Пример #1
	int SymbolTable::getSymbolID(const char * sym, int lengthBytes)
		return getSymbolID(HashedCharArray(sym, lengthBytes));
Пример #2
	int SymbolTable::getSymbolID(const char * sym)
		return getSymbolID(HashedCharArray(sym));
Пример #3
void HeadingCluster::initialize( InstanceIDPool &symbolIdPool )
	int topBoxID = getSymbolID( symbolIdPool );
	if( topBoxID < 0 )
		std::cerr << "In HeadingCluster::initialize - no more available symbol IDs\n";
	int topTextID = getSymbolID( symbolIdPool );
	if( topTextID < 0 )
		std::cerr << "In HeadingCluster::initialize - no more available symbol IDs\n";
	int debugOutlineID = getSymbolID( symbolIdPool );
	if( debugOutlineID < 0 )
		std::cerr << "In HeadingCluster::initialize - no more available symbol IDs\n";
	topBox = new SymbolLine();
	topBox->setID( topBoxID );
	addSymbol( topBox.get() );
	topBox->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolLine( topBox.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	topBox->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	topBox->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	topBox->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	topBox->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	topBox->setPosition( 0.0, 9.0 );
	topBox->setRotation( 0.0 );

	topBox->setPrimitiveType( SymbolLine::LineLoop );
	topBox->addVertex( -0.85, -0.45 );
	topBox->addVertex(  0.85, -0.45 );
	topBox->addVertex(  0.85,  0.45 );
	topBox->addVertex( -0.85,  0.45 );

	topText = new SymbolText();
	topText->setID( topTextID );
	topText->setParent( true, topBox->getID(), topBox.get() );
	addSymbol( topText.get() );
	topText->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolText( topText.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	topText->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	topText->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	topText->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	topText->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	topText->setPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
	topText->setRotation( 0.0 );
	topText->setTextAlignment( SymbolText::Center );
	topText->setTextOrientation( SymbolText::LeftToRight );
	topText->setFontID( 0 ); // fixme - fonts
	topText->setFontSize( 1.5 );
	topText->setText( "XXX" );
	barLine = new SymbolLine();
	barLine->setID( symbolIdPool.getAvailableID() ); // fixme - error checking
	addSymbol( barLine.get() );
	barLine->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolLine( barLine.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	barLine->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	barLine->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	barLine->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	barLine->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	barLine->setPosition( 0.0, 7.0 );
	barLine->setRotation( 0.0 );
	barLine->setPrimitiveType( SymbolLine::Lines );
	// the bar itself
	barLine->addVertex( -barWidth / 2., 0. );
	barLine->addVertex(  barWidth / 2., 0. );
	// the caret below the bar
	barLine->addVertex( 0., 0. );
	barLine->addVertex( -0.3, -0.5 );
	barLine->addVertex( 0., 0. );
	barLine->addVertex( 0.3, -0.5 );

	barTicks = new SymbolLine();
	barTicks->setID( symbolIdPool.getAvailableID() ); // fixme - error checking
	barTicks->setParent( true, barLine->getID(), barLine.get() );
	barLine->addSymbol( barTicks.get() );
	barTicks->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolLine( barTicks.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	barTicks->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	barTicks->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	barTicks->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	barTicks->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	barTicks->setPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
	barTicks->setRotation( 0.0 );
	barTicks->setPrimitiveType( SymbolLine::LineLoop );
//barTicks->addVertex( 0., 0.0 );
//barTicks->addVertex( -0.18, 0.18 );
//barTicks->addVertex( 0.18, 0.18 );
	float tickInterval = barWidth / ( ticksRange / degreesPerTick );
	int numVertices = 0;
	SymbolLine *tickChild = NULL;
	// limited to 30 vertices per line symbol; need to split up ticks into 
	// multiple symbols
	for( float x = -barWidth / 2.; x < barWidth / 2.; x += tickInterval )
		// note - actually limited to 28 vertices, due to CCL bug
		if( tickChild == NULL || numVertices >= 26 )
			tickChild = new SymbolLine();
			tickChild->setID( symbolIdPool.getAvailableID() ); // fixme - error checking
			tickChild->setParent( true, barTicks->getID(), barTicks.get() );
			barTicks->addSymbol( tickChild );
			tickChild->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolLine( tickChild, outgoingMessage ) );
			tickChild->setState( Symbol::Visible );
			tickChild->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
			tickChild->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
			tickChild->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
			tickChild->setPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
			tickChild->setRotation( 0.0 );
			tickChild->setPrimitiveType( SymbolLine::Lines );
			numVertices = 0;

		tickChild->addVertex( x, 0.0 );
		tickChild->addVertex( x, 0.18 );

	textTicks = new SymbolText();
	textTicks->setID( symbolIdPool.getAvailableID() ); // fixme - error checking
	textTicks->setParent( true, barLine->getID(), barLine.get() );
	barLine->addSymbol( textTicks.get() );
	textTicks->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolText( textTicks.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	textTicks->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	textTicks->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	textTicks->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	textTicks->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	textTicks->setPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
	textTicks->setRotation( 0.0 );
	// list of text symbols for numbers above bar ticks
	tickInterval = barWidth / ( ticksRange / degreesPerTextTick );
	for( float x = -barWidth / 2.; x < barWidth / 2.; x += tickInterval )
		SymbolText *text = new SymbolText();
		text->setID( symbolIdPool.getAvailableID() ); // fixme - error checking
		text->setParent( true, textTicks->getID(), textTicks.get() );
		textTicks->addSymbol( text );
		text->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolText( text, outgoingMessage ) );
		text->setState( Symbol::Visible );
		text->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
		text->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
		text->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
		text->setPosition( x, 0.25 );
		text->setRotation( 0.0 );
		text->setTextAlignment( SymbolText::BottomCenter );
		text->setTextOrientation( SymbolText::LeftToRight );
		text->setFontID( 0 ); // fixme - fonts
		text->setFontSize( 1.2 );
		text->setText( "XXX" );
		textTicksList.push_back( text );

	waypointTick = new SymbolLine();
	waypointTick->setID( symbolIdPool.getAvailableID() ); // fixme - error checking
	waypointTick->setParent( true, barLine->getID(), barLine.get() );
	barLine->addSymbol( waypointTick.get() );
	waypointTick->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolLine( waypointTick.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	waypointTick->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	waypointTick->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	waypointTick->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	waypointTick->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	waypointTick->setPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
	waypointTick->setRotation( 0.0 );
	waypointTick->setPrimitiveType( SymbolLine::TriangleFan );
	waypointTick->addVertex( -0.1,  0.0 );
	waypointTick->addVertex( -0.1, -0.6 );
	waypointTick->addVertex(  0.1, -0.6 );
	waypointTick->addVertex(  0.1,  0.0 );


	debugOutline = new SymbolLine();
	debugOutline->setID( debugOutlineID );
	addSymbol( debugOutline.get() );
	debugOutline->addImplementation( new SerializableSymbolLine( debugOutline.get(), outgoingMessage ) );
	debugOutline->setState( Symbol::Visible );
	debugOutline->setSurfaceID( SURFACE_ID );
	debugOutline->setColor( Vect4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
	debugOutline->setFlashDutyCyclePercentage( 100 );
	debugOutline->setPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
	debugOutline->setRotation( 0.0 );

	debugOutline->setPrimitiveType( SymbolLine::LineLoop );
	debugOutline->addVertex( SURFACE_MIN_U, SURFACE_MIN_V );
	debugOutline->addVertex( SURFACE_MAX_U, SURFACE_MIN_V );
	debugOutline->addVertex( SURFACE_MAX_U, SURFACE_MAX_V );
	debugOutline->addVertex( SURFACE_MIN_U, SURFACE_MAX_V );