Пример #1
//returns -1 on fail, number of vertices on success
int load_off_mesh(FILE* fp, jmesh *jm){
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); //ensure we are at the start of the file

    if(is_off_file(fp) != 0){
        fprintf(stderr, "not an off file\n");
        return -1;

    int i;
    i=get_verts_faces(fp, jm);
    if(i != 3){
        fprintf(stderr,"off file corrupt on line 2\n");
        return -1;
    i=get_tuples(fp, jm);
    if(i != jm->nvert){
        fprintf(stderr,"off file corrupt on tuple line %d\n", i);
        return -1;
    i=get_faces(fp, jm);
    if(i != jm->ntri){
        fprintf(stderr,"off file corrupt on polygon line %d\n", i);
        return -1;
    get_centroid(jm, jm->center);
    return i;
void assign_closest_serial(It begin, It end, int K, leveldb::DB* work_db,
                           const std::vector<GDELTMini>& centroids,
                           vuad& totals, vuai& cluster_sizes) {
  GDELTMini current_row;
  for (auto itit = begin; itit != end; ++itit) {
    auto& range = *itit;
    for (range.reset(); range.should_continue(); range.it->Next()) {
      read(range.it->value(), current_row);
      int min = -1;
      double min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
      for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
        double d = Rho(current_row, centroids[i]);
        if (d < min_dist) {
          min = i;
          min_dist = d;
      CHECK(min >= 0);
      add_atomic_double(totals[min].get(), min_dist);
      auto i = cluster_sizes[min]->fetch_add(1) + 1;
      int prev = get_centroid(work_db, range.it->key(), K);
      set_centroid(work_db, range.it->key(), prev, min, K);
Пример #3
point* defuzzify(fuzzy_engine* engine)
    uint8_t consequents_no = engine->consequents->length;
    rule_consequent** consequent_list = (rule_consequent**)os_malloc(
        consequents_no * sizeof(rule_consequent*));
    uint8_t count = 0, i = 0;
    linked_list_node* node = engine->consequents->head;
    while(node != 0) {
        consequent_list[count] = (rule_consequent*)node->data;
        node = node->next;

    order_consequents_geometrically(consequent_list, consequents_no);
    point* raw_points = get_raw_polygon_points(consequent_list, consequents_no);
    // debugging
    // for(i = 0; i < consequents_no * 4; i++) {
    //     printf("%.2f, %.2f\n", raw_points[i].x, raw_points[i].y);
    // }
    linked_list* points = get_polygon_points(raw_points, consequents_no * 4);
    // debugging
    // node = points->head;
    // point * p;
    // while(node != 0) {
    //     p = (point*)node->data;
    //     printf("%.2f, %.2f\n", p->x, p->y);
    //     node = node->next;
    // }

    point* centroid = get_centroid(points);

    // free everything
    linked_list_node *aux_node;
    node = points->head;
    while(node != 0) {
        aux_node = node->next;
        node = aux_node;

    // reset rules
    linked_list_node *rule_node = engine->rules->head;
    while(rule_node != 0) {
        fuzzy_rule* rule = rule_node->data;
        rule->consequent->result = 0;
        rule->result = 0;

        rule_node = rule_node->next;

    return centroid;
Пример #4
void Circle::move(double dx, double dy)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_points; ++i)
        pts[i].x += dx;
        pts[i].y += dy;

    centroid = get_centroid();
/* makeStraightEdge:
 * FIX: handle ports on boundary?
makeStraightEdge(graph_t * g, edge_t * e, int et, splineInfo* sinfo)
    pointf dumb[4];
    node_t *n = agtail(e);
    node_t *head = aghead(e);
    int e_cnt = ED_count(e);
    int curved = (et == ET_CURVED);
    pointf perp;
    pointf del;
    edge_t *e0;
    int i, j, xstep, dx;
    double l_perp;
    pointf dumber[4];
    pointf p, q;

    p = dumb[1] = dumb[0] = add_pointf(ND_coord(n), ED_tail_port(e).p);
    q = dumb[2] = dumb[3] = add_pointf(ND_coord(head), ED_head_port(e).p);
    if ((e_cnt == 1) || Concentrate) {
	if (curved) bend(dumb,get_centroid(g));
	clip_and_install(e, aghead(e), dumb, 4, sinfo);
	addEdgeLabels(g, e, p, q);

    e0 = e;
    if (APPROXEQPT(dumb[0], dumb[3], MILLIPOINT)) {
	/* degenerate case */
	dumb[1] = dumb[0];
	dumb[2] = dumb[3];
	del.x = 0;
	del.y = 0;
    else {
        perp.x = dumb[0].y - dumb[3].y;
        perp.y = dumb[3].x - dumb[0].x;
	l_perp = LEN(perp.x, perp.y);
	xstep = GD_nodesep(g->root);
	dx = xstep * (e_cnt - 1) / 2;
	dumb[1].x = dumb[0].x + (dx * perp.x) / l_perp;
	dumb[1].y = dumb[0].y + (dx * perp.y) / l_perp;
	dumb[2].x = dumb[3].x + (dx * perp.x) / l_perp;
	dumb[2].y = dumb[3].y + (dx * perp.y) / l_perp;
	del.x = -xstep * perp.x / l_perp;
	del.y = -xstep * perp.y / l_perp;

    for (i = 0; i < e_cnt; i++) {
	if (aghead(e0) == head) {
	    p = dumb[0];
	    q = dumb[3];
	    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
		dumber[j] = dumb[j];
	} else {
	    p = dumb[3];
	    q = dumb[0];
	    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
		dumber[3 - j] = dumb[j];
	if (et == ET_PLINE) {
	    Ppoint_t pts[4];
	    Ppolyline_t spl, line;

	    line.pn = 4;
	    line.ps = pts;
	    for (j=0; j < 4; j++) {
		pts[j] = dumber[j];
	    make_polyline (line, &spl);
	    clip_and_install(e0, aghead(e0), spl.ps, spl.pn, sinfo);
	    clip_and_install(e0, aghead(e0), dumber, 4, sinfo);

	addEdgeLabels(g, e0, p, q);
	e0 = ED_to_virt(e0);
	dumb[1].x += del.x;
	dumb[1].y += del.y;
	dumb[2].x += del.x;
	dumb[2].y += del.y;
Пример #6
int main(const int argc, const char** argv) {
  // omp_set_num_threads(8);
  // Problem size and other parameters
  const int nBodies = (argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 16384);
  const int nSteps = 10;  // Duration of test
  const float dt = 0.01f; // Body propagation time step
  Centroid c;

  // Body data stored as an Array of Structures (AoS)
  struct BodyType bodies[nBodies];

  // Initialize random number generator and bodies
  float randmax;
  randmax = (float) RAND_MAX;
  for(int i = 0; i < nBodies; i++) {
    bodies[i].x = ((float) rand())/randmax; 
    bodies[i].y = ((float) rand())/randmax; 
    bodies[i].z = ((float) rand())/randmax; 
    bodies[i].vx = ((float) rand())/randmax; 
    bodies[i].vy = ((float) rand())/randmax; 
    bodies[i].vz = ((float) rand())/randmax; 

  // Compute initial center of mass  
  c = get_centroid(nBodies, bodies);
  printf("Initial center of mass: (%g, %g, %g)\n", c.x, c.y, c.z);

  // Perform benchmark
  printf("\n\033[1mNBODY Version 02\033[0m\n");
  printf("\nPropagating %d bodies using %d thread on %s...\n\n", 
	 nBodies, omp_get_num_threads(), "CPU");

  double rate = 0, dRate = 0; // Benchmarking data
  const int skipSteps = 3; // Set this to a positive int to skip warm-up steps

  printf("\033[1m%5s %10s %10s %8s\033[0m\n", "Step", "Time, s", "Interact/s", "GFLOP/s"); fflush(stdout);

  for (int step = 1; step <= nSteps; step++) {

    const double tStart = omp_get_wtime(); // Start timing
    MoveBodies(nBodies, bodies, dt);
    const double tEnd = omp_get_wtime(); // End timing

    // These are for calculating flop rate. It ignores symmetry and 
    // estimates 20 flops per body-body interaction in MoveBodies
    const float HztoInts   = (float)nBodies * (float)(nBodies-1) ;
    const float HztoGFLOPs = 20.0*1e-9*(float)nBodies*(float)(nBodies-1);

    if (step > skipSteps) { 
      // Collect statistics 
      rate  += HztoGFLOPs / (tEnd - tStart); 
      dRate += HztoGFLOPs * HztoGFLOPs / ((tEnd-tStart)*(tEnd-tStart)); 

    printf("%5d %10.3e %10.3e %8.1f %s\n", 
	   step, (tEnd-tStart), HztoInts/(tEnd-tStart), HztoGFLOPs/(tEnd-tStart), (step<=skipSteps?"*":""));


  printf("\033[1m%s %4s \033[42m%10.1f +- %.1f GFLOP/s\033[0m\n",
	 "Average performance:", "", rate, dRate);
  printf("* - warm-up, not included in average\n\n");

  // Compute final center of mass
  c = get_centroid(nBodies, bodies);
  printf("Final center of mass: (%g, %g, %g)\n", c.x, c.y, c.z);
