OMX_ERRORTYPE ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber::setShutterSpeed(int shutterSpeedMicroSeconds_)
    OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_GetConfig(camera, OMX_IndexConfigCommonExposureValue, &exposureConfig);
    exposureConfig.nShutterSpeedMsec = shutterSpeedMicroSeconds_;
    error =  applyExposure(__func__);
    if(error == OMX_ErrorNone)
        shutterSpeed = getShutterSpeed();
    ofLogVerbose(__func__) << "POST getShutterSpeed(): " << getShutterSpeed();
    return error;
string ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber::currentStateToString()
    stringstream info;
    info << "sharpness " << getSharpness() << endl;
    info << "contrast " << getContrast() << endl;
    info << "brightness " << getBrightness() << endl;
    info << "saturation " << getSaturation() << endl;

    info << "ISO " << getISO() << endl;
    info << "AutoISO " << getAutoISO() << endl;

    info << "DRE " << getDRE() << endl;
    info << "cropRectangle " << getCropRectangle() << endl;
    info << "zoomLevelNormalized " << getZoomLevelNormalized() << endl;
    info << "mirror " << getMirror() << endl;
    info << "rotation " << getRotation() << endl;
    info << "imageFilter " << getImageFilter() << endl;
    info << "exposurePreset " << getExposurePreset() << endl;
    info << "evCompensation " << getEvCompensation() << endl;
    info << "autoShutter " << getAutoShutter() << endl;
    info << "shutterSpeed " << getShutterSpeed() << endl;
    info << "meteringType " << getMeteringType() << endl;
    info << "SoftwareSaturationEnabled " << isSoftwareSaturationEnabled() << endl;
    info << "SoftwareSharpeningEnabled " << isSoftwareSharpeningEnabled() << endl;

    info << omxCameraSettings.toString() << endl;
    return info.str();
string ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber::printExposure()
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "meteringType: " << OMX_Maps::getInstance().getMetering(exposureConfig.eMetering) << "\n";
    ss << "evCompensation: " << getEvCompensation() << "\n";
    ss << "autoShutter: " << getAutoShutter() << "\n";
    ss << "shutterSpeedMicroSeconds: " << getShutterSpeed() << "\n";
    ss << "autoISO: " << getAutoISO() << "\n";
    ss << "ISO: " << getISO() << "\n";
    return ss.str();
Пример #4
  QSharedPointer<CaptureDevice> TimeLapseCapture::parseArguments() {
    QCommandLineParser parser;
    ErrorMessageHelper die(err.device(), &parser);

    parser.setApplicationDescription("Tool for capture sequence of images from digital camera (V4L or GPhoto2 API).");

    QCommandLineOption outputOption(QStringList() << "o" << "output",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Output directory."),
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "directory"));

    QCommandLineOption verboseOption(QStringList() << "V" << "verbose",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Verbose output."));

    QCommandLineOption deviceOption(QStringList() << "d" << "device",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Capture device."),
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "device"));

    QCommandLineOption listOption(QStringList() << "l" << "list",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "List available capture devices and exits."));

    QCommandLineOption intervalOption(QStringList() << "i" << "interval",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Capture interval (in milliseconds). Default is 10000."),
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "interval"));

    QCommandLineOption cntOption(QStringList() << "c" << "count",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "How many images should be captured. Default value is infinite."),
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "count"));

    QCommandLineOption rowOption(QStringList() << "r" << "raw",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Store all captured images in raw."));

    QCommandLineOption getShutterSpeedOption(QStringList() << "s" << "shutterspeed-options",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Prints available shutterspeed setting choices and exits."));

    QCommandLineOption adaptiveShutterSpeedOption(QStringList() << "a" << "adaptive-shutterspeed",
      "Camera shutterspeed will be adaptively changed after exposure metering.\n"
      "This option setup how many images should be used for exposure metering. \n"
      "Default value is 0 - it means that shutterspeed will not be changed by capture tool."
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "count"));

    QCommandLineOption shutterSpeedStepOption(QStringList() << "shutterspeed-step",
      "How large should be step when changing shutterspeed. \n"
      "Default value is 1."
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "step"));

    QCommandLineOption minShutterSpeedOption(QStringList() << "min-shutterspeed",
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Minimum shutterspeed (fastest shutter) used by adaptive shutterspeed"),
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "shutterspeed"));

    QCommandLineOption maxShutterSpeedOption(QStringList() << "max-shutterspeed",
      "Maximum shutterspeed (slowest shutter) used by adaptive shutterspeed.\n"
      "If camera supports BULB shutterspeed, it can be defined as \"BULB:XX\" here (it means bulb with XX s exposure)."
      QCoreApplication::translate("main", "shutterspeed"));

    // Process the actual command line arguments given by the user

    // verbose?
    if (!parser.isSet(verboseOption)) {
      blackHole = new BlackHoleDevice();
    } else {
      // verbose
      verboseOutput << "Turning on verbose output..." << endl;
      verboseOutput << applicationName() << " " << applicationVersion() << endl;

    // raw?
    storeRawImages = parser.isSet(rowOption);

    // interval
    if (parser.isSet(intervalOption)) {
      bool ok = false;
      long i = parser.value(intervalOption).toLong(&ok);
      if (!ok) die << "Cant parse interval.";
      if (i <= 0) die << "Interval have to be possitive";
      interval = i;

    // count
    if (parser.isSet(cntOption)) {
      bool ok = false;
      int i = parser.value(cntOption).toInt(&ok);
      if (!ok) die << "Cant parse count.";
      cnt = i;

    // list devices?
    QList<QSharedPointer < CaptureDevice>> devices = listDevices();
    QSharedPointer<CaptureDevice> dev;
    if (parser.isSet(listOption)) {
      if (devices.isEmpty()) {
        die << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "No compatible capture device found");
      } else {
        out << "Found devices: " << endl;
        for (QSharedPointer<CaptureDevice> d : devices) {
          out << "  " << d->toString() << endl;
    // capture device
    bool assigned = false;
    if (!parser.isSet(deviceOption)) {
      verboseOutput << "Found devices: " << endl;
      for (QSharedPointer<CaptureDevice> d : devices) {
        if (!assigned) {
          dev = d;
          assigned = true;
        verboseOutput << "  " << d->toString() << endl;
      if (!assigned)
        die << "No supported device.";
    } else {
      QString devVal = parser.value(deviceOption);
      for (QSharedPointer<CaptureDevice> d : devices) {
        if (d->toString().contains(devVal, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
          assigned = true;
          dev = d;
      if (!assigned) {
        die << QString("No device matching \"%1\" found.").arg(devVal);
    out << "Using device " << dev->toString() << endl;

    // getShutterSpeedOption ?
    QList<ShutterSpeedChoice> choices = dev->getShutterSpeedChoices();
    if (parser.isSet(getShutterSpeedOption)) {
      if (choices.isEmpty()) {
        err << "Device " << dev->toShortString() << " don't support shutterspeed setting" << endl;
      } else {
        out << "Device " << dev->toShortString() << " shutterspeed choices:" << endl;
        for (ShutterSpeedChoice ch : choices) {
          out << "  " << ch.toString() << endl;
        out << "Current shutter speed: " << dev->currentShutterSpeed().toString() << endl;

    // automatic chutter speed
    // this functionality is experimental!
    if (parser.isSet(adaptiveShutterSpeedOption)) {
      bool ok = false;
      int changeThreshold = parser.value(adaptiveShutterSpeedOption).toInt(&ok);
      if (!ok) die << "Cant parse adaptive shutterspeed option.";

      if (changeThreshold > 0) {

        if (choices.isEmpty()) {
          die << "Camera don't support shutterspeed setting.";
        } else {

          ShutterSpeedChoice currentShutterSpeed;
          ShutterSpeedChoice minShutterSpeed;
          ShutterSpeedChoice maxShutterSpeed;

          currentShutterSpeed = dev->currentShutterSpeed();
          minShutterSpeed = choices.first();
          for (ShutterSpeedChoice ch : choices) {
            if ((!ch.isBulb()) && ch.toMicrosecond() > maxShutterSpeed.toMicrosecond())
              maxShutterSpeed = ch;

          int shutterSpeedStep = 1;
          if (parser.isSet(shutterSpeedStepOption)) {
            bool ok = false;
            shutterSpeedStep = parser.value(shutterSpeedStepOption).toInt(&ok);
            if (!ok) die << "Cant parse shutterspeed step.";
            if (shutterSpeedStep < 1) die << "Shutterspeed step can be less than one.";
          if (parser.isSet(minShutterSpeedOption)) {
            QString optStr = parser.value(minShutterSpeedOption);
            minShutterSpeed = getShutterSpeed(optStr, choices, &die);
          if (parser.isSet(maxShutterSpeedOption)) {
            QString optStr = parser.value(maxShutterSpeedOption);
            maxShutterSpeed = getShutterSpeed(optStr, choices, &die);

          out << "Using automatic shutter speed:" << endl;
          out << "  current shutter speed: " << currentShutterSpeed.toString() << endl;
          out << "  min shutter speed:     " << minShutterSpeed.toString() << endl;
          out << "  max shutter speed:     " << maxShutterSpeed.toString() << endl;
          out << "  change threshold:      " << changeThreshold << endl;
          out << "  change step:           " << shutterSpeedStep << endl;

          if (minShutterSpeed.toMicrosecond() <= 0
            || maxShutterSpeed.toMicrosecond() <= 0
            || maxShutterSpeed.toMicrosecond() < minShutterSpeed.toMicrosecond())
            die << "Invalid shutter speed configurarion";

          if (maxShutterSpeed.toMs() > interval) {
            err << QString("Warning: Maximum shutter speed (%1 ms) is greater than capture interval (%2 ms)!")
              .arg(interval) << endl;
          shutterSpdAlg = new MatrixMeteringAlg(choices, currentShutterSpeed, minShutterSpeed, maxShutterSpeed,
            &err, &verboseOutput, changeThreshold, shutterSpeedStep);

    // output
    if (!parser.isSet(outputOption))
      die << "Output directory is not set";
    output = QDir(parser.value(outputOption));
    if (output.exists())
      err << "Output directory exists already." << endl;
    if (!output.mkpath("."))
      die << QString("Can't create output directory %1 !").arg(output.path());

    return dev;