Пример #1
void database::update_active_committee_members()
{ try {
   assert( _committee_count_histogram_buffer.size() > 0 );
   share_type stake_target = (_total_voting_stake-_witness_count_histogram_buffer[0]) / 2;

   /// accounts that vote for 0 or 1 witness do not get to express an opinion on
   /// the number of witnesses to have (they abstain and are non-voting accounts)
   uint64_t stake_tally = 0; // _committee_count_histogram_buffer[0];
   size_t committee_member_count = 0;
   if( stake_target > 0 )
      while( (committee_member_count < _committee_count_histogram_buffer.size() - 1)
             && (stake_tally <= stake_target) )
         stake_tally += _committee_count_histogram_buffer[++committee_member_count];

   const chain_property_object& cpo = get_chain_properties();
   auto committee_members = sort_votable_objects<committee_member_index>(std::max(committee_member_count*2+1, (size_t)cpo.immutable_parameters.min_committee_member_count));

   for( const committee_member_object& del : committee_members )
      modify( del, [&]( committee_member_object& obj ){
              obj.total_votes = _vote_tally_buffer[del.vote_id];

   // Update committee authorities
   if( !committee_members.empty() )
      modify(get(GRAPHENE_COMMITTEE_ACCOUNT), [&](account_object& a) {
         uint64_t total_votes = 0;
         map<account_id_type, uint64_t> weights;
         a.active.weight_threshold = 0;

         for( const committee_member_object& del : committee_members )
            weights.emplace(del.committee_member_account, _vote_tally_buffer[del.vote_id]);
            total_votes += _vote_tally_buffer[del.vote_id];

         // total_votes is 64 bits. Subtract the number of leading low bits from 64 to get the number of useful bits,
         // then I want to keep the most significant 16 bits of what's left.
         int8_t bits_to_drop = std::max(int(boost::multiprecision::detail::find_msb(total_votes)) - 15, 0);
         for( const auto& weight : weights )
            // Ensure that everyone has at least one vote. Zero weights aren't allowed.
            uint16_t votes = std::max((weight.second >> bits_to_drop), uint64_t(1) );
            a.active.account_auths[weight.first] += votes;
            a.active.weight_threshold += votes;

         a.active.weight_threshold /= 2;
         a.active.weight_threshold += 1;
      modify(get(GRAPHENE_RELAXED_COMMITTEE_ACCOUNT), [&](account_object& a) {
         a.active = get(GRAPHENE_COMMITTEE_ACCOUNT).active;
Пример #2
void database::update_active_witnesses()
{ try {
   assert( _witness_count_histogram_buffer.size() > 0 );
   share_type stake_target = _total_voting_stake / 2;
   share_type stake_tally = _witness_count_histogram_buffer[0];
   size_t witness_count = 0;
   if( stake_target > 0 )
      while( (witness_count < _witness_count_histogram_buffer.size() - 1)
             && (stake_tally <= stake_target) )
         stake_tally += _witness_count_histogram_buffer[++witness_count];

   const chain_property_object& cpo = get_chain_properties();
   auto wits = sort_votable_objects<witness_index>(std::max(witness_count*2+1, (size_t)cpo.immutable_parameters.min_witness_count));
   const global_property_object& gpo = get_global_properties();

   for( const witness_object& wit : wits )
      modify( wit, [&]( witness_object& obj ){
              obj.total_votes = _vote_tally_buffer[wit.vote_id];

   // Update witness authority
   modify( get(GRAPHENE_WITNESS_ACCOUNT), [&]( account_object& a ) {
      uint64_t total_votes = 0;
      map<account_id_type, uint64_t> weights;
      a.active.weight_threshold = 0;

      for( const witness_object& wit : wits )
         weights.emplace(wit.witness_account, _vote_tally_buffer[wit.vote_id]);
         total_votes += _vote_tally_buffer[wit.vote_id];

      // total_votes is 64 bits. Subtract the number of leading low bits from 64 to get the number of useful bits,
      // then I want to keep the most significant 16 bits of what's left.
      int8_t bits_to_drop = std::max(int(boost::multiprecision::detail::find_msb(total_votes)) - 15, 0);
      for( const auto& weight : weights )
         // Ensure that everyone has at least one vote. Zero weights aren't allowed.
         uint16_t votes = std::max((weight.second >> bits_to_drop), uint64_t(1) );
         a.active.account_auths[weight.first] += votes;
         a.active.weight_threshold += votes;

      a.active.weight_threshold /= 2;
      a.active.weight_threshold += 1;

   modify(gpo, [&]( global_property_object& gp ){
      std::transform(wits.begin(), wits.end(),
                     std::inserter(gp.active_witnesses, gp.active_witnesses.end()),
                     [](const witness_object& w) {
         return w.id;
      std::transform(wits.begin(), wits.end(),
                     std::inserter(gp.witness_accounts, gp.witness_accounts.end()),
                     [](const witness_object& w) {
         return w.witness_account;

Пример #3
const chain_id_type& database::get_chain_id( )const
   return get_chain_properties().chain_id;