Packet* UdpServer::DataToPacket(size_t bytes_transferred) { size_t current_length = 0; Packet* packet; do{ char type[HEADER_LENGTH+1]; memcpy((void*)type, received_data+current_length, 4); unsigned int type2 = decode(received_data+current_length+4, 4); int length = decode(received_data+current_length+8, 4); unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[length-12]; memcpy(data, received_data+current_length+12, length-12); //Create the package and add it to the end of the queue packet = new Packet(type, type2, length, (char*)data); string packetData = packet->toString(); debug->notification(3, this->type, "<<[%s] %s 0x%08x {%s}", getRemoteIp().c_str(), packet->GetType(), packet->GetType2(), packetData.c_str()); current_length += length; delete[] data; if(current_length != bytes_transferred) debug->warning(2, this->type, "UDP - We received a group of packets! Keep the log to investigate the packet, need to change implementation for this"); }while(current_length != bytes_transferred); return packet; }
ConnectionData* UserConnection::getPluginObject() noexcept { resetEntity(); pod.ip = pluginString(getRemoteIp()); pod.object = this; pod.port = Util::toInt(port); pod.protocol = isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_NMDC) ? PROTOCOL_NMDC : PROTOCOL_ADC; // TODO: isSet(...) not practical if more than two protocols pod.isOp = isSet(UserConnection::FLAG_OP) ? True : False; pod.isSecure = isSecure() ? True : False; return &pod; }
string UdpServer::PacketToData(Packet* packet) { string buffer = packet->GetType(); buffer.append(7, '\0'); // upd packets have zero filled header int len = 12 + packet->GetData().size() + 1; //header + data + final null char buffer.append(1, (char)len); buffer.append(packet->GetData()); buffer.push_back('\0'); string packetData = packet->toString(); debug->notification(3, type, ">>[%s] %s 0x%08x {%s}", getRemoteIp().c_str(), packet->GetType(), packet->GetType2(), packetData.c_str()); delete packet; return buffer; }
void AtDrv::getRemoteData(uint8_t sock, uint8_t *ip, uint16_t *port) { if(!isAtMode()) { if(!switchToAtMode()) { INFO1("Can't switch to at mode"); memset(ip, 0, 4); *port = 0; goto end; } } getRemoteIp(sock, ip); getRemotePort(sock, port); end: return; }
void UdpServer::ProcessData(Packet* packet) { Packet* sendPacket = NULL; if(packet != NULL) { //debug->notification(2, type, "local port: %i, remote port: %i", getLocalPort(), getRemotePort()); string port = lexical_cast<string>(getRemotePort()); sendPacket = new Packet("ECHO", 0x00000000); sendPacket->SetVar("TXN", "ECHO"); sendPacket->SetVar("IP", getRemoteIp()); sendPacket->SetVar("PORT", port); sendPacket->SetVar("ERR", "0"); sendPacket->SetVar("TYPE", "1"); sendPacket->SetVar("TID", packet->GetVar("TID")); delete packet; } else debug->warning(2, type, "UDP - Packet is NULL"); send_data = PacketToData(sendPacket); }
void UserConnection::on(BufferedSocketListener::Line, const string& aLine) throw () { COMMAND_DEBUG(aLine, DebugManager::TYPE_CLIENT, DebugManager::INCOMING, getRemoteIp()); if(aLine.length() < 2) { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, "Invalid data"); // TODO: translate return; } if(aLine[0] == 'C' && !isSet(FLAG_NMDC)) { if(!Text::validateUtf8(aLine)) { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, "Non-UTF-8 data in an ADC connection"); // TODO: translate return; } dispatch(aLine); return; } else if(aLine[0] == '$') { setFlag(FLAG_NMDC); } else { // We shouldn't be here? fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, "Invalid data"); // TODO: translate return; } string cmd; string param; string::size_type x; if( (x = aLine.find(' ')) == string::npos) { cmd = aLine.substr(1); } else { cmd = aLine.substr(1, x - 1); param = aLine.substr(x+1); } if(cmd == "MyNick") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::MyNick(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "Direction") { x = param.find(" "); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Direction(), this, param.substr(0, x), param.substr(x+1)); } } else if(cmd == "Error") { if(Util::stricmp(param.c_str(), FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE) == 0 || param.rfind(/*path/file*/" no more exists") != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::FileNotAvailable(), this); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, param); } } else if(cmd == "GetListLen") { fire(UserConnectionListener::GetListLength(), this); } else if(cmd == "Get") { x = param.find('$'); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Get(), this, Text::toUtf8(param.substr(0, x), encoding), Util::toInt64(param.substr(x+1)) - (int64_t)1); } } else if(cmd == "Key") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::Key(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "Lock") { if(!param.empty()) { x = param.find(" Pk="); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param.substr(0, x)); } else { // Workaround for faulty linux clients... x = param.find(' '); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param.substr(0, x)); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param); } } } } else if(cmd == "Send") { fire(UserConnectionListener::Send(), this); } else if(cmd == "MaxedOut") { fire(UserConnectionListener::MaxedOut(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "Supports") { if(!param.empty()) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Supports(), this, StringTokenizer<string>(param, ' ').getTokens()); } } else if(, 3, "ADC") == 0) { dispatch(aLine, true); } else if (cmd == "ListLen") { if(!param.empty()) { fire(UserConnectionListener::ListLength(), this, param); } } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, "Invalid data"); // TODO: translate } }
void UserConnection::send(const string& aString) { lastActivity = GET_TICK(); COMMAND_DEBUG(aString, DebugManager::TYPE_CLIENT, DebugManager::OUTGOING, getRemoteIp()); socket->write(aString); }
Server::Client::Client(Socket &socket) : Socket(socket.get(), socket.getRemoteIp()), _verified(false) { std::cout << "Nouveau client n°" << get() << " connecté depuis " << getRemoteIp() << std::endl; }
void UserConnection::on(BufferedSocketListener::Line, const string& aLine) throw () { if(aLine.length() < 2) { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, _("Invalid data")); return; } if(aLine[0] == 'C' && !isSet(FLAG_NMDC)) { if(!Text::validateUtf8(aLine)) { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, _("Non-UTF-8 data in an ADC connection")); return; } dispatch(aLine); return; } else if(aLine[0] == '$') { setFlag(FLAG_NMDC); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, _("Invalid data")); return; } COMMAND_DEBUG(aLine, DebugManager::CLIENT_IN, getRemoteIp()); string cmd; string param; string::size_type x; #ifdef LUA_SCRIPT if(onUserConnectionMessageIn(this, aLine)) { disconnect(true); return; } #endif if( (x = aLine.find(' ')) == string::npos) { cmd = aLine; } else { cmd = aLine.substr(0, x); param = aLine.substr(x+1); } if(cmd == "$MyNick") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::MyNick(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "$Direction") { x = param.find(" "); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Direction(), this, param.substr(0, x), param.substr(x+1)); } } else if(cmd == "$Error") { if(Util::stricmp(param.c_str(), FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE) == 0 || param.rfind(/*path/file*/" no more exists") != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::FileNotAvailable(), this); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, param); } } else if(cmd == "$GetListLen") { fire(UserConnectionListener::GetListLength(), this); } else if(cmd == "$Get") { x = param.find('$'); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Get(), this, Text::toUtf8(param.substr(0, x), encoding), Util::toInt64(param.substr(x+1)) - (int64_t)1); } } else if(cmd == "$Key") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::Key(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "$Lock") { if(!param.empty()) { x = param.find(" Pk="); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param.substr(0, x), param.substr(x + 4)); } else { // Workaround for faulty linux clients... x = param.find(' '); if(x != string::npos) { setFlag(FLAG_INVALIDKEY); fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param.substr(0, x), Util::emptyString); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param, Util::emptyString); } } } } else if(cmd == "$Send") { fire(UserConnectionListener::Send(), this); } else if(cmd == "$MaxedOut") { fire(UserConnectionListener::MaxedOut(), this); } else if(cmd == "$Supports") { if(!param.empty()) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Supports(), this, StringTokenizer<string>(param, ' ').getTokens()); } } else if(, 4, "$ADC") == 0) { dispatch(aLine, true); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::ProtocolError(), this, _("Invalid data")); } }
void UserConnection::send(const string &aString) { lastActivity = GET_TICK(); COMMAND_DEBUG((Util::stricmp(getEncoding(), Text::utf8) != 0 ? Text::toUtf8(aString, getEncoding()) : aString), DebugManager::CLIENT_OUT, getRemoteIp()); #ifdef LUA_SCRIPT if(onUserConnectionMessageOut(this, aString)) { disconnect(true); return; } #endif socket->write(aString); }
void AtDrv::startClient(uint8_t sock, uint32_t ipAddress, uint16_t port, uint8_t protMode) { // if we enable CHECK_TCP_STATE feature, always call reConnect(), or we won't get right // tcp port status, since we disable tcp auto reconnect. #ifndef CHECK_TCP_STATE bool needReConn = false; #else bool needReConn = true; #endif int curMode; uint32_t curIp; uint8_t curProtocol; uint16_t curPort; uint16_t curLocalPort; uint32_t curTimeout; bool curTcpAuto; // clear uart buffer first stopClient(sock); if(!isAtMode()) { if(!switchToAtMode()) { INFO1("Can't switch to at mode"); goto end; } } if(!getMode(sock, &curMode) || curMode != MODE_CLIENT) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curMode != MODE_CLIENT"); if(!setMode(sock, MODE_CLIENT)) { INFO1("Can't set mode"); goto end; } } if(!getRemoteIp(sock, (uint8_t *)&curIp) || curIp != ipAddress) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curIp != ipAddress"); if(!setRemoteIp(sock, ipAddress)) { INFO1("Can't set ip"); goto end; } } if(!getProtocol(sock, &curProtocol) || curProtocol != protMode) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curProtocol != protMode"); if(!setProtocol(sock, protMode)) { INFO1("Can't set protocol"); goto end; } } if(!getRemotePort(sock, &curPort) || curPort != port) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curPort != port"); if(!setPort(sock, port)) { INFO1("Can't set port"); goto end; } } if(!getTcpAuto(sock, &curTcpAuto) || curTcpAuto != false) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curTcpAuto != false"); if(!setTcpAuto(sock, false)) { INFO1("Can't set tcp auto"); goto end; } } if(!getLocalPort(sock, &curLocalPort) || curLocalPort != localSockPort[sock]) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curLocalPort != port"); if(!setLocalPort(sock, localSockPort[sock])) { INFO1("Can't set port"); goto end; } } if(needReConn) { if(!reConnect()) { INFO1("Can't reconnect"); goto end; } } sockPort[sock] = localSockPort[sock]; sockConnected[sock] = true; end: return; }
void UserConnection::on(BufferedSocketListener::Line, const string& aLine) throw () { if(aLine.length() < 2) return; if(aLine[0] == 'C' && !isSet(FLAG_NMDC)) { dispatch(aLine); return; } else if(aLine[0] == '$') { setFlag(FLAG_NMDC); } else { // We shouldn't be here? dcdebug("Unknown UserConnection command: %.50s\n", aLine.c_str()); return; } string cmd; string param; string::size_type x; if( (x = aLine.find(' ')) == string::npos) { cmd = aLine; } else { cmd = aLine.substr(0, x); param = aLine.substr(x+1); } if(cmd == "$MyNick") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::MyNick(), this, Text::acpToUtf8(param)); } else if(cmd == "$Direction") { x = param.find(" "); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Direction(), this, param.substr(0, x), param.substr(x+1)); } } else if(cmd == "$Error") { if(Util::stricmp(param.c_str(), FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE) == 0 || param.rfind(/*path/file*/" no more exists") != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::FileNotAvailable(), this); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::Failed(), this, param); } } else if(cmd == "$FileLength") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::FileLength(), this, Util::toInt64(param)); } else if(cmd == "$GetListLen") { fire(UserConnectionListener::GetListLength(), this); } else if(cmd == "$Get") { notSupported(); disconnect(); StringMap params; params["user"] = getUser()->getNick(); params["hub"] = getUser()->getClientUrl(); params["ip"] = getRemoteIp(); string tmp = Util::formatParams(STRING(OLD_CLIENT), params, false); LogManager::getInstance()->message(tmp); } else if(cmd == "$GetZBlock" || cmd == "$UGetZBlock" || cmd == "$UGetBlock") { notSupported(); disconnect(); StringMap params; params["user"] = getUser()->getNick(); params["hub"] = getUser()->getClientUrl(); params["ip"] = getRemoteIp(); string tmp = Util::formatParams(STRING(OLD_CLIENT), params, false); LogManager::getInstance()->message(tmp); } else if(cmd == "$Key") { if(!param.empty()) fire(UserConnectionListener::Key(), this, param); } else if(cmd == "$Lock") { if(!param.empty()) { x = param.find(" Pk="); if(x != string::npos) { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param.substr(0, x), param.substr(x + 4)); } else { // Workaround for faulty linux clients... x = param.find(' '); if(x != string::npos) { setFlag(FLAG_INVALIDKEY); fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param.substr(0, x), Util::emptyString); } else { fire(UserConnectionListener::CLock(), this, param, Util::emptyString); } } } } else if(cmd == "$Send") { fire(UserConnectionListener::Send(), this); } else if(cmd == "$Sending") { int64_t bytes = -1; if(!param.empty()) bytes = Util::toInt64(param); fire(UserConnectionListener::Sending(), this, bytes); } else if(cmd == "$MaxedOut") { fire(UserConnectionListener::MaxedOut(), this); } else if(cmd == "$Supports") { if(!param.empty()) { fire(UserConnectionListener::Supports(), this, StringTokenizer<string>(param, ' ').getTokens()); } } else if(, 4, "$ADC") == 0) { dispatch(aLine, true); } else { dcdebug("Unknown NMDC command: %.50s\n", aLine.c_str()); } }