Пример #1
void RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveExternalSymbols() {
  while (!ExternalSymbolRelocations.empty()) {
    StringMap<RelocationList>::iterator i = ExternalSymbolRelocations.begin();

    StringRef Name = i->first();
    if (Name.size() == 0) {
      // This is an absolute symbol, use an address of zero.
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving absolute relocations."
                   << "\n");
      RelocationList &Relocs = i->second;
      resolveRelocationList(Relocs, 0);
    } else {
      uint64_t Addr = 0;
      SymbolTableMap::const_iterator Loc = GlobalSymbolTable.find(Name);
      if (Loc == GlobalSymbolTable.end()) {
        // This is an external symbol, try to get its address from
        // MemoryManager.
        Addr = MemMgr->getSymbolAddress(Name.data());
        // The call to getSymbolAddress may have caused additional modules to
        // be loaded, which may have added new entries to the
        // ExternalSymbolRelocations map.  Consquently, we need to update our
        // iterator.  This is also why retrieval of the relocation list
        // associated with this symbol is deferred until below this point.
        // New entries may have been added to the relocation list.
        i = ExternalSymbolRelocations.find(Name);
      } else {
        // We found the symbol in our global table.  It was probably in a
        // Module that we loaded previously.
        SymbolLoc SymLoc = Loc->second;
        Addr = getSectionLoadAddress(SymLoc.first) + SymLoc.second;

      // FIXME: Implement error handling that doesn't kill the host program!
      if (!Addr)
        report_fatal_error("Program used external function '" + Name +
                           "' which could not be resolved!");

      updateGOTEntries(Name, Addr);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocations Name: " << Name << "\t"
                   << format("0x%lx", Addr) << "\n");
      // This list may have been updated when we called getSymbolAddress, so
      // don't change this code to get the list earlier.
      RelocationList &Relocs = i->second;
      resolveRelocationList(Relocs, Addr);

Пример #2
void RuntimeDyldImpl::resolveExternalSymbols() {
  while(!ExternalSymbolRelocations.empty()) {
    StringMap<RelocationList>::iterator i = ExternalSymbolRelocations.begin();

    StringRef Name = i->first();
    RelocationList &Relocs = i->second;
    if (Name.size() == 0) {
      // This is an absolute symbol, use an address of zero.
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving absolute relocations." << "\n");
      resolveRelocationList(Relocs, 0);
    } else {
      uint64_t Addr = 0;
      SymbolTableMap::const_iterator Loc = GlobalSymbolTable.find(Name);
      if (Loc == GlobalSymbolTable.end()) {
          // This is an external symbol, try to get its address from
          // MemoryManager.
          Addr = MemMgr->getSymbolAddress(Name.data());
      } else {
        // We found the symbol in our global table.  It was probably in a
        // Module that we loaded previously.
        SymbolLoc SymLoc = GlobalSymbolTable.lookup(Name);
        Addr = getSectionLoadAddress(SymLoc.first) + SymLoc.second;

      // FIXME: Implement error handling that doesn't kill the host program!
      if (!Addr)
        report_fatal_error("Program used external function '" + Name +
                          "' which could not be resolved!");

      updateGOTEntries(Name, Addr);
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Resolving relocations Name: " << Name
              << "\t" << format("0x%lx", Addr)
              << "\n");
      resolveRelocationList(Relocs, Addr);
