Пример #1
 * calculateGradient
void Volume::calculateGradient(void) {
    size_t depth = getDepth();
    size_t height = getHeight();
    size_t width = getWidth();
    size_t szGrads = 4*width*height*depth; 

    maximumGradient = FLT_MIN;
    minimumGradient = FLT_MAX;

    gradients = new float[szGrads];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < szGrads; i++)
        gradients[i] = 0.0f;
    for (size_t k = 1; k < depth - 1; k++) {
        for (size_t j = 1; j < height - 1; j++) {
            for (size_t i = 1; i < width - 1; i++) {
                float x = float(getVoxel(i+1 + j * width + k * (width * height))) - float(getVoxel(i-1 + j * width + k * (width * height)));
                float y = float(getVoxel(i + (j+1) * width + k * (width * height))) - float(getVoxel(i + (j-1) * width + k * (width * height)));
                float z = float(getVoxel(i + j * width + (k+1) * (width * height))) - float(getVoxel(i + j * width + (k-1) * (width * height)));
                float m = x*x + y*y + z*z;
                gradients[4 * (i + j * width + k * (width * height)) + 0] = x;
                gradients[4 * (i + j * width + k * (width * height)) + 1] = y;
                gradients[4 * (i + j * width + k * (width * height)) + 2] = z;
                gradients[4 * (i + j * width + k * (width * height)) + 3] = m;
                if (maximumGradient < m) {
                    maximumGradient = m;
                if (minimumGradient > m) {
                    minimumGradient = m;
            } // end for
        } // end for
    } // end for
} // end calculateGradient()
Пример #2
dvec4 VolumeVectorSampler::sample(const dvec4 &pos) const {
    dvec3 spatialPos = pos.xyz();
    double t = pos.w;

    int tIndex = static_cast<int>(t);
    double tInterpolant = t - static_cast<float>(tIndex);

    dvec4 v0, v1;
    v0 = getVoxel(spatialPos, tIndex);
    v1 = getVoxel(spatialPos, tIndex + 1);

    return Interpolation<dvec4>::linear(v0, v1, tInterpolant);
Пример #3
// TODO YukigassenChunkRoom should probably pass a pointer to an object that can store the triangles and filaments instead of passing pointer to itself.
void YukigassenVoxelMap::setupInternalRenderingDataLocal(const YukigassenChunkRoom *ybr, YukigassenChunk *yukigassenChunk)
/*void YukigassenVoxelMap::setupInternalRenderingDataLocal(YukigassenChunk *yukigassenChunk)
	const YukigassenChunkRoom *ybr=dynamic_cast<const YukigassenChunkRoom *>(getParentObj());*/
	if (ybr!=NULL)
		const float bsx2 = 0.5f * ybr->blockSizeX();
		const float bsy2 = 0.5f * ybr->blockSizeY();
		const float bsz2 = 0.5f * ybr->blockSizeZ();

		const int subXo=ybr->translateToVoxelMapIndexX(geographicIndex)*mapSizeInBlocks.x;
		const int subYo=ybr->translateToVoxelMapIndexY(geographicIndex)*mapSizeInBlocks.y;
		const int subZo=ybr->translateToVoxelMapIndexZ(geographicIndex)*mapSizeInBlocks.z;

		//addLineBox(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, rsx2, rsy2, rsz2);

		//printf("setupInternalRenderingDataLocal: %d %d %d\n", subXo, subYo, subZo);

	    for(size_t lx=0;lx<mapSizeInBlocks.x;lx++)
	        for(size_t ly=0;ly<mapSizeInBlocks.y;ly++)
	            for(size_t lz=0;lz<mapSizeInBlocks.z;lz++)
	            	const long long blockIndex = getBlockIndex(lx,ly,lz);

					const int b = getVoxel(blockIndex);
					if (!YukigassenChunk::getBlockInvisible(b))
						int rx=subXo+lx;
						int ry=subYo+ly;
						int rz=subZo+lz;

						// TODO Would be much faster to not do this via parent unless needed.
						int neighborMask = ybr->getNeighborMaskXp(rx,ry,rz) | ybr->getNeighborMaskYp(rx,ry,rz) | ybr->getNeighborMaskZp(rx,ry,rz) | ybr->getNeighborMaskXn(rx,ry,rz) | ybr->getNeighborMaskYn(rx,ry,rz) | ybr->getNeighborMaskZn(rx,ry,rz);
						//int neighborMask=0x1f;

						float xc = ybr->translateBlockToCoordinatesX(rx);
						float yc = ybr->translateBlockToCoordinatesY(ry);
						float zc = ybr->translateBlockToCoordinatesZ(rz);

						//printf("setupInternalRenderingDataLocal: %f %f %f  %03x %d\n", xc, yc, zc, neighborMask, b);
						//if ((bsx2==bsy2) && (bsy2==bsz2)) {};
						if (neighborMask!=0x3F)
							yukigassenChunk->addTriangleBox(xc, yc, zc, bsx2, bsy2, bsz2, neighborMask, b);

Пример #4
	std::pair<s32, Voxel> BlockMap::getUpperVoxel(s32 x, s32 y, s32 minZ, s32 maxZ)
		// TODO BlockMap: optimize getUpperVoxel()

		std::pair<s32,Voxel> p;
		Vector3i pos(x, y, maxZ);

		for(; pos.z >= minZ; pos.z--)
			p.second = getVoxel(pos);
			if(p.second.type != voxel::AIR)
		p.first = pos.z;
		return p;
Пример #5
void CVolume3D::_computeSobelGradients(float *gradients, const int stride, int *sizes, const int dataType, const float gsliceDists[3])
    int idz, idy, idx;
    float *gp=gradients;
    const float weights[3][3][3][3] = {
        {{{-1, -3, -1}, {-3, -6, -3}, {-1, -3, -1}},
         {{ 0,  0,  0}, { 0,  0,  0}, { 0,  0,  0}},
         {{ 1,  3,  1}, { 3,  6,  3}, { 1,  3,  1}}},
        {{{-1, -3, -1}, { 0,  0,  0}, { 1,  3,  1}},
         {{-3, -6, -3}, { 0,  0,  0}, { 3,  6,  3}},
         {{-1, -3, -1}, { 0,  0,  0}, { 1,  3,  1}}},
        {{{-1,  0,  1}, {-3,  0,  3}, {-1,  0,  1}},
         {{-3,  0,  3}, {-6,  0,  6}, {-3,  0,  3}},
         {{-1,  0,  1}, {-3,  0,  3}, {-1,  0,  1}}}

	fprintf(stderr, "computing gradients using SOBEL filter... may take a while\n");
    for (idz = 0; idz < sizes[2]; idz++) {
        for (idy = 0; idy < sizes[1]; idy++) {
            for (idx = 0; idx < sizes[0]; idx++) {
                if ((idx > 0 && idx < sizes[0] - 1) &&
                    (idy > 0 && idy < sizes[1] - 1) &&
                    (idz > 0 && idz < sizes[2] - 1)) {
					sobelFilter3D(idx, idy, idz, weights, gsliceDists, gp);
                } else {
                    /* X-direction */
                    if (idx < 1) {
                        gp[0] = (getVoxel(idx + 1, idy, idz, dataType) - getVoxel(idx, idy, idz, dataType))* (gsliceDists[0]);
                    } else {
                        gp[0] = (getVoxel(idx, idy, idz, dataType) - getVoxel(idx - 1, idy, idz, dataType))* (gsliceDists[0]);
                    /* Y-direction */
                    if (idy < 1) {
                        gp[1] = (getVoxel(idx, idy + 1, idz, dataType) - getVoxel(idx, idy, idz, dataType))* (gsliceDists[1]);
                    } else {
                        gp[1] = (getVoxel(idx, idy, idz, dataType) - getVoxel(idx, idy - 1, idz, dataType))* (gsliceDists[1]);
                    /* Z-direction */
                    if (idz < 1) {
                        gp[2] = (getVoxel(idx, idy, idz + 1, dataType) - getVoxel(idx, idy, idz, dataType))* (gsliceDists[2]);
                    } else {
                        gp[2] = (getVoxel(idx, idy, idz, dataType) - getVoxel(idx, idy, idz - 1, dataType))* (gsliceDists[2]);
                gp += stride;
Пример #6
void scanUp(int xscan, int yscan, int zscan, float d, int ymax, int ymin) {
	float hx, hy; 

	int by = 0;

	if(d < 0) {
		xscan += xdir;
		d += incy;
		hx = (float)xscan; 
		if(xdir < 0) 
			hx += 1.0f;
		hy = vy*(hx-posx)/vx + posy;
	} else {
		yscan += ydir;
		d -= incx;
		hy = (float)yscan; 
		if(ydir < 0) 
			hy += 1.0f;
		hx = vx*(hy-posy)/vy + posx;

	if(!inside(xscan, yscan, zscan)) { 
		drawSegment(sx, ymin, ymax, 0);

	float dist = cosang*(hx-posx) + sinang*(hy-posy);
	float f = xd/dist;

	int start = ymax;
	int startz = zscan;
	bool gap = false;

	for(int z=zscan; z>-0; --z) {
		int sy1 = (int)((z-posz+0)*f + yd);
		if(sy1 > ymax)

		if(sy1 + f + f < ymin)

		uint8 voxel = getVoxel(xscan, yscan, z);
		if(voxel) {
			int sy2 = (int)((z-posz+1)*f + yd);

			if(sy2 > ymin) {
				sy1 = max(sy1, ymin);
				sy2 = min(sy2, ymax);
					drawSegment(sx, sy1, sy2, voxel+by );
			} else 
				sy2 = ymin;

			if(z+1>cz+2 || !getVoxel(xscan, yscan, z+1)) {	
				float thx, thy;
				if(d < 0) {
					thx = (float)(xscan); 
					if(xdir > 0) 
						thx += 1.0f;
					thy = vy*(thx-posx)/vx + posy;
				} else {
					thy = (float)(yscan); 
					if(ydir > 0) 
						thy += 1.0f;
					thx = vx*(thy-posy)/vy + posx;
				float dist2 = cosang*(thx-posx) + sinang*(thy-posy);
				float f2 = xd/dist2;
				int tsy = (int)((z-posz+1)*f2 + yd);	 

				if(tsy < ymin)

				tsy = min(tsy, ymax);

				if(tsy > sy2) {
					drawSegment(sx, sy2, tsy, voxel+5);
					sy2 = tsy;

			if(gap) {
				if(sy2 < start)
					scanUp(xscan, yscan, startz, d, start, sy2);
				gap = false;
			start = sy1;
			startz = z-1;
		} else {
			gap = true;
	if(ymin < start)
		scanUp(xscan, yscan, startz, d, start, ymin);