    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::id_))
        projectRoot.setProperty (Ids::id_, createAlphaNumericUID(), 0);

    // Create main file group if missing
    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::projectMainGroup).isValid())
        Item mainGroup (*this, ValueTree (Tags::projectMainGroup));
        projectRoot.addChild (mainGroup.getNode(), 0, 0);


    if (getDocumentTitle().isEmpty())
        setTitle ("Juce Project");

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::projectType))
        getProjectType() = application;

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::version))
        getVersion() = "1.0.0";

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::juceLinkage))
        getJuceLinkageModeValue() = useAmalgamatedJuceViaMultipleTemplates;

    const String juceFolderPath (getRelativePathForFile (StoredSettings::getInstance()->getLastKnownJuceFolder()));

    // Create configs group
    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::configurations).isValid())
        projectRoot.addChild (ValueTree (Tags::configurations), 0, 0);

    if (! projectRoot.getChildWithName (Tags::exporters).isValid())

    const String sanitisedProjectName (CodeHelpers::makeValidIdentifier (getProjectName().toString(), false, true, false));

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::buildVST))
        shouldBuildVST() = true;
        shouldBuildRTAS() = false;
        shouldBuildAU() = true;

        getPluginName() = getProjectName().toString();
        getPluginDesc() = getProjectName().toString();
        getPluginManufacturer() = "yourcompany";
        getPluginManufacturerCode() = "Manu";
        getPluginCode() = "Plug";
        getPluginChannelConfigs() = "{1, 1}, {2, 2}";
        getPluginIsSynth() = false;
        getPluginWantsMidiInput() = false;
        getPluginProducesMidiOut() = false;
        getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut() = false;
        getPluginTailLengthSeconds() = 0;
        getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus() = false;
        getPluginAUExportPrefix() = sanitisedProjectName + "AU";
        getPluginAUCocoaViewClassName() = sanitisedProjectName + "AU_V1";
        getPluginRTASCategory() = String::empty;

    if (! projectRoot.hasProperty (Ids::bundleIdentifier))
Пример #3
void Project::createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& props)
    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectName(), "Project Name", 256, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of the project.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getVersion(), "Project Version", 16, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The project's version number, This should be in the format major.minor.point");

    const char* projectTypes[] = { "Application (GUI)", "Application (Non-GUI)", "Audio Plug-in", "Static Library", 0 };
    const char* projectTypeValues[] = { application, commandLineApp, audioPlugin, library, 0 };
    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getProjectType(), "Project Type", StringArray (projectTypes), Array<var> (projectTypeValues)));

    const char* linkageTypes[] = { "Not linked to Juce", "Linked to Juce Static Library", "Include Juce Amalgamated Files", "Include Juce Source Code Directly (In a single file)", "Include Juce Source Code Directly (Split across several files)", 0 };
    const char* linkageTypeValues[] = { notLinkedToJuce, useLinkedJuce, useAmalgamatedJuce, useAmalgamatedJuceViaSingleTemplate, useAmalgamatedJuceViaMultipleTemplates, 0 };
    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getJuceLinkageModeValue(), "Juce Linkage Method", StringArray (linkageTypes), Array<var> (linkageTypeValues)));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The method by which your project will be linked to Juce.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getBundleIdentifier(), "Bundle Identifier", 256, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A unique identifier for this product, mainly for use in Mac builds. It should be something like 'com.yourcompanyname.yourproductname'");

        OwnedArray<Project::Item> images;
        findAllImageItems (images);

        StringArray choices;
        Array<var> ids;

        choices.add ("<None>");
        ids.add (var::null);
        choices.add (String::empty);
        ids.add (var::null);

        for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
            choices.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getName().toString());
            ids.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getID());

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getSmallIconImageItemID(), "Icon (small)", choices, ids));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getBigIconImageItemID(), "Icon (large)", choices, ids));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

    if (isAudioPlugin())
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildVST(), "Build VST", "Enabled"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Whether the project should produce a VST plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAU(), "Build AudioUnit", "Enabled"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Whether the project should produce an AudioUnit plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildRTAS(), "Build RTAS", "Enabled"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Whether the project should produce an RTAS plugin.");

    if (isAudioPlugin())
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginName(), "Plugin Name", 128, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of your plugin (keep it short!)");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginDesc(), "Plugin Description", 256, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A short description of your plugin.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturer(), "Plugin Manufacturer", 256, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of your company (cannot be blank).");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturerCode(), "Plugin Manufacturer Code", 4, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A four-character unique ID for your company. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginCode(), "Plugin Code", 4, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A four-character unique ID for your plugin. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginChannelConfigs(), "Plugin Channel Configurations", 256, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("This is the set of input/output channel configurations that your plugin can handle.  The list is a comma-separated set of pairs of values in the form { numInputs, numOutputs }, and each "
                                     "pair indicates a valid configuration that the plugin can handle. So for example, {1, 1}, {2, 2} means that the plugin can be used in just two configurations: either with 1 input "
                                     "and 1 output, or with 2 inputs and 2 outputs.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginIsSynth(), "Plugin is a Synth", "Is a Synth"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if you want your plugin to be treated as a synth or generator. It doesn't make much difference to the plugin itself, but some hosts treat synths differently to other plugins.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginWantsMidiInput(), "Plugin Midi Input", "Plugin wants midi input"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if you want your plugin to accept midi messages.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginProducesMidiOut(), "Plugin Midi Output", "Plugin produces midi output"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if your plugin is going to produce midi messages.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut(), "Silence", "Silence in produces silence out"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if your plugin has no tail - i.e. if passing a silent buffer to it will always result in a silent buffer being produced.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginTailLengthSeconds(), "Tail Length (in seconds)", 12, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("This indicates the length, in seconds, of the plugin's tail. This information may or may not be used by the host.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus(), "Key Focus", "Plugin editor requires keyboard focus"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if your plugin needs keyboard input - some hosts can be a bit funny about keyboard focus..");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUExportPrefix(), "Plugin AU Export Prefix", 64, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A prefix for the names of exported entry-point functions that the component exposes - typically this will be a version of your plugin's name that can be used as part of a C++ token.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUCocoaViewClassName(), "Plugin AU Cocoa View Name", 64, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("In an AU, this is the name of Cocoa class that creates the UI. Some hosts bizarrely display the class-name, so you might want to make it reflect your plugin. But the name must be "
                                     "UNIQUE to this exact version of your plugin, to avoid objective-C linkage mix-ups that happen when different plugins containing the same class-name are loaded simultaneously.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginRTASCategory(), "Plugin RTAS Category", 64, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("(Leave this blank if your plugin is a synth). This is one of the RTAS categories from FicPluginEnums.h, such as: ePlugInCategory_None, ePlugInCategory_EQ, ePlugInCategory_Dynamics, "
                                     "ePlugInCategory_PitchShift, ePlugInCategory_Reverb, ePlugInCategory_Delay, "
                                     "ePlugInCategory_Modulation, ePlugInCategory_Harmonic, ePlugInCategory_NoiseReduction, "
                                     "ePlugInCategory_Dither, ePlugInCategory_SoundField");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectPreprocessorDefs(), "Preprocessor definitions", 32768, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Extra preprocessor definitions. Use the form \"NAME1=value NAME2=value\", using whitespace or commas to separate the items - to include a space or comma in a definition, precede it with a backslash.");

    for (int i = props.size(); --i >= 0;)
        props.getUnchecked(i)->setPreferredHeight (22);
Пример #4
    void createPropertyEditors (Project& project, PropertyListBuilder& props) const
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildVST (project), "Build VST", "Enabled"),
                   "Whether the project should produce a VST plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAU (project), "Build AudioUnit", "Enabled"),
                   "Whether the project should produce an AudioUnit plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildRTAS (project), "Build RTAS", "Enabled"),
                   "Whether the project should produce an RTAS plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAAX (project), "Build AAX", "Enabled"),
                   "Whether the project should produce an AAX plugin.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginName (project), "Plugin Name", 128, false),
                   "The name of your plugin (keep it short!)");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginDesc (project), "Plugin Description", 256, false),
                   "A short description of your plugin.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturer (project), "Plugin Manufacturer", 256, false),
                   "The name of your company (cannot be blank).");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturerCode (project), "Plugin Manufacturer Code", 4, false),
                   "A four-character unique ID for your company. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginCode (project), "Plugin Code", 4, false),
                   "A four-character unique ID for your plugin. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginChannelConfigs (project), "Plugin Channel Configurations", 256, false),
                   "This is the set of input/output channel configurations that your plugin can handle.  The list is a comma-separated set of pairs of values in the form { numInputs, numOutputs }, and each "
                   "pair indicates a valid configuration that the plugin can handle. So for example, {1, 1}, {2, 2} means that the plugin can be used in just two configurations: either with 1 input "
                   "and 1 output, or with 2 inputs and 2 outputs.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginIsSynth (project), "Plugin is a Synth", "Is a Synth"),
                   "Enable this if you want your plugin to be treated as a synth or generator. It doesn't make much difference to the plugin itself, but some hosts treat synths differently to other plugins.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginWantsMidiInput (project), "Plugin Midi Input", "Plugin wants midi input"),
                   "Enable this if you want your plugin to accept midi messages.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginProducesMidiOut (project), "Plugin Midi Output", "Plugin produces midi output"),
                   "Enable this if your plugin is going to produce midi messages.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut (project), "Silence", "Silence in produces silence out"),
                   "Enable this if your plugin has no tail - i.e. if passing a silent buffer to it will always result in a silent buffer being produced.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginTailLengthSeconds (project), "Tail Length (in seconds)", 12, false),
                   "This indicates the length, in seconds, of the plugin's tail. This information may or may not be used by the host.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus (project), "Key Focus", "Plugin editor requires keyboard focus"),
                   "Enable this if your plugin needs keyboard input - some hosts can be a bit funny about keyboard focus..");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUExportPrefix (project), "Plugin AU Export Prefix", 64, false),
                   "A prefix for the names of exported entry-point functions that the component exposes - typically this will be a version of your plugin's name that can be used as part of a C++ token.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUCocoaViewClassName (project), "Plugin AU Cocoa View Name", 64, false),
                   "In an AU, this is the name of Cocoa class that creates the UI. Some hosts bizarrely display the class-name, so you might want to make it reflect your plugin. But the name must be "
                   "UNIQUE to this exact version of your plugin, to avoid objective-C linkage mix-ups that happen when different plugins containing the same class-name are loaded simultaneously.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUMainType (project), "Plugin AU Main Type", 128, false),
                   "In an AU, this is the value that is set as JucePlugin_AUMainType. Leave it blank unless you want to use a custom value.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginRTASCategory (project), "Plugin RTAS Category", 64, false),
                   "(Leave this blank if your plugin is a synth). This is one of the RTAS categories from FicPluginEnums.h, such as: ePlugInCategory_None, ePlugInCategory_EQ, ePlugInCategory_Dynamics, "
                   "ePlugInCategory_PitchShift, ePlugInCategory_Reverb, ePlugInCategory_Delay, "
                   "ePlugInCategory_Modulation, ePlugInCategory_Harmonic, ePlugInCategory_NoiseReduction, "
                   "ePlugInCategory_Dither, ePlugInCategory_SoundField");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAAXCategory (project), "Plugin AAX Category", 64, false),
                   "This is one of the RTAS categories from the AAX_EPlugInCategory enum");