Пример #1
poRect poObject::getFrame() {
    poRect rect = getBounds();
    poPoint topLeft = getTransformedPoint( rect.getTopLeft() );
    poPoint topRight = getTransformedPoint( rect.getTopRight() );
    poPoint bottomRight = getTransformedPoint( rect.getBottomRight() );
    poPoint bottomLeft = getTransformedPoint( rect.getBottomLeft() );
    poRect frame;
    frame.setPosition( bottomRight );
    frame.include( topLeft );
    frame.include( topRight );
    frame.include( bottomLeft );
	return frame;
bool BaseMotionController::translateRelative(double x_trans, double y_trans)
  geometry_msgs::Twist zero_velocity;
  while (!odom_received_)
    if (!start_relative_movement_)
      return false;
  odom_received_ = false;

  tf::TransformListener tf_listener;
  tf::StampedTransform robot_transform;
  bool tf_received = false;
  // wait for transform
  // this is required to convert odom values (x and y position) to the base_footprint frame
  while (!tf_received)
      tf_listener.lookupTransform(world_frame_tf_, base_frame_tf_, ros::Time(0), robot_transform);
      tf_received = true;
    catch(tf::TransformException &ex)


  // current orientation of the robot w.r.t starting orientation
  double robot_yaw = tf::getYaw(robot_transform.getRotation());

  // transform point to base frame
  geometry_msgs::Point point;
  point.x = x_current_;
  point.y = y_current_;
  geometry_msgs::Point newPoint = getTransformedPoint(point, robot_yaw);

  // calculate desired x and y positions
  double x_goal = newPoint.x + x_trans;
  double y_goal = newPoint.y + y_trans;

  ROS_DEBUG("Current: x: %f, y: %f ", x_current_, y_current_);
  ROS_DEBUG("Goal: x: %f, y: %f ", x_goal, y_goal);

  // if already at goal positions, set velocity to zero and return
  if (isMovementDone(x_goal, newPoint.x) && isMovementDone(y_goal, newPoint.y))
    return true;
  // while either x or y translation needs to be done
  while (!isMovementDone(x_goal, newPoint.x) || !isMovementDone(y_goal, newPoint.y))
    geometry_msgs::Twist base_velocity;
    // if x translation is required
    if (!isMovementDone(x_goal, newPoint.x))
      if (x_goal - newPoint.x < 0.0)
        base_velocity.linear.x = -x_vel_;
        base_velocity.linear.x = x_vel_;

    // if y translation is required
    if (!isMovementDone(y_goal, newPoint.y))
      if (y_goal - newPoint.y < 0.0) 
        base_velocity.linear.y = -y_vel_;
        base_velocity.linear.y = y_vel_;

    // set velocity

    // wait till we receive another odom reading
    while (!odom_received_)
      if (!start_relative_movement_)
        return false;
    odom_received_ = false;

    // transform point to base frame
    point.x = x_current_;
    point.y = y_current_;
    newPoint = getTransformedPoint(point, robot_yaw);
  // set velocity to zero
  return true;