Пример #1
// Add a constant polynomial
void Ctxt::addConstant(const ZZ& c)
  DoubleCRT dcrt(getContext(), getPrimeSet());
  long cc = rem(c, ptxtSpace); // reduce modulo plaintext space
  dcrt = cc;

  if (cc > ptxtSpace/2) cc -= ptxtSpace;
  double size = to_double(cc);

  addConstant(dcrt, size*size);
Пример #2
// Find the IndexSet such that modDown to that set of primes makes the
// additive term due to rounding into the dominant noise term 
void Ctxt::findBaseSet(IndexSet& s) const
  if (getNoiseVar()<=0.0) { // an empty ciphertext
    s = context.ctxtPrimes;

  bool halfSize = context.containsSmallPrime();
  double addedNoise = log(modSwitchAddedNoiseVar())/2;
  double curNoise = log(getNoiseVar())/2;
  double firstNoise = context.logOfPrime(0);

  // remove special primes, if they are included in this->primeSet
  s = getPrimeSet();
  if (!s.disjointFrom(context.specialPrimes)) { 
    // scale down noise
    curNoise -= context.logOfProduct(context.specialPrimes);

  if (curNoise<=2*addedNoise) return; // no need to mod down

  // if the first prime in half size, begin by removing it
  if (halfSize && s.contains(0)) {
    curNoise -= firstNoise;

  // while noise is larger than added term, scale down by the next prime
  while (curNoise>addedNoise && card(s)>1) {
    curNoise -= context.logOfPrime(s.last());

  if (halfSize) {
    // If noise is still too big, drop last big prime and insert half-size prime
    if (curNoise>addedNoise) {
      curNoise = firstNoise;
      s = IndexSet(0);
    // Otherwise check if you can add back the half-size prime
    else if (curNoise+firstNoise <= addedNoise) {
      curNoise += firstNoise;

  if (curNoise>addedNoise && log_of_ratio()>-0.5)
    cerr << "Ctxt::findBaseSet warning: already at lowest level\n";
Пример #3
// Divide a cipehrtext by 2. It is assumed that the ciphertext
// encrypts an even polynomial and has plaintext space 2^r for r>1.
// As a side-effect, the plaintext space is halved from 2^r to 2^{r-1}
// If these assumptions are not met then the result will not be a
// valid ciphertext anymore.
void Ctxt::divideBy2()
  // Special case: if *this is empty then do nothing
  if (this->isEmpty()) return;
  assert (ptxtSpace % 2 == 0 && ptxtSpace>2);

  // multiply all the parts by (productOfPrimes+1)/2
  ZZ twoInverse; // set to (Q+1)/2
  getContext().productOfPrimes(twoInverse, getPrimeSet());
  twoInverse += 1;
  twoInverse /= 2;
  for (size_t i=0; i<parts.size(); i++)
    parts[i] *= twoInverse;

  noiseVar /= 4;  // noise is halved by this operation
  ptxtSpace /= 2; // and so is the plaintext space
Пример #4
// Divide a cipehrtext by p, for plaintext space p^r, r>1. It is assumed
// that the ciphertext encrypts a polynomial which is zero mod p. If this
// is not the case then the result will not be a valid ciphertext anymore.
// As a side-effect, the plaintext space is reduced from p^r to p^{r-1}.
void Ctxt::divideByP()
  // Special case: if *this is empty then do nothing
  if (this->isEmpty()) return;

  long p = getContext().zMStar.getP();
  assert (ptxtSpace>p);

  // multiply all the parts by p^{-1} mod Q (Q=productOfPrimes)
  ZZ pInverse, Q;
  getContext().productOfPrimes(Q, getPrimeSet());
  InvMod(pInverse, conv<ZZ>(p), Q);
  for (size_t i=0; i<parts.size(); i++)
    parts[i] *= pInverse;

  noiseVar /= (p * (double)p);  // noise is reduced by a p factor
  ptxtSpace /= p;               // and so is the plaintext space