Пример #1
static gint
ambiguous_cmp (const ambiguous_type *a, const ambiguous_type *b,
               GncXmlImportData *data)
    const gchar *string_a = get_decoded_string (a, data->default_encoding);
    const gchar *string_b = get_decoded_string (b, data->default_encoding);

    if (string_a)
        if (string_b)
            /* both look good, usual compare */
            return strcmp (string_a, string_b);
            /* a look good, b not. put b to the top */
            return 1;
        if (string_b)
            /* b looks good, a not. put a to the top */
            return -1;
            /* both look suboptimal, see whether one has a decision attached to it */
            conv_type *conv_a = g_hash_table_lookup (data->choices, a->byte_sequence);
            conv_type *conv_b = g_hash_table_lookup (data->choices, b->byte_sequence);
            if (conv_a && !conv_b) return 1;
            if (conv_b && !conv_a) return -1;
            return strcmp (a->byte_sequence, b->byte_sequence);
Пример #2
        void create_image_metadata_stylesheet_file(const std::string& main_filename)
            std::string path;
            std::string::size_type pos = main_filename.find_last_of("/\\");
            if (pos != std::string::npos)
                path = main_filename.substr(0,pos+1);

            std::ofstream fout((path + "image_metadata_stylesheet.xsl").c_str());
            if (!fout)
                throw dlib::error("ERROR: Unable to open image_metadata_stylesheet.xsl for writing.");

            fout << get_decoded_string();

            if (!fout)
                throw dlib::error("ERROR: Unable to write to image_metadata_stylesheet.xsl.");
Пример #3
static void
gxi_update_string_box (GncXmlImportData *data)
    gchar *string;
    const gchar *utf8;
    GtkBox *vbox;
    GtkComboBox *combo;
    GtkListStore *store;
    GList *word_iter, *conv_iter;
    GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    GQuark chosen_encoding;
    GtkTreeIter *chosen_iter, *default_iter;
    ambiguous_type *amb;
    conv_type *conv;

    if (data->string_box)
        gtk_widget_destroy (data->string_box);

    data->string_box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 6);
    vbox = GTK_BOX (data->string_box);

    data->n_unassigned = 0;

    /* loop through words */
    for (word_iter = data->ambiguous_list; word_iter; word_iter = word_iter->next)

        store = gtk_list_store_new (WORD_NUM_COLS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_POINTER);
        combo = GTK_COMBO_BOX (gtk_combo_box_new_with_model (
                                   GTK_TREE_MODEL (store)));
        g_object_unref (store);
        renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
        gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer, TRUE);
        gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo), renderer,
                                        "text", WORD_COL_STRING, NULL);

        /* add default string, if possible */
        amb = (ambiguous_type*) word_iter->data;
        utf8 = get_decoded_string (amb, data->default_encoding);
        default_iter = NULL;
        if (utf8)
            string = g_strdup_printf ("%s (default)", utf8);
            gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
            gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, WORD_COL_STRING, string,
                                GUINT_TO_POINTER (data->default_encoding), -1);
            g_free (string);
            default_iter = gtk_tree_iter_copy (&iter);

        /* user has selected this previously */
        conv = (conv_type*) g_hash_table_lookup (data->choices, amb->byte_sequence);
        chosen_encoding = (conv) ? conv->encoding : 0;
        chosen_iter = NULL;

        /* loop through conversions */
        for (conv_iter = amb->conv_list; conv_iter; conv_iter = conv_iter->next)
            conv = (conv_type*) conv_iter->data;
            string = g_strdup_printf ("%s (%s)", conv->utf8_string,
                                      g_quark_to_string (conv->encoding));
            gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
            gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, WORD_COL_STRING, string,
                                GUINT_TO_POINTER (conv->encoding), -1);
            g_free (string);

            if (chosen_encoding && conv->encoding == chosen_encoding)
                chosen_iter = gtk_tree_iter_copy (&iter);
        } /* next conversion */

        if (chosen_iter)
            /* select previous selection again, are not we cute */
            gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (combo, chosen_iter);
            gtk_tree_iter_free (chosen_iter);
            if (default_iter)
                /* select default entry */
                gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (combo, default_iter);
                /* count it */

        /* wire up combo */
        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (combo), "ambiguous", amb);
        g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo), "changed",
                          G_CALLBACK (gxi_string_combo_changed_cb), data);
        gtk_box_pack_start (vbox, GTK_WIDGET (combo), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (combo));

    } /* next word */

    /* wire up whole string vbox */
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (data->string_box_container), GTK_WIDGET (vbox));
    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (vbox));

    /* update label now, n_unassigned is calculated */
    if (!data->summary_label)
        data->summary_label = data->impossible_label;
    gxi_update_summary_label (data);