* Static identifier to determine if the netcdf file is an ndfd forecast.
* Uses netcdf c api
* @param fileName netcdf filename
* @return true if the forecast is a NCEP Dgex forecast
bool ncepDgexSurfInitialization::identify( std::string fileName )
    bool identified = true;

    //Acquire a lock to protect the non-thread safe netCDF library
#ifdef _OPENMP
    omp_guard netCDF_guard(netCDF_lock);

    int status, ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid;
     * Open the dataset
    status = nc_open( fileName.c_str(), 0, &ncid );
    if ( status != NC_NOERR )
        identified = false;

     * If we can't get simple data from the file, return false
    status = nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid);
    if ( status != NC_NOERR )
        identified = false;

     * Check the variable names, return false if any aren't found
    int varid;
    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();
    for( unsigned int i = 0;i < varList.size();i++ ) {
        status = nc_inq_varid( ncid, varList[i].c_str(), &varid );
        if( status != NC_NOERR )
            identified = false;

     * Check the global attributes for the following tag:
     * :Generating_Model = "RAP Model from FSL (isentropic; scale: 20km at 40N)"
    size_t len;
    nc_type type;
    char* model;
    status = nc_inq_att( ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "Analysis_or_forecast_generating_process_identifier_defined_by_originating_centre", &type, &len );
    if( status != NC_NOERR )
        identified = false;
    else {
        model = new char[len + 1];
        status = nc_get_att_text( ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "Analysis_or_forecast_generating_process_identifier_defined_by_originating_centre", model );
        model[len] = '\0';
        std::string s( model );
        if( s.find("Downscaled GFS from NAM eXtension" ) == s.npos ) {
            identified = false;
    delete[] model;

    status = nc_close( ncid );

    return identified;
Пример #2
void FormulaEdit::editPlotItem ()
  QString s = plot->currentText();
  if (! s.length())
  s.remove(0, s.find("(", 0, TRUE) + 1);
  s.truncate(s.find(")", -1, TRUE));
  QStringList l = QStringList::split(",", s, FALSE);
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < (int) l.count(); loop++)
    l[loop] = l[loop].stripWhiteSpace();

  QString pl = tr("Plot");
  QString cl = tr("Color");
  QString ll = tr("Label");
  QString ltl = tr("Line Type");
  QString vl = tr("Variable");

  PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(this);
  dialog->setCaption(tr("Edit Plot"));
  dialog->createPage (pl);

  s = "Var";
  QStringList l2;
  getVariableList(l2, FALSE);
  dialog->addComboItem(vl, pl, l2, l[0]);

  QColor c(l[1]);
  dialog->addColorItem(cl, pl, c);

  dialog->addTextItem(ll, pl, l[2]);

  l2 = lineTypes;
  dialog->addComboItem(ltl, pl, l2, l[3]);

  int rc = dialog->exec();
  if (rc != QDialog::Accepted)
    delete dialog;

  QString ts;
  s = "plot (";
  dialog->getCombo(vl, ts);
  s.append(ts + ",");
  dialog->getColor(cl, c);
  s.append(c.name() + ",");
  dialog->getText(ll, ts);
  if (! ts.length())
    ts = " ";
  s.append(ts + ",");
  dialog->getCombo(ltl, ts);
  s.append(ts + ")");
  plot->changeItem(s, plot->currentItem());

  delete dialog;
Пример #3
void FormulaEdit::functionDialog ()
  Config config;
  QStringList l;

  bool ok;
  QString function = QInputDialog::getItem(QObject::tr("Indicator Selection"),
                                    QObject::tr("Select an indicator:"),
  if (! ok)

  IndicatorPlugin *plug = config.getIndicatorPlugin(function);
  if (! plug)
    qDebug("FormulaEdit::functionDialog:can't open %s plugin", function.latin1());

  QString s;
  if (! s.compare("TALIB"))

  QString vname, format;
  QStringList vl;
  getVariableList(vl, TRUE);
  plug->formatDialog(vl, vname, format);

  if (! vname.length())

  if (vl.findIndex(vname) != -1)
    QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Qtstalker: Error"), tr("Duplicate variable name."));

  format.prepend(vname + " := " + function + "(");
* Static identifier to determine if the netcdf file is a NAM forecast.
* Uses netcdf c api
* @param fileName netcdf filename
* @return true if the forecast is a NCEP Nam forecast
bool genericSurfInitialization::identify( std::string fileName )

    bool identified = true;

    //Acquire a lock to protect the non-thread safe netCDF library
#ifdef _OPENMP
    omp_guard netCDF_guard(netCDF_lock);

    int status, ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid;

     * Open the dataset
    status = nc_open( fileName.c_str(), 0, &ncid );
    if ( status != NC_NOERR )
        identified = false;

     * If we can't get simple data from the file, return false
    status = nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid);
    if ( status != NC_NOERR )
        identified = false;

     * Check the variable names, return false if any aren't found
    int varid;
    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();
    for( unsigned int i = 0;i < varList.size();i++ ) {
        status = nc_inq_varid( ncid, varList[i].c_str(), &varid );
        if( status != NC_NOERR )
            identified = false;

     * We do not check any of the global variables here, if the file has the
     * proper variables, time, and projection info, it is good enough.  This
     * is for 3rd party weather files, not files downloaded by windninja

    status = nc_close( ncid );

    return identified;
Пример #5
void FormulaEdit::insertPlotItem ()
  QString pl = tr("Plot");
  QString cl = tr("Color");
  QString ll = tr("Label");
  QString ltl = tr("Line Type");
  QString vl = tr("Variable");

  PrefDialog *dialog = new PrefDialog(this);
  dialog->setCaption(tr("Insert Plot"));
  dialog->createPage (pl);

  QString s("Var");
  QStringList l;
  getVariableList(l, FALSE);
  dialog->addComboItem(vl, pl, l, 0);

  QColor c("red");
  dialog->addColorItem(cl, pl, c);
  s = "Label";
  dialog->addTextItem(ll, pl, s);

  dialog->addComboItem(ltl, pl, lineTypes, 4);

  int rc = dialog->exec();
  if (rc != QDialog::Accepted)
    delete dialog;

  QString ts;
  s = "plot (";
  dialog->getCombo(vl, ts);
  s.append(ts + ",");
  dialog->getColor(cl, c);
  s.append(c.name() + ",");
  dialog->getText(ll, ts);
  if (! ts.length())
    ts = " ";
  s.append(ts + ",");
  dialog->getCombo(ltl, ts);
  s.append(ts + ")");
  plot->insertItem(s, plot->currentItem() + 1);

  delete dialog;
* Sets the surface grids based on a ncepNam (surface only!) forecast.
* @param input The WindNinjaInputs for misc. info.
* @param airGrid The air temperature grid to be filled.
* @param cloudGrid The cloud cover grid to be filled.
* @param uGrid The u velocity grid to be filled.
* @param vGrid The v velocity grid to be filled.
* @param wGrid The w velocity grid to be filled (filled with zeros here?).
void genericSurfInitialization::setSurfaceGrids( WindNinjaInputs &input,
        AsciiGrid<double> &airGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &cloudGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &uGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &vGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &wGrid )
    int bandNum = -1;

    //get time list
    std::vector<boost::local_time::local_date_time> timeList( getTimeList(input.ninjaTimeZone) );
    //Search time list for our time to identify our band number for cloud/speed/dir
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++)
        if(input.ninjaTime == timeList[i])
            bandNum = i + 1;
    if(bandNum < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Could not match ninjaTime with a band number in the forecast file.");

    //get some info from the nam file in input

    //Acquire a lock to protect the non-thread safe netCDF library
#ifdef _OPENMP
    omp_guard netCDF_guard(netCDF_lock);

    GDALDataset* poDS;

    //attempt to grab the projection from the dem?
    //check for member prjString first
    std::string dstWkt;
    dstWkt = input.dem.prjString;
    if ( dstWkt.empty() ) {
        //try to open original
        poDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen( input.dem.fileName.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );
        if( poDS == NULL ) {
            CPLDebug( "ncepNdfdInitialization::setSurfaceGrids()",
                    "Bad projection reference" );
        dstWkt = poDS->GetProjectionRef();
        if( dstWkt.empty() ) {
            CPLDebug( "ncepNdfdInitialization::setSurfaceGrids()",
                    "Bad projection reference" );
        GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) poDS );

    poDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen( input.forecastFilename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );

    if( poDS == NULL ) {
        CPLDebug( "ncepNdfdInitialization::setSurfaceGrids()",
                "Bad forecast file" );
        GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) poDS );

    // open ds one by one and warp, then write to grid
    GDALDataset *srcDS, *wrpDS;
    std::string temp;
    std::string srcWkt;

    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();

     * Set the initial values in the warped dataset to no data
    GDALWarpOptions* psWarpOptions;

    for( unsigned int i = 0;i < varList.size();i++ ) {

        temp = "NETCDF:" + input.forecastFilename + ":" + varList[i];

        srcDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpenShared( temp.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );
        if( srcDS == NULL ) {
            CPLDebug( "ncepNdfdInitialization::setSurfaceGrids()",
                    "Bad forecast file" );

        srcWkt = srcDS->GetProjectionRef();

        if( srcWkt.empty() ) {
            CPLDebug( "ncepNdfdInitialization::setSurfaceGrids()",
                    "Bad forecast file" );

         * Grab the first band to get the nodata value for the variable,
         * assume all bands have the same ndv
        GDALRasterBand *poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( 1 );
        int pbSuccess;
        double dfNoData = poBand->GetNoDataValue( &pbSuccess );

        psWarpOptions = GDALCreateWarpOptions();

        int nBandCount = srcDS->GetRasterCount();

        psWarpOptions->nBandCount = nBandCount;

        psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataReal =
            (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );
        psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataImag =
            (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );

        for( int b = 0;b < srcDS->GetRasterCount();b++ ) {
            psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataReal[b] = dfNoData;
            psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataImag[b] = dfNoData;

        if( pbSuccess == false )
            dfNoData = -9999.0;

        psWarpOptions->papszWarpOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( psWarpOptions->papszWarpOptions,
                            "INIT_DEST", "NO_DATA" );

        wrpDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT( srcDS, srcWkt.c_str(),
                                                        1.0, psWarpOptions );

        if( varList[i] == "Temperature_height_above_ground" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, bandNum, airGrid );
        if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
        airGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, bandNum, vGrid );
        if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
        vGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, bandNum, uGrid );
        if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
        uGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "Total_cloud_cover" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, bandNum, cloudGrid );
        if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
        cloudGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );

        GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWarpOptions );
        GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) srcDS );
        GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) wrpDS );
    cloudGrid /= 100.0;

    wGrid.set_headerData( uGrid );
    wGrid = 0.0;
* Checks the downloaded data to see if it is all valid.
void genericSurfInitialization::checkForValidData()
    //just make up a "dummy" timezone for use here
    boost::local_time::time_zone_ptr zone(new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone("MST-07"));

    //get time list
    std::vector<boost::local_time::local_date_time> timeList( getTimeList(zone) );

    boost::posix_time::ptime pt_low(boost::gregorian::date(1900,boost::gregorian::Jan,1), boost::posix_time::hours(12));
    boost::posix_time::ptime pt_high(boost::gregorian::date(2100,boost::gregorian::Jan,1), boost::posix_time::hours(12));
    boost::local_time::local_date_time low_time(pt_low, zone);
    boost::local_time::local_date_time high_time(pt_high, zone);

    //check times
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++)
        if(timeList[i].is_special())    //if time is any special value (not_a_date_time, infinity, etc.)
            throw badForecastFile("Bad time in forecast file.");
        if(timeList[i] < low_time || timeList[i] > high_time)
            throw badForecastFile("Bad time in forecast file.");

    // open ds variable by variable
    GDALDataset *srcDS;
    std::string temp;
    std::string srcWkt;
    int nBands = 0;
    bool noDataValueExists;
    bool noDataIsNan;

    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();

    //Acquire a lock to protect the non-thread safe netCDF library
#ifdef _OPENMP
    omp_guard netCDF_guard(netCDF_lock);

    for( unsigned int i = 0;i < varList.size();i++ ) {

        temp = "NETCDF:" + wxModelFileName + ":" + varList[i];

        srcDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen( temp.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );
        if( srcDS == NULL )
            throw badForecastFile("Cannot open forecast file.");

        srcWkt = srcDS->GetProjectionRef();

        if( srcWkt.empty() )
            throw badForecastFile("Forecast file doesn't have projection information.");

        //Get total bands (time steps)
        nBands = srcDS->GetRasterCount();
        int nXSize, nYSize;
        GDALRasterBand *poBand;
        int pbSuccess;
        double dfNoData;
        double *padfScanline;

        nXSize = srcDS->GetRasterXSize();
        nYSize = srcDS->GetRasterYSize();

        //loop over all bands for this variable (bands are time steps)
        for(int j = 1; j <= nBands; j++)
            poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( j );

            pbSuccess = 0;
            dfNoData = poBand->GetNoDataValue( &pbSuccess );
            if( pbSuccess == false )
                noDataValueExists = false;
                noDataValueExists = true;
                noDataIsNan = CPLIsNan(dfNoData);

            //set the data
            padfScanline = new double[nXSize*nYSize];
            poBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, nXSize, nYSize, padfScanline, nXSize, nYSize,
                    GDT_Float64, 0, 0);
            for(int k = 0;k < nXSize*nYSize; k++)
                //Check if value is no data (if no data value was defined in file)
                            throw badForecastFile("Forecast file contains no_data values.");
                        if(padfScanline[k] == dfNoData)
                            throw badForecastFile("Forecast file contains no_data values.");

                if( varList[i] == "Temperature_height_above_ground" )   //units are Kelvin
                    if(padfScanline[k] < 180.0 || padfScanline[k] > 340.0)  //these are near the most extreme temperatures ever recored on earth
                        throw badForecastFile("Temperature is out of range in forecast file.");
                else if( varList[i] == "V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground" )  //units are m/s
                    if(std::abs(padfScanline[k]) > 220.0)
                        throw badForecastFile("V-velocity is out of range in forecast file.");
                else if( varList[i] == "U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground" )  //units are m/s
                    if(std::abs(padfScanline[k]) > 220.0)
                        throw badForecastFile("U-velocity is out of range in forecast file.");
                else if( varList[i] == "Total_cloud_cover" )  //units are percent
                    if(padfScanline[k] < 0.0 || padfScanline[k] > 100.0)
                        throw badForecastFile("Total cloud cover is out of range in forecast file.");

            delete [] padfScanline;

        GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) srcDS );
* Sets the surface grids based on a ncep HRRR (surface only!) forecast.
* @param input The WindNinjaInputs for misc. info.
* @param airGrid The air temperature grid to be filled.
* @param cloudGrid The cloud cover grid to be filled.
* @param uGrid The u velocity grid to be filled.
* @param vGrid The v velocity grid to be filled.
* @param wGrid The w velocity grid to be filled (filled with zeros here?).
void ncepHrrrSurfInitialization::setSurfaceGrids( WindNinjaInputs &input,
        AsciiGrid<double> &airGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &cloudGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &uGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &vGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &wGrid )
    int bandNum = -1;

    GDALDataset *srcDS;
    srcDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpenShared( input.forecastFilename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );

    if( srcDS == NULL ) {
        CPLDebug( "ncepHRRRSurfaceInitialization::identify()",
                "Bad forecast file" );

    GDALRasterBand *poBand;
    const char *gc;

    //get time list
    std::vector<boost::local_time::local_date_time> timeList( getTimeList( input.ninjaTimeZone ) );

    //Search time list for our time to identify our band number for cloud/speed/dir
    //Right now, just one time step per file
    std::vector<int> bandList;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++)
        if(input.ninjaTime == timeList[i])
            for(unsigned int j = 1; j < srcDS->GetRasterCount(); j++)
                poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( j );
                gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
                std::string bandName( gc );

                if( bandName.find( "Temperature [K]" ) != bandName.npos ){
                    gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_SHORT_NAME" );
                    std::string bandName( gc );
                    if( bandName.find( "2-HTGL" ) != bandName.npos ){
                        bandList.push_back( j );  // 2t 
            for(unsigned int j = 1; j < srcDS->GetRasterCount(); j++)
                poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( j );
                gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
                std::string bandName( gc );

                if( bandName.find( "v-component of wind [m/s]" ) != bandName.npos ){
                    gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_SHORT_NAME" );
                    std::string bandName( gc );
                    if( bandName.find( "10-HTGL" ) != bandName.npos ){
                        bandList.push_back( j );  // 10v
            for(unsigned int j = 1; j < srcDS->GetRasterCount(); j++)
                poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( j );
                gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
                std::string bandName( gc );

                if( bandName.find( "u-component of wind [m/s]" ) != bandName.npos ){
                    gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_SHORT_NAME" );
                    std::string bandName( gc );
                    if( bandName.find( "10-HTGL" ) != bandName.npos ){
                        bandList.push_back( j );  // 10u
            for(unsigned int j = 1; j < srcDS->GetRasterCount(); j++)
                poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( j );
                gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
                std::string bandName( gc );

                if( bandName.find( "Total cloud cover [%]" ) != bandName.npos ){
                    gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_SHORT_NAME" );
                    std::string bandName( gc );
                    if( bandName.find( "0-RESERVED" ) != bandName.npos ){
                        bandList.push_back( j );  // Total cloud cover in % 

    CPLDebug("HRRR", "2t: bandList[0] = %d", bandList[0]);
    CPLDebug("HRRR", "10v: bandList[1] = %d", bandList[1]);
    CPLDebug("HRRR", "10u: bandList[2] = %d", bandList[2]);
    CPLDebug("HRRR", "tcc: bandList[3] = %d", bandList[3]);

    if(bandList.size() < 4)
        throw std::runtime_error("Could not match ninjaTime with a band number in the forecast file.");

    std::string dstWkt;
    dstWkt = input.dem.prjString;

    GDALDataset *wrpDS;
    std::string temp;
    std::string srcWkt;

    GDALWarpOptions* psWarpOptions;

    srcWkt = srcDS->GetProjectionRef();

    poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( 9 );
    int pbSuccess;
    double dfNoData = poBand->GetNoDataValue( &pbSuccess );

    psWarpOptions = GDALCreateWarpOptions();

    int nBandCount = bandList.size();

    psWarpOptions->nBandCount = nBandCount;
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands =
        (int*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands =
        (int*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataReal =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataImag =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );

    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataReal =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataImag =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );

    if( pbSuccess == false )
        dfNoData = -9999.0;

    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands =
        (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[0] = bandList[0];
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[1] = bandList[1];
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[2] = bandList[2];
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[3] = bandList[3];

    psWarpOptions->panDstBands =
        (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[0] = 1;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[1] = 2;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[2] = 3;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[3] = 4;

    wrpDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT( srcDS, srcWkt.c_str(),
                                                    1.0, psWarpOptions );
    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < varList.size(); i++ ) {
        if( varList[i] == "2t" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, airGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                airGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                airGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "10v" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, vGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                vGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                vGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "10u" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, uGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                uGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                uGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "tcc" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, cloudGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                cloudGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                cloudGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
    //if there are any clouds set cloud fraction to 1, otherwise set to 0.
    for(int i = 0; i < cloudGrid.get_nRows(); i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < cloudGrid.get_nCols(); j++){
            if(cloudGrid(i,j) < 0.0){
                cloudGrid(i,j) = 0.0;
                cloudGrid(i,j) = 1.0;
    wGrid.set_headerData( uGrid );
    wGrid = 0.0;
    airGrid += 273.15;

    GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWarpOptions );
    GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) srcDS );
    GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) wrpDS );
* Sets the surface grids based on a ncep HRRR (surface only!) forecast.
* @param input The WindNinjaInputs for misc. info.
* @param airGrid The air temperature grid to be filled.
* @param cloudGrid The cloud cover grid to be filled.
* @param uGrid The u velocity grid to be filled.
* @param vGrid The v velocity grid to be filled.
* @param wGrid The w velocity grid to be filled (filled with zeros here?).
void ncepHrrrSurfInitialization::setSurfaceGrids( WindNinjaInputs &input,
        AsciiGrid<double> &airGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &cloudGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &uGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &vGrid,
        AsciiGrid<double> &wGrid )
    int bandNum = -1;

    GDALDataset *srcDS;
    srcDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpenShared( input.forecastFilename.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );

    if( srcDS == NULL ) {
        CPLDebug( "ncepHRRRSurfaceInitialization::identify()",
                "Bad forecast file" );

    GDALRasterBand *poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( 49 );
    const char *gc;
    gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
    std::string bandName( gc );

    //get time list
    std::vector<boost::local_time::local_date_time> timeList( getTimeList( input.ninjaTimeZone ) );

    //Search time list for our time to identify our band number for cloud/speed/dir
    //Right now, just one time step per file
    std::vector<int> bandList;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++)
        if(input.ninjaTime == timeList[i])
            //check which HRRR format we have
            if( bandName.find( "u-component of wind [m/s]" ) == bandName.npos ){ //if band 49 isn't u10, it's either 2010 or 2012 format
                GDALRasterBand *poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( 50 );
                const char *gc;
                gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
                std::string bandName( gc );
                if( bandName.find( "u-component of wind [m/s]" ) == bandName.npos ){ //if band 50 isn't u10, it's the 2010 format
                    bandList.push_back( 29 ); // 2t
                    bandList.push_back( 34 ); // 10v
                    bandList.push_back( 33 );  // 10u
                    bandList.push_back( 52 ); // geopotential height at cloud top
                    bandList.push_back( 45 ); // 2t
                    bandList.push_back( 51 ); // 10v
                    bandList.push_back( 50 );  // 10u
                    bandList.push_back( 78 ); // geopotential height at cloud top
            else{ //otherwise, should be 2011 format, but check for u10 band to be sure
                poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( 44 );
                gc = poBand->GetMetadataItem( "GRIB_COMMENT" );
                bandName = gc;
                if( bandName.find( "u-component of wind [m/s]" ) == bandName.npos ){
                    CPLDebug( "ncepHRRRSurfaceInitialization::identify()",
                              "Can't find the u-10 band in the forecast file." );
                bandList.push_back( 44 ); // 2t
                bandList.push_back( 50 ); // 10v
                bandList.push_back( 49 );  // 10u
                bandList.push_back( 73 ); // geopotential height at cloud top

    if(bandList.size() < 4)
        throw std::runtime_error("Could not match ninjaTime with a band number in the forecast file.");

    std::string dstWkt;
    dstWkt = input.dem.prjString;

    GDALDataset *wrpDS;
    std::string temp;
    std::string srcWkt;

    GDALWarpOptions* psWarpOptions;

    srcWkt = srcDS->GetProjectionRef();

    poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( 9 );
    int pbSuccess;
    double dfNoData = poBand->GetNoDataValue( &pbSuccess );

    psWarpOptions = GDALCreateWarpOptions();

    int nBandCount = bandList.size();

    psWarpOptions->nBandCount = nBandCount;
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands =
        (int*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands =
        (int*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( int ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataReal =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataImag =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );

    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataReal =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->padfDstNoDataImag =
        (double*) CPLMalloc( sizeof( double ) * nBandCount );

    if( pbSuccess == false )
        dfNoData = -9999.0;

    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands =
        (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[0] = bandList[0];
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[1] = bandList[1];
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[2] = bandList[2];
    psWarpOptions->panSrcBands[3] = bandList[3];

    psWarpOptions->panDstBands =
        (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * psWarpOptions->nBandCount );
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[0] = 1;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[1] = 2;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[2] = 3;
    psWarpOptions->panDstBands[3] = 4;

    wrpDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT( srcDS, srcWkt.c_str(),
                                                    1.0, psWarpOptions );
    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < varList.size(); i++ ) {
        if( varList[i] == "2t" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, airGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                airGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                airGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "10v" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, vGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                vGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                vGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "10u" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, uGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                uGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                uGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
        else if( varList[i] == "gh" ) {
            GDAL2AsciiGrid( wrpDS, i+1, cloudGrid );
            if( CPLIsNan( dfNoData ) ) {
                cloudGrid.set_noDataValue( -9999.0 );
                cloudGrid.replaceNan( -9999.0 );
    //if there are any clouds set cloud fraction to 1, otherwise set to 0.
    for(int i = 0; i < cloudGrid.get_nRows(); i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < cloudGrid.get_nCols(); j++){
            if(cloudGrid(i,j) < 0.0){
                cloudGrid(i,j) = 0.0;
                cloudGrid(i,j) = 1.0;
    wGrid.set_headerData( uGrid );
    wGrid = 0.0;
    airGrid += 273.15;

    GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWarpOptions );
    GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) srcDS );
    GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) wrpDS );