Пример #1
void Link::createPhysicsObject(void)
    if (theWorldPtr == nullptr)

    assert(theFirstPtr != nullptr);
    assert(theFirstLocalPosPtr != nullptr);
    if (theFirstPtr == nullptr) {
        DEBUG4("Link: No valid first object found...");
    b2Body *myFirstB2BodyPtr = getB2BodyPtrFor(theFirstPtr, theFirstLocalPosPtr->toPosition());
    assert (myFirstB2BodyPtr);

    assert(theSecondPtr != nullptr);
    assert(theSecondLocalPosPtr != nullptr);
    if (theSecondPtr == nullptr) {
        DEBUG4("Link: No valid second object found...");
    b2Body *mySecondB2BodyPtr = getB2BodyPtrFor(theSecondPtr, theSecondLocalPosPtr->toPosition());
    assert (mySecondB2BodyPtr);

    // *** initialise Box2D's distance joint:
    // note: Initialize() uses a global coordinate...
    b2DistanceJointDef myJointDef;

    myJointDef.Initialize(myFirstB2BodyPtr, mySecondB2BodyPtr,
                          (theFirstPtr->getOrigCenter() + *theFirstLocalPosPtr).toB2Vec2(),
                          (theSecondPtr->getOrigCenter() + *theSecondLocalPosPtr).toB2Vec2());
    myJointDef.userData = this;
    theJointPtr = (b2DistanceJoint *) getB2WorldPtr()->CreateJoint(&myJointDef);
Пример #2
void ColaSplatter::reportNormalImpulseLength(qreal, AbstractObject *)
    // oww we hit something.
    // that's the end for us
    //   - just allow for some time to transfer the impact
    if (!hasRequestedRemoval) {
        theWorldPtr->removeMe(getThisPtr(), 0.1);
        hasRequestedRemoval = true;
Пример #3
	void D3D11TextureCore::create3DTex()
		UINT32 width = mProperties.getWidth();
		UINT32 height = mProperties.getHeight();
		UINT32 depth = mProperties.getDepth();
		int usage = mProperties.getUsage();
		UINT32 numMips = mProperties.getNumMipmaps();
		PixelFormat format = mProperties.getFormat();
		bool hwGamma = mProperties.isHardwareGammaEnabled();
		PixelFormat closestFormat = D3D11Mappings::getClosestSupportedPF(format, hwGamma);

		// TODO - Consider making this a parameter eventually
		bool readableDepth = true;

		// We must have those defined here
		assert(width > 0 && height > 0 && depth > 0);

		// Determine which D3D11 pixel format we'll use
		DXGI_FORMAT d3dPF = D3D11Mappings::getPF(closestFormat, hwGamma);
		if (format != D3D11Mappings::getPF(d3dPF))
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Provided pixel format is not supported by the driver: " + toString(format));

		mDXGIColorFormat = d3dPF;
		mDXGIDepthStencilFormat = d3dPF;

		D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC desc;
		desc.Width = static_cast<UINT32>(width);
		desc.Height = static_cast<UINT32>(height);
		desc.Depth = static_cast<UINT32>(depth);
		desc.Format	= d3dPF;
		desc.MiscFlags = 0;

		if ((mProperties.getUsage() & TU_RENDERTARGET) != 0)
			desc.Usage			= D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
			desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
			desc.MipLevels		= 1;
		else if ((mProperties.getUsage() & TU_DEPTHSTENCIL) != 0)
			desc.Usage			= D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
			desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
			desc.MipLevels		= 1;

			if (readableDepth)
				desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL;

			mDXGIColorFormat = D3D11Mappings::getShaderResourceDepthStencilPF(closestFormat);
			mDXGIDepthStencilFormat = d3dPF;
			desc.Usage			= D3D11Mappings::getUsage((GpuBufferUsage)usage);
			desc.BindFlags		= D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
			desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11Mappings::getAccessFlags((GpuBufferUsage)usage);

			// Determine total number of mipmaps including main one (d3d11 convention)
			desc.MipLevels		= (numMips == MIP_UNLIMITED || (1U << numMips)
				> std::max(std::max(width, height), depth)) ? 0 : numMips + 1;

		if ((usage & TU_LOADSTORE) != 0)
			desc.BindFlags |= D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS;

		// Create the texture
		D3D11RenderAPI* rs = static_cast<D3D11RenderAPI*>(RenderAPICore::instancePtr());
		D3D11Device& device = rs->getPrimaryDevice();
		hr = device.getD3D11Device()->CreateTexture3D(&desc, nullptr, &m3DTex);

		// Check result and except if failed
		if (FAILED(hr) || device.hasError())
			String errorDescription = device.getErrorDescription();
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Error creating texture\nError Description:" + errorDescription);

		hr = m3DTex->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11Resource), (void **)&mTex);

		if(FAILED(hr) || device.hasError())
			String errorDescription = device.getErrorDescription();
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Can't get base texture\nError Description:" + errorDescription);

		// Create texture view

		if (mProperties.getNumMipmaps() != (desc.MipLevels - 1))
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Driver returned different number of mip maps than requested. " \
				"Requested: " + toString(mProperties.getNumMipmaps()) + ". Got: " + toString(desc.MipLevels - 1) + ".");

		mDXGIFormat = desc.Format;

		if ((usage & TU_DEPTHSTENCIL) == 0 || readableDepth)
			viewDesc.mostDetailMip = 0;
			viewDesc.numMips = desc.MipLevels;
			viewDesc.firstArraySlice = 0;
			viewDesc.numArraySlices = 1;
			viewDesc.usage = GVU_DEFAULT;

			SPtr<TextureCore> thisPtr = std::static_pointer_cast<TextureCore>(getThisPtr());
			mShaderResourceView = bs_shared_ptr<D3D11TextureView>(new (bs_alloc<D3D11TextureView>()) D3D11TextureView(thisPtr, viewDesc));
Пример #4
	void D3D11TextureCore::create2DTex()
		UINT32 width = mProperties.getWidth();
		UINT32 height = mProperties.getHeight();
		int usage = mProperties.getUsage();
		UINT32 numMips = mProperties.getNumMipmaps();
		PixelFormat format = mProperties.getFormat();
		bool hwGamma = mProperties.isHardwareGammaEnabled();
		UINT32 sampleCount = mProperties.getMultisampleCount();
		TextureType texType = mProperties.getTextureType();
		PixelFormat closestFormat = D3D11Mappings::getClosestSupportedPF(format, hwGamma);
		UINT32 numFaces = mProperties.getNumFaces();

		// TODO - Consider making this a parameter eventually
		bool readableDepth = true;

		// We must have those defined here
		assert(width > 0 || height > 0);

		// Determine which D3D11 pixel format we'll use
		DXGI_FORMAT d3dPF = D3D11Mappings::getPF(closestFormat, hwGamma);

		if (format != D3D11Mappings::getPF(d3dPF))
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Provided pixel format is not supported by the driver: " + toString(format));

		mDXGIColorFormat = d3dPF;
		mDXGIDepthStencilFormat = d3dPF;

		D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc;
		desc.Width			= static_cast<UINT32>(width);
		desc.Height			= static_cast<UINT32>(height);
		desc.ArraySize		= numFaces == 0 ? 1 : numFaces;;
		desc.Format			= d3dPF;
		desc.MiscFlags		= 0;

		if((usage & TU_RENDERTARGET) != 0)
			desc.Usage			= D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
			desc.BindFlags		= D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; // TODO - Add flags to allow RT be created without shader resource flags (might be more optimal)
			desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
			desc.MipLevels		= 1;

			DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC sampleDesc;
			D3D11RenderAPI* rs = static_cast<D3D11RenderAPI*>(RenderAPICore::instancePtr());
			rs->determineMultisampleSettings(sampleCount, d3dPF, &sampleDesc);
			desc.SampleDesc		= sampleDesc;

			if (texType == TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP)
				BS_EXCEPT(NotImplementedException, "Cube map not yet supported as a render target."); // TODO: Will be once I add proper texture array support
		else if((usage & TU_DEPTHSTENCIL) != 0)
			desc.Usage			= D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
			desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
			desc.MipLevels		= 1;
			desc.Format			= D3D11Mappings::getTypelessDepthStencilPF(closestFormat);

				desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL;

			DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC sampleDesc;
			D3D11RenderAPI* rs = static_cast<D3D11RenderAPI*>(RenderAPICore::instancePtr());
			rs->determineMultisampleSettings(sampleCount, d3dPF, &sampleDesc);
			desc.SampleDesc		= sampleDesc;

			if (texType == TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP)
				BS_EXCEPT(NotImplementedException, "Cube map not yet supported as a depth stencil target."); // TODO: Will be once I add proper texture array support

			mDXGIColorFormat = D3D11Mappings::getShaderResourceDepthStencilPF(closestFormat);
			mDXGIDepthStencilFormat = d3dPF;
			desc.Usage = D3D11Mappings::getUsage((GpuBufferUsage)usage);
			desc.BindFlags		= D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
			desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11Mappings::getAccessFlags((GpuBufferUsage)usage);

			// Determine total number of mipmaps including main one (d3d11 convention)
			desc.MipLevels		= (numMips == MIP_UNLIMITED || (1U << numMips) > width) ? 0 : numMips + 1;

			DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC sampleDesc;
			sampleDesc.Count	= 1;
			sampleDesc.Quality	= 0;
			desc.SampleDesc		= sampleDesc;

		if (texType == TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP)
            desc.MiscFlags      |= D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE;

		if ((usage & TU_LOADSTORE) != 0)
			desc.BindFlags |= D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS;

		// Create the texture
		D3D11RenderAPI* rs = static_cast<D3D11RenderAPI*>(RenderAPICore::instancePtr());
		D3D11Device& device = rs->getPrimaryDevice();
		hr = device.getD3D11Device()->CreateTexture2D(&desc, nullptr, &m2DTex);

		// Check result and except if failed
		if (FAILED(hr) || device.hasError())
			String errorDescription = device.getErrorDescription();
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Error creating texture\nError Description:" + errorDescription);

		hr = m2DTex->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11Resource), (void **)&mTex);

		if(FAILED(hr) || device.hasError())
			String errorDescription = device.getErrorDescription();
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Can't get base texture\nError Description:" + errorDescription);


		if(numMips != (desc.MipLevels - 1))
			BS_EXCEPT(RenderingAPIException, "Driver returned different number of mip maps than requested. " \
				"Requested: " + toString(numMips) + ". Got: " + toString(desc.MipLevels - 1) + ".");

		mDXGIFormat = desc.Format;

		// Create shader texture view
		if((usage & TU_DEPTHSTENCIL) == 0 || readableDepth)
			viewDesc.mostDetailMip = 0;
			viewDesc.numMips = desc.MipLevels;
			viewDesc.firstArraySlice = 0;
			viewDesc.numArraySlices = desc.ArraySize;
			viewDesc.usage = GVU_DEFAULT;

			SPtr<TextureCore> thisPtr = std::static_pointer_cast<TextureCore>(getThisPtr());
			mShaderResourceView = bs_shared_ptr<D3D11TextureView>(new (bs_alloc<D3D11TextureView>()) D3D11TextureView(thisPtr, viewDesc));